209 posts tagged with Mathowie.
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Matt Keep Out Part 2

MATT IS NOT ALLOWED TO VIEW THIS THREAD TILL AFTER CHRISTMAS: Posted by Hackworth; Part 2. (Fighting the dreaded Falling Off The Page Syndrome.)
posted by MiguelCardoso on Dec 3, 2003 - 76 comments


posted by Hackworth on Nov 23, 2003 - 219 comments

Happy Birthday Mathowie!

Because it is already Friday in Japan, I can be one of the first to wish mathowie a Happy Birthday from Tokyo!!!

Matt, we all owe you so much for what you have done for us here at MetaFilter and I just wanted to wish you the best for this new year to come and thank you for everything you have done.

Again best birthday wishes from Tokyo - Gen
posted by gen on Oct 9, 2003 - 85 comments

Can we criticize?

It's great that Matt is just one of the guys when it comes to posting but, with respect, this post of his seems way below average. It's a short news item, from a big media source, which will already be known to those who follow the news. The post, though, is not the point. My question is "To what extent are we allowed - or able - to criticize his posts as if he were just another user?" Is it ungracious, ungrateful or downright rude, for instance? Fwiw, my opinion is that special treatment and undue deference are just as annoying and even insulting.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 2, 2003 - 135 comments

Matt gets a mention from the Register

Matt gets a mention from the Guardian (along with somebody named Kottke...whoever that is).
posted by mr_crash_davis on Sep 30, 2003 - 20 comments

Matt cited in English 101

Matt has been featured in Shift, Slate, Forbes, Wired, and The New York Times. Now he hits the big time: a citation in a college freshman's English essay.
posted by Shadowkeeper on Jun 26, 2003 - 16 comments

What happened to all the comments that got deleted?

MetaFilter has an editor? More importantly, what happened to all the comments that got deleted? At least delted posts remain in the database, and are accessible. My comment is gone. Apart from the vanity of really liking my comment, I'm not a fan of the now-missing "public record".
posted by eustacescrubb on Jun 12, 2003 - 34 comments

I can finally retire on my earnings! woop!

I can finally retire on my earnings! woop!
posted by mathowie on Apr 1, 2003 - 57 comments

Mathowie updates code March 2003

In an attempt to conserve resources, I've streamlined a good deal of the code for non-members, who should be getting a new flat homepage every five minutes. This shouldn't affect logged in users, but if anyone finds any problems, either post here or email me. I'm going to do the same with MetaTalk in a few minutes.
posted by mathowie on Mar 20, 2003 - 30 comments

Bitchin' redesign, Matt.

Bitchin' redesign, Matt.
posted by PrinceValium on Mar 4, 2003 - 22 comments

What do y'all think about mouseovers in fpps?

Grab a modern browser (looks best in mozilla) and try hover over some of the links shown here in y2karl's posts. Is this annoying or informative? [code from here]
posted by mathowie on Feb 11, 2003 - 97 comments

Bloggies 2003 nominations

Time to stuff the Ballot for the 2003 bloggies and get Matt some tickets to SXSW. At the very least, let's get him a Lifetime Achievement Award over Kottke and Anil. On a related note, I've been wondering what your "Best of 2003" for Metafilter would be? Your favorite/most memorable thread, and who would be your pick for the coveted Poster of the Year kudos? Worst meme and injoke this year? Dumbest metatalk thread? (other than this one)
posted by Stan Chin on Jan 22, 2003 - 73 comments

Mathowie backs up MeFi

Success! (I think)

Thanks to some in-person help, I remotely did a backup of the old, corrupted hard drive's web folders and deployed everything onto the new drive. Now that everything's back up, it all seems to be working again (disturbingly smoothly if I must say). If you find any problems, let me know here.
posted by mathowie on Jan 12, 2003 - 47 comments

How to do Newsfilter

News posts: done right and not so right [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Oct 29, 2002 - 17 comments

Plain text theme for MeFi

Plain text theme for MetaFilter:
click for larger image

Now available on the customize page.
posted by mathowie on Oct 17, 2002 - 39 comments

happy birthday matt

happy birthday matt... i tried so hard to find you a pony...
posted by heather on Oct 10, 2002 - 86 comments

"an average day in the life of mathowie?"

Matt, have you ever thought of detailing "an average day in the life of administering MetaFilter?" [more inside]
posted by machaus on Oct 3, 2002 - 5 comments

Is crackheadmatt matthowie's alias?

Is crackheadmatt matthowie's alias?
posted by djacobs on Sep 27, 2002 - 93 comments

Is it time to call a moratorium on posts linking to typical op-ed pieces?

Is it time to call a moratorium on posts linking to typical op-ed pieces? Special ones, outlandish ones, or provacative ones are fine, but one columnist's opinion (often of the "I think he/she/it/foo is bad!" type) doesn't offer much for discussion, they rarely have much in the way of supporting evidence or links, and their appeal is wearing thin.
posted by mathowie on Aug 26, 2002 - 48 comments

No more double-posted comments!

quite possibly the one feature that was the longest time coming. I finally did it.

