August 2010 Archives (all archives)
August 31
54: The Ballad of Hardcore Taters
Episode 54 of the MetaFilter podcast was recorded on August 25th and runs a bit over an hour long. We had some audio issues this time around and I ended up using a mixed skype recording instead of our each individual parts. New this time about is the awkward insertion of music breaks. [more inside]
Contact form to mefi mail?
Can the contact form have the option of choosing where a response from the mods is sent if one is forthcoming? [more inside]
Be well Scody!
Sending good thoughts and hopes for a gentle recovery to Scody!
August 30
What is MeFi's definition of a "recreational outrage" and why are such posts banned?
Pray tell, what is MeFi's definition of "recreational outrage" and why are such posts banned? [more inside]
For he's a jolly good fellow, &c.
What criteria do the mods use for allowing anonymous posts.
What criteria do the mods use for allowing anonymous posts. [more inside]
August 29
Six Colours Blue
This post is Pepsi-Blue. divabat isn't even trying to hide the fact. Smarties Australia paired 8 kids up with 8 artists to create art based on each Smarties colour ... getting the product name in twice in the lead sentence. [more inside]
August 28
MeFi Music Challenge Meister
This is the thread in which you can volunteer for, nominate someone or generally discuss the MeFi Music Challenge Meister position. [more inside]
Politeness Enforcement
The highly popular queue jumping post by garius made it into Oliver Burkeman's column in the Guardian weekend magazine today. [more inside]
August 27
Tiny Pony: highlight mods' user names
It might be helpful to subtly color a mod's user name differently from other user names, especially in MetaTalk. I occasionally click into a long thread and wonder if a mod has weighed in, and find it hard to scan for that information. I imagine it would also be very helpful for new users to know who the moderators are. Potential downside: ordinary commentary & thread contributions may appear more weighty and official than you actual want them to. Your thoughts? Makes it to Time Magazine
iamkimiam's answer to a "Mad Men" related question on "" referenced at's Tuned In Blog (scroll to the last paragraph)
Crunching last posts.
Riding off into the sunset on my pony. [more inside]
We hold their wonderfulness to be self-evident...
Who are the patron saints of MetaFilter? [more inside]
Get Yer Ticket
I found Admiral Haddock's comment in the Ticketmaster thread so hilarious that I was determined to make an infographic. So I did. Get yer ticket here.
August 26
It's Jobby-Jobby-Jobby-Jobby-Jobby-Jobby-Jobbytime!
Pony of Indeterminate Size: I'm not sure if we've discussed this before, but would it be okay to add a "Jobs Wanted" side to the Jobs area? [more inside]
Scroll me closer, tiny pony.
Teeny tiny pony: remove the #commentpreview anchor in the header redirect after posting a comment. [more inside]
Who axed insanely minor feature #4638-B3 from the RSS feed?
Where did the ‘X number of posts’ thingumijigwhatsit that used to be on the RSS feed disappear to? [more inside]
The seekrits of MehFee
Where can I find a list of all the HTML-ish things I can do on MetaFilter? [more inside]
And the Meffy goes to...
I had a dream about MetaFilter. [more inside]
Ground Zero Mosque Quote
Ground Zero Mosque Quote [more inside]
August 25
p.o.w. blues
every 25th of august i am sad... [more inside]
Mail for Wheelie
Send me mail! [more inside]
MetaFiter: Don't let reality stop your white party, whatever you do, brave souls
August 24
Since I was accused of "announcing" a flag reason in the thread, I guess MeTa must be the place to object to pure advertising. [more inside]
My Pony can ride for more than 100 miles.
IRL Pony: Adjustable location radius for IRL events. [more inside]
Mefi Fantasy Football
Looking for a certain butter scuplture thread
Looking-for-an-old-thread filter. I remember a link to an article on the blue, talking about what exactly the Princess Kays do with their butter sculpture busts after they won. [more inside]
It Does Seem Untoward
I didn't want to misbehave in the thread, so I'm here instead. This question is, at its core, asking for assistance in keeping a stolen computer. [more inside]
August 23
What Links Just. Won't. Die!?
