705 posts tagged with Community.
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Welcome Baby Brownpau!
The wonderful brownpau and his sweet and talented wife (who, to the best of my knowledge doesn't frequent these parts) welcomed their first child last Thursday. Mother, child (code named Project Wallaby whilst en utero), and daddy are all apparently doing well. I'll let brownpau himself decide if he wants to share more. All I will say is they are awesome people, and I know will make great parents. Congrats!
Impressive. Most impressive.
I was having feelings about cheese the other night and remembered that time I asked a seemingly hopeless question that you wonderful people were able to answer. It feels like it's been a while since we had a success stories round-up! Please take a moment to share the most impossible solved ID questions you've come across. The vaguer and less detail-rich the better! [more inside]
MetaFilter's increased public profile
In an article published by the Guardian's executive editor for audience today, MetaFilter is mentioned in the same breath as Facebook and Twitter as an example of a website which 'provide[s] spaces for different kinds of communities to gather', despite having only a fraction of the membership and the traffic of those two sites. This is just the most recent example of how MetaFilter seems to me to be enjoying a greater public profile as of late. Is this so (or am I just imagining it)? If so, why? Can the staff or other users shed any light?
Dungeons & Mefites?
Would MeFites be interested in a MetaFilter RPG community on Google+ (or some other forum if you have it)? [more inside]
A kind word doesn't cost a thing.
A kind word doesn't cost a thing. How about a thread in which we tell other folks here how much and why we appreciate their efforts, so they can be edified by them? [more inside]
The Emotional Labor Thread shouldn't be the exception
Let’s talk about expanding our ideas of boyzone-type derailing and how to be the best Metafilter we can be. [more inside]
What made you pay? (the study)
Deliberate Barriers to User Participation on MetaFilter (Pileggi, H., Morrison, B., Bruckman, A. 2014) is paper from the Georgia Institute of Technology that addresses the following research questions: Why do people pay $5 to join MetaFilter? How has the monetary barrier to site participation affected the MetaFilter community? The study was announced by the authors in this MetaTalk thread but the resulting paper does not seem to have been linked here.
Is MetaFilter a community?
In one sense, of course, it obviously is. It says "Community weblog" right under the title!
But there are other meanings of community. I was really struck by feckless fecal fear mongering's comment in the emotional labor MeTa thread:
"You've got family here. Yeah, online never substitutes for someone who can touch your shoulder. And... there's thousands and thousands of people right here in this community who have demonstrated they'll give and give and give... Not that whole "I heard a thing and I care for five minutes." Real, true, love and caring for another human being; "shared pain is lessened; shared joy is increased. Thus do we refute entropy."
Mefi? Mefi actually does that shit. Mefi actually cares--look at the whole NYC sex worker thing a few years ago, or really anything on AskMe. People here give a fuck."
To what extent is this how we see MetaFilter? [more inside]
Rhaomi appreciation society
A shout-out to Rhaomi for contributing consistently stellar fpps - most of which fall under the 'megapost' umbrella. [more inside]
A thread for Bandcamp Fan Pages
If you buy music on Bandcamp and have made your fan page public, what is it? (Mine is Mister Meows, but lives at runciblejones because such things can't be changed.) The MetaFilter CD swaps have demonstrated that many MeFites are into music that's up my ally, and it'd be cool to see what folks are grooving to on a more regular basis.
#loveWins #mefi
In light of the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling and the explosion of marriages, proposals, officiating proposals, I'm excited to hear about any mefites who are getting married or officiating! I've seen pictures all over twitter, but I'd love to share in the happiness this brings to our own little corner of the internet.
State of Metafilter, and funding update
It’s been a busy year on Metafilter, with some big changes over the last twelve months. Some of the hardest changes were the result of the financial difficulties that came to a head last May with significant staffing cuts. And the best thing to happen for the site was the tremendous outpouring of generosity from Metafilter’s members in response to that financial crisis, through voluntary funding of Metafilter.
I want to thank all of you again for your support, and give you an update on where site finances are now, how funding has helped, and how we’re trying to make it easier to support the site in a way that works well for you—including a new alternative to PayPal. [more inside]
I want to thank all of you again for your support, and give you an update on where site finances are now, how funding has helped, and how we’re trying to make it easier to support the site in a way that works well for you—including a new alternative to PayPal. [more inside]
Please tell someone to remember to tell MetaFilter when you die
This MeTa is inspired by a conversation in the chat room in which we realized that despite our wishes to know when other members of the community died, most of us didn't yet have a plan in place to ensure that our fellow MeFites would be notified of our own deaths. I've since told my husband how to find the Contact Form, and if he forgets I have a few MeFites as FB friends (he won't forget to update my FB, at least) -- what's YOUR plan to get your dots?
