2 posts tagged with community by ND¢.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

I assume that they will all begin with the words "It's Britney, bitch."

MeFiSwap: Best of 2007 Edition. [more inside]
posted by ND¢ on Oct 17, 2007 - 98 comments

What do you want to read next?

Metafilter now has a group at LibraryThing. Inspired by the reaction to this thread, jbickers has set up a group with the name "Metafilter" at LibraryThing. Please join if you care to swap reading lists, see what books fellow MeFis own, etc. For maximum coolishness, sign up with the same screen name you use here.
posted by ND¢ on Apr 30, 2007 - 118 comments

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