November 2018 Archives (all archives)

November 30

147: We Forgot What We Were Gonna Call This One

November isn't even quite over yet but Jessamyn and I are entirely done with it, and document a bunch of the good bits and some of the not so great ones in this episode of the MeFi monthly podcast. Also there is a very clever bird and some nude cats. Also I make a pretty solid joke about clouds. It's actually not very solid. The joke I mean. Also obviously not the clouds, they're made of vapor, c'mon. Yes. Okay. Hello. [more inside]
posted by cortex to MeFi Podcast at 3:15 PM PST - 41 comments

November 29

Famous on the internet

What is your most popular comment / post here? Mine, unfortunately, is a fart joke. Bonus question: What is your most popular favorite comment / post from other members?
posted by growabrain to MetaFilter-Related at 8:00 AM PST - 222 comments

November 28

MeFi Cookie Swap 2018

Hello Mefites! We are rum-balls-deep into the holiday season, which means it's time for the Great Annual MeFi Cookie Swap! The sign up deadline is December 5 this year, so don't delay, sign up today! [more inside]
posted by chara to MetaFilter-Related at 1:46 PM PST - 73 comments

November 27

Everybody needs a hug

AskMe responses seem to be getting meaner over the years. It keeps me from posting anything but the most fact-based or unimportant questions, so I suspect it keeps other people from posting substantial questions, too. Is this the atmosphere we as a community want for AskMe? [more inside]
posted by lazuli to MetaFilter-Related at 11:34 AM PST - 308 comments

I like cookies

I noticed it's a little past the usual time that the cookie swap gets announced, and I miss it! For five years running, ausdemfenster gave us the awesome gift of organizing it. I don’t want to step on toes if I’m wrong, but I think she may not be taking it on this year. Regretfully, I'm not volunteering to run it, but I hoped if I called attention to it here, maybe someone else would?
posted by daisyace to MetaFilter-Related at 4:25 AM PST - 21 comments

November 26

RIP Samizdata

Samizdata's mother let me know that he died last night of a massive heart attack. He was 51. Memorial links, etc. will be provided when they appear. I knew him here and on Twitter, where he was a chatty, thoughtful and supportive presence. I'll miss him a lot. [more inside]
posted by Johnny Wallflower to MetaFilter Gatherings at 2:46 PM PST - 296 comments

November 24

Metatalktail Hour: Open Holiday Thread!

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'm feeling Christmassy now that (American) Thanksgiving is in the books, and Hannukah is like ALMOST UPON US (so early this year!), so it's a holiday open thread! [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee to MetaFilter-Related at 5:33 PM PST - 86 comments

November 23

Fucking Fuck XVII: Fucksgiving

It's the day after Thanksgiving, when we can give all the fucks we were holding back during the holiday. This is the new Fucking Fuck Thread. [more inside]
posted by Doktor Zed to MetaFilter-Related at 9:47 PM PST - 189 comments

MeFi/AskMe Website Engagement Metrics

Is there available data that shows when Metafilter and Ask Metafilter experience the highest volume of website engagement? Such as on what days and times of day are most users "on" MeFi and AskMe? [more inside]
posted by nightrecordings to Feature Requests at 5:52 PM PST - 6 comments

November 22


It's Thanksgiving in America, a day to give thanks, spend time with family, friends, & loved ones and share a warm meal. 2018 has not always been the most easy of years to live through, I thought it'd be nice to have a place to share thanks, to acknowledge that we made it another year on this planet, that we did it together. I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my partner, and all of you. I'm thankful that MetaFilter exists. Cheers.
posted by Fizz to MetaFilter-Related at 5:47 AM PST - 69 comments

November 20

The Grey Chrone?

Metafilter emotional labor thread in the NYT.
posted by k8t to MetaFilter-Related at 10:07 PM PST - 28 comments

Modern Icon-Style Art on Panel

There was an AskMe a few months ago asking about (I think) contemporary religious art, and someone suggested this monk who makes Greek Orthodox icon-style art. It was awesome and I want some! Anybody remember the post? Thanks!
posted by pH Indicating Socks to MetaFilter-Related at 11:51 AM PST - 5 comments

November 18

It's the $5 noob anniversary!

