136 posts tagged with link.
Displaying 101 through 136 of 136. Subscribe:

Expanding the URL search?

Very Small Pony: Matt, would it be possible to copy the code used for the URL search on the Post A Link page onto the Search page, so it could be accessed even if you have posted something within the past 24 hours?
posted by anastasiav on Jan 15, 2004 - 6 comments

Link to AskMe

Ask MetaFilter is currently only available to those of us who come to MetaTalk. Since it's probably the best thing on MeFi since the sliced-bread thread, wouldn't it be an elementary courtesy to extend the service (and information) to the blue-only crowd? Is it really so marvellous that it deserves to be kept for us aficionados alone? Fwiw, I think we could use the extra minds and souls. Why not include a link (plus sidebar mention) on the main page? Or is it meant to be an insiders' secret? This, imho, is just wrong!
posted by MiguelCardoso on Dec 21, 2003 - 34 comments

MeTa archives goes to MeTa-ish AskMe

The current archives button from MeTa takes me to a page formatted like MeTa but containing Ask MeFi's threads.
posted by wanderingmind on Dec 13, 2003 - 5 comments

Links to slashdot

"Aren't links to slashdot, especially to slashdot discussions, officially discouraged? And if not, shouldn't they be?"
posted by namespan on Oct 1, 2003 - 28 comments

Link check to prevent double posts?

Probably been mentioned before, but how hard would it be to link check on a post to ensure no double posting? You could even mock the poor soul!
posted by xmutex on Jun 12, 2003 - 16 comments

Who can I email to edit my link?

Who's a trusted user? I need someone to edit my link here from "http://www.metafilter.com/www.agsfb.com" to "www.agsfb.com"
i tried looking all over mefi to see if i could find anyone to contact instead of posting here first...thanks
posted by car_bomb on Apr 1, 2003 - 36 comments

point LINK tag to page, not MeTa

Why does the LINK tag with rel="bookmark" on MetaFilter pages(even the front page) point to MetaTalk, rather than the pages themselves?
[more inside]
posted by Su on Mar 11, 2003 - 14 comments

List of MeFite blogs

I've looked in the FAQ, the Wiki, riffola's user page, and nowhere can I find a comprehensive list of MeFiers' blogs. Does such a thing exist? If not, should such a thing exist? I think a portal showing recent entries from MeFiers' blogs could be nearly as entertaining as MeFi itself.
posted by vraxoin on Feb 26, 2003 - 23 comments

The link to this loud website needs a warning!

Warning: this link involves music/sound/voices/heavy breathing that will make you jump and scramble to close the window before your coworkers hear.
posted by gottabefunky on Feb 7, 2003 - 16 comments

ethically questionable mapping link; i am sorry

I recently posted a link, and in it I happened to slip a 1x1 px graphic that is used by this site to create a map of internet users. Seemed harmless enough, but in retrospect I regret having done it. It was an action of questionable ethics, and I should have avoided it. Please nix my post and accept my apologies.
posted by oissubke on Feb 2, 2003 - 59 comments

One of my links is messed up.

The last link in this thread was fine on preview but not after I posted.
posted by mediareport on Jan 1, 2003 - 2 comments

Remember single-link posts?

Remember single-link posts?

A glance at the front page soon reveals they are now the exception rather than the rule. This is perhaps due to MeTa influence. You know: "Add a link or two for context/to show you care/as proof you can google". And yet great single-link posts, like this one, are probably the most appealing and difficult to get right. Not least because I suspect most users will only click on what they assume is the main link. Have multi-link posts become the norm or are they just a passing trend?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 28, 2002 - 24 comments

oops - metafilter lead link?

OK, now that's just silly. Why would someone make the lead link a link to MetaFilter when they had two perfectly good links in the body of the post?
posted by me3dia on May 22, 2002 - 4 comments

commentary-cutting link view pony?

I don't know if this has been asked for before, or is even good for a "community" web site, but, does anyone think having an extra link from each front page post that cut's out all the commentary and just shows urls to sites that have been linked in the discussion - a way to look at sites without pre-judgements being put in your mind by the comments they are with?
posted by bregdan on May 7, 2002 - 12 comments

Why is my link munged?

I tried to build a (hideous but real) link and it kept getting munged.
posted by NortonDC on Apr 17, 2002 - 12 comments

How do you credit a link you found elsewhere?

What is the current approach to credit the source of a link?
I've posted a link today and credited the place where I actually found the link, in this case a personal weblog. Inside the thread, someone mentioned that it could be credited to Reuters and I was puzzled by that.

So, when I come across an interesting link and decide to post it, should I credit the place where I found it or should I credit the original source? I didn't want to raise this question in the original thread to avoid sidetracking...

posted by rexgregbr on Mar 27, 2002 - 11 comments

Blind FPPs suck.

