283 posts tagged with moderation.
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MetaTalk Holiday Queue Time
With US Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, it's time for another MetaFilter holiday tradition: The MetaTalk Queue. [more inside]
Thanks, y'all.
I want to thank the mods for their stewardship of the site during this U.S. election season. [more inside]
74: LobsterMitten interview
New month, new podcast, this time we interview LobsterMitten on her new role as mod, then go into our favorites from the month. It runs pretty long, around 1hr 45min. [more inside]
Everyone needs to respect what MeTa is for and remember to use it.
If something needs to go to Metatalk, it seems to me it doesn't need mods discussing it in thread while paying lip-service to the Blue/Grey distinction. If people need to defend their decisions, they can surely just direct the conversation here, not do what looks a bit like a drive-by on a Blue thread.
Questions About Moderation in Boy Scouts post
As part of the discussion for the recent post about the Boy Scouts not giving an Eagle Badge to a gay scout, we were talking about Eagle Scouts returning their badges. I have a question about the moderation in that thread. [more inside]
New Mod Monday
It's New Mod Monday! (actually they'll filter in over the next two weeks, but anyway ...semantics!) [more inside]
looking for a blog post 'users are the problem'
I remember a blog post somewhere advocating for strong moderation, with the theme 'users are the problem.' But now I can't find it. [more inside]
What more was there to say?
I said "fuck you" and got deleted. [more inside]
Deleting the thumbs down?
Habeas factus
This post ought not to have been deleted. The reason given: "This post was deleted for the following reason: Seems like an interesting and pretty fucked-up case, but most of the links here seem like they're kind of filler material and if the meat of the post is essentially "read this legal PDF" it might need to be presented a lot more in those terms, or with some good long-form journalism or analysis. Otherwise we've just got folks arguing about rape charges yet again. -- cortex" [more inside]
A plea for a smack on the wrist
It is Eurovision Time. A disclosed self-link in a high quality FPP with many links. I didn't like it, but didn't think the account should be banhammered as it doesn't appear malicious. To be clear, self-link bans are obviously good.
If your website is full of assholes, it's your fault
Mefite[1] Anil Dash[2] writes[3]:
"Simply learning from disciplines like urban planning, zoning regulations, crowd control, effective and humane policing, and the simple practices it takes to stage an effective public event, we can come up with a set of principles to prevent the overwhelming majority of the worst behaviors on the Internet." Examples? Why Metafilter, of course, (as well as Stack Exchange sites, of which he is a board member). [more inside]
Pre-emptive moderation considered bad?
Pre-emptive moderation considered bad? [more inside]
MetaTalk Holiday Post Queue
It's almost time for another major US holiday and we're trying something new here at MetaTalk this Thanksgiving: a post queue. [more inside]
66: Better Know a taz
Podcast 66 is almost two hours of jabbering, starting with a 30min interview with taz our newest moderator. Then we dilly dally about all things MetaFilter. It was recorded on Friday, October 21st. [more inside]
Spit it out, please.
Mods, I love you, and I have no beef with you, but the moderation in this thread is so oblique that I can't tell if it's aimed it me or someone else. Could you clarify please? [more inside]
Meta: we like crying babies
Problems with Ask parenting-thread deletions. [more inside]
What is the minimum standard for posting a single link on the blue?
What's the etiquette for posting a link on the blue when your only real justification for it is "Wow, there are some amazing pics on this blog"? [more inside]
Post Brutality
Why are so many police brutality posts deleted off metafiler? For sure, there are some fairly inflammatory ones that need-a-delete'n but perfectly reasonable ones are frequently deleted with nothing but claims that the discussion won't go anywhere. [more inside]
Not perfect, but not bad
Why was the gen-x marriage thread closed? Maybe the OP didn't post perfectly and wanted to change something, but it was still a good discussion and the original post wasn't terrible.
