101 posts tagged with London.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 101. Subscribe:

Aww shucks you guys...

Thank you so much for showing the love on the sidebar. Beyond deep appreciation, I would also like to offer this token of gratitude. [more inside]
posted by nickrussell on Aug 30, 2012 - 25 comments

MetaFilter vs. Reddit 3 in 3-D

It's that time once again--the London Mefite contingent is going to do battle tonight with Reddit in an epic pub quiz. It's a smaller crowd this time, with only nine of us confirmed, but it's still enough to do two teams. Come by and cheer us on, or do so here. As usual, one of us will be posting updates at the halfway mark and afterward.
posted by Mr. Bad Example on Aug 6, 2012 - 81 comments

Reddit trivia rematch

Good morning westerners! In just over four hours, our Trivial Special Forces will reassemble in central London to do battle with our arch-nemeses, Reddit, in a re-match after we mopped the floor with them last time. Current IRL thread here. Any MeFites in London are encouraged to come along and participate and/or cheer us on. Live updates in this thread will follow I'm sure, though we will go dark during the quiz. Tally-ho! [more inside]
posted by PercussivePaul on Feb 6, 2012 - 143 comments

Reddit vs Metafilter - London Oct 10th

Reddit has discovered that the London Mefites are going to a pub quiz at the Hat and Tun on 10th Oct, and are proposing to 'hand their asses to them', along with alien signs, hats, vuvuzelas, etc. The gauntlet has been thrown, Mefites, and we must respond with overwhelming pancakes. [more inside]
posted by adrianhon on Oct 7, 2011 - 421 comments

Return of the Grouse

London meetup on the afternoon of Saturday, 2 July? [more inside]
posted by grouse on Jun 25, 2010 - 24 comments

Winsor and Newton factory tour meet-up!

Meetup-with-an-ulterior-motive: Winsor and Newton factory tour in Middlesex, England, on May 4, 2010 -- anybody? [more inside]
posted by obliquicity on Apr 20, 2010 - 8 comments

London meetup!

London mefites, want to meetup with a couple of San Francisco mefites? [more inside]
posted by rtha on Apr 13, 2010 - 25 comments

Do you hear that Doug? I'm coming to London!

Londoners: I'm coming to town for a few days... fancy a meetup? [more inside]
posted by jonathanstrange on Apr 9, 2010 - 60 comments

Calling London...

I am traveling to London tomorrow from the US, will be there for 5 days. Would love to find a few laid back pubs w/ live music -- any suggestions? (I am staying near Soho.) Any UK mefites out there care to meet up for a pint?
posted by caveat empress on Mar 19, 2010 - 10 comments

In which the protagonist is welcomed to her new home at a publick drinking house where much merriment occurs

Lets welcome iamkimiam, (who is leaving San Francisco) to the UK next week! What say you? [more inside]
posted by vacapinta on Mar 9, 2010 - 42 comments

Anyone play or want to play werewolf/mafia in London?

Does anyone play the game Werewolf or Mafia in London? Or do you want to start? [more inside]
posted by Not Supplied on Mar 4, 2010 - 10 comments


London meetup this week? [more inside]
posted by zippy on Feb 20, 2010 - 9 comments

Calling all London, York, and Cardiff MeFites!

Hello London, York, and Cardiff MeFites...I want to meet you! [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Feb 5, 2010 - 52 comments

London and champers shall we drink?

Tell me London, what do you really think about afternoon champers in January? [more inside]
posted by Mutant on Jan 22, 2010 - 16 comments

Please help me stop Mrs Mutant from shopping on Boxing Day!!

Its Boxing Day. Surely you'd rather meetup than shop? [more inside]
posted by Mutant on Dec 13, 2009 - 27 comments

Secret Garden Party on December 12th shall we?

Anyone attending Secret Garden Party on December 12th? [more inside]
posted by Mutant on Dec 4, 2009 - 9 comments

Organising a meetup beats donning a hairshirt every time (late November London meetup?)

Fancy a late November London Meetup? [more inside]
posted by Mutant on Nov 12, 2009 - 50 comments

Meet Me In Alameda?

Meetup in Bay Area, California? [more inside]
posted by Alnedra on Oct 28, 2009 - 24 comments

London meetup?

Isn't it about time we had another London meetup? [more inside]
posted by sueinnyc on Sep 29, 2009 - 44 comments

I am art.

In this thread about Antony Gormley's One and Other art project in Trafalgar Square this summer, Mr Mustard said that he would post to Mefi from the plinth if picked. As I'm appearing on there tomorrow (Mon 21st) I feel honour-bound to do just that. Possible mini-meetup... [more inside]
posted by i_cola on Sep 20, 2009 - 50 comments

London meetup?

London meetup next week? There's a catch... [more inside]
posted by backseatpilot on Apr 20, 2009 - 34 comments

London Meet-up Round 2

Let's try this again... London meet-up, late January? [more inside]
posted by booknerd on Jan 12, 2009 - 38 comments

London meet-up pretty please?

How about a London meet-up for an out-of-towner? I'll be visiting for a couple of weeks and may be lonely! [more inside]
posted by booknerd on Dec 11, 2008 - 47 comments

London meetup Nov 4th - US Election Night

London meetup Nov 4th - US Election Night. Let's face it, we're all going to be checking the internet obsessively, so we might as well do it together! [more inside]
posted by adrianhon on Oct 18, 2008 - 95 comments

London meetup?

I will be in London attending a conference Oct 12 - 19. The conference doesn't run through that whole time period, so I will have some free time, probably Friday evening and definitely Saturday. It's my first time visiting London and would love to meet MeFi folks.
posted by needled on Sep 29, 2008 - 55 comments

London picnic meetup

London picnic meetup! [more inside]
posted by goo on Jul 27, 2008 - 97 comments

London meetup, Saturday 26th July?

