700 posts tagged with Community.
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Metatalktail Hour: Hot beverage, anyone?
• You're upset and need soothing with a hot beverage; what hot beverage should we offer you? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Holidays and tea towels
Happy week Metafilter! For many Mefites in the US, this is Thanksgiving week so there might be travel, family with all its good and bad aspects, and/or a special meal. And for many Mefites, it's just a week. So, if you're celebrating, here's wishing you a wonderful holiday, and if you're not, just sending you some good mid-week vibes. Also I'm in the market for a new tea towel (or other pleasing kitchen towel), so please share your tea towel ideas or links. [more inside]
MetaFilter Gift Swap 2021 THANK YOU!
By tradition, the first gift recipient gets to start the annual swap THANK YOU thread.... [more inside]
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange form is live! [more inside]
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange Planning
I'm up for doing the holiday card exchange again this year! Let's talk timing.. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Postcards from my heart
For today's metatalktails, paduasoy asks, "What places and landscapes (urban, rural, wild, watery or anything at all; perhaps somewhere you haven't visited but think about, or somewhere fictional) are important to you or part of your own mental landscape?" [more inside]
Metatalktails: Must be the season of the ... which?
Fall / Winter is coming ... or maybe Spring / Summer, or the wet season, or the dry season, or school is starting or ending, it's getting warmer or cooler, and some vegetables are growing sparser, while other are ramping up. (When is ramp season, anyway?) So, tell us — what are you doing to prepare for whichever seasonal change is looming on your horizon? Is it fun? Or is it more like chores you have to get through? Are you excited for the change, or not so much? Do you get to switch over to your favorite outfits, or do you have to bid your more beloved attire adieu for now? [more inside]
What do you know now that you didn't know before MetaFilter?
Metatalktail Hour: "Don't go too fast, but I go pretty far"
Hello, fellow travelers, for this weekend's chat, crank up your Melanie, and let's talk wheels. Marie Mon Dieu asks "I would like to know the first time you ever rode a bike, or didn't ride a bike, or why. Or any bike stories that you'd like to share." [more inside]
Metatalktails "What would a T-Rex taste like?" edition
This Tumblr post inspires this Metatalktails starter: “What’s the weirdest question someone’s ever asked you?” [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Least Plausible You
bendy has asked "It's an old thread but could we update "the least plausible story about yourself" as a Metatalktail Hour?" Sounds good to us! Tell us your strange true tales, mefites! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Sneaky pet/kid stories
I'm cat-sitting for some clever naughty cats who last night managed to break into the Forbidden Room and raided the good treats stashed there. This weekend I'd love to hear about your best pet/kid capers and heists. Have you been outsmarted by small creatures, or just looked on with awe at their ingenuity? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Talktail of Shame
Phunniemee says, "Inspired by this comment, it would personally amuse me to read through a thread of dumbest / biggest screw up / most embarrassing / lols things that assorted mefite professionals have encountered doing their jobs." [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: What's on your favorite shelf?
Frimble thought of this question, and I didn't even know I had a favorite shelf until they asked! Do you have a fun shelf share? Is it because of the physical properties of the shelf, or its location, or what's on the shelf, or a combo? Is it a coincidence that "shelf" rhymes with "self"??? 🤯Yes! Yes, it is! Never mind, tell us a little about yourshelf anyway! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Everybody needs a 🍲
You've traded in your magic (overthinking) beans, or you've managed to free a grateful food genie, or your foodie godmother has wielded her magic wand, or you've stumbled upon a hungry dragon's unguarded treasure ... anyway, the tl/dr is that now you have a fabulous enchanted plate that once a day will fill up with whatever dish you summon forth. So what will you be eating from your magical plate today? Oh, but just one more thing... [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: What would your Midas Touch? ✨
Mutant Lobsters from Riverhead asks: "You have 17 pounds of gold (at minimum worth $50,000 in today's buying power), a time machine, and the infrastructure to fund one arts project at any point in history. What do you fund?" 'Arts' covering any human technology / performance / creation, in this case. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: All those moments lost in time, like tears in rain
Our Metatalktail topic this week come courtesy Kristi, who asks "Time travel has become easy and commonplace. Everyone's already done the big time travel things. What mundane, low-priority time travel trips would you take?" [more inside]
Modern Pen Pal Project
Since the beginning of 2020, I've been doing a project where I write a handwritten letter a week to friends, acquaintances, and family members on a topic of their choosing. I am looking for some new folks who would enjoy snail mail. [more inside]
Making more room for nuanced discussion
I love Metafilter, especially the threads where we can come together as a community and share information, learn together, and come up with new ideas. But there’s been a really frustrating trend in some recent threads. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Unrequited Ask
From Bklyn wants to know, "How about questions you have asked in ask-me, but never got an answer to? Either because no one knew or you didn't formulate your question right - and maybe later you found out the answer?" [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: reading from school: your retrospective
What was your required reading in school? Did you have any strong opinions, good or bad experiences? Did you discover a favorite author or were you impressed by some insight in class discussion? Poetry in class: yes, no, or "please don't call on me to read aloud"? Any and all reflection on "reading for school" welcome.
