179 posts tagged with Projects.
Displaying 51 through 100 of 179. Subscribe:

Once, twice, three times a critter.

Hi, Metafilter. I posted a project in Projects. It has somehow shown up on the Projects page three times -- one, two, three. Not sure if I did this or if some other error occurred.
posted by chasing on Jul 21, 2009 - 41 comments

i need feedback/help and don't know if mefi is appropriate.

I'm trying to get feedback/helpers on a collaborative Google Map of bike paths in the Boston area. It's pretty small and unambitious, hardly something I've spent "a few months" on. Is this appropriate for MeFi Projects? [more inside]
posted by Muffpub on Jun 18, 2009 - 29 comments

Groundhog Projects

Why does Projects sometimes display the same day twice? [more inside]
posted by Sova on May 8, 2009 - 10 comments

I have no mouth and I must tell Metafilter about my cousin's awesome website

Does Projects work for everything that would be a self-link on MeFi? Or is there a hinterland of things created by friends, relatives and other loved ones that are too self-linky for FPPing, but aren't yours and so can't go in Projects? Are things which fall into this hinterland doomed to fall softly onto the forest floor of the internet, unheard and unseen? [more inside]
posted by Acheman on Apr 25, 2009 - 41 comments

Sing out, Louise! in Projects

Is it okay to post event-like things to Projects? [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on Apr 16, 2009 - 43 comments

You got your MeTa in my Projects!

Weird. Metatalk threads can be loaded with podcast URLS. [more inside]
posted by middleclasstool on Feb 26, 2009 - 17 comments

Requesting a recount

The vote counts seem to be off on the Mefi Projects Archive page.
posted by swift on Feb 8, 2009 - 8 comments

mefi projects [ab]use

I posted a personal project to mefi projects about a year ago. Ive made a few (fairly significant) improvements since. Appropriate to post it again, or abuse? [more inside]
posted by nihlton on Dec 1, 2008 - 5 comments

Can I use Projects to help with a non-web, ultimately personal, project?

Can I use Projects to help with a non-web, ultimately personal, project? [more inside]
posted by laumry on Nov 11, 2008 - 26 comments

Censoring irony

My post, Project Censored as censors? was, ironically, deleted for reasons which have nothing to do with the posting guidelines. I complained and was asked to raise it here. [more inside]
posted by internationalfeel on Oct 20, 2008 - 145 comments

The Case of the Missing Favorite

Displaying post 1 to 1 of 2 from projects. How do I see my other favorite? [more inside]
posted by Citizen Premier on Jul 29, 2008 - 8 comments

Can I post something I tested to Projects?

A friend developed a new Firefox extension. While I didn't write any code for it, I was one of the testers during development and like to think that my input has helped the product. Is this okay to post to Projects?
posted by grouse on Jul 1, 2008 - 43 comments

Metafilter Projects (Re)post Ettiquete...

Metafilter Projects (Re)post Ettiquete... [more inside]
posted by Bokononist on Jun 19, 2008 - 16 comments

MeFi Projects getting public comments

A big tweak to Projects: new comments going public [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 27, 2008 - 43 comments

With a hurf anf a durf and a plate full of beans

Hurf durf beanplating overlord.
posted by dersins on Apr 21, 2008 - 77 comments

BIG VOTES vs small votes

Somewhat unimportant but, why do projects under 10 posts look like this while using Opera?
posted by Memo on Mar 28, 2008 - 20 comments

pathetic insensitive

This project is offensive beyond the pale for those who worship the Son of God, and who are grateful He gave His life and defeated death. [more inside]
posted by survivorman on Mar 28, 2008 - 96 comments

Voted. Unvoted. Voted. Unvoted.

