201 posts tagged with politics.
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Deadpan links to satire sites considered harmful
The politics threads contain lots of comments that are single links to news articles. Also people post links to satirical sites like The Onion, which is fine by me. It seems to have become a thing to post the latter links as if they were real, though, with no prefatory "Satire:" or "Onion:" or what have you. I personally find this irritating, so I was wondering what the community consensus was. [more inside]
My job is not to worry about those threads
The Sarah Palin thread has been surpassed. this is now Metafilter's longest thread. Happy Election Season everyone!
Lies, Liars, and Politicians: Let the debates begin!
In previous election debates, we have occasionally had a thread where live-blogging the event happened. Those threads are often entertaining and informative, but I'm not sure it's something the mods want on the front page. In anticipation of tonight's debate, and the likely liveblogging thereupon, would it be better to create a metatalk or other off-blue thread for said event?
Linking to the Pope / leader of Southern Baptists = banhammer?
I know that MeFi avoids conflict, but is it entirely fair that MeFi has hosted numerous posts in the past about President Obama and Reverend Jeremiah Wright -- and many, many critical posts about The Church of Scientology -- but that starting a discussion about Mormonism and whether his faith could effect the Presidential election are off-limits? Is it possible for others to create a post that would point out similar official religious criticisms of Mormonism and their ramifications in this election without being similarly deleted?
I'm going to ask the moderators from other countries not to interfere with our discussion of American politics. It's more difficult for them to deal with this, because we can all get crazy every four years about this and we need to do that, and they need to let us get crazy about this. I'm not going to mention specific instances, but they exist. Please chill out about this. Things will get back to normal afterwards.
Sidebar box with links to open political threads?
Election season idea: could a small box get added to the sidebar highlighting the open politics threads, below The Deck ad and above the sidebar? An opt-out (or opt-in option) could also be available. [more inside]
What are policies or custom in terms of posting to "MetaFilter" regarding some controversial political or cultural issue?
What are policies or custom in terms of posting to "MetaFilter" regarding some controversial political or cultural issue? [more inside]
What Was this Term In a Comment?
A few months ago there was an AskMe or MeFi comment that described a very specific term for when layoffs or pink slips are used to force a political agenda. I think the context was education.
Can anyone remember the comment or term? Please forgive or delete this if it's misuse of MeTa. And thanks too!
Fair Deletion?
This was an interestingly selective deletion on the askme Ron Paul thread, no? [more inside]
Solving US Corruption post
Can't find old post on US corruption in politics.... [more inside]
Reddit will be blacked out for 12 hours on January 18th in protest against SOPA. Will Metafilter be doing similar?
Did you know there will be a whole year of political drama coming up?
Should we have a PoliticalFilter? [more inside]
Threats of political violence are not OK
A mixed blessing, perhaps
Apart from the 'Obama proposes cuts to SS' thread around the start of the month, there hasn't been much in the way of current-event political threads recently, despite a lot of stuff happening around the world (budget crisis in the U.S., and Murdoch in the U.K.) It seems to me that news has occurred in both of these cases which could be thread worthy, and since I usually value political discussion I've been missing their presence on the front page. Have they been made, and then deleted, or is there some sort of sub-conscious urge not to discuss politics right now? [more inside]
Be a beacon (just don't talk about what you're a beacon for)
An otherwise great post (thanks, Slarty Bartfast) is appended with the following:
I am hoping we will not debate here whether "Everything but Marriage" is really marriage equality. I am hoping we will learn about and admire the efforts of those heroes who suffered and fought so that we can all be free someday.I was going to respond in the thread to this, but I thought MetaTalk would be a better place. It seems like a bad idea to me to preemptively tell people how to discuss political activism (or any topic on Metafilter, really...). "Learning" and "admiring" are not discussion (although they can arise from discussion). I appreciate the desire to see a FPP discussion go well, but basically telling people not to engage with one another seems bad style. Is there some kind of posting etiquette about this? I figured others might have the same response as me, so to avoid totally derailing the thread, we can discuss here.
Political survey, now with two dimensions.
MetaFilter "Political Compass" Survey, 2011 Edition [more inside]
Metafilter not Me-Tea(party)Filter
Between Miller, O'Donnell, Aqua Buddah, and Ginny Thomas it seems like a politics filter orgy. Much like Sarah Palin, if we pick up every gossip item we could fpp each hour on this. Perhaps we can agree to take a break. [more inside]
Goodbye, Cruel Thread
Protip: When one says one is leaving the thread, one should probably leave it.
Looking for a MeFi comment
I remember reading a comment on why the standard recommendation of "voting with your wallet" if you want to see political and/or economic change is bad/bullshit/bogus (in the opinion of the poster). My MeFi-fu is failing me. Please help? [more inside]
Hamburgering RASSMUSSEN opinion poll data
The bias problems with Rassmussen have been discussed and mocked by the lefty blogosphere for years. This year, after an article in Politico, there seems to be a growing consensus among the MSM punditocracy that unless there are polls by other firms that can confirm Rassmussen's data; you shouldn't use them as your primary source for opinion polling. [more inside]
the politics of consumption
This post turned into a clusterf*** of individual stereotyping and talking about the education levels of posters' kids (negatively). Let me just say: woah. [more inside]
Putting some money where are tears are.
