3 posts tagged with callout by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Not our most shining moment....

Not our most shining moment, as spotted by Leonard. Hopefully it's just holiday stress manifesting itself as assholery that'll blow over after the new year. One can hope.
posted by mathowie on Dec 22, 2004 - 223 comments

Name Calling Callout

Here's a thought: name calling and the polarizing that follows as everyone is either in one group or the other leads to pointless shouting matches. Is this a debate tactic? Make a slice down the middle, split everyone in half and let them fight it out?
posted by mathowie on Feb 16, 2002 - 83 comments


This is a classic self-blog. [more]
posted by mathowie on Jun 10, 2001 - 19 comments

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