127 posts tagged with FanFare.
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Could Fanfare posts be decoupled from their posters?
Currently, if somebody deletes their account, their Fanfare posts are also deleted. We have no idea how many books, movies, etc. had fanfare posts that have now disappeared. What if, in the new site, when you wanted to make a Fanfare post, the post itself was associated with a dedicated user (maybe "The Opener"), populated with some standard description from some API when possible, and your own thoughts went in your own comment?
Filtering FanFare?
Is there a way to not see particular shows on FanFare? (an anti-MyFanFare as it were) [more inside]
No love for FanFare?
FanFare does not get a ton of traffic, any thoughts on how to change that? [more inside]
Welcome to the first ever (as far as I know!) Fanfare extravaganza. I have created a place where we can share recommended books, movies, tv, music, games, podcasts we have read, watched, listened to, or played this year. [more inside]
Fanfare: UI Request
I know that MeFi's codebase is currently being rebuilt, - cannot fathom the intricacies of that - but as stuff is being rebuilt anyway, I'd like to request a Fanfare UI addition / tweak - and was hoping other people would discuss the benefits / drawbacks of this particular tweak. [more inside]
Adding year of release to Fanfare front page posts
This has been asked before, in Nov 2022, when the site owner called it a "really good idea" and a then-current tech person said it seemed "uncontroversial and positive, so I'll put that on the pile of things to do." Is this still something the community thinks is worth doing? If so, any chance it could be implemented? It might increase engagement in an area of the site that could use it. I know I'd find it useful, anyway.
Would music posts be welcome on FanFare?
I have never understood why a subsite for discussing "TV, movies, podcasts, and books" is not also for discussing music. But, at a scan, that subsite is truly never used for music. Could it be? As in, is that currently allowed and, if not, would such a change be welcome in this community? [more inside]
New Layout for fanfare - make it the default?
This is a test page that was created for Fanfare that I think would be way better at fostering conversations and getting people chatting.
You can see active conversations and jump in if they interest you, and start a new one if there's a show/movie/game you like that's been posted but isn't getting any attention.
Can it be the default? Hopefully an extremely simple change, and the old style could be kept as a fallback.
positive feedback
this is your opportunity to share what you appreciate about the people who comment at metafilter as well as the people who work at metafilter. [more inside]
FanFare AutoBoost thought for your consideration
How about adding a 'trigger' that moves a movie to the top of the page when it goes to streaming. And other "life events" in the career of any particular media. Perhaps when a book is turned into another form (see Like Water for Chocolate ballet) which is also a film, (hmm needs an opera:)
The easiest initial implementation would be a place to insert a release date for theater->streaming, not sure how to auto-populate but we can research that. Mostly for blockbusters but that does seem to be a preponderance of films on the lavender.
Pony Request for FanFare
One FanFare feature I've asked for in the past is the ability to bump older posts back to the top of the timeline. We could do this based on films coming to streaming, being re-released, getting a sequel, etc. While I am requesting that again, today's pony is a new pony, as I have figured out a possible logical way to do that... [more inside]
Display release year on FanFare front page?
When you click into them, FanFare posts show the release year for the movie or show being discussed. ("The 4th Man (1983)"). Can the year also be visible after the title on the Fanfare front page? As the focus of FanFare seems to have shifted away from new releases, this could be helpful in sorting through the posts.
In a rip-snorting manifestation of "Be the MetaFilter You Want to See," DirtyOldTown is on the verge of publishing his 1,000th FanFare post. [more inside]
FanFare monthly "Best Of"?
I posted this on FanFare Talk but it doesn't seem widely used. I like FanFare, but there's no curated or automated sort of "What's on you shouldn't miss" list. I propose we have a simple open chat type thread where we mention our favorite movies/television shows/books in the past month filed under "Special Events." This should take no new additional development effort or moderator intervention. Any serious objection to it? [more inside]
"Series" rather than "TV" on Fanfare?
I'm pretty sure this has been discussed before but I can't find it. Is it possible to change the category "TV" to "Series" or "Series Show" on Fanfare?
With so many series being watched on various streaming platforms and various devices, TV doesn't seem like a helpful category to me?
FanFare is confusing and scary. How can we make it not?
