47 posts tagged with mefimusic.
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mefi music radio hour
OK...I'm pitching. New podcast. Mefi Music made and kept me a musician. This is a goldmine of beautiful, homemade music. Bimonthly music review podcast that acts as a playlist and funnels money back to the best community on earth? [more inside]
How supportive/critical to be in MeFi Music/Projects commentary?
To be clear, I don't plan on eviscerating anyone, but I do wonder if there's an existing "if you don't have anything good to say..." status quo. I've never been active in either, and don't have a feel for it. Personally I *hate* having my work presented in an insincere critical environment, and prefer to both give and receive "something good/something bad" style comments. I'm particularly concerned about MeFi Music, because 1) I've experienced sensitivity re: my own music 2) It's music! It's arbitrary!
...but you hold back development by having people blow smoke up your soundhole.
Turn On Some Music
Turn the lights down low and switch the sparkly ones on, get out your best headphones or your Big Speakers, and get ready because the MetaFilterMusic Podcast is BACK BABY [more inside]
MeFiMusic - O Come All Ye Faithfull!
Do you like good music? [more inside]
Let's make a MeFi mixtape!
In the spirit of drawing attention to all the great stuff on this site, I thought I'd remind people of the amazingly talented people who hang out on MeFi Music. (Yes it's a place!) I thought that it might be an idea for people to link to playlists they're created or songs they've favourited, and we can have a whole thread of all the great tunes people have created and shared FREE OF CHARGE ARE YOU KIDDING ME with all of us. Never been to MeFi Music? Never created a playlist? Now's your chance! Let us celebrate the coolest of all subsites - here's to The Black. [more inside]
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark
Did someone say Great Music? MeFiMusic Avengers assemble, in the latest MeFiMusic Podcast, available now on Soundcloud! [more inside]
"Alexa, play the MetaFilter Podcast."
Announcing the addition of the monthly MetaFilter Podcast and MeFi Music songs via the Alexa podcast skill, AnyPod. [more inside]
Add Some Music To Your Day
Following hot on the heels of The MetaFilter Podcast, I give you its scruffy, grumpy, band t-shirt wearing younger sibling, The MeFiMusic Podcast (episode 4), available now on Soundcloud! [more inside]
Thank You for the Music
MeFiMusic Podcast 3 is ready, featuring some July By Women challenge songs! Check it out on Soundcloud. [more inside]
The Music Sounds Better With You
Back by moderately popular demand, it's the MetaFilterMusic podcast! Check out episode 2 on Soundcloud! [more inside]
Do You Like Good Music?
Following a recent MeTa on which interest was expressed in the idea of a MetaFilter Music Podcast, I decided that hell yes and made one - check it out on Soundcloud! [more inside]
♫ I wanna be a part of it.. MeTa, MeTa
Come with us on the MeFiMusic train, for a journey from city to city, with your fellow mefites as your musical guides... [more inside]
Are original field recordings of natural sounds OK on MeFi Music?
I could not find anything specific concerning this in the FAQ. However, since field recordings of nature/city soundscapes may not meet the traditional definition of a "music composition", I wanted to get some clarification. [more inside]
Metafilter TMBG Flood Tribute Album
After months of joyful toil under the expert and unflagging stewardship of Faint of Butt, I am proud to announce that the Metafilter Flood Tribute Album is now complete, just in time for the mid-January 25th anniversary of the release of They Might Be Giants' now classic record. [more inside]
MeFi Music Collaboration: A Tribute to Flood!
Just a brief heads-up to get more attention: Over at MeFi Music I've launched a project to cover They Might Be Giants' Flood in its entirety to celebrate the album's upcoming 25th anniversary. Three tracks are already spoken for, so hop on over if you want to get in on this! (Thanks to taz for approving this MetaTalk thread.)
Happy birthday Mefi Music!
Back in 2006, the cover was lifted on the version of Metafilter Music we all know and love! I wanted to wish it happy birthday, and post a torrent for the songs from 2013! [more inside]
Poets and Bookworms - MeFiMusic Needs You!
