168 posts tagged with Comment.
Displaying 51 through 100 of 168. Subscribe:
The conservative mom comment
Where is that comment which wonderfully explains why women from conservative American families tend to have children much earlier than other women? It's probably at least a couple of years old, but I think it was heavily-favorited.
Greatest weakness is baloney or bacon or actually a thoughtful answer
Someone once posted a link to or description of a good response to 'what's your greatest weakness' that remained polite while pointing out to the interviewer that it is maybe not a great question. [more inside]
You know, just in case I want to write something for the Fringe Festival...
I'm looking for a comment that I just can't find and want to read again. It detailed a version of Sex In The City as performed as a Beckett-like Black Box stage production. The women wailed a chorus of " THE SHOES" someone said " I fear I am not fecund". I have tried every permutation I could think of with no success. I'm 99% sure I read it here.
One pill makes you larger... and one pill makes you smaller.
The text was small for a reason. Font size can be important in meaning and expression. [more inside]
Deleting the thumbs down?
Big Companies FTW
Great Metafilter comment on moving up from a low-level position in a big company? [more inside]
Walmart supplier comment
Apropos of this thread, I'm trying to find a MetaFillter comment from a few years ago in which the commenter related a story about a friend or family member whose company made a product that Walmart became interested in selling. [more inside]
sidebar pony
Pony Request: Indicate in a thread which comment(s) have been sidebarred. [more inside]
How did I not favorite that?
Sexy lesbian superhero webcomic? [more inside]
Comment fiction
Is there much in the way of comment fiction? Has anyone collected it? Thinking about things like this.
Please help me find a comment
A while back on Metafilter somebody in a comment gave a name to the phenomenon where a naive computer user would go through a crazy number of steps to achieve a result that a user who knows what they're doing would get in a much more straightforward manner. So, to manipulate an image they'd found online, they might print it out, then take a photograph of it, then email the JPG file to themselves, then etc., etc... This sort of thing.
Does anybody remember the comment I'm talking about, and the name it gave for this? I think it may have been a comment by one of the mods, but I can't quite remember it or find it by searching. Thanks!
(I ask because I'm sure it'll be a perfect description of the map on this page.)
Typos shall not stand!
Pony request: In an effort to save people from their own mistakes how about an extremely minimal editing ability for comments? [more inside]
Find the derivative
Biggest comment-to-favorite ratios? [more inside]
Thread bookmarking for recent activity
Recently active pony: Is there a way to see recent activity since specific, non-self comments? Or some other way to bookmark threads? [more inside]
Bringing out the dead
My first pony. [more inside]
I would thank you everyone for making this possible
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am now five comments away from 10k on the blue. [more inside]
Finding an AskMe comment about eating
Sometime within the last six or months or so (I think?) there was a post on Ask MetaFilter about eating or dieting or ways to lose weight or something to that effect. One of the commenters said something about how he or she says something like, "does this taste as good as it would feel" or something like that. It may have been marked as a Best Answer, which means it wasn't in an anonymous thread and I think it had a number of favorites. I can't find it now, but does anyone remember where that comment was? Anyone? Thanks!
How to search favorites for posts/comments by a certain user
Is there a way to search my favorites for comments I have favorited by a specific user? [more inside]
Sockpuppet Posse
Is it okay to post a comment in your own thread with one of your sockpuppets to support your side of a discussion/argument? [more inside]
The forum at the end of the universe
"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Starship Titanic website sat a specious message board with posts by the senior crew of the fictional ship. This is not its story." The Economist blog "Babbage" explores (in decidedly Adamsian style) the fascinating story of the Starlight Lines forum and its "accidental" community, as told by Mefi's own Yoz Grahame in this truly epic comment from last December. [more inside]
This link is already here!
In-thread link check pony? [more inside]
She's got rainbows and scrolling.
