57 posts tagged with birthday.
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“I mean, old school web people definitely have opinions...”

From the Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure at UMass Amherst: “MetaFilter turns 25 this month, a shining beacon of the Good Web. Reluctant owner Jessamyn West tells us how rusty tech and vibrant community keeps it vital.” [Elsewhere: MetaFilter: a time capsule from another internet]
posted by Wordshore on Jul 12, 2024 - 18 comments

"it does detract from what the site does normally..."

AskMe is 20 years old today! Thanks for the heads up, mbrubeck. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Dec 8, 2023 - 48 comments

Happy birthday to cortex

Let's all wish a very happy and hopefully stress-free b-day to outgoing veteran mod, inveterate punster, and all-around mensch, MeFi's own cortex "Josh" Millard. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Apr 26, 2022 - 62 comments

This is just to say

Thank you, Metafilter.... [more inside]
posted by clavdivs on Apr 18, 2022 - 63 comments

Happy Birthday, User 292

♪ ♬ Happy Birthday, two nine two;
Happy Birthday, two nine two!
Happy Birthday dear jessamyn,
All my favorites, to yooooouuuu! ♩ ♫

posted by not_on_display on Sep 5, 2020 - 39 comments

hello sweetie

The love of my eternal life has a birthday today. Please send her a groovy greeting. She is the absolute grooviest!
posted by vrakatar on Jul 7, 2020 - 25 comments

Happy birthday, Jessamyn!

In the grand tradition of celebrating jessamyn day every year, happy birthday to you up there in VT and to me and all the other MeFites whose day it is! You were one of my very first Internet Heroes, who just seemed comfy in knowing things and being good to people.
posted by lauranesson on Sep 5, 2019 - 53 comments

Happy 20th Anniversary, MetaFilter

MetaFilter, that weird blue site (and, yep, we've finally turned it blue again), is 20 years old today.

It's a thrilling and boggling and remarkable and ungainly and heartening number. I've had trouble figuring out what the thing is that I want to say about the site today, and I've realized the problem is there's no one thing. MetaFilter is too complex, its history too complicated, to reduce to a tidy anecdote.

But I want to talk a little about what it means to me, and what I want it to aspire to, and to reflect a little bit on this twenty year milestone on an unsteady world wide web. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 14, 2019 - 219 comments

Happy Birthday jessamyn!

A very happy birthday to jessamyn! Many happy returns of the day!
posted by LobsterMitten on Sep 5, 2018 - 69 comments

Metafilter's 20th: Any Plans

If my math is correct Metafilter will be 20 next year. This seems like something that may take a year to plan. Are there any plans? Anyone planning on making plans? What's the plan for plans?
posted by If only I had a penguin... on May 23, 2018 - 124 comments

Many happy returns, cortex!


Hope you're having a wonderful day. Thanks for your all your hard work and leadership and help in making this place so special. 🎉 🎶 🥞 🍩 🎂 🍰 🍨 [more inside]
posted by rangefinder 1.4 on Apr 26, 2018 - 61 comments

Mefi Card Club!

Based on the wild successes of recent Metafilter card swaps (latest Metatalk thread with all the previouslies here) , and mochapickle's genius idea, I've put together a Card Club, where mefites can sign up to send cards on a regular basis, and receive cards in the month of their special occasion. Have a stash of stationary waiting to be sent? Interested in getting some awesome cards sent your way? Read on! [more inside]
posted by Fig on Feb 11, 2018 - 54 comments

Calling all Cards!

Having just mailed my cards for Project G.I.V.E. M.E. (that is, Great Internet Valentine Exchange, Metafilter Edition), and having had at least as much fun as I did with the winter holiday cards, I'm wondering if there's enough momentum and interest for another project. [more inside]
posted by The Underpants Monster on Feb 7, 2018 - 38 comments

Many happy returns of the day

Happy birthday, jessamyn! Here's to you! May you have as much company, and as much cake or pie, as you want today. [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten on Sep 4, 2017 - 43 comments

Happy birthday to the First Librarian!