We are reconsidering that decision
Deep within the bowels of yesterday’s cluster-fuck, it was stated by jessamyn that the operation of the site during holidays was in question. [more inside]
Hey mods, are some flaggers more notorious than others? [more inside]
We get it already
What to do about users monopolizing threads? [more inside]
? is a Latin phrase traditionally attributed to the Roman poet Juvenal from his Satires (Satire VI, lines 347–8), which is literally translated as "Who will
This seems a bit heavy-handed: "Unfortunately, restless_nomad, who is apparently a moderator, has told me that I cannot contribute to this thread any more." [more inside]
Moderation on MeFi and NPR
"A 5-minute framework for fostering better conversations in comments sections." NPR's Matt Thompson interviews Jessamyn about why a thread about the assault on reporter Lara Logan turned so ugly on NPR's site, but didn't on the blue.
What are the limits of acceptable dialogue here?
Stating that Mefites deserve to die: not OK, IMHO. [more inside]
I don't like that comment button.
I know it wouldn't fly on Metafilter or AskMetafilter, but can Metatalk have some sort of downranking system for comments? The opposite of a favorite? [more inside]
Much Ado About Donuts
I appear to have just gotten my first comment deletion, out of this thread. Out of concern about aggressive moderation and love for the MetaFilter community, I have several pony requests. [more inside]
I respectfully disagree.
I give you the ability to do this because I trust you
They're talking about Metafilter's community guidelines and moderation policy over at Hacker News.
Original Loveparade thread was imperfect but why close it?
I think its time we ban I/P threads completely. This thread gets deleted, while this thread, and this thread stand? [more inside]
Are users notified when admins edit their comments or posts?
Are users notified when admins edit their comments or posts?
Double Didn't Die
When an FPP gets flagged as a double (or, say, a double double), how come it sometimes isn't deleted? [more inside]
There Goes Another One
I'm puzzled by an AskMe that I think is chatfilter.
I tag chatty questions and they almost always get deleted. Sometimes, though, I think a question is chatty but it doesn't. That's fine of course - I might just be wrong. [more inside]
Trolling Via Questioned Assumptions
"I question the very basis of your question/the assumptions behind your question!!" [more inside]
How about a *real* policy on spoilers?
Could we have a real documented policy on spoilers, ideally enforced by the people who approve the posts in question?
Is it *really* necessary to approve posts (Warning: multiple "House" spoilers!) that are basically spoilers as read, or that have unwarned *spoiler* links? Perhaps all spoilers should be in the "more inside" section, with a prominent warning in the description field?!
If multiple people are complaining that a post basically spoiled the episode, then what's the point of expecting the *spoilers!* or *NSFW* courtesies from posters at all, if no such standards actually exist?
I Dislike Chatfiler Deletion of Ouch
I don't like the chatfilter deletion of Ouch (I had posted a comment but not posted the original question) [more inside]
Mod ahoy.
You vetoed an open inauguration thread but you left this up?
I must really rank
Outright censorship? [more inside]
Time and Effort Wasted
It's not my decision...
The Veteren's case against John McCain post was deleted, and I can understand why, but... [more inside]
Oh, come on
It's an interesting story in its own right. Its surface correspondence to the Palin rumors makes for a a good 'hook', which I used, but I don't think that makes the possible solving of a 260-year old mystery less interesting or worth reading about. The coincidence is amusing, but the post doesn't rest on that, and if anything it makes the post more fun. And it certainly doesn't belong in the existing Palin thread. [more inside]
Clarification on reasons to delete answers
Poster asks: Does dating through craigslist actually work? I answered simply, "No." My answer's been deleted. This is not the first time my on-topic answers have been deleted from threads and I find it pretty annoying. Further, someone else posted "Yup" and there answer is still there. WTF? [more inside]
update comments set thread_id = foo where thread_id = bar
Nicely done moderation on the Russian sexual harassment post.
Nicely done moderation on the Russian sexual harassment post. [more inside]