Per this comment, what sites/content/links are most frequently deleted on the Blue?
Mobile Site Theme Preferences?
How are theme preferences stored? By username or by computer? I ask because the mobile site just switched to "professional white" when I logged on for the first time in a while, and I'm wondering if I could see white when on my laptop and color while I'm on my phone, without having to log out.
Book Club Democracy
So, we had a great discussion of On the Road, which actually made reading it worthwhile. Whether or not you've been involved before, please consider helping us choose the next book for MeFi Book Club, on condition of course that you 1) read the book 2) review the appropriate Professor Amy Hungerford lecture(s) 3) sign up with Meta Chat if you haven't already and 4) join us there on October 18, 2010 for the next discussion. [more inside]
A longshot, yes, but a possible explanation for 'taters'? [more inside]
Mathowie tweets about a photo on Flickr depicting a newspaper article about MeFi HQ. Typos included. [more inside]
August 22
Searching within a category across Ask comments?
Is there a way to limit a search of Ask to a specific category? [more inside]
August 21
Teacher Teacher, Billy is cussing.
Pony Request: Could we please have a MetaTalk flag option of Flag it and move on, for new MetaTalk posts. [more inside]
Fantasy Football 2010
Fantasy Football 2010 time. We have 7 spots left. [more inside]
This is ugly
The Julian Assange thread should never have existed in the first place, and should be closed now that it's turning nasty. [more inside]
August 20
Is 'more inside' enough?
Would you change 'more inside' to say 'special snowflake details inside' and be done with it? Would you add it to the FAQ? [more inside]
Hilarity ensues.
The inventor of the Comedy Evaluator Pro software has dropped by the thread discussing the Comedy Evaluator Pro to evaluate our evaluations of the Comedy Evaluator Pro.
August 19
Get Lamp
Meet Up-ish Something at the North Fork Century?
Any chance any MeFites are doing the North Fork Century on August 29? If yes, we could connect for celebratory beers and self-congratulation at the finish line. [more inside]
Bad Deletion
Improved Display of Comments in Threads
Can we have alternate cell background colours for discussion threads? [more inside]
Can we dial it down a notch in AskMe
How can we, as a community of individuals, learn to respond and behave better in AskMe threads like the one about the male colleague being "unwittingly pervy" at work? [more inside]
August 18
Over and over and over again.
Four live posts on the Park51 mosque. Two MetaTalk posts (three now). This is getting ridiculous.
Suggestion: either introduce a separate "current events" area, or have a way of bouncing posts back up to the top if people are really interested in continuing to talk about it.
vini vidi vici (via)
is it OK to link to a friend on a "(via)" link? [more inside]
Well, according to Ask Metafilter...
An example of Ask Metafilter as a cited resource (my online world meets my offline world and that delights me to no end :) [more inside]
A quick look in the mirror
So I'm sitting here bored and looking to see if MeFi has an IRC channel or something, and random google searches led me to the Alexa results for mefi... [more inside]
August 17
jetBlue Unlimited Flights for 30 Days
jetBlue Unlimited Flights Group - For those of you who bought an unlimited pass from jetBlue and wish to save even more by comparing itineraries and possibly sharing rooms with fellow mefites!
Someone loves to delete
I guess sexuality is a banned topic nowadays for me.
Sorry Ask MeFi users... I guess someone is being a bit overzealous with their delete rights. This has nothing to do with me figuring out myself. This is a completely different side to the issue of sexuality and me trying to explain the facts to it.
Thanks, jessamyn
Kudos to jessamyn [more inside]
SXSW Proposals
Which MeFites have submitted to speak at SXSW 2011? [more inside]
Time Traveler Still Adrift
Update to now-closed thread: A time traveller in a 40s photo was theorized to be Albert and a message was dispatched to the internet to confirm. Today the internet replied that the time traveler is not Albert. (The property visible in the background did belong to Albert's family, though, according to this source.)