Something that came up in "Mefi as a Counteraction to an Upcoming "Terrible Media Age"? " is that FanFare seems like a part of Metafilter that has the potential for significant growth. However, as someone who is generally familiar with Mefi culture and who is interested in engaging with FanFare, the ways to engage with it and social norms are largely inscrutable to me. How can we fix this? [more inside]
See All Books
This is the most minor problem. Fanfare has five categories in the sidebar on the right: TV, Movies, Podcasts, Books, and Special Events. The first three (TV, Movies, and Podcasts) link to the Archives page, naming their links respectively "See All TV Shows," "See All Movies," and "See All Podcasts." Although that very same Archives page has an equivalent list for Books, however, there is no "See All Books" link. Is this intentional?
Old threads and new discussions
I'm been trying to think of a non-clunky, non-pain-in-the-ass way for people to keep abreast of ongoing/current discussions in pre-existing episode FanFare threads for a given TV show, and I don't know what the answer is. [more inside]
Music on Fanfare?
I was wondering what people think of the idea of adding "Music" as a category for posting on Fanfare? [more inside]
Thanks for all the FanFare discussion about WandaVision
For the past nine weeks, I've been eagerly looking forward to reading and discussing WandaVision episodes with y'all and it's been the most fun I've had on the site in while. Tons of insight, jokes, links, backstory and viewpoints in lowkey, yet engaging way. Thank you so much!
Fanfare music
I propose having a 'music' category in Fanfare.
I know we can, and do, post music in MeFi proper, but it would be good to have place to geek out over individual albums or songs or music videos in a way the Blue isn't really designed for.
Fanfare Games
I want to gush about Animal Crossing: New Horizons but I'm not sure a link to the direct would be a good post. Any news about adding Video Games to Fanfare?
Pony Request: FanFare Bump
It'd be neat if a FF post could be bumped back into view (either on the main page or maybe in a sidebar). When a sequel is released, we could bump the previous films... When a new season is about to come out of a show, we could bump the season posts of previous seasons... When a film that has been in theatrical release hits streaming we could bump it... When a new version of a previously released film gets a release, we could bump that... [more inside]
Can FanFare posts have a "where you can see this" field?
Often there are FanFare posts which don't mention where the movie or TV show can be watched - whether it's a streaming service, broadcast TV or only in theaters. A number of times, I've had to do web searches to find where I can watch something. Sometimes, a tag lists where to watch, but it's certainly not done consistently. Can a "Where to watch" field be added to the Show Information? [more inside]
Fanfare critical standards
The discussion of Joker on Fanfare includes a lot of comments that are flat-out negative. How much of that is allowed on fanfare? Has policy shifted to allow more of it? [more inside]
FanFare New Post in My Fanfare
Would anyone else find it useful to have the media from posts you create in FanFare automatically added to My FanFare? For example, I recently posted episodes of The Morning Show to FanFare, and then had to add the show to My FanFare.
"Books Included" tags on sequels/screen universe expansions
While I understand the intent and intended consideration behind using the "Books Included" tag on the post for the debut episode of HBO's Watchmen, I don't think it actually makes sense and likely sets a precedent for increasingly complicated use of spoiler tags for show discussion. [more inside]
Spoilers on FanFare
My understanding was that FanFare is a place for people who have seen/read a thing to talk about that work. While spoilers are not allowed above the fold, they are absolutely allowed in the [more inside] and flat-out standard and to be expected in the comments within. Are we not all in agreement on that? [more inside]
Thanks, Women’s World Cup Watching Team!!
So, I’ve spent most of my life as a non-sport(s)-watching kind of person, and I’m a little bemused by my late-sprouting interest in football (aka “soccer” or ”assoc”). Anyway, I want to thank the FanFare Football Club for being the best group I can imagine watching a sporting event with, especially one so full of excitement, drama, disappointment, and fun as the 2019 Women’s World Cup. Y’all are great.
Testing out a new FanFare front page
We're rolling out a test of a revamped front page for FanFare, that we're hoping folks will find a lot more useful as a starting point to find media and conversations you're interested in on the subsite. Come on in for the details! [more inside]
Fanfare Pony Request. Ability to hide/mute shows ?
If the technical overhead is not too much, would it be possible to allow logged in users to mute/hide certain shows completely? [more inside]
Pony request: books on watercooler and fanfare front page
So on the side bar of fanfare when you scroll down you have recently added movies and recently added tv shows but no recently added books, could books be added? Also- fanfare watercooler shows the most active discussions in TV, Movies, podcasts, classic tv and classic movies but no books? could that be added? If there's some sort of reason why not that's fair, but It would be nice to have an easier way of finding the latest book discussions.
