149 posts tagged with Chat.
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As one of the MetaFilter Chat Cabal (There is no Chat Cabal), we would like to introduce everyone to MetaFilter Chat! [more inside]
Many squamous greetings, Sapients! Itsa Chaturday night, whaddayagonnadoaboudit, look for more Pooza liveblogs? Grill some tofu burgers? Reevaluate your life? Try to take over the world? Chataboudit! (quidnunc #1!)
Multitudinous greetings, Sapients! Pop rock quiz, hot lot: Does MetaFilter have an official chat channel/room/area/quadrant/etc.? This is a fact: IT DOES! [previously: the unofficial MetaFilter chat site (yes, I am coordinating!)] It is a very fun and interesting and wondrous place (especially when I am not there) full of assorted cute animal GIFs (especially when Metafilter's Own bread crumbs is there) and random nonsense (especially when I AM there) and perennial nemises (because jeather, your personal nemesis, is there). I promise to you that we do not bite unless you notarize the consent form and submit it in dodeclicate six to eight weeks or greater in advance - guess how that tradition started! The cabal (TINCC) decrees that you guess, as the court records are sealed and salted and bound by blood. Ha HA! Dental appliances. Please stay frosty and/or toasty, and as always, vote your preferred quantum flavor of quidnunc kid #1!
MST Club Video Marathon 2017: Christmas In SPAAAACE
This is MST Club announcing our 4th annual "No Stress" Christmas Video Marathon! No Stress means it's pretty laid back as far as marathons go: feel free to have it going on in the background to cooking, sleeping, football or whatever, or exchange jokes with us in the chat window. The primary site of this thing is the MST Club Cytube page, with our Rabb.it room as a possible alternate if things go awry. The time is throughout December 24 and 25, from 6 AM Eastern/ 3 AM Pacific through to Midnight on the 25th. Come by with or without your favorite nog if you like! More details are in the extended description. [more inside]
Greetings, Sapients! Did you know: MetaFilter has an official chat channel/room/etc.? This is a fact: IT DOES! [previously: the unofficial MetaFilter chat site] It is a very fun and interesting and wondrous place (especially when I am not there) full of assorted cute animal GIFs (especially when Metafilter's Own bread crumbs is there) and random nonsense (especially when I AM there). I promise you that we do not bite unless you sign the consent form and submit it in triplicate three weeks or greater in advance - guess how that tradition started! You will have to guess, the court records are sealed. Ha HA! Dental appliances.
Please stay frosty and/or toasty, and as always, vote your preferred brand of quidnunc kid #1!
The Election Debate Logistics Thread
The US presidential debates are upon us, and we'd like to steer the threads covering them so they are fun, readable, and don't break anyone's browser (if possible. Probably not possible.) Here are some things we've been thinking about: [more inside]
MetaFilter on Gitter?
According to Social Explorer, there are 230 Mefites on GitHub and thousands more on Twitter. While MetaFilter Chat is a great institution, I’m curious if folks would be interested in having a chat community on Gitter as well - it’s a sort-of-Slack that uses Github and Twitter credentials for validation. (This is quite definitely fixing a problem that doesn’t exist, but sometimes asking about those is a way to find out that they do.)
Metafilter Chat Feature Request
Would it be possible to have a link to the profile pages of the members in the chat room? Perhaps as an additional choice when you right-click their name from the list on the righthand sidebar? (alongside "ignore" and "private chat") [more inside]
aniola joined the conversation. Yesterday, 8:11 PM.
aniola: why are there thousands of users on metafilter and only ever a dozen or so in chat?
going to maine: That seems like a great question for metatalk, actually. I move that you ask it. [more inside]
going to maine: That seems like a great question for metatalk, actually. I move that you ask it. [more inside]
Second Annual MST3K Turkey Marathon Chat?
I thoroughly enjoyed this event last year. I was working and so got out of family obligations which was nice. It was made doubly enjoyable by having an actually-fun Thanksgiving activity.
MST3K is streaming their marathon this year as well: "Tune in right here on Thanksgiving day at 12 noon ET / 9 am PT for six classic episodes of MST3K, complete with brand new introductions by Joel Hodgson."
Shall we meet again?
MST3K Turkey Day Marathon 2014
Mathowie should do an AMA
MetaFilter is a long-running site with plenty of long-time members, but it's always stayed fresh through a slow and steady influx of new users to add new perspectives and replace those who've left. With the recent slump in Google traffic, we should consider ways to more actively promote the site elsewhere, in order to maintain this healthy growth and make sure the site and its values do not become complete unknowns to newer generations of web users. In that spirit, I've acquired the subreddit /r/MetaFilter and given it a fabulous CSS makeover with loads of informative links on MeFi history and culture. [more inside]
This Thursday, A.D.
The time: Thursday at noon US Eastern time, 9 AM US Pacific, for approximately nine hours (maybe more, if special features are planned).
The place: Joel Hodgson's website, www.mst3kturkeyday.com.
The other place: our own chat server, chat.metafilter.com.
The reason: to watch a guy in space and his two wisecracking robots mock terrible movies. [more inside]
The place: Joel Hodgson's website, www.mst3kturkeyday.com.
The other place: our own chat server, chat.metafilter.com.
The reason: to watch a guy in space and his two wisecracking robots mock terrible movies. [more inside]
Jabiru for Android for Mefi Chat
I have been using Xabber on Metafilter chat. I had a lot of problems with it. Pb kindly did some research and found that Jabiru is more compatible with the chat program used by Metafilter. For mefi chat, Jabiru is superior in every way to Xabber except one: Initial setup is a confusing pain. It took me two days with help from pb to work out the bugs. So I have written a tutorial. [more inside]
Minimallist MeFi Chat
Just in case any other MeFi chatters want to use it, I've made a modified version of the userstyle that pb offered in the recent Chat Update MeTa. It turns off the sidebar in the MeFi chat web client. [more inside]
MetaFilter Chat Update
MetaFilter Chat has been running continuously for 10 months now. Today we're making some behind the scenes updates that should help keep it running longer. [more inside]
Metachat and links.
In Metachat, links posted in chat open in the same window, so clicking them closes your chat session. Can this be fixed to open in a new tab/window so we don't inadvertently disconnect ourselves?
Sharks. Tornado. Sharknado.
I wanted to put this here because the odds of folks seeing it in the thread are pretty long, but ... this Thursday evening, it looks like there's going to be a MeFite group viewing of "Sharknado" in Chat. [more inside]
81: Does the Dog Die?
Episode 81 was recorded yesterday (Monday June 3) and runs about 90 minutes, covering our favorite bits from the entire site. [more inside]
MetaFilter Chat for All
We just added MetaFilter Chat to the list of sites at the top of every page. [more inside]
Reposting from chat.metafilter.com?
I had a comment of mine from the chat get reposted in the boston thread, which was a relatively innocuous comment, so I'm not really mad about it, but I'd really prefer that that doesn't become a thing. The chat requires a log in to view, it's not archived publicly and the expectations about what people can and can't talk about there are different.
Chatty Cathy
Since chat.metafilter.com is still active, why is it not linked anywhere on the main page?
make chat permanent.
I'd like to suggest that Chat be a permanent addition to Metafilter. [more inside]
Election Day Jabber Server
MeFi XMPP/Jabber chat (not a pony)
Any MeFites want to test out an XMPP/Jabber chat server? Well, registration is open. [more inside]
Videophone dilemma solved
Talk to Strangers Again
Hey guys, remember way back in 2005 when I had that AIM bot that let you talk to random people on the net? It melted down frequently due to some restrictions of the AIM network, and I lost interest in it. Apparently, the community didn't because people have MeMailed me about it since. I talked about doing a AJAX version, but never got around to it. So I thought you might like to hear that someone else did. [more inside]
Once upon a time, there was a Jabber Server on Metafilter...
Once upon a time, there was a Jabber Server on Metafilter... [more inside]
connect the dots, la la la , connect the dots, la la la
So now that we have metafilter: the podcast, I'm wondering if any other metafilter products are going to enter the market? [more inside]
Why was this question deleted?
why? I was looking forward to reading this one and had marked it as a favorite (as had others). Do we have to explain why we ask each and every question now?
Mefi's finest moments are also very, very chatty
The fantastic new Favorites feature has made me realize I have a poll/chatfilter dilemma. I've always supported the policy of deleting stupid "what's your favorite color, I'll go first, I like blue" questions, but I've been trolling the site marking my favorites and it turns out that so very many of what I consider Mefi's finest moments are also very, very chatty.
Exhibits inside.
Exhibits inside.
Collaboratively funded movie production
(not sure this should go in AskMe. It's a bit chatty, so please pardon me if I got the wrong forum.)
Since I found the Sci-Fi thread so compelling I had a thought. Would you serious fans pony up, say, five bucks a piece, to help get a movie made if a studio was willing to match funds? And if it didn't get done, then you'd get your money back? Maybe done through an escrow account? I know that for the right production I'd pony up a lot more than that. Just wondering if you guys would.
Since I found the Sci-Fi thread so compelling I had a thought. Would you serious fans pony up, say, five bucks a piece, to help get a movie made if a studio was willing to match funds? And if it didn't get done, then you'd get your money back? Maybe done through an escrow account? I know that for the right production I'd pony up a lot more than that. Just wondering if you guys would.
Announcing the Jabber server.
See who is online currently and info about using the Jabber server here.
Testing out MeFi jabber
I'm testing out a jabber server on MetaFilter. Use any jabber client (iChat, adium, trillian, gAIM, etc) to connect to metafilter.com. Enter your username as your_mefi_username@metafilter.com and your password is your existing website password here. Once logged in, you can IM other members that are online (my current status:
). Oh, this jabber server supports SSL for encrypted chat by default and also lets you talk to jabber users on other servers, including Google Talk (just add them to your buddy list). If this works out, I'll be experimenting with more features like chatrooms and perhaps allowing chat with Yahoo and MSN users as well. Let me know how it works for you, everyone that is a member here already has a login to the jabber server, automatically.
Post deletion reason?
Why was the AxMe post "If you were going to relocate permanently from the present day to Rome circa 100 BC, and you could bring only one piece of luggage (standard carry-on dimensions) what would you pack?" deleted?
Please don't repost NYT links, thanks. And quit chatting in Metatalk!
This is the second–most prominant story in today's New York Times. Not what MetaFilter is for. Extra specialicious complaint: MeTa has become a chat forum. Also this, this, this, this, and this.
Can we add Google Talk to profiles?
Now that Google Talk is up and folk are digging it, can additional messenging service fields be added to the profile customization screen, beyond AIM and ICQ?
Chatty Cathy
Let's not set any precedents.
Looking for a site with an interactive flash app, whiteboard, webcams and chat
A while back (months) there was a site posted that was basically an interactive flash app that had a whiteboard, webcams, and chat. I've tried searching for it, but I'm just coming up blank. Anyone remember what it was and have a url handy?
How about a metaFilter chat room?
How about a metaFilter chat room? You can see who's logged in, get the angst off your chest and utterly destroy the last remaining productive minutes I have at work.
I love the thread-ends
When a MeTa thread has played its course, chattiness and jokes sometimes rush in. Although I realize it's a minority sport, I just love thread-ends. There's something ecological about using left-overs for imaginative and friendly banter. Is my excuse, anyway...
Like soon-to-be-deleted threads on MetaFilter, they serve a useful pressure-valve purpose: they redirect playfulness away from serious discussions and probably inhibit initiating purposefully chatty posts. At least for me. Is this acceptable, now that MetaTalk has become specifically Meta again? Or, at least, can it be lived with? I hope so.
Like soon-to-be-deleted threads on MetaFilter, they serve a useful pressure-valve purpose: they redirect playfulness away from serious discussions and probably inhibit initiating purposefully chatty posts. At least for me. Is this acceptable, now that MetaTalk has become specifically Meta again? Or, at least, can it be lived with? I hope so.
MetaFilter IRC chat.
Is the MeFi IRC chat still in use at all? (server: irc.metafilter.com, #mefi)
I've checked that and the old EFnet #metafilter channel a few times over the past week and no one seems to be hanging out in either.
I've checked that and the old EFnet #metafilter channel a few times over the past week and no one seems to be hanging out in either.
MeFi Chat
What do people think about creating some kind of Metafilter chat forum? It's been suggested by at least one other person, and might be just what Metafilter needs right now. Mefi long ago grew into a community with its own in-jokes, celebrities and infamous posters; in lieu of a chat forum in which to have casual discussions, a lot of the 'off-topic' stuff has spilled over into Mefi and MeTa, arguably decreasing the quality of many threads.
Where is the mefi IRC channel?
Oh where, oh where is the mefi IRC channel?
I'm a IRC addict and I wouldn't mind chatting with other mefi members.
I'm a IRC addict and I wouldn't mind chatting with other mefi members.
irc.metafilter.com: you know you want to set it up, matt.
Try this Chat
check this out, it's a real-time chat app done in XML and DHTML that floats "over" a site. It's kinda buggy and took me a few loads for it to work. Apparently, it's not private just to this site, and the other users are on other sites, but it's interesting.
Welcome to AOL
Maybe it's just me, but there are times when a thread seems to take on the conversational (and intellectual) tone of an AOL chat room.
Is There a MeFi IRC?
Is there a metafilter IRC channel or Web chat room? A Metafilter IRC channel would be interesting.. like a constant day-time chat show with no host.
Oh well, whether it exists or not, I'll be sitting on #metafilter on EFNet (irc.rt.ru) in this quiet Metafilter downtime!
Oh well, whether it exists or not, I'll be sitting on #metafilter on EFNet (irc.rt.ru) in this quiet Metafilter downtime!
iParty Audio Chat?
Sort of a feature: iParty is an audio chat program. Would anyone be intrested in setting up a server for MetaFilter? MF is a grat place to start a conversation, and there are a lot of people here that provide it. I think giving everyone the ability to have an actual, real-time conversation would be an interesting extension to the MetaFilter experience.
p.s. I'm not asking this specifically of Matt, either. I understand that about five people can be in a room together on a 28.8 server before lag becomes a real problem, so I imagine anyone that would have a static ip number could run the server. Of course, Matt might have to point it out before it would be accepted. (i.e. "official")
p.s. I'm not asking this specifically of Matt, either. I understand that about five people can be in a room together on a 28.8 server before lag becomes a real problem, so I imagine anyone that would have a static ip number could run the server. Of course, Matt might have to point it out before it would be accepted. (i.e. "official")
Welcome to MetaTalk
I like you both in different ways...
how meta can you get...? I think this post a topic thingie that I am typing in right now could be more specialized to metatalk, like it's not always gonna link someplace... differentiation of the two sections -- besides just by color -- is probably a good idea.
any way to get threaded comments going using this interface? some of the metachat may get kinda lengthy.
how meta can you get...? I think this post a topic thingie that I am typing in right now could be more specialized to metatalk, like it's not always gonna link someplace... differentiation of the two sections -- besides just by color -- is probably a good idea.
any way to get threaded comments going using this interface? some of the metachat may get kinda lengthy.