Our Jessamyn was one of the first blogging librarians; in fact, I think she started her blog back when the term was "web log." A free speech advocate, author, computer literacy practicioner and pretty good pool player, Jessamyn has helped set the tone for the way Metatalk and AskMetafilter have evolved and we have been very lucky to have her input on tons of questions over the years. Happy birthday, Jessamyn! ♥
posted by Lynsey on Sep 5, 2016 - 46 comments

Auto-generated Named Birthday Videos?

I'm looking for a link in a comment (which I thought I'd bookmarked/favourited) to an auto-generated overblown "Happy Birthday" video on YouTube. There were innumerable near-identical further ones for a wide range of names and also relationship-titles (Brother-in-Law, Daughter, etc). I think it was posted on either MetaTalk or MeFi, and certainly in the last 3-4 months. All help appreciated. Both memory and google-fu are failing me terribly today.
posted by comealongpole on Jun 11, 2016 - 7 comments

Jessamyn Day 2015

It is the 5th of the 9th, which means it is the correct day to wish Jessamyn the most splendid of birthdays. Some of the Further Adventures of Jessamyn are pictorialised on The Flickr, and here be links to previous Jessamyn Days.
posted by Wordshore on Sep 5, 2015 - 77 comments

Cake and ice cream for everyone! Except the dogs.

Today is my Metafilter account's 10th birthday! To celebrate, here is a photo from before I joined the site of a puppy sitting on a laptop which is displaying Ask Metafilter. To illustrate how long it's been, here is that puppy's fully grown son. [more inside]
posted by Juliet Banana on Jul 25, 2015 - 63 comments

Happy birthday, Cortex!

I hope you got the weekend off to play. We know the queue is there for just that reason. To let the mods have downtime, just like folks. And let us all cool off despite the season. Your first birthday as our dear leader. Hope this has made your life sweeter. We'll also see you on the "Tweeter." Dear Cortex, nothing could be neater! Happy birthday, dude!
posted by Lynsey on Apr 26, 2015 - 98 comments

...but not retired from being awesome

It is Jessamyn Day, so Happy Birthday, user 292! Jessamyn's 10^2 photo set from an August trip to London. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Sep 5, 2014 - 67 comments

Happy birthday Mefi Music!

Back in 2006, the cover was lifted on the version of Metafilter Music we all know and love! I wanted to wish it happy birthday, and post a torrent for the songs from 2013! [more inside]
posted by Pronoiac on Jun 29, 2014 - 23 comments

15th Anniversary

So, it was brought to my attention by eamondaly that the 15th anniversary of Metafilter is coming up in a few weeks. Here's some suggestions as how to celebrate: [more inside]
posted by garlic on Jun 25, 2014 - 77 comments

Happy birthday Cortex!

I can't believe no one has said anything to our "datawranglin' mod" until now, but many happy returns!
posted by Lynsey on Apr 26, 2014 - 80 comments

A pony for our MeFi birthdays?

We can click birthdays in user profiles to find MeFites who share the same birthday, and we can click locations to find other MeFites who are geographically close. How about a clickable join-date to find MeFites who joined on the same day (+/- N yrs)? It would be like a pony crossed from the old-timers thread and bondcliff's birthday pony! [more inside]
posted by Westringia F. on Feb 11, 2014 - 30 comments

I think I'll go and eat worms

It was my 10th birthday yesterday and no one remembered. No cake, no presents, no birthday post, not even a memail.
Ask MetaFilter.
posted by unliteral on Dec 9, 2013 - 120 comments

Who's Your Favorite JP/Librarian?

Happy Birthday, jessamyn!
posted by Curious Artificer on Sep 5, 2013 - 114 comments

Happy Birthday Mr Cortex

The sock thief of the MetaFilter Aristocracy has some warm words for the masses on this special day. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Apr 26, 2013 - 129 comments

Happy 40th birthday, user #1 (Mathowie)

Happy 40th birthday, Matthew. But, what does one get as a 'significant birthday' present for he who separated the light from the darkness, and verily created the blue? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Oct 10, 2012 - 162 comments

It's Jess's Day!!!

Happy Birthday Jessamyn!!! [more inside]
posted by pearlybob on Sep 4, 2012 - 79 comments

Midnight mod bday

posted by brujita on Aug 11, 2012 - 90 comments

Also shares a birthday with France and Gustav Klimt.