London meetup, Saturday 26th July? [more inside]
posted by TheDonF on Jul 13, 2008 - 28 comments

jason's_planet will be in London. Let's meet up!

Hey, there, London. I'll be visiting from May 16 through the 26th and would like to drink with you. [more inside]
posted by jason's_planet on Apr 28, 2008 - 81 comments

The Smoke meetup!

London --- cold, windy, wet! This calls for some human warmth... [more inside]
posted by heartofglass on Feb 2, 2008 - 105 comments

London Christmas Meetup

London Christmas Meetup [more inside]
posted by essexjan on Dec 1, 2007 - 87 comments

London Calling/Calling London.

London Calling/Calling London. Perchance a meetup? I'm visiting next week and would love to meet and greet and talk and talk and talk. [more inside]
posted by foxy_hedgehog on Oct 16, 2007 - 21 comments

Mathowie Meetup Pics.

Photos from tonight's meetup. [more inside]
posted by essexjan on Oct 5, 2007 - 71 comments

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Photos from last night's London meetup. [more inside]
posted by armoured-ant on Sep 21, 2007 - 44 comments

Mathowie in London

I'm gonna be in London from Oct 1-6th. If there's a meetup that week, I'll be there. - Mathowie Can we firm up the plans? [more inside]
posted by srboisvert on Sep 16, 2007 - 121 comments

London dim sum meetup – Saturday the 25th of August

I was very excited to learn at a recent meetup that I am not the only London MeFite with a fondness for dim sum. So – who else is in for dim sum at Chuen Cheng Ku (as recommended in this thread)? Wilder will be in town on the Saturday the 25th, and is in. Let’s meet outside on Wardour Street at 12:30 p.m.
posted by sueinnyc on Aug 14, 2007 - 22 comments

Any UK MeFites going to the Battle Of Ideas?

This year's Battle of Ideas will take place on 27 & 28 October at London's Royal College of Art. It seems like the sort of thing people here would be interested in, anyone else going along? Much interesting discussion will be had no doubt and presumably a not insigificant amount of alcohol (if the governments binge drinking figures are to be trusted) will be consumed post-debate. Disclaimer: One of my friends is talking at the event and many of them are involved in the organistation that runs it.
posted by public on Aug 12, 2007 - 11 comments

MetaProm6Meet-up London

Have a look at BBC Prom 6 from 10.15pm on the 17th July. Interested? I'm going to suggest a mini London MetaProm6 meet-up somewhere near the Royal Albert Hall. [MI]I'm free from 5.30. The Hubby can be here from 7. How about a mini-meet-up that ends up with Prom 6? (as opposed to the debauched ending our London Meet-ups normally have?)
posted by Wilder on Jul 13, 2007 - 31 comments

Books 'n' booze

Reminder: London meet up on Saturday 30 June, South Bank & Hammersmith. 11.30am under the clock at Waterloo (look for a gold balloon) for those doing BookCrossing, and 4.30-5 onwards at the Dove, Hammersmith, for those doing alcohol. Full details on the other thread.
posted by randomination on Jun 29, 2007 - 5 comments

London meetup, 28 June 2007

You remember that thing about London meetups happening far too frequently? Well, it's happening again. Short-notice meetup, tonight (Thursday 28th), Cittie of Yorke, 7pm onwards.
posted by chrismear on Jun 28, 2007 - 19 comments

London Meets

I will be traveling across a plethora of hemispheres, and will be in London between the 19 of June and the 8th of July. I'm normally of southern hemisphere so if anyone wants to meet for a drink - that would be lovely. Name a date (and possibly a place as I don't know the geography terribly well) and I will be there.
posted by Sparx on Jun 13, 2007 - 38 comments

Yet another London meet-up

London meet-ups, eh? There sure are a lot of them about at the moment, but on the off-chance that any of you are not already suffering from 'meet-up fatigue', there's yet another one planned for Monday, June 11. It's a result of this AskMe thread, and is your chance to welcome lackutrol to these shores. The venue will be the excellent Jerusalem Tavern, from around 5.30-6.00 onwards.
posted by MrMustard on Jun 6, 2007 - 33 comments

London Meetup

Following up on tonight's goodness, let's do a London meetup with a bit more notice. (more inside)
posted by Optamystic on Jun 5, 2007 - 19 comments

London Meetup, 5 June

Late-notice London meetup: Tuesday 5 June, 4pm onwards, The Salisbury, St Martin's Lane
posted by chrismear on Jun 4, 2007 - 22 comments

London meetup, Saturday

London Picnic: Now switched to Saturday May 5th, 2pm. Details inside.
posted by cillit bang on May 4, 2007 - 47 comments

London meetup?

Is it time for another London meetup? Maybe something midweek, or a weekend afternoon picnic?
posted by sueinnyc on Apr 22, 2007 - 41 comments

London meetup photos (Mar 2007)

Photos from last night's London meetup. Features sandwiches and corruption.
posted by chrismear on Mar 17, 2007 - 42 comments

London March meetup?

Oi, Londoners! March meetup?
posted by chrismear on Mar 7, 2007 - 59 comments

London meetup photos (Feb 2007)

Photos from last night's London meetup. Straight from sueinnyc's camera to my Flickr account to your face. Features health warnings.
posted by chrismear on Feb 17, 2007 - 61 comments

London meetup 16/2

London MeFi meetup tonight! More details Venue: White Swan Time: from 6:30pm (previous thread
posted by atrazine on Feb 16, 2007 - 17 comments

London meetup

Are we having a London meetup on the 16th? If so, where?
posted by sueinnyc on Feb 11, 2007 - 26 comments

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