High signal profiles
I find that Mutant's profile is full of useful information, about himself and his areas of expertise. Do you guys know of any other profiles with useful and interesting information, particularly about specialty subjects?
August 16
MeFi Fantasy Pick 'Em
MetaFilter Fantasy Football Pick 'Em at Yahoo. Let's do this. [more inside]
August 15
Where's the mute button?
Low pass through Grand Canyon derails, nobody hurt [more inside]
On the Road Has Arrived
It is almost August 16. If you've ever read On the Road, or read it for our MeFi Book Club, which is still tracking the Open Yale course on the American Novel since 1945, then please check in for this next, August 16 discussion, which occurs on Meta Chat. Please also take a look at the two Professor Amy Hungerford lectures on this book. [more inside]
Metafilter advertises on NPR now? Cool!
I was driving home tonight and listening to NPR, when a new show started and I heard "....sponsored by Ask Metafilter dot com," with a little blurb about the site. Have I been living under a rock, or did this just happen recently? Is the Mefi empire advertising anywhere else, or targeting any other particular subsites? [more inside]
Please Hope Me Not Fail at Life
I've been really enjoying "lifehack"-type AskMe posts lately - questions about how to change one's own habits to be better at day-to-day life situations and challenges (How do I become one of those people who makes everyone they talk to feel great? from Chrysalis is a good new one). What are some of your favorites? [more inside]
August 14
Gaga for MeFiSwap! Mailing deadline Saturday August 21!
Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah!
MeFi Ooh-la-la!
Want your CD swap mixes!
Reminder: The MeFiSwap mid-year 2010 mailing deadline is one week from today, Saturday, Aug. 21st. [more inside]
Ro mah ro-mah-mah!
MeFi Ooh-la-la!
Want your CD swap mixes!
Reminder: The MeFiSwap mid-year 2010 mailing deadline is one week from today, Saturday, Aug. 21st. [more inside]
August 13
Bigger plus signs on the mobile site?
In the spirit of airing minor annoyances, I'd love to see the little plus signs that denote favorites either be made larger or moved away from other links on the mobile site, so that I don't have to zoom in to click them on my touchscreen. [more inside]
Not too old to fuck, either.
August 12
What percentage of Ask MetaFilter questions are "hole-in-ones"?
What percentage of Ask MetaFilter questions are "hole-in-ones"? [more inside]
Ve haf vays of making u talk...
Today at work my friend Trevor told me that on Sunday (my day off) afternoon, a man and a woman came up to him and asked for 'jonmc.' He said they had 'European accents.' He told them I was out and to come back. They haven't. Which one of you people is it? Fess up.
August 11
cortex made a meme
Folk music, viral weirdness, and the Ballad of Steven Slater. Josh Millard, known to all and sundry here as cortex, analyses how The Ballad of Steven Slater written by Max Sparber, a.k.a. Astro Zombie, which cortex set to music and performed, went viral. How viral? Wolf Blitzer viral.
How many hits of this acid should I eat?
Missing contact's most favorited posts on sidebar but not elsewhere.
My front page contact sidebar is no longer showing posts by contacts that have received the threshold of 12+ favorites, plus other odd behavior. [more inside]
Oh, Come On Already.
Not Really A Double, But Not Original Either
Can we please differentiate "bicycles" and "motorcycles"? Asking about a "bike" is confusing. [more inside]
August 10
Simmer down now y'all
Let 'er RIP
This is where we discuss the Ted Stevens obit post.
MeFatulations, zoomorphic and Optimus!
This week MeFite zoomorphic surprised erstwhile MeFite Optimus Chyme with an engagement ring. In a photobooth.
Meet me at the drinking post.
I swear we've seen these Askme questions dozens of times before, but I can't find them. I'm looking for those posts about not being able to drink and how to cope with it. [more inside]
August 9
MeFi / Facebook cross polination
As a traffic/stats nerd, I posted the P!=NP story today to my Facebook wall. That got me wondering, is a significant/noticeable amount of traffic on the Blue from non-member FB referenced visitors? [more inside]
What was this novel, again?