You sound just like a _____!
There is currently a practice across Metafilter, especially within Metafilter proper (the Blue) and Metatalk (the Grey) of making personal attacks against other users that I feel undermines the community aspect of the site. The attacks I am concerned with most often take the form of ugly insinuations that the user is deliberately derailing, trolling or using common tactics which are allegedly known to be popular with (in alphabetical order, thee could be more, these are all I could think of when I set about making this thread):
- Anti-Semites
- Bigots
- Conservatives
- Misogynists
- MRAs
- PUAs
- Racists
- Redditors (specifically, usually The Red Pill subreddit)
- Transmisogonists
Fantastic commenters will never know they're fantastic
I'm seeing a lot of great comments on the blue lately; I mark them as favorites, of course, but sometimes I flag them as "Fantastic". However, the commenter doesn't receive this feedback. [more inside]
A reminder to be kind to each other
Metafilter has been rife with strong emotions lately. Our beloved community has been shaken up by the departure of mods, changes in rules and expectations, and posts that have rocked feelings and upset members.
There is nothing like this community anywhere else on the internet. All of our members are fantastic and work to make this place unique and inviting. It's perfectly okay to have strong opinions. One of the best things about Metafilter is the ability to express those opinions and be respected.
It has been hard to watch the growing unhappiness in this community as of late. I invite you to remember that everyone needs a hug from time to time.
comment deletion in AbePlaysGuitar's sexual predator post
Did anyone else leave a negative reponse to the pedo post in AskMe only to have it deleted? [more inside]
Leveraging the community to help develop Mefi functionality?
Now that the site is partly crowdfunded, would it make sense to also draw on the software development skills in the community to help develop new functionality? What would it take to have that be possible? [more inside]
As a lurker, thank you, MetaFilter, for so much.
I've lurked here since at least 2011. If the following sounds like hyperbole, it's not: MetaFilter has been a huge, positive, and transforming part of my life. I need to say something now or never. I'll try to keep the emotionality at a minimum. No promises, though, so forgive me in advance. [more inside]
Humans can be drained of blood in 8.6s given adequate vacuuming systems
One of the nicer things about being a MeFite is exposure to new ideas and content we might never have otherwise encountered. I'm curious to know what life lessons and other bits of knowledge you've learned about the world thanks to MetaFilter. Please share!
Making arguments out of thin air
I want to talk about the ongoing toxic trend on Metafilter of people threadshitting within the first few comments of a post without reading the post's subject, leading into arguments about content that either has nothing to do with the post or have been addressed directly within the post. It's been a problem with the site for years, and I think the community would be much better for it if this trend just outright stopped. [more inside]
Metafilter's Community Guide to Discussions?
Could we have a permanent sidebar to guide people towards previous threads or comments about class/race/sex/gender/identity issues, to foster better discussions without having to repeat meta-discussions? [more inside]
What sorts of questions of good for AskMefi?
What would you say is the general culture of the AskMefi community? What sorts of questions get positive, supportive responses, and what sorts typically get negative responses? [more inside]
A news-savvy community of over 60,000 users
User #1 describes MetaFilter in a piece "Even if it’s fake, it’s real" for the Nieman Journalism Lab. [more inside]
This Thursday, A.D.
The time: Thursday at noon US Eastern time, 9 AM US Pacific, for approximately nine hours (maybe more, if special features are planned).
The place: Joel Hodgson's website, www.mst3kturkeyday.com.
The other place: our own chat server, chat.metafilter.com.
The reason: to watch a guy in space and his two wisecracking robots mock terrible movies. [more inside]
The place: Joel Hodgson's website, www.mst3kturkeyday.com.
The other place: our own chat server, chat.metafilter.com.
The reason: to watch a guy in space and his two wisecracking robots mock terrible movies. [more inside]
Today is my anniversary here, and for that I am grateful.
After 2 years of being here, I want to say thank you. You have given me so much. [more inside]
Dear AskMe: Thanks.
I don't know y'all's addresses so I'm sending my thank-you note c/o MetaTalk. [more inside]
My question about my abortion was deleted as "chatfilter"
This is a sockpuppet account. I've been a contributing member of this community for several years under another account. One of the mods here deleted my question ABOUT THE ABORTION I AM PLANNING TO HAVE IN TWO DAYS. Because he thought it was "chatfilter". [more inside]
Be My Fitbit Friend?