Bonus: as a USian, I'm really curious about what MeFites from other countries read that was considered "standard literature" for teenagers. If there's a piece of literature you could ask a roomful of strangers for their opinion on, based on time at school, what would it be? (In the US, it's Animal Farm, or To Kill a Mockingbird.) [more inside]
Bread Glaive Jalapeña
There’s an entry for Board Game Arena in the Social Stuffs section of the MetaFilter Wiki, which means that it will be eventually added to the Social Explorer and we will be able to add icons to our profiles (if so inclined), but in the meantimes there’s now a little community on BGA if you’re interested in finding other people with whom to play modern board games.
10 Year Anniversary of Tohoku Earthquake
Ten years and a couple hours ago, the Tohoku earthquake happened, setting off the tsunami and nuclear power disaster in Fukushima. It was my last day at a high school in suburban Chiba, outside of Tokyo, and, pre-smart phone, I had no way of getting in touch with Mrs. Ghidorah, or knowing much of what was happening. The thread on the blue was an immense help at the time. [more inside]
Permission to brag
As we all limit human contact to help contain the pandemic, nearly all of us have hobbies and abilities lying fallow or getting very limited use. But, those in this position probably have great past work which will be new to people here and will generate the same sort of delight and interest as much of what's on MeFi. So - what have people done that's great that others can see online? Link and take a bow. [more inside]
Scientists have discovered a way to peer into the past1 and record historical events without interacting with them.2 They then turn the recordings into interactive virtual realities. When do you go? What burning question are you finally going to be able to answer? As always a conversation initiator not limiter. [more inside]
Hugging Hugs
By request, a thread for happy thoughts, kindness, positive vibes, good news sharing, comfort, random cute or fun stuff, and general hugginess.❤️🤗❤️
Metatalktail Hour: New day, new year
Hello Mefites, happy 2021! It's a new year and we're all wishing for better days in the new. I've got my coffee underway this morning and it looks like the sun is going to make an appearance. Are you making resolutions, wishes, hopes, mottoes for this year? Are you doing anything good today or this weekend?
Metatalktail Hour: Stupid Human Tricks
Hello weekend Mefites! This week soundguy99 wants to hear about your Stupid Human Tricks. "In light of this Ask, which is apparently inspiring some of us to contortion ourselves in our abodes to see what is & is not possible, here's a possible idea for a MetaTalkTail - Stupid Human Tricks. Unusual things you can do (physical, mental, whatever) or "common" things you can't do? Can you do the chair challenge? Curl your tongue? Move your eyes independently? Multiply 5-digit numbers in your head? Read backwards? Or NOT?" [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Meaning to...
It's the weekend, Mefites! This weekend I'm wondering what's in your "I've been meaning to read..." pile -- or on your I've been meaning to watch, meaning to listen, meaning to cook (etc) list? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: My dream job...
If I were to have my dream job, it would probably be a combination of writing Wikipedia articles about notable and under-appreciated people (librarians, artists, historical POC) and being the "Live Zoom link provider" person when I was watching a lecture or attending an event. "Oh hey that person mentioned their book, here's a link where you can read a review or purchase it from a non-Amazon shop." It would be great if that kind of thing paid. What sort of dream job would you like, if you're dreaming? Sky is the limit. Thank you to valkane for the suggestion. [more inside]
US Thanksgiving
It's US Thanksgiving and a lot of us aren't celebrating the way we would've liked. But here's a thread for community and chat; I'm thankful you're here, Mefites. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: I could really go for...
It's the weekend, Mefites! It's cold where I am, and I could really go for a hot homemade cinnamon roll. Not that I'm going to make one or anything... Do you have a food daydream? [more inside]
ooooo​ooooooo​oooooo​oooooooo​oooooo​ooooooo​ooooooo​oooooo​ooooo​ooooo​oooooo​oooooo​ooooooo​oooooo​oooooo​oooooo​oooooo​ooooooo​oooooo!!!! This week's Metatalktails brought to you by Janelle Monáe. 🥂
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange
The MeFi Holiday Card Exchange sign up is live!