Elevating the level of discourse
Also On: PoliticalFilter
Could PoliticalFilter be added to the list of "Also On:" services on the profile page?
Exciting Canadian politics? Did I hear that right?
Vancouver NDP-Liberal coalition rally meetup? (Thursday Dec 4, 6pm, Canada Place)
I'm wondering if any mefites want to join me at the pro-coalition rally on Thursday. Maybe beers afterwards as well?
Let's give this another go, Denver!
Last-Minute Denver meetup?! 7(ish) PM tonight, Baker District. [more inside]
mathowie on the vote!
The First Great Canadian Biennial Metafilter Election Contest
There is an election happening in the Great White North too. Post your election predictions here in this thread. [more inside]
The 2008 MetaFilter election prediction contest
If there's one thing MeFites love more than Sarah Palin discussions, it's smug senses of superiority. Get yours in the 2008 MetaFilter election prediction contest. [more inside]
Must we get all political?
Must we have questions like this? It comes across as "We're all smart grownups here, and, of course, all smart grownups know that Bush SUCKS! Help me convince my poor, stupid, brainwashed friend that I'm right, which we all know I am." [more inside]
MeFites for Obama
If you're gay and in the military you get what you deserve, huh?
This comment in an AskMe thread posted by a gay veteran wanting suggestions for how to convince his military friends of the importance of considering gay issues in the coming election may not break the guidelines, but it's incredibly wrong-headed and I wanted to take issue with it here.
Is it desirable for AskMe to become a surrogate form of PoliticalFilter? [more inside]
pre-empting Obamaveepfilter
Obama is expected to announce his VP choice tomorrow via text message to the masses. Dozens, or perhaps hundreds, even thousands, of mefites will be notified of the selection all at the very same instant. Several of them may want to make the first crappy post on the subject. Shall we let this happen? [more inside]
Amazed at no FPP on McCain's epic gaff
You know, I get as sick as anybody over every minor story about the U.S. presidential election getting posted to the Blue, and I know the mods are trying to keep the quality of posts up, but it [i]still[/i] surprised me to go there tonight and find NO DISCUSSION of what history could very well define as THE important turning point in this election: John McCain's not knowing how many houses he owns. This on the heels of his definition of $5 million as defining "rich". Could no one draft a decent FPP about it, or has it been decided that this story isn't going on the Blue no matter what? If so, one has to wonder: why?
Mission Accomplished
Is there a point to this other than to encourage a pissfest?
Subsite For the Election?
election08.metafilter.com ? [more inside]
When is Enough Enough?
Fears for Obama's safety not a reasonable topic?
This post which raised the issue of fears among some in the African-American electorate that Barack Obama would not be safe as president. The thread was shut down for reasons of WTF. Not exactly sure what the problem was, and I was disappointed, as I had recently heard about this and was hoping the thread would shed some light on the issue. This NYT article would be a good starting point for discussion.
Prognosticate for me, Mefites: what are your best guesses for the results of the Iowa Caucus? [more inside]
What will the Bhutto assassination mean for the future stability of Metafilter?
Yeah, assassinations are hard to be unemotional about, but can we start acting reasonable? [more inside]
Poorly constructed or blatantly inaccurate.
I have a problem with people making posts here that are blatantly inaccurate just for the sake of making a political point. [more inside]
No more Ron Paul, please
Policy regarding political fundraising, campaigning or other support sites for Ron Paul? [more inside]
The Australian Election Thread
Jimbob said "Yeah, keep this thread running. May it serve as an example to all the American politics nuts who insist on starting a new post every time Hillary takes a shit." And so that's just what we did. In an example of how I think Metafilter can do politics well, the Australian Politics thread, which started on October 14 (the date the election was called, which is not the first day of the campaign), ran for 30 days straight and (at time of writing) had amassed almost 600 comments. But as is the norm for an FPP after 30 days on the Blue, it's about to be closed so discussion has moved over to Thread #2, by wilful, to get us through to election day. An index of the first thread is inside, as well as kudos for those involved (because I think they deserve it). [more inside]
True to form
Suspicious minds
Maybe I'm being paranoid... [more inside]
Over the Line
This deletion of a post on Christians United for Israel was way over the line. We leave in a Lindsay Lohan linkfest, but we take down a newsworthy post about how people who happily look forward to Armageddon are influencing our country's foreign policy. Max Blumenthal may be an arrogant documentary film-maker, but the footage is still important.
Religious / Political Threads Largely Repetitive
MetaFilter discussions about religion and politics tend to have comments which are basically the same as other MetaFilter discussions about religion and politics.
“Confusion is an often too subtle sign of paranoia.”
Upon reading some responses in the "Shooty" post, I have a basic question that has started to bother me and I hope it is appropriate to post here. Why, when there is debate sparked over anything in general, does it seem to always point to Republican/Democrat, Race or Income? More inside: