3 posts tagged with callout by The God Complex.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Cleanup needed

Could Matt or Jess please trim the fat from this thread? Probably a dozen or so comments about the formatting (and the subsequent comments about the comments about the formatting) could be removed.
posted by The God Complex on Dec 8, 2006 - 22 comments

The link is what you're supposed to talk about

Would everyone please cut it out? Pretty please?!
posted by The God Complex on Oct 14, 2006 - 96 comments

particular brand of insane troll logic not welcome

Ok, I wasn't going to say anything when Witty decided to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to ruin amberglow's thread with his particular (read: vapid, boring) brand of insane troll logic. However, he then decided an interesting course of action would be to make a similarly unwarranted (perhaps even moreso) comment in an unrelated thread.

Therefore, I politely and humbly request that Witty please refrain from making similarily irrelevant--and snide--comments in the future, at least in in the blue.
posted by The God Complex on Jun 14, 2004 - 120 comments

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