306 posts tagged with Etiquette and mefi.
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Please READ
Not a huge thing, but... how about reading the thread before posting your additional links? [more inside]
Looking for an ex-husband
Who is right, in the US centric vs Newsfilter debate
What does the reaction to this post tell us? Myabe it's just a statistical blip, but I'm a bit surprised at the very vocal negative reaction to this bit of US-centric front-page/TV news as contrasted to the reaction to the NewsFilter posts we get every single day. Why are the naysayers in this thread right when the anti-NewsFilteristas are not? What, exactly, is different?
Is somebody feeling cranky?
Is somebody feeling cranky?. I recently handled a personal attack poorly, so this time I'll do the civilized thing and bring it in here.
Gay, straight, I don't care.
Big ol' Iowa farmboy hands, keswick? I have a piece you can put them on, but it's not a timepiece...
Gay, straight, I don't care. This kind of stuff is just crude and out of place.
Gay, straight, I don't care. This kind of stuff is just crude and out of place.
Call the Waaah-mbulance
Waah!Filter : Talk about posting your petty grievances in the Blue! Heheh.
particular brand of insane troll logic not welcome
Ok, I wasn't going to say anything when Witty decided to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to ruin amberglow's thread with his particular (read: vapid, boring) brand of insane troll logic. However, he then decided an interesting course of action would be to make a similarly unwarranted (perhaps even moreso) comment in an unrelated thread.
Therefore, I politely and humbly request that Witty please refrain from making similarily irrelevant--and snide--comments in the future, at least in in the blue.
Therefore, I politely and humbly request that Witty please refrain from making similarily irrelevant--and snide--comments in the future, at least in in the blue.
The weight of agenda.
The weight of agenda. Can the burden not be borne on personal weblogs?
Way, way inappropriate.
Think before you post
Not on your best day, Metafilter. Wow, just wow. Can we please think before posting?
Only a double if linked on MeFi
Can we please agree not to insinuate that something's a double post if it's been on another community site?
Posting a link isn't some journalism competition, it's sharing something neat. The "foo-site scooped it first" thing is irrelevant. If I cared that I waited three whole days to see some flash game, I would read other sites like this.
Please, can we comment on the link provided and only provide other takes if the commentary somewhere else is particularly insightful?
Posting a link isn't some journalism competition, it's sharing something neat. The "foo-site scooped it first" thing is irrelevant. If I cared that I waited three whole days to see some flash game, I would read other sites like this.
Please, can we comment on the link provided and only provide other takes if the commentary somewhere else is particularly insightful?
Communism thread NOT a total train wreck; news at 11
Could have been a total train wreck. Wasn't. But in an almost
http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/32975#667562">bizarro twist, the thread brought out all kinds of insights into the problems of not only communism but general ideologies systems of political power. We did good.
takes one to know one
I will withhold the obscenities your mental capacity and nature evokes, and simply say: how stupid, how depraved you are.
I've seen fairly impressive spin, but this is a work of art. It takes a special strain of immorality to lie that well.
I've seen fairly impressive spin, but this is a work of art. It takes a special strain of immorality to lie that well.
If you don't care, don't post
Would it be possible to eliminate most forms of *YAWN*-ing?
Slight problems with spammy selflinks in comments.
I don't want this to be construed as bullying the new folk, but... [as usual, more of my astute observations and keen insight are contained within]
Why crap on good threads?
Oh dear
"Eat flaming dogs***, you c*cksucking, Streisand loving, m*therf*cking ___hole! Hit the road, postchoad." Oh dear.
The Left shall rise again?
This is probably pointless, so here goes nothing:
"Instead of South vs North, this time it will be Right vs Left.
Sounds good to me. I doubt the world will shed too many tears if these narrow-minded, short-sighted, self-serving fools start getting special deliveries in their mailboxes. What's that? You mean you didn't order the bouquet of plastique and nails?"
This is repugnant. I agree with Civil_Disobedient's politics more often than not, but this is beyond the pale.
"Instead of South vs North, this time it will be Right vs Left.
Sounds good to me. I doubt the world will shed too many tears if these narrow-minded, short-sighted, self-serving fools start getting special deliveries in their mailboxes. What's that? You mean you didn't order the bouquet of plastique and nails?"
This is repugnant. I agree with Civil_Disobedient's politics more often than not, but this is beyond the pale.
Ladder Match, inside!
I'm calling you out jfuller! I don't know why, but it seemed like the thing to do. Dare you disgrace the name of the lovely Miss Elisabeth?! You! Me! Ladder Match, inside!
anti-religious remarks belong on your own blog
It's all well and good for skallas to post his opinions on his own weblog, but couldn't he keep any anti-religious remarks out of his FPPs?
Violent threats not funny
IraqFilter, I/P, staying on topic
Re: Iraq.
Kinda playing off of what stavros was hinting at a couple of posts ago. More inside.
Kinda playing off of what stavros was hinting at a couple of posts ago. More inside.
FPP not for settling old grudges
So when did the Metafilter front page become a place to settle old grudges? Really, this is just a bit childish. Your links should speak for themselves; editorializing and playground callouts help neither you nor anyone else.
linking images inline is bandwidth theft
Weak sauce
Blatant front-page troll.
PETA-bashing getting old
Why can't we all be as considerate of each other on MeFi as we are over here on AskMeFi?
Why can't we all be as considerate of each other on MeFi as we are over here on AskMeFi? Is it because it's new, or is it something else? Don't get me wrong, I like a measure of snark & biting wit. But everyone here is so damn nice (which is why it was a great holiday present to us, Matt) that I think I have entered George Costanza's opposite day. Will there be any spillover?