You can't double-post a comment in either MetaFilter or MetaTalk ever again.
posted by mathowie on Jul 24, 2002 - 76 comments

thanks, matt

Matt, the new server is fantastic and you've been burning through bugs at a remarkable rate. I know you've been working steadily for several days now. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say how much I appreciate all your work.

Why don't you unplug now and go have a nice dinner? None of the bugs I've seen posted today seem that serious, and I suspect lots of them pre-date the upgrade.

posted by timeistight on Jul 17, 2002 - 14 comments

Changes to MetaTalk

Just a note to future posters to MetaTalk, I've removed the option to make new posts about "general weblog-related" items, as Blogroots is a much better place to do it, and designed for that subject matter. The site is just getting off the ground but will turn into a resource that is much more fully featured than anything MetaTalk can offer. I also took the "ticketstubs related" category out as I've languished on that idea for two years and it didn't make much sense to keep it around for now. I'm planning on going back to it this summer with the hopes of finally launching it, between the code here, at sportsfilter, and blogroots, I've got everything I need already written somewhere for it.
posted by mathowie on Jun 13, 2002 - 19 comments

A-list drama

Matt Welch hauls Ty Webb to the woodshed. A few weeks back, Matt wrote an article for Reason magazine, in which he discussed his observations of the Nader campaign on election night 2000. Ty has twice now claimed the story is but a figment of Matt's imagination. Matt is none too happy about the accusation. Apologies? Explanations? And when we are personally involved in the subject we're discussing, what is/should be our duty to get all the facts before posting?

posted by pardonyou? on Jun 7, 2002 - 52 comments

interview of a nice young man we know

interview of a nice young man we know: "In many ways, I'm on the web today trying to capture that feeling of amazement seven years ago."
posted by epersonae on May 31, 2002 - 15 comments

mathowie on WNYC radio!

Listen to mathowie on the the radio. (WNYC streams live in Windows Media. The archive of On the Line will be in Real Audio.
posted by andrewraff on May 21, 2002 - 20 comments

Are Internet celebrities the next big thing

Matt & MeFi (via Shift.com's list) named in SacBee article Are Internet celebrities the next big thing or simply one-hit wonders?
posted by gen on Apr 24, 2002 - 41 comments

mathowie and BlogRoots?

Matt said, "I hope to soon be launching a site that deals with weblog-specific issues, and it will act as a community site to discuss weblogs in general, taking this category away from metafilter entirely." Is BlogRoots it?
posted by riffola on Apr 17, 2002 - 36 comments

MoneyFilter for MetaFilter

MoFi4MeFi (MoneyFilter for MetaFilter): Last September, Matt asked the following: What if I killed [MeFi] sometime in the future, and brought it back, but you had to pay a small membership fee or some other 'high' barrier to entry? That'd keep the crowd small, manageable, and only those that really cared to discuss things would contribute. Would that make things better? Worse?

The discussion that followed did not necessarily address the question (a few positively responded to a subscriber-based MeFi). Maybe, this idea needs to be reviewed again. [more inside]
posted by jacknose on Feb 21, 2002 - 46 comments

Matt Haughey arrested!

Matt Haughey arrested!
posted by NortonDC on Feb 15, 2002 - 12 comments

Critical IP Sucks

Google bombing at it's finest. Matt's Critical IP Sucks page has officially overtaken search result numero uno, directly preceeding the official Critical IP site.
posted by tomorama on Feb 11, 2002 - 72 comments

Top Web Personalities

Matt Haughey : Lucky 7 on Shift's "Top 25 Web Personalities". Via Fark. We're not worthy!
posted by Perigee on Feb 6, 2002 - 4 comments

Did you mean Matt Haughey?

How do you know when you're a star on the Internet?

Google attempts to correct the spelling of your name.
posted by willnot on Jan 10, 2002 - 18 comments

he's corralling the kittens

Ha: "Matt Haughey whips scripts and pushes pixels at Pyra Labs. When he's not being cheeky on his personal site, he's corralling the kittens on his community one.

Also by Matt:
free web host
using includes

posted by elvissinatra on Jan 9, 2002 - 2 comments

Merry Christmas, and Thanks!

