89 posts tagged with Video.
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Christmas Video Marathon #11
Well, we're doing it again. Starting early morning on Dec 23 and going through to the end of Dec 25, in our video share room, MST Club presents our 11th annual Christmas Marathon. Look inside for details! [more inside]
Tell me, what is it you plan to play in your one wild and precious life?
It's been a minute since we've had one of these, and boy does it seem like a good time for it: what are you playing, lately? What are the games (video and otherwise) that are keeping your attention, keeping your eyeline off Other Things, giving you the distraction and joy and dissociation and etc. that you need lately? What's good, what's bad-but-good, what are you revisiting, what are you looking forward to?
10th Annual MST Club Xmas Marathon!
This year we are holding our tenth annual (yikes) Christmas Video Marathon, at https://cytu.be/r/Metafilter_MST3KClub. The enormity of that number is not lost of us. From the noon (Eastern time) of December 22nd, and all through December 23, 24 and 25, that's 84 straight hours of irreverent Christmas comedy and specials, along with other fun things, all produced with the intent of giving you something to unwind to during stressful times. More information inside.... [more inside]
Another video game roundup thread!
Figure it's about time for another "hey, what are you playing" games roundup post, so, hey, what are you playing? What's new? What have you gone back to for the nth time? What did you bounce right off of?
Metatalktail Hour: Message in a bottle
Sleep deprived me is not so creative today, but still as snoopy as usual, so I'll just ask you all to share the latest SFW, SFP (safe for privacy) image, vid, gif, etc. that you sent in a message. Or received. [more inside]
MetaFilter YouTube playlist
From time to time Mrs. Gogue and I will be looking for something new and interesting to watch on YouTube on our Roku. MetaFilter is a great source of interesting videos but it's a little awkward to browse MeFi then jump over to the Roku and search YouTube for the video. What if MetaFilter had a YouTube channel that automatically added videos to the channel whenever a YouTube link is posted to the blue? It would be convenient for multi-person watching. It might also bring in more ad bucks.
Video game roundup thread!
Hey, what video games are you playing lately? Come on in and talk about it!
8th Annual MST Club Christmas Marathon Social Distancing II
Here we go again! It's our eighth year sending out a constant stream of riffing, Christmas specials, video weirdness and strange movies, from midnight the morning on December 23, all through the 24th, and all through Christmas Day, and slightly beyond. This is where it'll all go down. We're here if you need us, or want us, whether to use for fun background, to fill odd moments, to see really really strange things late at night, to escape from family, or to obsessively watch over long periods (as those of us running it tend to do). With Omicron running rampant and many families choosing to distance again this year, we hope to lighten what may be a second sad year apart. More info inside! [more inside]
Ways to make posts more accessible for neurodivergent folks
FPPs whose links are only to videos aren't very accessible to many neurodivergent people. Many people aren't aware of this. Wondering how to make things better here on Metafilter. [more inside]
Spend 2 hrs watching the Matrix? I could read the script in 15 minutes!
I think this kind of complaint needs to be retired. This thread has a bunch of the same complaints made anytime someone posts a link to a long-form video essay. "I'm not watching this! Write me an essay instead!"
But it turns out long-form video essays are a genre now, and some of them are good! I think it's time we stopped derailing discussions of them with complaints about how we don't like the genre. "It's too long! I like reading better! And did you know some video essays are bad?"
7th Annual MST Club Holiday Video Marathon Social Distancing Edition
It's time again for that weird thing we do, which is program 72 hours of specials, bad Christmas movies, MST3K episodes and other things. It's MST Club's 2020 Holiday Video Marathon! We usually put this in for intermittent yuletide jollies and destress, to help people relax at an often frustrating time of year. This year, with so many people sensibly staying home for the holidays, it promises both to be less and more stressful than usual. Anyone can come by and watch weird stuff with us, members or not! Our show runs from December 23 through to midnight December 25. Details inside! [more inside]
Election Day video destress party!
MST Club is planning a marathon of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes, shorts and other fun things on November 3 that I'm calling... ELECTRON DAY! It will be in our usual video share room for MeFi members and anyone else to watch! AND Halloween we're doing an impromptu selection of spoo[k|p]y things in that same room! Click through for the deets-- [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Background Noise
Inspired by a link from ALeaflikeStructure, we pose the question, "What's on your actual or idealized-imaginary zoom backdrop?" Do you have a credibility bookcase or similar? Are you composing a subtle (or unsubtle?!) message with your background, or just winging it? Do you have favorites or notables that you've seen from others? [more inside]
6th Annual MST Club Christmas Marathon
Hey all! The Christmas Marathon for this year is up and running! We have MST episodes, other riffing, specials and other bits of weirdness! Over 48 hours of stuff awaits you, for as long, where and when as you can stand it, at our cytu.be room at https://cytu.be/r/Metafilter_MST3KClub. We'll be showing things through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and we've even got some weird movies set up for the rest of today, so come on out if you want or need it! More details inside.... [more inside]
MST Club Christmas Video Marathon 2018!