I got a fitbit, and I'm excited about it. (A fitbit is basically a pedometer that syncs with your computer to keep track of how active you are. It has been discussed on MetaTalk before*) But the "friends" tab on my dashboard is lonely. I have no one to compare myself to! Fellow fitbitting mefites, let's be fitbit friends! Here's my profile; please friend me. If you'd like more fitbit friends, put a link to your fitbit profile in the comments** so you can join in on the fitbit friending frenzy.*** [more inside]
MeFi Bat Signal
Is there some sort of informal way that we can self-organize into a network of volunteers that can provide local assistance to AskMefites in need? Or maybe have the option for location information on AskMe questions so that we could receive alerts to local questions a la IRL? Or something? (Apologies in advance -- this is long, half-baked, inarticulate & rambly.) [more inside]
An emergent pattern on Metafilter FPPs
Noticing a disproportionate number of posts gravitating toward a particular set of subjects in the Blue over recent weeks and months. [more inside]
Ponies for everyone!
Sometimes We Do Good
It shall be brought to MetaTalk's attention that This Thread Is Best Thread.
Hummus for Us
In light of this post, I would like for the extraordinary Hummus Makers of Metafilter to share their Hummus Recipes, please!!
MetaFilter Wiki's Tenth Anniversary
Ten years ago today adrianhon, MetaFilter Wiki's generous host, announced the creation of MeFi Wiki. It's been a valuable addition to the community since its birth. Thanks Adrian!
OCD is, like, a real thing.
October 8-12 is OCD Awareness Week. I think this is as good a time as any to talk about an issue that MetaFilter doesn't handle very well. [more inside]
AskMe saved me. Seriously.
AskMe saved me. Seriously. [more inside]
Hello! Any Mefites also Alpha.net members?
So, who is a Mefite and also a subscriber (or developer) over at App.net?
I am here (as you can tell) and there, and go by Faintdreams at both locations.
I was just wondering who else might also fit into the thin slice of technical Venn?
A refactoring of the subscription system and the release of Netbot (an Alpha mobile client from the makers of Tapbot), has caused a mini surge in activity over at App.net.
If you too are over there, feel free to find me and say 'ello'.
No, YOU'RE saying it wrong!
Iiamkimiam AKA Kim Witten has finally completed her exhaustive research effort in trying to document and determine How Mefites Pronounce Metafilter?
New Mod Monday
It's New Mod Monday! (actually they'll filter in over the next two weeks, but anyway ...semantics!) [more inside]
Sometimes, it's good to celebrate the wins
Bearing in mind how this AskMeFi query turned out in the end, is there a word, saying, acronym or something that means "A win for the MetaFilter community"? If not, could or should there be one?
Why aren't we doing this topic well?
Jessamyn: [Folks we're sort of done with the "what crayz thinks about this post" angle. Please email crayz directly if you want more of crayz's opinions, otherwise this is getting to the "Take it to MeTa" point. Put another way, everyone who continues to hyperrespond is also part of the problem here, please consider that.]
So, okay. Let's take it to Meta. As a community, we keep having the same conversation about sexual harassment, unwanted sexual advances and other related issues. Sometimes, with positive results. Sometimes, not. Personal attacks fly back and forth, fueling anger and frustration. Why are so many of us talking past each other? Is there no possibility of finding common ground, or gaining further understanding and empathy from such incidents?
Thanks to the community for the amazing commentary and analysis
Thanks to the community for the amazing commentary and analysis in this thread about employers asking for Facebook passwords. [more inside]
Does Metafilter have a Fitbit community?
I got a Fitbit* for myself for Christmas, and of all the web-based health and fitness trackers, I like this one the best. I'd love to talk with other MeFi Fitbitters for encouragement, tips, venting. etc. [more inside]
If your website is full of assholes, it's your fault
Mefite[1] Anil Dash[2] writes[3]:
"Simply learning from disciplines like urban planning, zoning regulations, crowd control, effective and humane policing, and the simple practices it takes to stage an effective public event, we can come up with a set of principles to prevent the overwhelming majority of the worst behaviors on the Internet." Examples? Why Metafilter, of course, (as well as Stack Exchange sites, of which he is a board member). [more inside]
I just wanted to thank everyone who has shared their personal stories, outrage, opinions, wisdom and advice in this thread. [more inside]
NaNoWriMo 2011!
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is starting in just two days. Are you participating in the blitz for 50,000 words of literary genius (or something)? [more inside]
Languages! We speak 'em! How can we help each other? [more inside]
Another academic study of online communities
For those interested in academic studies of online communities, here's a new one: “Don’t feed the troll”: Shutting down debate about community expectations on Reddit.com. [more inside]
Five dollars!
Meta-metafilter: What are examples of some other online communities that have successfully kept the quality of posts/forums at a high level by requiring a nominal $5 to $10 signup fee? [more inside]