Over at MeFiMusic, the latest Music Challenge has just been launched - Musicologize a Book. However, not all of us are lyric-writers, so please feel free to join the party! [more inside]
A fun little number and you should hear it
Listen, MetaFilter, 'tis the season and all that, so get yourself over to MetaFilter Music (you know, that subsite you never go to) and check out the absolutely wonderful little Hawaiian Christmas ditty that your fellow Mefier chococat posted, OK? It's called Mele Kalikimaka and it's big fun and just all kindsa damn good and full of holiday cheer and slippery guitars.
Hey, Mefites! Check out these Bowie covers by your fellow Mefites!
Start listening now! Right here! No salesman will call! Unlimited offer!
MefiMusic: MP3 or GTFO
Can we move the music player to the top of Mefimusic posts that exploit the "more inside" function. This has bothered me for years really. Recent feedback has confirmed that this confuses the heck out of people. [more inside]
It's time for another collection of Metafilter Music!
There is so much music here. Here's the annual torrent of all the songs from Metafilter Music, gathering everything from 2012. There were 558 songs, taking up 3.1 gigabytes. Massive, massive props to all the musicians who shared their music! Check it out, and remember, the song threads never close, so if you find a song you love, please drop by and let the artists know! [more inside]
Pony: soundcloud/mefimusic integration
This is a honkin' big pony but bear with me.
It would be REALLY nice if we could make music posts using embedded soundcloud links, much as we can embed YouTube and Vimeo links. [more inside]
OK MetaFilter
Back in June everyone was invited to cover a song from Radiohead's OK Computer for the July '12 MeFi Music Challenge #58. (Music Talk thread) Over the past 2 months—the challenge was extended at the end of July—48 songs were recorded covering the entire album and even one excellent B-side. So much about this challenge excited me, like recording and submitting my first (second, and sort-of third!) Music tracks. And I love Radiohead, so. But this part, where I pick my favorite cover version of each song on the album and build my perfect MeFi Music tribute, OK MetaFilter, that's the part I've really been looking forward to.
Come inside for links to playlists for each track of the album so you can build yours too. [more inside]
Music player not playing
Some of the music players on mefi music have a strange grey bit where the line goes when play is clicked and don't play when I click play. [more inside]
My Little Musical Pony
Pony request: music.mefi's 'most favorited this week' widget on sidebar (or at least this week's most favorited track). [more inside]
Metafilter Music torrent updates!
In October 2010, we posted a torrent of all of Metafilter Music. Here's an update, a torrent of Mefi Music songs from 2011 - 648 songs, 3.5 gigabytes. Share & enjoy, everybody! [more inside]
Thanks for all the Music
Let's hear it for MetaFilter Music: 5,000+ posts and going strong. I love all of you, from the fine musicians to the devoted commenters and playlisters, to the mods who coded and managed it, to the thousands* of record label execs who've found their next pop star lurking in the shadows here. Here's to another 5,000 posts, then another 5,000, then after that we can re-evaluate. Sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone who's ever contributed, commented, made a playlist, listened to a tune, or even planned to and hasn't gotten around to it.
See within for some fun MeFi Music links, and a little bit of a primer on how to get your feet wet in our warm little musical community!
*Citation needed [more inside]
See within for some fun MeFi Music links, and a little bit of a primer on how to get your feet wet in our warm little musical community!
*Citation needed [more inside]
Pony: AAC uploading to MeFiMusic?
From this distance it's hard to tell whether it's a pony or a stallion: making AAC files uploadable to MeFiMusic? [more inside]
Dynamic duos
January's MeFiMu Collaboration Challenge drawing results are in! [more inside]
A Metric Buttload of Music
As a followup to not_on_display's requesting a way to
download all of the Metafilter Music songs last month: a torrent is now available. [more inside]
I Want My MeFiMu!