Fourteen years ago today, Matt started the $5 signups allowing all of us noobs to come in and mess up the place.
posted by octothorpe to MetaFilter-Related at 6:38 AM PST - 59 comments

November 17

Metatalktails: Alternative Holiday Traditions

Hello friends. Eyebrows McGee is taking a much-needed nap, so I'm here instead this week. Tonight, I want to hear about your alternative holiday traditions. For any holiday at all -- do you celebrate it differently, in a good way? Did your family have a tradition you belatedly realized was just done by you? Did your holiday alternative ever go hilariously wrong? [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten to MetaFilter-Related at 3:17 PM PST - 120 comments

rolling in the deep

An Ask me post from 2011 was quoted in New York Magazine's The Cut this week as part of an article titled, "Are Toilet Bowls Truly Too Short for Some Men’s Junk?"
posted by zarq to MetaFilter-Related at 1:22 PM PST - 35 comments

Secret Quonsar 2018: Thank You Thread

Let the happiness and niceness continue! (This is the official 2018 Secret Quonsar Thank You Thread.)
posted by theappleonatree to MetaFilter Gatherings at 10:02 AM PST - 662 comments

November 15

the holidays are upon us sooner than usual

Can we get the MeFiMall updated and publicized? Thanks!
posted by jessamyn to MetaFilter-Related at 7:40 PM PST - 29 comments

Where oh where did the link go?

There used to be an affiliate link at the bottom of the "funding page"....has it gone away, or am I missing it? [more inside]
posted by mightshould to MetaFilter-Related at 11:18 AM PST - 10 comments

MeFi Holiday Card Exchange

The link for the MeFi Holiday Card Exchange is within! [more inside]
posted by needlegrrl to MetaFilter-Related at 8:53 AM PST - 75 comments

MST3K Turkey Day 2018

What we've done the past couple of years is set up the MST Club video sharing room (at and embed Shout Factory's official stream of the event there, so we can watch it with other MeFi members and our own chatroom instead of the rapidly-scrolling chat of Twitch/Youtube MSTies. We plan on doing that this year too, BUT NOTE, the official event is this Sunday, November 18th, not on Thanksgiving Day like years past! AND it looks like it's going to consist of ALL OF NEW SEASON 12! For more, look inside.... [more inside]
posted by JHarris to MetaFilter-Related at 5:12 AM PST - 19 comments

November 14

It is Wednesday my Meta......

AHHHHH​HHHHHH​HHHHHH​HHHHHH​HHH!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!! **Share your Wednesday feels here.**
posted by Fizz to MetaFilter-Related at 9:55 AM PST - 91 comments

November 13

Chrisish? Greenmear?

Anyway, we made a kid! [more inside]
posted by greenish to MetaFilter-Related at 12:54 PM PST - 94 comments

November 12

History in Real Time (plus a century)

Four and a half years ago, doctornemo posted The shots heard round the world., a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the assassination that would plunge Europe into World War I. Yesterday, doctornemo posted “It is 11 o’clock and the war is—”, a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the ceasefire that ended World War I. [more inside]
posted by Etrigan to MetaFilter-Related at 10:57 AM PST - 13 comments

November 10

California wildfire check-in

California people check in, please. My sister and nephew live in Chico, but they evacuated. The pictures of Oakland looked smoky--I can't imagine what it's like trying to breathe in Chico!
posted by Melismata to MetaFilter-Related at 5:06 PM PST - 71 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Subscribe!

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! It's Eurotalktails (one week late)! This week, devrim wants to know "what would be in your dream custom subscription box, catered to exactly your interests by your id and keeping withing a reasonable budget?" Inspired by this thread. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee to MetaFilter-Related at 7:38 AM PST - 97 comments

November 9

For a Magical Society by any other name would smell as sweet

Come ye animists, witches, polytheists, neoplatonists, hermeticists, and wizards! Come cunning folk, sorcerors, enchantresses, and charmers. Come pagans and wiccans and esoteric philosophers! Let's share our learning, wisdom, book choices and internet finds! [more inside]
posted by xarnop to MetaFilter-Related at 8:25 AM PST - 20 comments

