4 posts tagged with community by hippybear.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.

MetaFilter has a real problem with voicing class genocidal attitudes

There have been two threads i've bailed out on in the past while. One was a thread about how small communities are becoming less economically viable which I'm unable to find right now because I can't find the right keywords. The most recent is the one about the submarine that is currently lost in the ocean. In both of these threads members of this community, a community I dearly love, have expressed either a desire for the extinction of people living in rural communities, or a bloodlust for rich people to perish doing activities only they can afford. Neither of these are acceptable and both of them make our community look shitty from the outside. I don't know if this is a reduced moderation hours problem or an issue where this group of people is becoming actually worse, but it is becoming more unappealing to me with every iteration. [more inside]
posted by hippybear on Jun 20, 2023 - 656 comments

Hey, like wow, thank you all!

Can I just say that the Blue has been amazing lately and I've been having a lot of fun with the diversity of posts. And by diversity, I can't even begin to describe, but if you've been watching the Blue you know what I mean. Thank you, all of you, for your posts! I'm sure I'm not the only member who has felt delighted by something unexpected... So yay!
posted by hippybear on Sep 4, 2019 - 19 comments


I’m here to propose that we pursue a season of fun and non-controversial posts on MetaFilter. Let’s fill up the Blue with the interesting, the comedic, the curious, the lengthy disclosure… the topics which are posted to share something groovy and/or interesting and not posted to stir up the grar. [more inside]
posted by hippybear on May 26, 2019 - 44 comments

Metatalktail Hour: I want to get those stories recognized

Inspired by the post about furries being a community that helps each other out, I want to pose this here: Tell me about a time MeFites reached out and helped you. I wan to get those stories recognized. [more inside]
posted by hippybear on Dec 16, 2017 - 99 comments

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