Is it really necessary to comment on things you don't like?
dazed_one: six (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6) of the last ten thread he/she has participated in contain this "here comes the (newsfilter) pain" message. Is it really necessary to go around to every thread you don't like and comment in it?
Michael Jackson belongs in jail
I have mixed feelings about hoopyfrood's Michael Jackson belongs in jail post. On the one hand, I agree with the general "don't editorialize" philosophy and its corollary "save it for a comment in the thread." On the other, this isn't exactly the New York Times and a poster's take on their subject is arguably an integral part of the post. "Letting the link speak for itself", when it involves a news item, is all very well - but perhaps keeping one's opinion out of the front page text is also an exercise in obfuscation and even dishonesty. Has current policy on editorializing changed? ( I speak as a frequent editorializer, I should add. Even though I agree "pedophile of pop", with its dubious inverted commas, and all-capitals IN JAIL!, as well as the idea that everyone is innocent until proven guilty except Michael Jackson, are way too extreme a way of going about it.)
diversity of opinion here on PinkoFilter
"Why can't homosexuals take responsibility for their role in the propagation of HIV infections? It was their culture and practices that facilitated HIV infection and tipped the balance to epidemic. Even before this male homosexuals known for their association with transmission of disease".
"Queens are pathetic in old age as their protestations about the faults of others fail to hide their wrinkles"
Jesus you people* are hateful, and smug too.
I know that we need more diversity of opinion here on PinkoFilter, but where's the limit (if there is one)? (more inside)
"Queens are pathetic in old age as their protestations about the faults of others fail to hide their wrinkles"
Jesus you people* are hateful, and smug too.
I know that we need more diversity of opinion here on PinkoFilter, but where's the limit (if there is one)? (more inside)
MetaFilter without the vendettas??
No vendetta here, folks...just topically mentioned (one) prior link in "the blue" and fixed ridyfink's HTML tag.
Hopefully a good example can be made from this good deed.
Hopefully a good example can be made from this good deed.
personalities cannot evade policies
this is racist, offensive, incredibly stupid
Ok, I'll be the first to say that this is racist, offensive, incredibly stupid, and I'm blown away that Miguel was the one to post it, especially considering what his reaction would be if the word "Jew" were substituted for "Arab". I don't think this post belongs on MeFi.
What do we do about all of you assholes?
We've all seen what can happen when MeFi devolves into pointless personality conflicts: the site gets hijacked to propogate something that 99.9% of the users don't care about. We've also all seen one member virtually drag another into such conflicts, making a two-way crapfest out of what was originally just one-sided goofiness...[more inside]
"This is MetaFilter, not NewsFilter, asshat"
"This is MetaFilter, not NewsFilter, asshat": a delightful namecheck from the crucial, irrepressible Misanthropic Bitch, echoing a worthy sentiment and a cause by now well lost. (Received by e-mail, with thanks.)
U.S. vs. rest-of-the-world grudge match
The ongoing U.S. vs. rest-of-the-world grudge match is unnecessary and annoying, especially when it's off topic.
Enough with the flash spam.
We needed another gratuitous product pitch? As the worthless Legs McNeil once said: please kill me.
False anchors give wrong impression
A minor nit, but it's misleading to use a false anchor tag in a link, because people will wrongly assume it's legitimate. The Christian Science Monitor did not declare neoconservatives to be their enemies.
September 11th anniversary.
Next Thursday is the second anniversary of Sept 11th. The inundation is already starting both here and in all other media. Mayhap the anniversary will be a good time to talk about anything but (i.e. actively posting non-9/11 material)? Or am I being stone cold and inhuman?
This is so lame. I've gotten used to flames on MeFi; its part of what passes for discourse anymore. But this entire post was a predominace of flaming meta-poo. I understand the calls of Agenda-filter, but if people are going to post stuff like "It seems I must speak in language you understand . Go fuck yourself you ill-bred shit." then I think its time we up the ante. If you're going to Meta-bitch, then take it MetaTalk. More importantly, if you're going to Metaflame, do it with half an ounce of couth and style. That appears to be where MetaFilter is headed, so please keep up. (slightly more inside)
Not peeing on external sites
can we all just agree not to pee all over external sites of meFi users? it's really obnoxious and extremely petty.
She left? But she's in the kitchen just now!
You don't need to toot your own horn to make you feel better about your wife leaving you. Seriously?
quasi-anonymous nastygram specially for you
while for obvious reasons omidius' initial retort did not bother me too much, I'd say the subsequent quasi-anonymous nastygram received by email was rather too much. while I can't take back my relaxed response, he's certainly not going to get any candy. no candy for you!!
Laughing at you, not with you.
Over the line. Please kill this.
I'm getting tired of the increasing tendency to add "filter.com" as an implied criticism of the theme of a thread or post, e.g. in this thread we start off with two - northkoreafilter.com and iranfilter.com. Is it just me, or does anyone think this getting a little old.
How about a spoiler alert next time.
How about a spoiler alert next time.
Proclaiming that a thread is doomed is poor form.
meta-opinions about the future of a thread are pointless, and are usually an attempt to lead the thread to premature death. Don't try to pre-judge the outcome of any particular conversation. Either the thread will or will not self-destruct, and may take a direction different from the one envisaged by any of its contributors. Godwin's law has many variants; is there a need for a metafiltrian distillation of it? Has it already been done?
buttheaded posting tactics are self-defeating
having a "point" is a step towards chaos
Actually, posts with "points" are often the ones in most danger of inciting flamefests and being less than appropriate.