November 8

rtha in hospice

I wanted to let folks know that long-time MeFite rtha, who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer earlier this year, has ceased chemotherapy treatment and moved to in-home hospice care to focus on comfort and quality of life, and to ask you to come share well-wishes with her and her spouse gingerbeer. [Addendum: rtha passed away on the 10th. —c] [more inside]
posted by cortex to MetaFilter Gatherings at 11:21 AM PST - 589 comments

MeFi Holiday Card Exchange Planning

Who's up for sending more cards for the holidays? (Or receiving!) I plan on coordinating another card exchange this year, if there is interest - I enjoyed receiving cards from MeFites so much last year! [more inside]
posted by needlegrrl to MetaFilter-Related at 7:25 AM PST - 62 comments

November 7

John Hodgman Mentions MetaFilter

Author, actor, avatar of the PC, sometime Daily Show guest, former This American Life contributor, and current internet/podcast/New York Times judge John Hodgman has mentioned (called out?) a particular blue website on his Twitter account. We are a convenient tool to be used in mocking Mitt Romney’s stern disapproval of the political situation:
Whoa. Powerful tweets continue to stack up in opposition to the president! If Trump isn't careful, I bet these portraits of unwavering courage might post something to metafilter next! As the coup de grace, Ben Sasse will whisper his deep concerns into an empty coffee can.
It’s always nice to get mentioned by a famous person, even if only to acknowledge that posts, like all works of art, are useless.
posted by Going To Maine to MetaFilter-Related at 11:00 PM PST - 19 comments

Mueller Firing Rapid Response Rallies of Metafilter

The trigger has been fired: across the US, rallies and protests are being scheduled against Donald Trump's firing of Jeff Sessions and replacement of Robert Mueller's supervision with a candidate of this choosing. National guidelines are for protests Thursday, Nov 8, 5pm. Attending MeFites, check in and be excellent to one another; share plans and experiences through this interesting time. Be safe, be kind, be brave.
posted by sciatrix to MetaFilter-Related at 6:46 PM PST - 161 comments

November 6

What are comment threads for?

What's the point of linking comment threads to a specific fpp? Is it so that we specifically discuss the links in the post? Or is it to have an open thread on the sort of general topic of the post, links be damned? Do you flag comments that don't seem to be engaging with the links in a post? Do you flag comments that comment on other comments that don't seem to be engaging with the links in a post? Both? Neither? If someone interprets a comment of yours as an uninformed spit take, how would you want your comment dealt with? By flagging? Addressed in the comment thread? If the latter, how? [more inside]
posted by eviemath to Etiquette/Policy at 10:20 AM PST - 52 comments

Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote.

Today is Election Day in the United States for the 2018 mid-terms. Thought it'd be nice to have a place to check-in and let us know you voted. Vote. It's important. Go vote. Vote. VOTE.
posted by Fizz to MetaFilter-Related at 4:49 AM PST - 270 comments

November 5

146: GO VOTE

It's a remarkably short one this month—just over 50 minutes—because my throat was sore in what turned out to be the preface to a nasty cold that knocked me out all weekend, which is why we recorded this last week and it's only going up to day! But here it is! Also, vote! [more inside]
posted by cortex to MeFi Podcast at 2:21 PM PST - 11 comments

2018 NaNoWriMo Thread

The annual check-in thread for MeFites participating in NaNoWriMo. [more inside]
posted by PearlRose to MetaFilter-Related at 7:29 AM PST - 37 comments

November 3

Metatalktails: Seasonal Treats

Wordshore wants to know, as temperatures drop and nights lengthen in the Northern Hemisphere, with the opposite happening in the Southern half, what treats (not just food) of the season are you most looking forward to, or enjoying now? [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten to MetaFilter-Related at 3:06 PM PST - 106 comments

Three cheers for Chrysostom

Title says it all. Dude has been heroic in keeping the community fully informed during this intense campaign season (as he has many times before), and I couldn't find an appreciation post for him, so this is it. Thank you, Chrysostom! You are truly doing all of us a service every day.
posted by GrammarMoses to MetaFilter-Related at 8:04 AM PST - 71 comments

November 2

Mug with your mug!

Now that MetaFilter mugs are back in stock, let's have a MetaFilter merch selfie thread. So come on, let's see your pretty face with those t-shirts, mugs, bumperstickers and whatever other MeFi schwag you've collected over the years. [more inside]
posted by slogger to MetaFilter-Related at 6:30 AM PST - 32 comments