A while back, I tried to set my Flashgot Firefox plug-in to download all of the files with the address music.metafilter.com/music/*.mp3, only to find that FlashGot doesn't like wildcards, only ranges (i.e. [a-z], [1...1000], etc.). But I really would like to have a quick easy way to suck all of this music onto my iPod. Dear AskMeTa, [more inside]
MeFi Music Challenge Meister
This is the thread in which you can volunteer for, nominate someone or generally discuss the MeFi Music Challenge Meister position. [more inside]
Hall & Oates can't file jointly under the current system.
Mefi Music pony request: Could it be possible for a song collaboration to be posted under two or more usernames? [more inside]
Artists' control of their output at Mefi Music
I have a fairly radical idea, concerning MeFi Music, which I'd like to run up the flagpole. You know, see if anyone salutes it. [more inside]
Recommendations for MeFi Music Contacts
Whose activity should I be watching on Metafilter Music? [more inside]
MeMu Makes Me Sad
Music pony request - make the MefiMusic home page not crash my browser. :( [more inside]
Free music for fre
So, you have to be a member to download songs from Mefi Music? IS that really fair?
Don't leave me this way!
Music pony! Can we get a warning when we're about to navigate away from a page where a MeFi Music track is playing? [more inside]
How Will I Know My Song Got 28 Plays??
Did the play counter disappear from Mefi Music?
The Future of MeFiMusic: Video? [more inside]
I can't post my song to MeFi Music
I'm having a problem posting a music to MeFi music. It's an MP3, under 3 MB. I'm getting this error message after a few minutes:
The MIME type of the uploaded file "audio/mpg" was not accepted by the server. Only files of type "audio/mpeg, audio/x-mpeg, audio/mpeg3, audio/x-mp3" can be uploaded. Verify that you are uploading a file of the appropriate type.
The MIME type of the uploaded file "audio/mpg" was not accepted by the server. Only files of type "audio/mpeg, audio/x-mpeg, audio/mpeg3, audio/x-mp3" can be uploaded. Verify that you are uploading a file of the appropriate type.
Whatever happened to the compilation CD project from this thread? (Sept. 2006)
Whatever happened to the compilation CD project from this thread? http://metatalk.metafilter.com/mefi/11734
I'm not trying to rush it or anything, just wondering...
I'm not trying to rush it or anything, just wondering...
Broadcast rights for Mefi Music?
Inspired by a comment in the thread for chococat's very excellent song "In The Rain" I was wondering, for those of us with access to campus radio stations, is there a way to broadcast some of the tunes from MeFi Music? Is it basically a matter of contacting the original poster and asking them for permission?
Metafilter Compilation Album Official WebsiteTM launched!
Metafilter Compilation Album
Official WebsiteTM launched: meficomp.com
Music submissions officially closed!
[em eye, baby!]
Official WebsiteTM launched: meficomp.com
Music submissions officially closed!
[em eye, baby!]
Metafilter Compilation Album - get yours here, now!
Pre-orders and Donations open!
[details and more inside]
[posted for cortex by proxy]
Wherefore art thou metafilter music?
Is anything ever going to happen again with metafilter music? There are a lot of musicians on this site, and I'm pretty sure that a lot of people are unaware of it.
Also, when is the metafilter projects site going to launch?
Also, when is the metafilter projects site going to launch?
Metafilter Music makes its debut.
It's here! MetaFilter Music.
I've uploaded most of the files people have sent me (I'll be adding more all day today). Lots of great stuff already. Electronica, rock, folk, it's all there. It uses the Andromeda streaming/download server which lets you download songs, stream folders/songs, and lets you make playlists on the fly.
Oh, I also added a new MetaTalk category to discuss music.metafilter.com-related stuff here.
I've uploaded most of the files people have sent me (I'll be adding more all day today). Lots of great stuff already. Electronica, rock, folk, it's all there. It uses the Andromeda streaming/download server which lets you download songs, stream folders/songs, and lets you make playlists on the fly.
Oh, I also added a new MetaTalk category to discuss music.metafilter.com-related stuff here.