October 2020 Archives (all archives)
October 31
What are you doing for the U.S. election?
Have you voted yet?
Are you making calls, texting or donating? Got any interesting stories to share? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Halloween time
Halloween tidings to you, Mefites! Lovely Mefite too bad you're not me asks for everyone to share their "Halloween-y things (costumes, jack-o-lanterns, etc)"; what have you got for us, let's hear it!
October 30
Election Day video destress party!
MST Club is planning a marathon of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes, shorts and other fun things on November 3 that I'm calling... ELECTRON DAY! It will be in our usual video share room for MeFi members and anyone else to watch! AND Halloween we're doing an impromptu selection of spoo[k|p]y things in that same room! Click through for the deets-- [more inside]
October 29
Metafilter New Year's Gala
Hey, MetaFilter, we're having a party, and you're all invited! On Saturday, January 2, we're going to have a live gala via Zoom, celebrating Metafilter and our users, showcasing some of the amazing people and talents on the site, and debuting some NEW MERCH. Come inside to find out what we have planned and what we'd like from you! [more inside]
October 26
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange Planning
Let's talk holiday card exchange planning!
I'd love to do the card exchange again this year. A couple of questions on timing and specifics - [more inside]
October 25
RIP HuronBob
HuronBob, one of the original 17Kers, has died. He was a kind man who often worked to do things that were helpful to other people. He worked for and later ran the Center for Occupational and Personalized Education for most of his adult career, helping younger people who needed a little more help from the public school system. Here is a great comment from Bob about "the good life" and what he felt he needed/wanted in order to be happy. Bob's life was challenging and sometimes difficult, I felt he helped people in AskMe often by being willing to share his struggles. A "Professional Old Guy" and friend of MeFi, he'll be missed.
October 23
Metatalktail Hour: Wish List!
Happy weekend, MetaFilter! This week, I have a SUPER-SELFISH metatalktail hour, which is that I want to know what's on your wishlist, because my mother demands we provide her with extensive ones for the holidays and mine is crappy. What is on your realistic wishlist? What books? Movies? Random small appliances? What is on your wild imaginary wishlist, specific private islands? Modernist mansions? TELL ME. What would be the perfect gift for YOU? [more inside]
Site Update #7, 2020
Hello, everyone! Teeth gritted, we continue on towards November. [more inside]
October 22
Writers of MeFi Represent!
I often see AskMeFi requests for book recommendations, especially now that so many people are in Lockdown. I'm often in a bind because I think my own books would be a good fit, but it seems spammy to recommend them :) How about we create a thread here where the writers of MetaFilter can showcase our books?
Mention what kind of books we write, and put a few links in to where they can be bought or downloaded. Sound like a plan?
Mention what kind of books we write, and put a few links in to where they can be bought or downloaded. Sound like a plan?
Fucking Fucks Thread: Election Edition
I have no fucking mouth but I must scream. FUUUUUCK [more inside]
Looking for a comment about relocating during covid.
Sometime quite recently I read a comment that somebody made about moving away from your city and employers due to covid. The point that they were making was that while employers were ok for us to do this while there was not much choice to work from home or not, once the pandemic was over, employers would require most of their staff to be back in the office.
Therefore making a decision to move permanently thousands of miles away would not be in your best long term interest for your career. They went into more detail but that was the crux of it. Ring any bells?
October 20
Hey It's My 20th MeFiVersary!
Damn, I have been here a long time. I am not a terribly prolific poster or one of those people you see holding court in every single post, but I like to think of myself as one of those "Oh yeah, THAT guy" MeFites who shows up every day. It's been a shit year in a lot of ways, but I still look forward to seeing what's going on here, learn about something, have my perspective on an issue enlightened, and maybe have a laugh, just like I have done for the last two decades. Thanks to you all for being a big part of my life.
If you're in the US, vote Biden/Harris and get Trump out of office.