Not terribly important but: is there any way to reverse a vote in the projects page? [more inside]
posted by Memo on Jan 17, 2008 - 9 comments

American Classic Metafilter

Didja know Metafilter's own hermitosis has been writing articles for AMC's website (mostly in the MonsterFest blog)? Hey check it out, it's ColdChef! (With awesome photo) [more inside]
posted by nanojath on Jan 15, 2008 - 37 comments

"Silent" comments on Projects

The lack of comments makes Projects really boring. posted by delmoi (from earlier) There must be a good reason for "silent" comments for Projects, but what is it? [more inside]
posted by snsranch on Jan 7, 2008 - 58 comments

'Tis the season for secrets

I am looking for a fellow MeFite who is both a Daft Punk fan and proficient with (preferably) Fruity Loops and/or Reason. I'm working on a top secret project that I'd like to collaborate with someone on. Who will bite?
posted by kepano on Dec 11, 2007 - 28 comments

I'm doing a game show in San Francisco

The Projects section seems more geared towards web/internet projects. Would posting my show info in Projects be appropriate?
posted by MiltonRandKalman on Nov 11, 2007 - 9 comments

Most popular projects?

What projects have gotten the most votes, ever? Can we have a "popular projects" page?
posted by desjardins on Oct 29, 2007 - 8 comments

Hello, Radios!

I'll be doing a short, on-air, phoned in interview with Ronald Jenkees of youtube fame this Wednesday starting at 3pm (eastern standard time). You can listen to it live here. There will be a recording on that site shortly thereafter. If there are any questions the MeFi crowd would like me to ask, post them.
posted by phrontist on Sep 9, 2007 - 21 comments

Projects RSS: why no creator?

Projects RSS: why no creator? [mi]
posted by grobstein on Jun 13, 2007 - 8 comments

How about a MefiFiction?

Would adding a feature to upload original stories similar to Mefi Music be of interest to anyone?
posted by sluglicker on May 5, 2007 - 48 comments

Buy this damn record already. Abused kids thank you.

A bunch of Mefites made a record. It's for a good cause. It's ridicolously cheap, too.
posted by matteo on Apr 26, 2007 - 23 comments

etiquette filter

This has probably been covered previously but I couldn't find it. Can I post to Projects for a friend? It's a good project that I think MeFites would appreciate. It's non-profit and others might like to check out similar things in their communities.
posted by snsranch on Apr 5, 2007 - 21 comments

Problem with popular projects page.

In Projects -- The popular links for "March" include projects from March '06.
posted by empath on Mar 6, 2007 - 9 comments


Fans of Dylan Hears A Who might like to know that the page now contains links to a zip file of the all MP3s, plus a CD insert and tray card.
posted by Armitage Shanks on Mar 5, 2007 - 6 comments

Ajax for Projects

Projects just got the ajax treatment, and seems to be working great. Try it and see.
posted by mathowie on Jan 25, 2007 - 22 comments

Can I See The Projects I Voted For?

Any way we can see a list of the projects we've voted for in our profiles? Right now it just lists projects we've made ourselves. (And, also, *that* page appears to be missing its left margin--it brushes right up against the edge of my Safari.)
posted by dobbs on Jan 6, 2007 - 3 comments

Anyone else using mefi projects?

Are rajbot, fishfucker and myself the only MeFites to look at Projects lately, or does everybody else here think everything posted there since 12/7 sucks? Just asking.
posted by wendell on Dec 13, 2006 - 21 comments

Lenticulations post appears on Metafilter as well as Projects

Okay, so e.g.,this project also appears on the main site. But on the projects page there's still a [post this to mefi] link.

It would be really great if the site could recognize when a post is made with the same URL as a projects project, and associate the two, so that a) the main post is linked to from the projects page, and b) [post this to mefi] does not appear anymore. The main site post could be marked up too ("by our own whoozitswhat").
posted by aubilenon on Dec 7, 2006 - 6 comments

what projects I have voted for

Ok, so I'm really a MeFi n00b even though I pretend I'm not. Is there a list somewhere of what projects I have voted for somewhere?
posted by niles on Nov 27, 2006 - 22 comments

Shilling projects in askme

Uh oh.
posted by MrMoonPie on Nov 27, 2006 - 14 comments

So, I got caught out by this MePro

So, I got caught out by this MePro which had already been posted. Can there be a way to flag MePros that have already been included in other FPPs?
posted by dw on Nov 26, 2006 - 8 comments

Naming Metafilter Projects subsite

Random thought: The official nickname for MetaFilter Projects should be MeJects. Whadaya think?
posted by winston on Oct 26, 2006 - 24 comments

Is the Metafilter writer's group dead?