"That's a number five!" As in, this is the FIFTH YEAR MST Club's been doing this! I guess the secret's out that we show far more than just MST episodes there, we have a huge collection of old and new, good and bad specials, movies and Very Special Episodes, in addition to other videos and riffing of multiple flavors. This year we're doing it for THREE DAYS, staring Midnight (Eastern time) in the morning of December 23rd and going through to the end of Christmas Day. It's all taking place here. [more inside]
MST Club Video Marathon 2017: Christmas In SPAAAACE
This is MST Club announcing our 4th annual "No Stress" Christmas Video Marathon! No Stress means it's pretty laid back as far as marathons go: feel free to have it going on in the background to cooking, sleeping, football or whatever, or exchange jokes with us in the chat window. The primary site of this thing is the MST Club Cytube page, with our Rabb.it room as a possible alternate if things go awry. The time is throughout December 24 and 25, from 6 AM Eastern/ 3 AM Pacific through to Midnight on the 25th. Come by with or without your favorite nog if you like! More details are in the extended description. [more inside]
I hate autoplay videos.
I'm 99.9% sure that there's no practical way to get the user base to stop linking to sites that have autoplay video embedded in them, but as a techno-doof, I'm wondering if there's any kind of, I don't know, pass-through or something that can generate URLs that set autoplaying videos to not play? Like an appended bit of code along with all the tracking kerfuffle on the URL?
Failing that, any recommendations for video autoplay blockers for Chrome that actually work would be most welcome. My test page (which all the autoplay blockers fail at blocking autoplay on) is this one, which was linked from this post.
Jingle Rock Bell music video
2016 MST3K Club No-Stress Christmas Video Marathon
For the third year running, those of us in MST Club are planning a holiday marathon of video festialities. (Jonathan Harris voice: "That's not a word!") On the menu: MST3K Christmas movies, a few other riffing delicacies, a wide assortment of Christmas specials and episodes both good and bad, and some other short oddments thrown in. Once again, the purpose is to be the good-natured background radiation to your Christmas rituals, taking the edge off the hard moments and adding extra cheer to the soft ones. Come by whenever and however long you want. Official times: 6 AM Eastern Christmas Eve through to 6 AM December 26. As usual, the site of this madness is the MST Club cytube page. [more inside]
Accessibility suggestion for the deaf/hard of hearing
I am hard of hearing and it would be helpful to have notations on videos about their level of accessibility. For example, if they include speech, is it captioned? Are there captions, but only auto generated? Does the speech contain information necessary to watch the video? Does it add some other value (e.g. humor)? Is it music only? Ambient noise? This would also be useful for people who cannot listen to the video because they are at work or school because then they know whether or not to bother watching it now, or save it for later. Remember: almost all of us are going to become hard of hearing if we live long enough. [more inside]
Election Destress Video Marathon
Over in MST Club, oneswellfoop had the idea to show MST3K (especially Pod People, the one with Trumpy, a much less dangerous version of the one that currently afflicts our nation) in an election day marathon over on the MST3K Club video page, running all day November 8. Sounds good to me! Details below. [more inside]
Where is star trek episode ii eggs
Somewhere either on the blue or green someone linked to a YouTube video of a 6 year old playing with their star trek action figures. Spock is wearing an apron. Kirk goes on a mission to trade a hash brown for some eggs. Everyone is in a band. I quote it daily. [more inside]
Trying to find an old post about a fake commercial
I'm trying to find an old post that appeared on MetaFilter some time back. It was a YouTube link to some kind of fake commercial, though I don't remember at all what it claimed to be selling, just that there was a woman doing the whole testimonial and it went slowly off the rails. Does anyone else remember this? [more inside]
Videos and transcripts
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who would much rather read a transcript than watch a video. Some kind posters do include a link to a transcript, but it doesn't seem to be a convention. Could the New Post page include a nudge to do so, like "If you're posting a video, please also post a transcript if possible"? [more inside]
Auto-generated Named Birthday Videos?
I'm looking for a link in a comment (which I thought I'd bookmarked/favourited) to an auto-generated overblown "Happy Birthday" video on YouTube. There were innumerable near-identical further ones for a wide range of names and also relationship-titles (Brother-in-Law, Daughter, etc). I think it was posted on either MetaTalk or MeFi, and certainly in the last 3-4 months. All help appreciated. Both memory and google-fu are failing me terribly today.
A Patrick Swayze Christmas: all day Mystery Science Theater 3000 stream
Every week I put up a post about an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 over on FanFare. In conjunction with that, we've been having group watchings of the episodes online Thursday evenings through a stream syncing site. This year however, Thursday falls on Christmas Day. So instead, we're going to have an all-day marathon stream of MST-related Christmas artifacts. [more inside]
Seeking ragga video
I seem to recall several years ago a post to the blue that featured a YouTube video of some ragga/dancehall song from the 80s. The song lyrics and video featured a dreadlocked Jamaican who encountered a policeman. I think the policeman called the first guy "Dreadlocks." Dreadlocks claimed to be transporting vegetables to town, but the policeman thought he had marijuana and arrested him.