Pony: Videogame category/threads in Fanfare
Title says it all. I'd love for fanfare to have official support for videogame threads. It has at least one club for them (Narrative Games) but the discoverability is so bad that I had to look for a thread I knew existed and work backwards. An official sidebar category would really help with that problem.
If you're a fan of FanFare, you're a fan of oh yeah!
Fanfare Feedback
So I've been exploring FanFare (it's great!) and I have just a few ponies. [more inside]
Fanfare and a Tone (?) question.
I don't mean this to be Tone policing, but there are two Book posts on Fanfare about Jodie Picoult and the framing of the posts feels .. off? [more inside]
Fanfare Images?
A fair amount of the time, when I post something a little lower profile on FF, it does not properly load the poster. This is particularly true in the case of films. Is there a way we could verify the poster image (and/or upload one if one doesn't autoload) while making the post?
MLB playoffs this year?
Playoffs have started and I'm the past I've loved participating even in my limited amount. Had the site policy changed on event such as these or has no one posted to fanfare yet?
I like the cut your jib
Is it possible to see what other user's have added to their 'My Fanfare'? [more inside]
Add author and series to book titles in Fanfare.
Pony request: in the list of book related fanfare posts, show the author (and series when it's relevant, maybe number in series) as well as the title of the books. [more inside]
World Cup 2018
Hard to believe it's been 4 years since the last World Cup, which after some discussion resulted in a series of front page posts [first, second, third, fourth].
With live events [like Olympics, Eurovision, Academy Awards] sometimes hosted on FanFare and sometimes hosted on MetaFilter [royal wedding], is there a plan, procedure or policy for 2018 World Cup On Metafilter? [more inside]
With live events [like Olympics, Eurovision, Academy Awards] sometimes hosted on FanFare and sometimes hosted on MetaFilter [royal wedding], is there a plan, procedure or policy for 2018 World Cup On Metafilter? [more inside]
There's a Fanfare Talk?
Alright. So I saw FanFare Talk for the first time today. There seems to be a good reason for FanFare Talk, but seriously - it was a hunt to accidentally stumble upon a post from it, and then another hunt to go back and find that there were other FanFare Talk posts... [more inside]
Fanfare Errors / IMDB API Removed
You may have noticed over the past few days (approximately since the 25th) that adding new shows or movies to Fanfare has come up with nothing but errors. This should now be fixed, but other errors are possible. [more inside]
MetaWhat? MetaWho? MetaHuh?
I wanted to know what parts of this community do you sometimes forget, neglect, or outright ignore? Maybe it's lack of interest or maybe it's just something you keep forgetting exists? FanFare? Jobs? AskMeFi? Labs? Chat? Podcast? Are you only on the blue? What part of MetaFilter is pushed to the side?
2017 Holiday Movie Club
It's time to organize the Holiday Movie Club for 2017! The Club runs roughly from American Thanksgiving (Thursday, NOV 23) through New Years Eve. Go to the 2017 organization thread to see suggested movies or add a suggestion, and go to the Holiday Movie Club page to see what we've already watched and add a movie to the calendar
FanFare Needs a Pony
FanFare turns three years old this month and needs pretty pictures as a present. [more inside]
Narrative Games in Fanfare
As discussed in this Fanfare Talk post, there are some heavily narrative games that would benefit from Fanfare discussion. The rationale is that release threads on the Blue aren't really appropriate, because of the spoiler content, and (in terms of format) these games are similar to movies, shows, and books, in the way that discussion revolves much more around the plot and characters rather than game mechanics. I understand the reluctance to expand Fanfare any more than its current scope, but I think it's worth having the conversation about narrative games as an exception. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Media Week!
Happy Saturday, MetaFilter! This week's Metatalktail conversation starter is, What book/movie/play/song/WHATEVER has you excited right now? What popular things are worth our time? What overlooked things have we yet to discover? [more inside]
I don't know how to use FanFare or Where are all the Gilmore Girls??
Um, I have never used FanFare so i don't know if I'm just not looking right or if there really isn't a group WAITING IMPATIENTLY FOR GILMORE GIRLS YEAR IN THE LIFE!!!! or if it just doesn't work like that at all. I can only find old discussions about specific episodes. [more inside]
World Series on Fanfare?
Is there a possibility that we could have some open threads on FanFare for the upcoming World Series? There are several teams in the mix to this point whose participation could be historic, so interest will quite possibly be higher than ever. I think we did the Olympics and the World Cup, IIRC, so this wouldn't be unprecedented. Is that a thing we could do?