May 4

New England Meetup 2002

Back in early April (perhaps not coincidentally, when the weather was warming up nicely), we discussed the possibility of having a first-ever New England MeFi gathering. There was some enthusiastic response, and crankyrobot, I believe, was even going to look into getting Red Sox tickets.

Within a week (again, perhaps not coincidentally, when the weather crapped out again), interest had sunk like a stone. Now that it's May, and the New Yorkers have had their little get-together, is there now any interest in reviving the topic? (The weather is nice again, and the Sox are still winning!)

May 3

What happened on on December 21, 2001 that so many people joined?

What happened on on December 21, 2001 that so many people joined on that day. (mas inside)

Anil on weblogs and the web

Although Anil's post is mostly rah-rah for metafilter, he makes some great points about weblogs and the web in general. Maybe this is the people's medium afterall.

Everything you wanted to say or ask has been said or asked

all of the answers to all of your questions, whatever you want the answer to be, are already contained in previous threads on this subject says ParisParamus.

Without being snarky, I imagine there might be others who, like me, do not hang on MeFi's every word and who, like me, would also like an opportunity to discuss the subject and deepen our understandings through point and counterpoint. Is MeFi's tent not big enough for us to do that? Maybe the generous thing to do would have been for him to commence his I/P thread celibacy before hitting post.

FPP hogging the front page

Hogging the front page. Yes, I can read around this, but it takes up pretty much my whole window. As members don't we have some responsibility to keep the front page looking like a log of the web, rather than a Chinese protest wall?

Dreamhost Shut Down My Sites. Help?

Yesterday I was accused of spamming by my host. Today 10+ websites and my email service has been shut down.
(,, etc.)
I am *hoping* I can resolve this asap. But what if they refuse to listen to me.
I'm struck by how helpless I am. Has this ever happened to anyone here? I am close to actually driving to the Dreamhost offices in person. on the blogging phenom

"I was seduced by bloggers." CNet copy chief Jennifer Balderama writes yet another press piece on the blogging phenom. The difference? She keeps a blog herself, and knows full well what else has been written on the subject, and what she's getting herself into. This strikes me as a better attempt than the usual auto-generated weblog press à la megnut. Thoughts?

Spiderman Deletion

Why is it okay for MetaFilter to have numerous threads on LOTR, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc including a thread dedicated to the news that there are new scenes added to LOTR: FOTR, but a Spider-man thread results in guidelines and waffles being mentioned? I understand that the initial post could have been slighty better framed, but apart from that it is following precedents that have already been set. If this thread is deleted, does it imply we no longer discuss movies that a bunch of people here can't wait to see? If so will threads for upcoming Harry Potter, Star Wars, LOTR movies be deleted too?

May 2

Too many newsfilter FPPs don't make for a good front page

I’m really confused. This happens often so do try to help me out. The guidelines describe a good post as a web page that most people haven’t seen which contains interesting content and might warrant discussion. Does a story that ran in a few national newspapers and recieved play on several news networks fit that criteria? Remote Rats, The Clinton Show, Powell Peace Conference, the missing Florida girl and two Massaoui stories can't seem to be defined — according to the guidelines — as a good post. So why are there so many?

is there a vaccine for your favorite X?

We seem to be in the midst of another "what's your favorite X" mini-epidemic: a link which varies from interesting to trivial, followed by an invitation to opine. This time it's sandwiches, beverages, newspapers, snacks, arcade games, amusing childhood beliefs. I won't bother to criticize--we've covered that ground many times here already. But I think it's interesting how when these things happen, it only takes one precipitating post to generate several others, seemingly on a "yeah! And hey, what about this?" principle. What's your favorite favorite-X question?

MeFite unaware of blogworld A-list

Metafilterian demonstrates blatant ignorance of blogging A-list. He finds "someone named Meg Hourihan" to be "very condescending." I've taken my share of shots at the A-list in the past, but this post made me sad. Has the gulf between Metafilter and the weblogging community grown too wide? Are we better off with fewer inter-blog memes, or losing the center in the widening gyre?

Webmonkey blogging article.

Webmonkey (which I constantly forget still exists) has a new piece up today that seems like it might be of interest here: The Weblog Tool Roundup.

Wetlog lives!

Tangentially related to my post today: Uh...WTF is this? I'm too delirious right now to go find an explanation, if posted anywhere.

May 1

How did this self-link get through?

Blatant self-link. How is it not obvious that this is not okay?!?

A troll by any other name

I'd use the word troll in this case, but it has some connotations that are a bit loaded given the subject.

April 30

Which blogging archetype are you?

Normally wouldn't post this, with good reason, but, um, Which blogging archetype are you? Why do i post this here? Well, just look at what I got inside.

Server Error Log Improvements

I assume the server keeps error logs. So, is there any way to edit the error message itself so that it displays how many times it's happened? The idea is that hopefully, common sense will kick in when it shows that it's happened 150 times or something and we don't end up flooding Matt's mailbox when obviously just a few notes will do.

I want a customized profile

[From the really small bugs dept.]:I was on my way to iconomy's blog and came across her user profile. It's all grey and faded. What's happened - and can I have one like it too?

NYC Meetup Photos

More Pictures of the New York MetaFilter meet-up. Anyone else have any more, from other MetaFilter party localities? Post a link to them in here...

lookin for chicago victim of verisign domain hijacking

Regarding the whole VeriSign domain hijacking debacle, I've interested a reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times in doing a story on the problem. However, he needs a Chicago connection -- anyone know of a victim in Chicago/northern Illinois?

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