January 24

Please label the NYC meetup photos.

Hope the good souls who post photos from the NY Mefi party will let the rest of us have some vicarious fun by attaching users names to users faces. Will make future posts and comments so much more vivid.

This thread is a good example of someone itching for a holy war.

This thread is a good example of someone itching for a holy war. Is it necessary to deride people's religious beliefs every time someone mentions God?

hax0r warning

Somewhere between 9:49 a.m., Jan. 23, and 1:01 p.m., January 24, a l33t hax0r took over Enginebeak's account.

I am a no-talent ass clown

I am a no-talent ass clown. Found this on google today. As usual, I'm probably behind the curve here...

Recommendaitons for PHP books?

When writing a weblog in PHP, one must learn PHP. Which book should a beginner pick up for the best results? Matt suggested Julie Meloni's book but it's currently unavailable here. So it's down to either the Wrox book, the SAMS book or the Osborne book. Any suggestions? Or other resources?

Best Tagline Suggestions

Riffola: "I think that line should be on the new MeFi tee :)"

It seems like just about every thread someone has a new suggestion for a MeFi tagline or tee-shirt (and yes, I could have added a memepool style link to one with every word there). Anyway, why not vent the best ones here? Or do they all not-ready for prime-time, appearing once in a thread and disappearing forever?

January 23

I got attacked here here and here for using the phrase "filmic storyteller".

What is the appropriate balance between mentioning one's occupation as a way of explaining your perspective, and coming off as a pretentious jerk blowing his own horn? For using the phrase "filmic storyteller" to describe my complicated and amorphous job as a privately employed screenwriter, story editor, and consultant, I got attacked here here and here .


Would it be possible to add an auto-logout option? I browse MeFi from school, and I often forget to logout when I'm finished. Perhaps an option on the Customization page to make your cookie invalid after 6 hours?

Is MetaFilter down for everybody else?

Is MetaFilter down for everybody else. I've been getting host not found errors all morning. I know Matt was planning to move his name server box. I'm just wondering if something in that process got hosed. If it is down, is it still available via an IP address -> I couldn't seem to find that either.

20 out of 27 posts yesterday were news pieces.

Of yesterday's 27 posts, no fewer than 20 of them were links to news sites or concerned recent events or happenings.

Just how horrible is your namesake's blog?

The Namesake Horrorshow: Just how horrible is your namesake's blog? Mine is awful, baseball-mad and is severely indicator-disabled. As this weren't enough, this Miguel Cardoso doppelganger also comes up first on Google.

Still, I bet mine is not as bad as yours...

January 22

Ben Brown show

Hey Matt, how much did you pay for that plug on the Ben Brown Show? "It makes me smarter, and more angry about THINGS."

Removing Where's Dick Post

Uggh... How will this foster a discussion any different than the other "Where's Dick" threads we have had without having any linked supporting evidence.

How impossible would it be to merge thread displays for double-posts?

How impossible would it be to merge thread displays for double-posts? If, for example, there are parallel discussions and small cries of "double post you fool," why not parse the threads together, so each one includes posts from both threads, in date order? Voila, no more repeated conversations or wasted threads.

Pardon any programming naivete in the suggestion; I'd love to know whether this is feasible (and if it would be considered useful or confusing).

Is Metafilter IRC down?

Is Metafilter IRC down?

what's my community value?

Should I be looked down upon because I rarely post material (other than my own wacky point of view)? I am currently a freelancer and have a girlfriend, so I don't have a lot of time to discover interesting stuff on the Web (at least before everyone else has). Do I get deficiency-filling credit for organizing the NYC Mefi meet this Thursday?

DoS spammers?

Exist-there some clever way to direct e-mail back to an offensive spammer so that they will get the message; something like a denial of service attack/overload? The spam is really getting to me these days

(and yes, it has to be legal, or I won't do it)

Help with research

I was thinking about making a post that would compare and contrast US foreign aid to Europe after WWII to Afghanistan and Yugoslavia today. It also got me on the trail of the annual US foreign aid bill that passes each year. However it was next to impossible to find a breakdown of exactly who gets what each year and what the money is spent on. I consider myself a decent Googler, but I'm stumped. Any help out there? Thanks!

January 21

Request that Metatalk show number of new posts and comments: feature already exists

Why is there no "X# of new posts/X# of new comments" on MeTa? would it be that hard to implement?

Followup: Amnesiac may have been a (gay) porn star

Here's an interesting follow up to this wonderful thread from August. Phillip Stauffen, a man suffering from
amnesia, may have been a gay porn star according to a man in France. Wait, it gets better. Inspector Steven Bone of the Toronto police will have to comb through the evidence... link from *cough* fark.com.

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