326 posts tagged with media.
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Metafilter in the Globe and Mail
Metafilter mentioned in Globe and Mail [more inside]
Because having your questions answered by *one* know it all is so pre-AskMe.
Salon's Cary Tennis referred one of his questioning letter writers to AskMe for a discussion on sighing. So how long is until is it until Dear Abby and Ann Landers just start to tell their readers, "Get counselling, and read AskMe, dear."
Go Team?
Metafilter is the 3rd Smartest Website in the World
Metafilter: All opinion?
Metafilter is....
A Dude's Perspective
A Dude's Perspective... impressive taste in bike related objects!
AskMe on Cat and Girl
I'm not generally a huge fan of these kinds of posts, but Cat and Girl mentioned AskMe today as part of its is-this-sarcasm-or-double-sarcasm pop culture revue, and my heart filled with glee.
Mathowie for the win
You don't have to be bananas to post here, but it helps.
Metafilter's own soulbarn recently had his new book on bananas favorably reviewed at Salon. I look forward to reading it.
Metafilter gets a little love.
Jon Armstrong (Mr. Dooce) gives Metafilter a shout out at 20:20 on SLC's ABC affiliate.
Jessamyn on FutureTense
Hey, I'm listening to Jessamyn talking about MetaFilter and revolting users on FutureTense. [more inside]
We are a Paragon
Does the five bucks make a difference in the quality of our discussions? There's a Freakanomics post on the NY Times today that points to a web page set up to compare comment-streams on MetaFilter and YouTube. [more inside]
Notice and Gratitude
Tomorrow's NPR episode of The Bryant Park Project will include features on Stuff Nobody Likes and Muxtapes, complete with an interview with our very own Afroblanco. [more inside]
Huffington Post, Lifehacker, Metafilter
Metafilter is ranked #3 (is it a ranking?) on Time Magazine's first annual blog index. The full list on one page (via Valleywag).
context is for quitters
We want the airwaves...
I heard this DJ singing the praises of MetaFilter on Atlanta radio this afternoon. She was talking up the site in general, and the alphabetical song lyric post specifically. Who says there's never anything good on the radio?
I can haz marketshare?
AskMe #4 in Q&A site visits in the US according to Hitwise. Download the rest of the doc + chart here. Interesting news but I must say I've never even heard of Answerbag.
Dork Talk redux
LanguageHat on PRI
Did anyone else hear LanguageHat on PRI's The World? [more inside]
I read the news today, oh boy
The founder explains why he allows great freedom to the members. HerfDerfGuardianReader
SF Chronicle Metafilter mention
Metafilter Ethos
Syndicated columnist Annalee Newitz on Metafilter.
Metafilter t-shirt spotted in "American Libraries" Journal
Spot-the-Mefite: "American Libraries " edition [more inside]
Is This What They Mean By Crowdsourcing?
Thanks, Metafilter! We talked about the strange saga of Mr. Splashy Pants in the blue back in November; today, as a more or less direct result, it's a feature story in The Globe & Mail. [more inside]
Best Blogs of 2007 That You (Maybe) Aren't Readin
#23: Every year I sneak a reference to Metafilter onto this list. And every year a Metafilter post ridicules its inclusion -- can't wait to see this year's! Have at it, inclusoridiculists.
Who is the real Languagehat?
Our criticism is important to artists.
Matt to be interview on Pirate Cat Radio
Dear Leader will be a guest on my radio show, Baghdad by the Bay, Saturday the 15th at 4pm PST, on Pirate Cat Radio. [more inside]
Why doesn't matthowie have a $200M valuation?
Why is MeFi not part of the social news site boom? Digg, reddit, newsvine, and others are the lucrative hot trend, but MeFi seems to do the same thing better (no Ron Paul spam), smarter, and for longer, and we even have favorites, for those who want voting-like capabilities. So why is MeFi not included with these young whippersnappers? And why are they not learning from MeFi's evolved model of light moderation, talk pages, and strong self-policing?
Metafilter post basis for Guardian Magazine cover story?
The Most Kissed Girl in the World FPP seems to have inspired the cover story for the Guardian weekend magazine on Saturday 1st December. A version of the article is on the Guardian website, albeit with a different heading. [more inside]
Ask MetaFilter. It's a Punchline.
I DUNNO. ASK METAFILTER. A shoutout (in the company of some rather big web-names) from big-time webcomicker (and dead tree comicker), MetaFilter's Own clango.
NPR headline unknowingly makes a MeFi funny.
Carnegie Mellon Study Ranks Most Informative Blogs
Oh boy! Sleep! That's where I'm a MeFite!
Today on BoingBoing TV: MeFi's own Greg Nog asks Simpsons director David Silverman: " Does Ralph mean he dreams of being being a literal viking when he sleeps, or does he use "viking" as an absurd way of saying that he excels at the act of sleeping?" [more inside]
Peacy's Blogroll
So Peacay's blog and book BibliOdyssey are getting some attention: a nice post on Edutopia, that was picked up today by Andrew Sullivan. Congratulations, Peacay. [more inside]
Adventures on The Wheel of Consciousness
An Ask Metafilter comment of mine (this one) has been quoted in Jeff Warren’s new book The Head Trip: Adventures on The Wheel of Consciousness. Cool, eh? [more inside]
famous blue website
IdleCuriousityFilter: What media mentions of MetaFilter have generated significant numbers of new accounts? [more inside]
LRB Shoutout
Down With DaShiv! Long Live DaShiv!
All hail DaShiv.
NY Times: "DaShiv is a star, an internationally famous portrait photographer". The article also mentions ThePinkSuperhero and some guy named Matthew Haughey.
"All-Stars of the Clever Riposte"
MeFi's own " All-Stars of the Clever Riposte"
No. 18 Matthew Haughey
NxE’s Fifty Most Influential Bloggers (whoever NxE is). Anyway, Matt made no. 18. [more inside]
Jenny Diski wastes acres of time online!
Lost Another One To The Fark Side
Scurvy of Butt!
MeFi on TV sighting
Wifey tells me that MeFi was mentioned on this show last night. She said one of the featured vids was from a post here on MeFi. (I missed it-was watching Billy Jack vs. Evil Bikers or something.)
Personal Blimp Followup
Happy Blogiversary, Metafilter!
Happy Blogiversary, Metafilter!
Metafilter gets a mention in a Wall Street Journal article celebrating 10 years of blogs. (WSJ subscription required)
mathowie on babies -- what else could MeTa be for?
Fresh Haughey sighting in the wild: confirmed. Dispatch all units.