Merry Christmas Matt! (and everyone else BTW!)
Thank you Matt for what you have created and your obvious passion for sharing knowledge and may you and yours be blessed in the new year!
posted by tilt on Dec 24, 2001 - 6 comments

starring Matt Haughey

Haughey stood at the massive glass windows of his permanent residence at the W Hotel on Third and Howard in San Francisco. He'd had the top three floors made into a single towering space with 40-foot ceilings. The elevator flowed to a smooth stop in the center of the space he shared with his wife, Kay, who was now standing near the Henry Moore reclining nude eating a pomegranate. "What's the weather," she asked, although she could see perfectly well what the weather was. After all, those were some big fucking windows.

posted by mrbula on Dec 8, 2001 - 25 comments

Matt's dad has had a stroke

I really hope that mathowie isn't bothered by me posting this here, but since he's talking about in on his site, I'm going to assume it's okay. Matt's dad has had a stroke, and is in hospital. The reason I bring it up is to request that we maybe take some care not to break things here over the next little while, and maybe send some positive thoughts in the general direction of Matt's family.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Dec 8, 2001 - 48 comments

Mathowie on The Morning News

The Morning News is hosting a round table discussion on writing on the web, with mathowie among the contributors. Check it out.
posted by moz on Dec 4, 2001 - 12 comments

This mathowie dude violated the 1 post/24 hour limit

I don't know who this "mathowie" character is, but he appears to have found a way to get past the one-post-every-24-hours limitation, posting two front-page threads within an hour of each other- probably with some super-sophisticated hack or something. Someone better close this loophole before other people start exploiting it!
posted by hincandenza on Nov 14, 2001 - 9 comments

Better search, fewer doubles

I improved the search "previously found" feedback. Here is what you see if you search for something that was posted less than 5 times in the database, and here is what you see if you post a URL that is in there more than that. Hopefully this will cut down on double-posts.
posted by mathowie on Nov 3, 2001 - 9 comments

Matt interviewed by Derek Powazek.

For Newbies(and the odd Oldie too): Here's some good and timely advice from Derek Powasek's Conversation with Matt Haughey, back when MetaFilter only had 2000+ members. It's probably been posted before, but will be new to many of us late-comers.. In fact, it should be read along with the guidelines, IMO(it certainly chastised me...). A good chaser is a link from the About page here at MeFi, where you get Powazek discussing Metafilter.
Food for thought, to say the least: how important are original and innovative links? Very.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 28, 2001 - 10 comments

Admin duties on metafilter are a lot of work and more than a full time job.

Just so you know, I was in LA for the last couple days, unannounced (because I didn't want people to take advantage of it).

I guess it's pretty clear now that I spend my time cleaning crap off metafilter 24/7 these days, and now that I was away, maybe everyone can appreciate how much work it is to snub double-posts, fix html errors, and ban malicious, callous users. I'm not looking for an inbox of thank-yous or twenty brown-nosing comments on this thread, I just feel it's worth saying. Admin duties on metafilter are a lot of work and more than a full time job.

My first attempt at supporting myself with this site will launch on Monday. Some people may not like it. I made it as harmless and innocous as possible. It won't make me rich, but it'll hopefully provide enough money for server upgrades and upkeep. Keep the last couple days in mind if you find anything not to like about The New Thing That Launches Monday.
posted by mathowie on Oct 19, 2001 - 44 comments

Happy Birthday mathowie.

Happy Birthday mathowie.
posted by JISH on Oct 10, 2001 - 47 comments

MetaFilter is now neither meta nor a filter

MetaFilter is now neither meta nor a filter. Discuss.
posted by jkottke on Sep 22, 2001 - 138 comments

mad propz

I would just like to offer mad propz to The Haughey for keeping the site up and running today. Where Microsoft failed, a lone hobbyist working for free came through.
posted by jjg on Sep 11, 2001 - 20 comments

eBay post that no longer exists

It was like the tour de france.
posted by mathowie on Aug 5, 2001 - 10 comments

Do I know those guys?

Is that Matt and Jack on the Mitsubishi Eclipse [Start the commotion] commercial? Just maybe the glasses and the haircut. Who are the female models in that spot anyway?
[Links to photos and a .mov file]
posted by tamim on Jul 24, 2001 - 3 comments

Mefi closing? For serious sez #1

Mefi hacked again? I was reading this thread and someone posting under your name said this:
k10k and Dreamless are taking breaks, not closing permanently.
As MetaFilter will, from August 6th to August 20th. I'll be in Australia, and will be taking the site down during my time away, to ensure I don't have any reason to worry about the site while I spend my vacation/honeymoon relaxing.
posted by fooljay on Jul 14, 2001 - 29 comments

Matt has a funny number of posts!

Quick, Matt, make another front page post! Your eternal destiny may depend on it! [explanation inside]
posted by iceberg273 on Jun 28, 2001 - 16 comments

Matt's in the news

Rock-star Matt Haughey is in the news again (with gratuitous photo). This time, in a New York Times article on the Amazon honor system (penned by Ironminds' Andy Wang).
posted by andrewraff on Jun 13, 2001 - 31 comments

What does a programmer/web designer needs to succeed in the current market?

even before i knew about matt's having been
laid off, i was planning on posting this to metatalk; it now has added applicability, though.

i need a job, but i have no experience in all of this crap i see postings about: websphere, sybase, etc. so here's my question: what do you guys all think that a programmer / web designer needs to succeed in the current market? any good pointers on where to learn or what to read about the junk?

posted by moz on May 25, 2001 - 16 comments

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