4 posts tagged with music by es_de_bah.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
mefi music radio hour
OK...I'm pitching. New podcast. Mefi Music made and kept me a musician. This is a goldmine of beautiful, homemade music. Bimonthly music review podcast that acts as a playlist and funnels money back to the best community on earth? [more inside]
MefiMusic: MP3 or GTFO
Can we move the music player to the top of Mefimusic posts that exploit the "more inside" function. This has bothered me for years really. Recent feedback has confirmed that this confuses the heck out of people. [more inside]
music videos on mefimusic?
I've recently made a video for a song which I'd previously posted on mefimusic. The video includes a remastered version of the original song plus a reprise.
Would it be kosher to post this to mefimusic, using the reprise as the uploaded mp3? [more inside]
better music challenges
Meta Music filter. As a newbie, I was a touch underwhelmed by the recent song challenge. "The theme of water" seems so broad as to be kind of, well, boring. Why not 'love' or 'nature' or 'loneliness.' Might I suggest something a bit more kooky, esoteric, and actually challenging for the next one. Something along the lines of, "you make me touch your hands for stupid reasons." (via)
Maybe nothing that gimmicky, but come on! Can't we do better?