78 posts tagged with SiteUpdate.
Displaying 51 through 78 of 78. Subscribe:

[MeFi Site Update] July 19th

Hello Metafilter! Please find another update on the state of the site. Reminder: I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient as I reply to your feedback and questions. If you have any questions or feedback not related to this particular update, please Contact Us instead. If you want to discuss a particular subject not covered here with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by loup on Jul 19, 2021 - 11 comments

[MeFi Site Update] July 5th

Hello Metafilter! Please find another update on the state of the site. Reminder: I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient as I reply to your feedback and questions. If you have any questions or feedback not related to this particular update, please Contact Us instead. If you want to discuss a particular subject not covered here with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by loup on Jul 5, 2021 - 15 comments

[MeFi Site Update] June 21st

Hello Metafilter! Happy summer/winter solstice! Please find another update on the state of the site. Reminder: I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient as I reply to your feedback and questions. If you have any questions or feedback not related to this particular update, please Contact Us instead. If you want to discuss a particular subject not covered here with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by loup on Jun 21, 2021 - 40 comments

[MeFi Site Update] June 7th

Hello Metafilter! My 5th update on the state of the site. [more inside]
posted by loup on Jun 7, 2021 - 7 comments

[MeFi Site Update] May 24th

Hello Metafilter! Please find my 4th update on the state of the site below. [more inside]
posted by loup on May 24, 2021 - 5 comments

[MeFi Site Update] May 10th

Hello Metafilter! Here’s another update on the state of the site. [more inside]
posted by loup on May 10, 2021 - 23 comments

[MeFi Site Update] Apr 26th

Hello Metafilter! Here’s another update on the state of the site and the things the team has been working on. As in the previous thread, comments will be turned on and I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient if it takes some time for me to reply. [more inside]
posted by loup on Apr 26, 2021 - 14 comments

[MeFi Site Update] Apr 12th

Hello Metafilter! Welcome to another update on the state of the site and the things we are working on. I’ve asked the team to allow me to take ownership of the site updates from now on so that we can streamline the process. Comments will be turned on this time as an attempt to have better ways to track feedback from the community. [more inside]
posted by loup on Apr 12, 2021 - 23 comments

Site Update #7, 3/29/2021

Sort of hard to believe that big boat got stuck in the Suez Canal and then unstuck again all since the last update, but life is a rich tapestry indeed. Quick update this time in any case. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Mar 29, 2021 - 0 comments

Site Update #6, 3/15/2021

It's our first Monday update after having done these on Fridays the last few months. We have team meetings every Sunday, so this is a more natural fit for getting these updates ready to go and keeping them up-to-date come posting time. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Mar 15, 2021 - 0 comments

Site Update #5, 2021

Not a lot of site news this update, though we’ve been laying groundwork for upcoming stuff and have checked off a few lingering items from the last while. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Mar 5, 2021 - 0 comments

Site update #4, 2021

It’s been a busy couple of weeks since the last update, with a more comprehensive State of the Site update and some site dev progress as frimble’s had some more time available recently. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 19, 2021 - 0 comments

Site update #3, 2021

We’re easing into February now, in what has felt like a remarkably...uneventful couple of weeks? Relatively speaking, at least. Not a lot of new site stuff to report, in any case. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 5, 2021 - 0 comments

Site Update #2, 2021

Now it really feels like a happy new year, doesn’t it? It’s been an intense couple of weeks around here and we appreciate everyone hanging in there. Onward and upward! [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Jan 22, 2021 - 0 comments

Site Update #1, 2021

We're starting the numbering over because it's not 2020 anymore! No, really, it's not. Seriously. Anyway, happy New Year! [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Jan 8, 2021 - 0 comments

Site Update #11, 2020

Hello everyone! This is going to be a brief update because most of what we’ve been working on is posted in the Gala Update. Please go check that out! [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Dec 18, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #10, 2020

It’s December! Don’t ask me how that happened, because I have absolutely no idea. We’re plugging on towards the end of the year somehow anyway! [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Dec 4, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #9, 2020

Hey all. This is going to be a short update, as we’re all collectively dealing with the spike in COVID cases and attendant disruptions, but we’re planning for the New Years Gala and very much looking forward to it! [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Nov 20, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #8, 2020

Hello! It’s been quite a week - our team has been mostly devoted to election-related preparation, including making sure shifts were double-covered so everyone could take reasonable breaks and not burn out too hard. Consequently, this is a short update! Thank you, everyone, for working with us in keeping the site as safe and sane as possible during this stressful time. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Nov 6, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #7, 2020

Hello, everyone! Teeth gritted, we continue on towards November. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Oct 23, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #6, 2020

Hey everyone! It's been a wild couple of weeks in the world, but fortunately not quite as wild here in Metafilter HQ. We're celebrating a successful Fundraising Month, chugging forward with a bunch of long-term projects, and beginning to plot some fun stuff for later in the year. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Oct 9, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #5, 2020

Hey folks! It is another Arbitrary Two-Week Period and we have another update for you! Things are chugging along at Mefi Headquarters, although a few things (the FAQ updates, the public dev backlist) have been delayed because I have managed to find a way for even a pandemic-compliant misanthrope to get really outrageously sick (hint: it involves a bullseye rash and then a lot of napping.) [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Sep 25, 2020 - 1 comment

Site Update #4, 2020

Hey everyone! We're halfway through our Fundraising Month, and having a great time! Hope you are all enjoying yourselves with it, too. Here are some updates about that and the other things we're up to. As usual, comments are turned off. Drop us a line at the Contact Form if you have feedback, and you’re welcome to open a MetaTalk thread for any subject you want to discuss with the community. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Sep 11, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #3, 2020

Hello everyone! We’re coming to the end of August, and things are getting caught up around here. We have a lot of stuff in store, so stay tuned! As usual, comments are turned off. Drop us a line at the Contact Form if you have feedback, and you’re welcome to open a MetaTalk thread for any subject you want to discuss with the community. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Aug 28, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #2, 2020

Hello again, Metafilter! It's time for another update on the state of the site. Comments are turned off for these, but we’re happy to hear from you via the Contact Form. If you want to discuss a particular subject with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Aug 14, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #1, 2020

Hello Metafilter! Welcome to the first of many regularly-scheduled updates on the state of the site. Comments will be turned off for these, as they’ll cover far too many topics for an unthreaded conversation to manage, but we’re happy to hear from you via the Contact Form. If you want to discuss a particular subject with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Jul 31, 2020 - 0 comments

Full -text search indexes go!

So I finally got around to researching full-text search indexes for the database server today. I whipped up some indexes (that are updated hourly) and ran some tests: searches using the indexes were 5-10x faster than the old way. So I brought back tag and post search for logged in users on the search page.

Consider this a test for the next few days, as I would like to bring search back in all sorts of ways (searching a user's posts, favorites, etc), and hopefully this doesn't kill the database server like it has in the past.
posted by mathowie on May 11, 2006 - 35 comments

New and improved Metatalk

The new and improved MetaTalk is now live. Feel free to tell me what you think about it, and bring up any bugs you find in the bugs area.

The old format was date based, like the weblog, but things discussed here weren't really date dependent. If someone asked for a new feature or highlighted a bug, and I didn't fix it in a week, the post was basically gone forever.

I think the new format meshes better with the way I'd like MetaTalk used - discuss and read topics based on the subject, instead of the date.
posted by mathowie on May 7, 2000 - 3 comments

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