Hey. It's cortex. We don't usually do this sort of thing, but: this US election is a couple weeks away and is really important for the future of the US and for the world. We're four years into creeping authoritarianism and outright regressive bigotry from the President and the GOP. If you're in the US, it's really important that you vote Biden/Harris and get Trump the hell out of office. Vote early if you can. There's state-by-state voting information available from vote411 and Ballotpedia.
October 19
Tiny AskMe
In the spirit of the Bad at Life thread, how about a "tiny fixes" thread? Things that are too embarrassing or not worth burning an Ask question on. [more inside]
October 17
Anyone interested in a virtual meetup to sing sea chanteys and traditional folk music? [more inside]
October 16
Metatalktail Hour: Bad at Life
Happy weekend, MetaFilter! This week, as per jessamyn's request, the topic is, "Honestly, Eyebrows, you sit in the house all day and you've been tripping over five baskets of clean laundry waiting to be sorted for the last three weeks: What is your deal?" [more inside]
October 14
A while back I jokingly said something about how we should have a Metafilter Zoom knitting group, and a couple of people MeMailed me to express interest in actually doing it. Should we? It doesn't have to be limited to knitting: it could be a general hang-out-on-Zoom (or some other platform) while-doing-your-small-craft-project group. [more inside]
Supreme Court hearings?
Do we not have a thread about the confirmation hearings of Amy Barrett (OfJesse to her friends)? Has nobody done one, or have they all been deleted, or is my ability to search the site significantly impaired by the painkillers?
October 13
MetaFilter Gift Swap 2020 Sign-ups
Signups for the 2020 MetaFilter Gift Swap are now open!
The Metafilter Gift Swap takes place annually from roughly November - January. It used to have another name, but times change and so have we! Each participant sends a gift to an awesome Mefite; each participant receives a gift from an awesome Mefite. Awesomeness and gifts abound.
The dates this year are: Signups Oct 13 - Oct 28; Assignments Nov 1; Send-by Dec 1. [more inside]
October 10
Metatalktail Hour: Hobbies!
Happy weekend, MetaFilter! This week, I'm curious to know what Covid/quarantine hobbies you've stuck with! Are there things you're really enjoying? Are they things you've always done? New hobbies? Things you've always wanted to try or never expected to try? Most importantly, how can we all try them? [more inside]
October 9
Site Update #6, 2020
Hey everyone! It's been a wild couple of weeks in the world, but fortunately not quite as wild here in Metafilter HQ. We're celebrating a successful Fundraising Month, chugging forward with a bunch of long-term projects, and beginning to plot some fun stuff for later in the year. [more inside]
October 7
*Comic Book Store Guy voice* "Ooh, I've wasted my life."
I just posted my 10,000th comment to MetaFilter. [more inside]
October 5
The Fundraising Month Finale
You’ve donated for it. You’ve waited for it. You’ve (hopefully not, really) dreamed about it. Now you can do it. You can… [more inside]
brainwane for MVP
Since August 28, brainwane has posted a short story or selections of short stories every single day to the blue [more inside]
October 3
Metatalktail Hour: How Is It Still Around?
Happy Weekend, MetaFilter! This week, riverlife chimes in with an amazing suggestion spurred by last week's things from the past that have disappeared -- things from the past that are SOMEHOW still around! Or as riverlife put it, "How Has This Thing from the Past Remained a Thing in the Present??? How Has This Managed to Hang On???" They suggest baseball and AM radio to kick things off! [more inside]
How to access Politics Slack
What it says on the tin. Am trying to access the unofficial, not actually affiliated with MetaFilter Politics slack. Have emailed the person linked in the MeFi wiki about the issue but haven't heard back. Can anyone let me know? [more inside]
October 2
167: The Gang Records A Podcast
Back on something resembling a schedule, jessamyn and I chat about MetaFilter and also...other things? I am very punchy! This has been successfully posted! Have a great weekend! [more inside]