It will be open from today until Thursday, 11/19, and lists will go out by Monday, 11/23. (likely in batches) [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Halloween time
Halloween tidings to you, Mefites! Lovely Mefite too bad you're not me asks for everyone to share their "Halloween-y things (costumes, jack-o-lanterns, etc)"; what have you got for us, let's hear it!
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange Planning
Let's talk holiday card exchange planning!
I'd love to do the card exchange again this year. A couple of questions on timing and specifics - [more inside]
Tiny AskMe
In the spirit of the Bad at Life thread, how about a "tiny fixes" thread? Things that are too embarrassing or not worth burning an Ask question on. [more inside]
MetaTalktail Hour: Box art, take me away
Did you ever feel transported by an image? Some things (games, books, music albums, ...toys, cereals, ...) have cover art that can draw you into its world with a single image, even if the product then didn't really live up. Or short video (like tv ads, music videos, opening credits) that create an outsized atmosphere in a just a limited time. Did you have one like that, maybe something that really captured your imagination as a kid, or even now? Let's hear about it. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Background Noise
Inspired by a link from ALeaflikeStructure, we pose the question, "What's on your actual or idealized-imaginary zoom backdrop?" Do you have a credibility bookcase or similar? Are you composing a subtle (or unsubtle?!) message with your background, or just winging it? Do you have favorites or notables that you've seen from others? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Good things on the cheap
It's the weekend, Metafilter! This weekend heyho suggests: "How about a thread of users offering up tips on how to do some things for free, or on the real cheap, that others might not know about but might be able to take advantage of." I will add: ...or sharing anything else that you've recently been glad to learn about, or that makes life a little nicer. [more inside]
How would y'all feel about a plant/seed share?
I had the idea, inspired by the username of none other than one of our new mods, who seems to have their hands full spearheading new anti-racism initiatives on the site, for a seed/plant swap. What say you all? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Mundane observations
Happy weekend Mefites! This weekend I'm curious to hear your little observations -- maybe about the weather, or new things you've noticed in your living space, or your pet's personal habits, or minor mysteries unfolding outside your windows. [more inside]
silver linings of the pandemic
There's a venting thread, but maybe you want to share a surprising good thing that has happened despite the terrible situation in the world right now. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: what's growing?
Happy weekend, Mefites! This weekend jessamyn says: What's growing? Your garden? Your kids? Your hair? Your aggravation at your friends and neighbors? Your "What I'm gonna do when this is over" list? Your dream journal. Let's talk about growth! [more inside]
What's eatin', you?
You know what's weird right now? Besides, like, everything? Food. Lots of routines are disrupted, lots of supply lines and food-sourcing habits have gotten all sideways.
So: what's going on with your fooding? How's the whole eating thing? Any happy discoveries or rediscoveries? Any weird surprises? Any big shortage headaches? Any horrible cooking failures? Snacking surprises? Foodly frustrations? Can you buy literally any yeast? Get it out, let's talk all kinds of food stuff, let's do a whole roundup of where everybody's at.
Metatalktail Hour: idle wikipedia stroll
Happy weekend, Mefites! I'm in search of some nice things to idly think about that aren't in my immediate view. I'd like to see a wikipedia page you like, of something that isn't in your home. [more inside]
Coronavirus check-in thread #4
It is March 39th and time for the latest check-in thread. As previously ([3][2][1]) this is for actual news, updates, personal experiences, and more mutual support from and to people dealing with this virus in their daily lives. All hail the mods for continuing to provide this sanctuary for us, and good health to readers and commenters alike. How is one doing?
🎂 Cake? or 🥧 Pie?
As the Highlander always says: “There can be only one.” Are you team cake or team pie? Discuss. [more inside]
COVID-19, Domestic Edition
Lately I've seen many a fine recipe, sewing pattern and/or general quarantine project idea gracing various COVID threads on the blue, green, and grey. I thought it would be nice to have someplace central to store and chat about that sort of thing. So, are you doing something amazing or hilarious or at least vaguely interesting with your home-bound time? Building something new, cooking or baking something awesome (or at least awesomely terrible?) Reading or watching something that makes you happy?
Whatever you're doing with yourself to make your lockdown time a little less stressful, share it here.
April Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Trying to run with a regular April Fools gag feels super weird this year, so...let's just have an indoor scavenger hunt! Can you find THE ROUNDEST THING in your home? Find a thing that needs finding, post a picture and/or description of it in the thread, suggest something else for folks to look for! [more inside]