Sharing a birthday with MetaFilter itself... saturnine's son, Henry! Welcome to the world, baby!
posted by sonika on Jul 14, 2012 - 75 comments

THIS Is when it starts to get awkward? Oh my....

Welcome to your teenage years, MetaFilter! [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Jul 14, 2012 - 192 comments

Happy birthday, Cortex!

Coooooooooooooortex! Happy birthday, dude! I think dude deserves a shoutout for his mod duties, for MeFi music, for all the data crunching, for the fascinating subsites and just for being an all-around outstanding contributor to the site. So, thanks man and again, happy natal anniversary!
posted by Lynsey on Apr 26, 2012 - 146 comments

The mystery continues...

The Phantom Gifter strikes again. [more inside]
posted by jonmc on Dec 7, 2011 - 43 comments

The sun never sets on mathowie's birthday!

Dear mathowie, I was at the Ann Arbor Meetup tihs evening and we made you something. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Oct 9, 2011 - 93 comments

Memories in the corners of the site

Memmmmmories.... For MetaFilter's upcoming 12th anniversary we're collecting stories to put on a special new site unveiled on the magic day. Your task is simple: tell us how you found MeFi and what your favorite memory is from the site. Submit your answers here. Thanks! [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jul 6, 2011 - 113 comments

Can I tell you how old I am but not my birthday?

Is it (or would it be) possible for users to share our correct ages on our profiles without displaying our entire dates of birth there? [more inside]
posted by two or three cars parked under the stars on May 29, 2011 - 78 comments

Birthday pony!

In my profile I can see a list of users who are located near me geographically. I think it would be neat if I could click on the birthday I have listed and see a list of users I share a birthday with. Perhaps including the year they were born, if they have it listed. [more inside]
posted by bondcliff on Dec 13, 2010 - 132 comments

The 7th anniversary is the desk set anniversary....

Happy birthday and 10,000th Anonymous post Ask MetaFilter! [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Dec 12, 2010 - 46 comments

Just who does this "matthowie" guy think he is, anyway?!

I can't believe what he's trying to pull... [more inside]
posted by misha on Oct 10, 2010 - 100 comments

Jessamyn Day!

Happy Jessamyn Day, everyone! [more inside]
posted by zizzle on Sep 5, 2010 - 127 comments

For he's a jolly good fellow, &c.

Happy Birthday pb!
posted by ocherdraco on Aug 30, 2010 - 72 comments

Dear Askme, my cat is wedged in my scanner.

You'd think, after eleven years, we'd have finally figured out how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why. But anyway, Happy Birthday, MeFi!
posted by not_on_display on Jul 14, 2010 - 116 comments

30? Rock!

I'm back in New York City, and I'm turning thirty. Karaoke, drinks... let's do this meetup thang. [more inside]
posted by Eideteker on Jun 1, 2010 - 52 comments

cat scanner shirts

Cat Scan Shirts are one of the strangest shirts I've seen in some time. I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why. TODAY 5/16 ONLY. [more inside]
posted by Lizc on May 16, 2010 - 34 comments

Now we are six

Ask MetaFilter is six years old today-ish. The subsite that began without its own URL has grown into its own fully tagged, categorized (mostly) searchable archive of our little hive's collected wisdom. Just last month over 1900 users wrote questions and 5300 users gave answers. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Dec 9, 2009 - 87 comments

Happy Birthday User No. 1

Birthday greetings to the one who started it all. Happy Birthday Matt!
posted by girlhacker on Oct 10, 2009 - 165 comments

They say it's your birthday!

A collaborative serenade for our beloved moderatrix on her birthday.
posted by Horace Rumpole on Sep 4, 2009 - 73 comments

Hapyy birthday, MetaFilter, from TechRadar!

TechRadar has celebrated MetaFilter's 10th birthday.
posted by salmacis on Jul 14, 2009 - 62 comments


Why in the fucking fuck was my post in Ask deleted, assholes? [more inside]
posted by middleclasstool on Oct 10, 2008 - 136 comments

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