735 posts tagged with meetups.
Displaying 151 through 200 of 735. Subscribe:
Canadian Prairies Meet-up In Regina in Early May?
Canadian Prairies Meet-up In Regina in Early May? [more inside]
DC meetup over Memorial Day? Any takers?
I'm planning a trip up to DC over Memorial Day weekend. Anyone wanna meet up? My days of travel are somewhat flexible, but basically somewhere between Thursday the 22 and Tuesday the 27. [more inside]
Los Angeleeeeeeez
Los Angeles-area Mefizens, I will be in your fair 'wood from Tuesday the 15th 'til Sunday the 20th. [more inside]
Ia! Ia! Cambridge, MA Meetup!
The mystical calculations and dire sacrifices have been made. As foretold by Mad Seer Wendell, there shall be a strange and wondrous confluence of mods in the Cambridge, MA on April 26th for a dread convocation. Surely we mere mortals may appease these inscrutable powers by drinking and feasting in their honor! The Stars Are Right, my friends, and you too shall be Right if you arrive at the Cambridge Brewing Company from 7PM to help toast our weary mods after they finish with their horrible rites! [more inside]
New York Comic Con 08 "Wooo!"
New York City Comic-Con is coming up soon, it's April 18 - 20th, I'll be going on the 19th and 20th. Anyone up for a MeFi-Meetup/Geekery/Walking around Jacobs Javits Center?
Horay for Mayday!
Mefi Mayday (May 4) Minneapolis Meetup at Powderhorn Park! [more inside]
"Another" Chicago Meetup?
"Another" Chicago meetup: Since only two of our members actually managed to meet up last time at Quenchers, shall we try again? [more inside]
SF Meetup for woebegone emigrating mefite duo's sousy sendoff? Needs to be April 19th! [more inside]
It's my happening and it freaks me out!
Central Illinois meetup @ Ebertfest? [more inside]
Baby don't you want to go?
Hey, kids, I've moved to Chicago. This seems to be a perfect excuse for a meetup. [more inside]
Meetup RSVP
Pony request: Meetup RSVP
Kinda like a favorite, except a little link that says you're planning on going, and a list of people somewhere on the page of who is planning on going.
the sun... it's so bright!
It's been WEEKS since the last Austin meetup, and now that all those crazy foreigners have left town, it's time for another meetup. There's been entirely too many meetups lately involving TV. How about rock climbing at Enchanted Rock? [more inside]
Going to the Atlanta JoCo show?
Fresh from entertaining the Code Monkeys of London (his first Euro gig ever), Mr. Jonathan Coulton returns to the states with a show at Atlanta's Variety Playhouse. Tomorrow night. Any other MeFites going? [more inside]
Meetup! What time? Where?
Small Meetup Functionality Request: Allow the Meetup thread poster to highlight the post which contains the agreed upon Place and Time? [more inside]
New Jersey gathering?
Um, did I miss a NJ get-together, or was there not one? [more inside]
Firenze meeetup!
Meetup a Firenze? Posible? [more inside]
Western Mass Meetup, Saturday, April 5, 2008
Western Massachusetts meetup, Saturday, April 5! Come to the Pioneer Valley and enjoy food, drink, and excellent company: Jessamyn and languagehat are expected to attend. Will you? [more inside]
Impromptu meetup in Melbourne?
Comrades Melburnian! Does anyone feel like an impromptu meetup on Maundy Thursday evening or during the day on Good Friday? A conference on Marxism seems like a good way to spend Good Friday. [more inside]
Tokyo mefites to meet for a drink
Any Tokyo mefites available for a drink? [more inside]
The Sun Is Here Seattle, Let's Have A Meetup!
Time for another Seattle Meet-Up? [more inside]
The First Mefi Restoration in the Straits.
Announcing the biggest Mefi gathering in Singapore, JB and some say, even Batam! [more inside]
I'll be visiting Waco, TX soon. Wanna meet?
I'll be coming down to Waco, TX to visit family for the Easter weekend. Would anyone like to meet up on Friday (March 21) or Saturday (March 22)? [more inside]
It's just like a meet-up except better because it's not in Berkeley.
Got to be! Got to be! Got to be another Washington, DC meet-up! Hey Hey! [more inside]
Buenos Aires Meetup
Buenos Aires Meetup [more inside]
comedy, chicago,
So lame, so late, but...Comedy Underground, Chicago, Tues. March 11, wanna meet me? [more inside]
Meetup in Chilangolandia, órale pues.
Mexico City meetup. ¿Les parece? [more inside]
P.S. it's loquacious' art show. woot!
Psst! Bay Area Mefites! *tosses sheet over group, turns flashlight on to face, speaks in hushed tones* Meet up with me at this seeecret art show!
Say! How about a Los Angeles meetup?
It's about time for another LA meetup, wouldn't you say? [more inside]
Lawrence, KS Metafilter people: party/meetup at my place.
Lawrence, KS Metafilter people: party/meetup at my place. [more inside]
My dog says she wants to lick your face. I hope you don't mind.
Okay, so it looks like it's time for another Crissy Field meetup so that my puppy can attend and run circles around all of you. [more inside]
Copenhagen Meetup: March 9th?
I have the good fortune to be planning a visit to Copenhagen on Sunday, March 9. Inspired by previous success, I'd love the opportunity to hang out with some local Mefites. Meetup? [more inside]
Canberra Meetup
We need a meetup in Canberra. [more inside]
Mighty Mighty Wellington Meetup
Wellington needs a meetup. [more inside]
chewing gum macaroons
Another scottish meetup ? [more inside]
SXSW Austin meetup?
Although I'm not going to South by Southwest, maybe the SXSW visitors and the Austin natives could have a meetup? SXSW is March 7 -16 this year.
Belgrade meetup? Har.Har and I are in. How's this weekend sound?
I just added so many "acquaintances" and "met" to my contact list!
So I see on the meet up side bar that there are two meet ups on the 29th, and there were three on the 9th. [more inside]
Milwaukee Meetup Photos
Photos from last night's meetup in Milwaukee.
Ottawa meet-up? [more inside]
Central NJ Meetup Part Two?
Central New Jersey Meet-Up second attempt... [more inside]
On we sweep with thrashing oar...
Hail San Franciscans. I will be landing on your shores bringing you a message of goodwill from the Rhine delta people. Let's engage in the ancient ritual of raising glasses of beer to signal the friendly relations between our nations.
Or to put it differently: I'll be in SF soon and I'd like to buy you a beer. And I'm sure you have plenty to catch up with each other too. [more inside]
Dallas meetup, Feb. 16
Anyone up for a Dallas meetup on February 16th at Texas Caribbean Food? (google map). Afterwards, if anyone that attends is interested, MeFite item is DJing at Night of the Loving Dead at Absinthe Lounge, right next door to TxCbbnFd. [more inside]
The Smoke meetup!
London --- cold, windy, wet! This calls for some human warmth... [more inside]
Cincinnati meetup?
Cincinnati meetup? [more inside]
Montreal rendezvous?
Montreal rendezvous? [more inside]
Calgary, AB meet-up
C'mon Calgary, let's get together. [more inside]
Let us celebrate the transition from winter to summer.
Quick, before it gets too hot! Can we have a spring Phoenix meetup? [more inside]
Philly. Bowling. Me. You?
Philly. Bowling. Me. You? [more inside]
Chapel Hill/ Durham meet-up?
Chapel Hill//Durham meetup? [more inside]
Is anyone out there?
Maybe a long shot, but any chance of a Swiss meetup? [more inside]