279 posts tagged with fpp.
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HTML breaks: bad form?

Are HTML breaks (br) bad form in a post?

This may be picky, but I'm a writerly-type. While I know a post is best as one paragraph, it's very tough for me to resist some type of break where grammar/common sense dictate a paragraph break should be. Still, I thought the above post was sloppy-looking or something when I actually saw it posted.

This is picky, but sometimes so are you : )
posted by Shane on Aug 29, 2002 - 23 comments

Big FPP's can be annoying. Anyone else agree?

Big FPP's can be annoying. Anyone else agree?

Is there any chance of getting a 'maximum length of a front-page post' limit implemented? Or at least have a suggestion to the poster that their post is a little long?
posted by cheaily on Jul 25, 2002 - 25 comments

A story heard on Morning Edition preceded by a MeFi post

Forgive the potential horn tooting aspect here, but check out this story from yesterday's NPR Morning Edition--note the Other Resources listed at the bottom, where a couple of links are very familiar. This is by no means the first time a story heard on Morning Edition has been preceded by a MetaFilter post. Somebody over there must be a member or lurker here. It is in many ways an improvement on the post, let it be noted.

posted by y2karl on Jul 18, 2002 - 23 comments

Don't Link to Low-Bandwidth Sites

A suggestion for 'what makes a good post': one in which the main link isn't to a highly bandwidth limited site, such as Tripod or a similar free host, unless you are able to mirror it to another, higher bandwidth site. Here's the most recent example, but there have been many. An hour after this was posted, it was already slashdotted, before the first comment had been made. This is just annoying and frustrating for those of us who weren't among the N lucky guys first at the gate.
posted by Slithy_Tove on May 28, 2002 - 14 comments

why didn't anyone comment on my post?

Just for future reference I was wondering why this post hasn't promoted comment? Is it just that it's a quiet day or something else?
posted by feelinglistless on May 6, 2002 - 25 comments

Is it wrong to use MeFi as your own personal soapbox?

"So let me get this straight. We have a post with a link to a cheesy bio page that is uninteresting, really has nothing to do with anything said in the post, and is only provided as a catalyst to debate something someone's professor said?" Apologies to Mikhail, but he brings up a pertinent point. When one chooses to compose a FPP for MeFi, which should come first: an appropriate link, or a soapbox worthy topic? Is it wrong to use MeFi as your own personal soapbox? How can one tell (preferably before they hit the post button) when they're out of line?
posted by ZachsMind on Mar 29, 2002 - 19 comments

What constitutes a doublepost?

What constitutes a doublepost?
posted by ZachsMind on Mar 25, 2002 - 37 comments

Avoiding doubleposts

"Similarity Score" technology is widely used to match keywords between two blocks of text. Search engines use it, obviously, and sophisticated algorithms exist to help teachers detect plagarism in student papers, etc.

Is there a filter that can be installed to compare two FPPs and warn the poster of a high similarity score? I'm thinking, for example, the next time someone uses the words "National Geographic", "Afghanistan," and "girl" in a FPP and clicks Preview, they would be presented with something like "Warning: A FPP with 70% similarity to the above was posted 1 day ago."
posted by PrinceValium on Mar 13, 2002 - 10 comments

Celebrity guest FPP idea

Random idea re "Celebrity guest" front page posts - perhaps invite Dvorak (or other chosen person) to become a guest for a day (or permanent member), brief him on how its all works, allow him to front page post anything he chooses, and have all the ensuing commetary with his participation. Other choices might be Colin Powell (oops this isnt MTV), Tom Friedman of the NYT (so often linked to), even Andrew Sullivan, etc etc. Just a thought.
posted by Voyageman on Feb 25, 2002 - 30 comments

Post order is by most recent comment instead of chronological

Has something changed about the way Metafilter displays. In the last couple of weeks all I see when I go to www.metafilter.com is posts which have had recent comments. From what I can tell the post with the most recent comment is at the top of the list.

Prior to this strangeness I used to see all posts in reverse chronological order going back in time, a week maybe? I've checked the Options page to no avail...
posted by dgeiser13 on Dec 26, 2001 - 2 comments

Commenters Try to Fix Broken Link in FPP

This is interesting. Postroad's post had a bad link and other members went searching for an appropriate link. And finally they did find one which seems to fit perfectly(Good work, Tubes and Real9!)
I had a link too, but hesitated, as I didn't know whether this would be intruding on Postroad's post. How could I tell it was my link he was thinking of? Is it ethical or just Darwinian to provide a FPP's missing link?
So - is it right to "find a link" by proxy, based on a post's wording? (FWIW, I think it's acceptable, but strange).
We all know people who post to the FP should check that their links work. But shouldn't they also hang around for an hour or so to see if any there are any solvable problems?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Dec 19, 2001 - 16 comments

Overexplaining is bad

I would like to accuse Spoon of filling his front-page posts with a lot of needless verbiage.
posted by rcade on Dec 17, 2001 - 16 comments

Bollywood screenwriting overload

Cripes, how long did that take you?
posted by holloway on Dec 15, 2001 - 49 comments

Annoyed by "What [x] are you most like?" Sites

Am I the only one who finds the proliferation of What [x] are you most like sites on the Internet annoying? Note that I'm not saying they shouldn't be linked on the front page, just that most of the ones I've seen on the Net as a whole have been pointless and increasingly nonsensical. The sites that attempt to tell you how [y] you are with a percentage are equally ludicrous. I am not, for example, 22% goth.
posted by anapestic on Dec 10, 2001 - 33 comments

Is it alright to post sites that aren't in English?

Is it alright to post sites that aren't in English? I know many MeFites speak other languages, and don't see why it should be limited to English-language sites.
posted by signal on Nov 24, 2001 - 19 comments

Yasmine Bleeth FPP goes to the bit bucket: why

Why was the last post on Jasmine Bleeth erased from the front page? I'm mostly just curious since I'm still figuring out the rules on front page posting. Why was this particular thread deleted? Or do I deserve an explanation?
posted by mayalucia on Nov 21, 2001 - 26 comments

Should links be described?

Shouldn't front page posts describe the content of the linked material? Lately a few posts have offered a brief opinion of the linked material without describing it (e.g. this one, this one, and this one), which I find a bit of a nuisance because I have to dig just to find out what's going on. By no means am I trying to criticize the posters; I simply wanted to draw attention to a general trend that might need correcting. What do you think?
posted by mcwetboy on Nov 16, 2001 - 11 comments

Two posts by the same person in one day! Too much!

There have been two people today who have posted two links on the front page. (one being a double post) How do you think limiting people to one front page post a day would work out? Or maybe even one every three days? a week?
posted by corpse on Oct 8, 2001 - 24 comments

"ferver" post should be deleted

Can you get rid of this "ferver" post? It's hurting my brain.
posted by Kafkaesque on Oct 4, 2001 - 5 comments

Is a link to the Onion never justified?

Sometimes conventional wisdom simply doesn't seem to apply. Or does it?
posted by Marquis on Sep 25, 2001 - 27 comments

One WTC thread a day

Since the large number of WTC threads is pissing off our leader, why don't longtimers post related comments and links only in the first WTC thread of the day and let the others disappear from our consciousness as quickly as that Live WTC tribute song?
posted by rcade on Sep 25, 2001 - 18 comments

I just wish to apologise.

I just wish to apologise for my part in what is possibly the worst MeFi day in recent memory. I think I'm going to skip the next week and see how it looks when I get back.
posted by Neale on Sep 5, 2001 - 6 comments

Should I filter MetaFilter (asks mathowie)?

This thread sucks. The link doesn't jump down to the story, the subject matter isn't very funny or interesting, it's just stupid. The post is too long, the comments are pretty pointless. I would delete it, but it could create more trouble than it is worth. What should be done about sub-par links? Anything? Take the good with the bad?
posted by mathowie on Aug 29, 2001 - 25 comments

This post is practically a double

It's posts like this one that really disappoint me. Talk about previously covered territory -- every element of that post has been discussed here at one point or another. If it's an important topic that needs more discussion, could we at least wait until there is some new development that gives a proper excuse for bringing it up? Alternately, I'll just shut up and we can all go back to flogging the dead horse.
posted by norm on May 17, 2001 - 15 comments

Stop editorializing on front page

Dear longtime visitors to MetaFilter: Don't do this.
posted by rcade on Apr 30, 2001 - 24 comments

New user, can't post


it seems that i cant post a link. on metafilter ... i've read the 'about' section and it says that id be able to post after a few days ... and i did ... but now it says that i cant again :( ... is there a limit that im not aware of on # of posts that you can do?
posted by a11an on Apr 11, 2001 - 3 comments

I think I smell a (mefi) rat

A gigantic "MEFI RAT" is flashing when I load the page. Or maybe "SOME FINE BUREAUCRATS" is. Either way, it's pretty clever. (How's that working out for you?) And I can't find it in the source, so it's both clever and sneaky.

Is this a hack, or a Haughey?
posted by luke on Sep 13, 2000 - 1 comment

MeFi post as callout

I think starting a new front-page thread just to call another user out is going too far, especially when said user explicitly asks to take it to e-mail.
posted by harmful on Aug 15, 2000 - 6 comments

Self Linking considered harmful...to poster!

I would like to propose that in the event that someone uses metafilter to blog their own site, a pre-selected jury of their metafilter peers be allowed to enter the offender's domicile and beat the offender's computer(s) into complete submission. I respectfully suggest a Louisville Slugger would be best suited for this, however I have heard that a well balanced ax handle would likely be a competant substitute.

posted by sperare on Aug 1, 2000 - 4 comments

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