Blind FPPs suck. Is it asking so much to tell me what the link is about?
posted by luser on Mar 27, 2002 - 8 comments

Too many links in post

How many links does a front page post have before they become irritating?
posted by Spoon on Feb 20, 2002 - 25 comments

mathowie disappears link from FPP

Odd. The link in this thread's post just vanished. I know it was there because I linked it (a yahoo news piece) to read it and now it's gone.
posted by eyeballkid on Dec 20, 2001 - 7 comments

Login link placement

I share my computer and have to login and out of MeFi a lot. Would it be too much to ask to have a login link at the top of the opening page instead of just the bottom?
posted by corpse on Dec 2, 2001 - 8 comments

Hey, I saw that on boingboing!

MeFi is going through another period of Romenesko following (here here here here). The circle of meta will continues...
posted by Neale on Nov 30, 2001 - 18 comments

Bug: comment links send me back to the top

when i try to jump to someone's specific comment in a MeTa thread, it sends me to the top of the page. [example inside]
posted by rorycberger on Nov 14, 2001 - 6 comments

Reformatting breaking links

links in comments are getting busted.
posted by moz on Nov 7, 2001 - 21 comments

Single link for a whole post?

We should be able to refer to a topic (i.e. whole of thread) using single link - in a way that will allow us to send it via email to other people who are likely to be interested, but don't use metafilter regularly.

posted by vinod on Oct 1, 2001 - 3 comments

A standard link format desired

A standard link format with fields for source, catagory, link & title, description. Reasoning inside.
posted by skyline on Sep 3, 2001 - 4 comments

Another day, another link

Serial Linker A lot of folks on MetaFilter probably post in the same genre every once in a while, but what do people feel about someone linking every day on the same topic? Clearly it's not something anyone wants to become a widespread trend; is it appropriate in any context?
posted by chaz on Aug 5, 2001 - 8 comments

Open more links in new window

I know this has been mentioned previously (but there's no search function in MetaTalk, and I'm too lazy to look the thread(s) up by hand)... Anyway, I've set my preference for links to "Open in a new window". Problem is, the new window command is only applied to the subject link on the front page... not links found elsewhere in the post, or in comments to the posts. I'd really like all links to open in a new window regardless. Is this by design? I'm I whining?
posted by silusGROK on Apr 26, 2001 - 12 comments

Powered By Bookmarks

How about a bookmark for the lovely 'powered by' bar? It'd make it even easier to point people to how cool it is.
posted by Sean Meade on Apr 21, 2001 - 5 comments

Error with the MeFi scholarship link in Opera.

Opera5 shows the "MetaFilter college scholarship" as an off yellow link but it's not clickable. After a quick glance at the HTML it seems Opera doesn't like the negative value, "margin-top:-20px". It looks like there's an unclosed DIV tag around that area too, well, maybe.
posted by holloway on Apr 16, 2001 - 7 comments

Donate link in the MeTa header

Someone else wants to see "About MetaTalk" in the void above (right below "MetaFilter Home"). However, I'd like to see a "Donate" link there. Every so often when at Me* I'll say to myself, "Hey, I should donate $1" or I may think, "Hey, how much has Matt managed to get from us?!" and I'll click on Donate. However, when one of those thoughts just hit me a minute ago, I was on MeTa and thus there was no Donate link. Minor request/feature, I know, but it has the potential to raise MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!
posted by gluechunk on Apr 3, 2001 - 5 comments

Links not linking

Not sure if this is a bug, but on some posts the links aren't showing up for me, both on the home page and on the detail. (IE 5.50)
posted by accountingboy on Mar 21, 2001 - 6 comments

Link people v Discussion people

I think there's evidence of a real divide among mefi users, between people who like the links and people who like the discussion. And I think a possible solution is right in front of our faces.
posted by sudama on Mar 15, 2001 - 7 comments

Links appearing as default-blue

For the past several days, links on both MeFi and MetaTalk have been appearing as default blue. At first I thought this was a design decision (though they're devilish hard to see against the MeFi background), but apparently the color change hasn't happened for Windows browsers (I use IE5 for the Mac). What's up?
posted by redfoxtail on Feb 8, 2001 - 4 comments

link from MetaTalk to MetaFilter

Would it be too much trouble to put a link back to Metafilter on Metatalk- in the same place as it is on Metafilter.
posted by TuxHeDoh on Oct 27, 2000 - 1 comment

how about having the word "new" link to an anchor

After each post, where it says "x comments (x new)," how about having the word "new" link to an anchor of the first new comment on that link's comments page?
posted by Nikolai on May 7, 2000 - 1 comment

Link Titles Are Good...

Link Titles Are Good...and don't mess with your status bar. Here's an example that should show up when you mouseover it. Anyone who frequents twernt will know what I'm talking about. I encourage people to use them in their posts. And Matt, maybe we could get another field in the article posting form for this?
posted by lbergstr on Apr 18, 2000 - 4 comments

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