I have tried many Google search strategies and haven't found this. Did it really appear on the blue or am I imagining things?
Genre name for the glitch/repition video art involving spongebob/sonic
Genre name for the glitch/repition video art involving spongebob/sonic
Hello, I'm trying to find an old metafilter post that was all about a genre of youtube videos. They were very glitchy, repetitive, I remember Carlton from the Fresh Prince dancing inappropriately to Spongbob videos being shown on the television. Spongebob was a recurring theme in fact. They used a lot of scenes from that cartoon. It was quite dirty, and funny. It had a particular genre name but I just can't remember it and I can't hit the right set of search terms in Google...
Mormon temple ceremonies
I think other versions of this post linking to a video of Mormon temple ceremonies ought to stand if they're offered. [more inside]
Why don't we have in-line video for non-members? I typically avoid sending posts with great videos in them to (like this) to non-members because they will just see a wall of text without being able to play videos in-line. Would it be possible to add the in-line video player for everyone who visits metafilter?
Can we maybe start trying to label video links in posts?
Could we maybe try to be a little better at labeling links that go to videos? Not everybody is in a position to view video content at all times and it might be nice to have a little advance warning. [more inside]
Pop-up YouTube HTML5?
Would it be possible to make the pop-up YouTube player have an HTML5 preference? [more inside]
I'm suffering from a painful goiter
Thorn: "Ask Metafilter: Thousands of life's little questions, answered."
"I'm suffering from a painful goiter."
Thorn: "Even the weird ones."
A short commercial appears on the front page of AskMe if you're, get this, not logged in. [more inside]
"I'm suffering from a painful goiter."
Thorn: "Even the weird ones."
A short commercial appears on the front page of AskMe if you're, get this, not logged in. [more inside]
Painting with slices of video
Does anyone remember a post (from the past year or so, I think) about some digital art that was made by taking (pixel-wide?) slices of video and sort of "painting" with it? [more inside]
It is done.
In case you missed it, metafilter was down for maintainance for a bit last night.
Stop click and listen
I seem to post a lot of FPPs that revolve around podcast or other audio content these days, and It's gotten me curious... how often do you stop and listen to the content in links of that kind? Is it more or less likely than the chances you would watch a video?
Your Plus is in my Reader
Matt Haughey and his random tweet lead to a larger soapbox for him to complain about the changes to his beloved Google reader [more inside]
OK to post link to conference video I produced?
A video pertinent to a MeFi post came from a conference I run. Can I post it? [more inside]
The Blogfather
On the eve of MetaFilter's twelfth birthday, the Willamette Week sits down with Matt Haughey to talk about his roots at the dawn of the blogging age, the value of lifestyle work vs. captaining industry, and the future of community blogs in an online landscape increasingly dominated by Twitter, Facebook, and mobile browsing.
Eff You You Effing Eff
Collaborative music video. [more inside]
Matt's 2011 SXSW Talk
Help me find the crazy mad max bicycle man. I think they were naked?
There was an old post on the blue maybe a year or more ago that linked to a music video that featured an old man riding an overloaded, crazy bicycle to some sort of bizzarro world encampment in the woods. I think everyone was naked or shirtless. Someone took the music out and added foley, and it became a surreal masterpiece of a short film. I can't find it now and it's driving me crazy. Anyone remember it?
Pony Request: Metafilter Video Playlist!
Is there a way to get a list of recent linked videos? [more inside]
Our eyes are watching YouTube
Hey Ask Me: What are the most inexplicable internet videos you know of? The results? Awesome
Weird YouTube play button caching bug?
Did I find a bug or is something wacked out with my system? Weirdness with vids and caching...maybe? [more inside]
pop-up vimeo?
Pony request -- can we have automagically embedded vimeo clips?
Help me find an old post - things falling?
I've been trying for months now to find a metafilter post from a year or two back. It was MLYT, to someone who made short video pieces - as I recall, a lot of them were of carefully assembled stacks of things falling over. [more inside]
SLYT Tsunami
SLYT Saturdays? [more inside]
Stupid map
Just one of those stupid "I can't find it!" questions - does anyone remember a Youtube video of a map being drawn whilst narrated by a guy from a country in northern Europe who explained what other countries seemed like to people from his country? It seemed sort of dumb, I know - like "this is X country, they only eat salad... this is Y country, they are very dirty and like parrots..." - and the map was a silly badly-drawn MS Paint type thing. I know I saw it on Metafilter somewhere, but I'm also certain I didn't see it in an FPP... and search is turning up nothing.
Less mouse for your (five) buck(s)
Pony Request: Being able to close the in-site Youtube viewer with the escape key would be flipping sweet. [more inside]
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