Trying to find a comment in Ask about a novel, a lengthy period piece sort of novel, where the protagonist was unsure of relationships between other characters. Multiple family trees involved somehow. [more inside]
August 8
Death is the final heat
At the Sauna World Championships in finland, featured in this post, A Russian competitor has died in the finals. The contest will never be held again, it has been announced.
When it is too hard not to judge an AskMeFi.
When it is too hard not to judge an AskMeFi.
What is the proper response when the questioner is just such a turd that you can't avoid calling her out on it? [more inside]
August 7
I Like Big Body and I Cannot Lie
Why doesn't:
increase the font size of MetaFilter pages? [more inside]btw, I've been meaning to ask...
What are the odds of a reverse meetup happening, do you suppose? [more inside]
August 6
I can't tI want to favorite other people's favorites.
I would like to be able to favorite posts from this page, this one, and that one. That's pretty much it. [more inside]
[6] See my show at 7pm! [6] See my show at 8:30! [6] See my show at 10:00!
IRL, performances: how many posts is reasonable for a single show with multiple performances? [more inside]
Beating a dead pony, but with pictures.
I'd like an image preview like we have youtube previews. [more inside]
Adelaide meetup?
It looks as though the proposed Adelaide meetup ended up being very small (two people, and a third who didn't find them), so I was wondering if anyone felt like trying again, perhaps on the afternoon of Saturday the 28th of August? [more inside]
August 5
IRL launch is a go
Thanks everyone for trying out IRL during our alpha test and for
putting up with the awkward dual MeTa/IRL posts for a while. We're
ready to unveil new features and a new approach to meetups. [more inside]
Filtered Live Preview
Help us test a new version of Live Preview for comments. [more inside]
August 4 tags might be broken tags don't seem to be working. At all. Logged out/deleted cookies/tried different browser.
MeFites playing StarCraft II?
MeFites playing StarCraft II? I'm looking for friends for multiplayer shenanigans. [more inside]
Perhaps we should limit posts about the Cordoba House to the still open thread from 4 days ago
Is a second post about the Cordoba House issue (first, latter) within 4 days really necessary? [more inside]
we could do better, y'all
When philip-random made this comment: "There's much talk at MetaTALK of all the things that Metafilter does NOT do well, but seldom do we hear of the one thing that MetaFilter routinely tanks at, which is anything to do with WRITING." ... he was damn well spot-on. Anything we might possibly do to remedy this depressing reality?
August 3
Free comix related thingie
Are other Minnesotans planning on going to Indie Xpo (warning: auto-starting video embedded) on the 21st (at the Soap Factory in Mini-apple-ous)? [more inside]
Metafilter on Flipboard iPad app?
Any other mefites using Flipboard? [more inside]
August 2
Where are you located? Where are you located? Where are you located?
Is it possible for the mods to edit anonymous posts on the Green? [more inside]
AskMetafilter is the Cool Site of the Day.
As you might have noticed from looking at the very top of AskMetafilter today, AskMetafilter is the Cool Site of the Day. [more inside]
August 1
The MeFi Fantasy Football Challenge 2010/2011
It's August, which means it's getting time for Metafilter Fantasy Football (soccer) 2010/2011! [more inside]
Hamburgering RASSMUSSEN opinion poll data
The bias problems with Rassmussen have been discussed and mocked by the lefty blogosphere for years. This year, after an article in Politico, there seems to be a growing consensus among the MSM punditocracy that unless there are polls by other firms that can confirm Rassmussen's data; you shouldn't use them as your primary source for opinion polling. [more inside]
“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.”
Jobsfilter. A year and a half ago, the idea of a jobseeker section for Jobs was broached, but there was no definitive response from the mods. Has there been any movement on this? This would be a wonderful addition for those Mefites who find themselves among the unemployed.
Weird posting error whilst using Safari 3.1.2 on OS X 10.5.5.
Weird posting error whilst using Safari 3.1.2 on OS X 10.5.5. [more inside]