2 posts tagged with error by aaron.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
Problem with passwords while posting a comment.
Password problems: When I hopped over to MeFi today, I found I wasn't automatically logged in any more. I don't know if that's a MeFi problem itself, as I've had all sorts of weirdness with IE lately on my end. I logged in, no problem. But then when I tried to post a response in a MetaTalk thread, my password wasn't automatically filled in like it usually is. I didn't even notice until I hit "post," at which time I got a yummy ColdFusion error.
Coldfusion error in Metatalk
I'm getting the following ColdFusion error whenever I attempt to
open any topic page in MetaTalk (this is only when using AOL Mac 5.0's crappy internal pseudo-IE browser; big ugly error message hidden inside):
open any topic page in MetaTalk (this is only when using AOL Mac 5.0's crappy internal pseudo-IE browser; big ugly error message hidden inside):