June 25

Someone set us up the bomb

Can a chronological # be assigned to each comment(s) in each thread, so, saying or not saying, is more visible. I realize not all or the full comments are being read, or more etiquettely put, not everyone has the time. Then again it may make it that much easier for that, then were back to more etiquette??
Plus it may cut down for memory when were thinking of this. As your taking up space by copy & paste, one's words. I'm sure this will not stop it.

Is an automated search feature possible?

Is an automated search feature possible? Before submitting let's sayMahir's "I kiss you" or "All your base are belong to us" the posted url would be filtered through existing posts.

Poster would receive a message saying something like : thanks for the effort but someone posted that already with a link to the original post.



Metatalk for sportsfilter and blogroots? here?

Should one post etiquette/policy/bugs/feature requests for Sportsfilter and Blogroots in Metatalk , directly on both sites, via email, elsewhere? Assume identical guidelines apply as in Metafilter ? Thanks.

Metafilter links appear in USA Today?

Seems to me that this USA Today reporter just visited us and borrowed a few links - anyone else recognize several MeFi links in this article?

June 24

My triangle of sources

Gotta ask: how many of us poor souls are now lost in the certainly blessed, aesthetically coherent but ultimately life-consuming Bermuda Triangle of Sportsfilter; Blogroots and MetaFilter?

Deleted threads should not show up in user history

Threads which have been deleted by Matt should not show up in a search of those posted by a user, but they do.

June 23

DNS issues

www.metafilter.com is working for me, but metafilter.com (sans www) is not.

June 21

Vancouver meetup June 2002

Vancouverites - mefivan? mevan? fivan? meefvan? We need a rapper to give it a cool name.

Stavros had asked about Canada Day weekend and a few of us raised our hands.

What about meeting at the Lennox (corner of Granville and Robson) on June 29th at 6pm? I know someone suggested the Sylvia, but I figure for those coming in from out of town or using transit, the Lennox is a more central meeting place.

Anyone interested?

MeFi DNS woes?

Is MetaFilter/Turlyming DNS down? I only seem to be able to reach MeFi because Squid cached the address. NS1 and NS2.turlyming.com aren't answering queries. Anyone?

successful posting of contentious material

Today's PreCrime post by grrarrgh00 is a great example of contentious material presented with balanced text, varied supporting links (with mouseovers!), and a meaty comment to start things on the write foot. Is this a good model given our recent debates over how to present controversial topics?

June 20

MetaFilter trademark.

MetaFilter is trademarked! Woo!
One problem.. it's not trademarked by Matt ;-) Randomly stumbled across this during an adventure through the trademark archives. The 'METAFILTER' trademark was filed in 1946, and was last renewed in 1988. It is still 'live'. Watch out, Matt. The 'Metafiltration Company' might be on your back if they take a fancy to this site!

User profile bug

My gender keeps vanishing. This only happens on Metafilter, though, so it's not a personal problem. I don't think. This is like the third time I've had to re-input it. It's not because I label myself a "big fag" is it? I swear I'm not an internalized homophobe.

CSS being killed on Mac

More than a few threads have had the css broken by tags like this:

It completely kills the stylesheet in IE5 on mac. Anyone else notice this problem? Are these tags added by the person posting, or are they part of the server side processes? I've been irked by the digression to no left margin, default font mess the page becomes because of this.

June 19

MeFi Swap 2

MeFi Swap II. Are you interested in taking part? More importantly, are we doing it?

What constitutes movement?

What constitutes movement?
[more inside]

June 17

New Server Address

The new server is here for now:
Be a dear and please give it a go today. It's a copy of the entire server, as of this past weekend, and I don't mind if you post drivel there, as I'm just checking to see how it performs. Try out the search engine, change your sorting options, post a dozen comments. The server should be downright zippy at all times, do report back here if you find any snags or slowdowns.

Self-linker sets new record

Who needs textads? A new world record in self-links has been set by the publisher of Sound the Sirens, Billy Maulana. He's gotten seven self-links past us.

June 16

I'm going to draw attention to this thread

At the risk (feh, who am I kidding?) of pouring salt in the proverbial wound, I'm going to draw attention to this thread. These two users were apparently engaged in some buffoonery, and perhaps the community was a little harsh, but their reactions really made me mad. Do I, or we, or MeFi in general, really need these guys maliciously baiting other users?

What are cult threads and where are they?

I saw the phrase 'cult thread' used not too long ago. What are they, and where are they?

June 14

Welcome back (.)(.)?

Welcome back (.)(.)?

Or am I just confused?

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