2 posts tagged with meta by thirteen.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
"Contribute" link?
Matt, you should put a contribute link on the main menu bar. I mostly use Netscape, and was not paying attention the Amazon disscussion. I only noticed the link on the blue sidebar when I launched Explorer to check out another page, and it defaulted to Metafilter. Might be a more offical place to encourage people to help out more frequently.
Advice Threads in MeTa
Would anyone be interested in having a new MetaTalk topic where we could ask advice and opinions of each other? I am interested in buying a digital camera. This one in fact. I know many of you have digital cameras, maybe even the one I want. I would be curious to know what you think. We have tech people here who could advise people about fixing their machines, etc. What do you think?