My little phoney: A larger text field for answering/commenting on the mobile site? [more inside]
Looking for an AskMe comment about a unique backup system
FindThatCommentFilter: There was a comment a few years back discussing a rather unique data recovery system that used automatic screenshots, but I can't find it. Do you remember it? [more inside]
Help me find an old comment on the ancient greek philosophy of math
Looking for a comment about the philosophy of ancient Greek mathematics. [more inside]
Encouraging answers rather than comments in AskMe
Suggestion: changing AskMe "Post Comment" to "Post Answer." [more inside]
Software on the Space Shuttle comment?
Can you help me find this comment that described how software for the Space Shuttle is written? [more inside]
Much Ado About Donuts
I appear to have just gotten my first comment deletion, out of this thread. Out of concern about aggressive moderation and love for the MetaFilter community, I have several pony requests. [more inside]
truncated comment = open tag
Automated truncation of this long comment in mid-<small>appears to have broken Recent Activity. [more inside]
And there it is, gone !
Scroll me closer, tiny pony.
Teeny tiny pony: remove the #commentpreview anchor in the header redirect after posting a comment. [more inside]
Searching within a category across Ask comments?
Is there a way to limit a search of Ask to a specific category? [more inside]
What percentage of Ask MetaFilter questions are "hole-in-ones"?
What percentage of Ask MetaFilter questions are "hole-in-ones"? [more inside]
we could do better, y'all
When philip-random made this comment: "There's much talk at MetaTALK of all the things that Metafilter does NOT do well, but seldom do we hear of the one thing that MetaFilter routinely tanks at, which is anything to do with WRITING." ... he was damn well spot-on. Anything we might possibly do to remedy this depressing reality?
lame thread, excellent comment
Is there a way to delete a thread, but leave a comment? Maybe that should be a feature for making me laugh, at least. [more inside]
This is the future, I was promised perpetual motion machines!
I recall reading relatively recently (maybe within the past 3 months?) on the Blue about a comment listing some consequences if the law of Conservation of Energy is wrong. One of my coworkers just got into some "over-unity" nonsense, and I need to show him what for. I'm having some trouble Googling for it, or I wouldn't ask. Thanks in advance!
Comments that have the recipient in the detail
The Business Week forums have an interesting feature to their non-threaded discussions that I think would make an excellent feature here given the growing size of the user base, and many threads with dozens of comments. They allow a comment to be posted in response to someone else, or to the thread at large. In the heading of the comment, they post the "recipient's" name, which makes following a long discussion easier. [more inside]
Flash walk-overs?
There was a comment link to a guy doing walk-over video for websites. I'm pretty sure it was a joke. I lost the link and now I wonder if it was on MeFi at all. [more inside]
Looking for an ask.mefi comment about our corporate government
Looking for a comment on an ask.mefi question that was along the lines of "the government is run by corporations and there's nothing we can do about it and that's all it ever will be, ever," but in a much more eloquent way. I think it was sometime in the past 12 months. I know that's not a lot to go on, but anyone have a clue where I might find it?
The pitfalls of cool
Does anyone remember that awesome screed against cool? [more inside]
Not the Cameron movie. Not the Shyamalan movie either.
Is there a Greasemonkey script for displaying user avatars next to posts and comments? [more inside]
I wanted to point out a simply magnificent couple of comments about the Google Book Settlement by one of our members, grimmelm, or James Grimmelmann, as he’s know in the real world. [more inside]
JRun Error of 2009?
Problems Posting a Comment. [more inside]
Search Through User's Activity?
Would it be possible to have a search box on Activity subpages -- in other words, a search function that limits itself to a single user's comments or posts? [more inside]
Great read!
Hi, just wanted to say how great (I think) this story comment is. I don't get to read everything on the site, and maybe someone missed this like I miss other things.
RSS comment count?
Since yesterday, I haven't been seeing the comment count in the RSS feeds anymore. I've tried in the main metafilter feed and in the popular posts feed. Is it a bug, an oversight, a suppressed pony? Is it just me? Thanks for listening.
DU's 10,000th comment
deleted comments show up in side bar
I can see the favorites this comment has, and it shows up in my side bar because it was made by a contact, but the comment has been deleted.