I guess the Metafilter writer's group is dead? I don't see any updates from the past two months.
posted by empath on Oct 9, 2006 - 66 comments

This should be in projects....

In the midst of yet another FLP (funky little project)...I've got a small number of unlined moleskin notebooks with 60 pages each. Inside each one is instructions detailing how the recipient of the book should use one page (one or both sides) to be creative (words or art), and then pass it on to someone else who will also be creative and also pass it on. At the end of filling the book I've requested the book be sent back to me for scanning and hosting on the web, and assuming I get any back I will do so. MetaFilter has a goodly number of cool creative people, I'm hoping some of them (up to 4; the number of books I have unallocated) are interested. If so, post here (so I don't get overwhelmed) then drop me an email with mailing address? Contact info available via my personal page. More books will be available at a later date (once I order them). I (over) parenthesize (sp?) my sen(t)en(c)es.
posted by Kickstart70 on Oct 7, 2006 - 48 comments

Can I repost my project?

One of my previously posted projects has undergone a substantial change (ie. it's a free tool now, not subscription based). Do I repost it, not repost it, or assume that this mention (unlinked as to not taint this question) is good enough?
posted by Kickstart70 on Sep 18, 2006 - 13 comments

$5 ad space

projects: It'd suck if the place turned into a $5 ad space.
posted by sergeant sandwich on Sep 8, 2006 - 43 comments

Please Edit My Project!

I bought my project (on MeFi Projects) its own domain. Can I (or Mattamyn) edit the old post to reflect the new domain, or may I repost it? Or should I just live with the redirect?
posted by IndigoRain on Sep 2, 2006 - 4 comments

Projects Searches MetaTalk

The Projects search box does a site-specific search of MetaTalk, not Projects.
posted by gsteff on Aug 9, 2006 - 5 comments

Circumventing the one-week delay by posting to Projects

Can we keep the rule that n00bs can't post their first FPP on the same day they sign up? Especially when they are just trying to drive traffic to an escorts website?
posted by mds35 on Aug 3, 2006 - 25 comments

Is Projects only for 100% (or close to 100%) web-based projects?

Is Projects only for 100% (or close to 100%) web-based projects? I ask, because I'm producing a play that's opening in NYC (where there are many MeFites). I would like to announce it, but it's not a website. (My theatre company HAS a website, and I could link to the play's page, but that seems like a fudge to me. Yes, there's a website, but the real project is in meatspace, not cyberspace.)
posted by grumblebee on Jul 31, 2006 - 43 comments

Blogathon tomorrow

Blogathon is tomorrow! Frykitty's project currently has 373 participants and pledges totalling over $66,000 for charity. Dobbs will be wrestling the blogathon to the fucking ground. I'll be writing about funny money. Any other mefites participating?
posted by jdroth on Jul 28, 2006 - 22 comments

Project Voting

Curious: is it just me or has the number of votes cast in Projects dropped significantly over the last month or so? It seems like in the heady formative days you couldn't walk more than two feet without bumping into a project with 25+ votes. What's the bigger culprit: declining quality in posted projects, or declining visits to the Project page altogether?
posted by bjork24 on Jul 26, 2006 - 22 comments

Projects visited link color is unreadable for me

Couple of buggies and questions:

Projects visited link color is unreadable for me. Oddly, it's a different unreadable color at work (that picture) vs at home (purple). Something goofy on my end?

A couple of music questions inside, too....
posted by twiggy on Jul 24, 2006 - 11 comments

Couple of minor Projects bugs

Couple of minor Projects bugs: (1) As-yet-unapproved projects are visible from the archive page; (2) attempting to search Projects using the search box gives you MetaTalk results instead. (Plus, there's no "search" link in the header so you can choose Yahoo vs. Google.)
posted by Gator on Jul 22, 2006 - 5 comments

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