735 posts tagged with meetups.
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Madison Meetup thread got shoved off the page
Sadly - or perhaps deservedly - the Madison Meetup thread got shoved off the page. Last I heard, we were too wimpy to even come up with a date, much less a time. Can we begin again here? [no more inside].
NYC meetup for Blogger Bash
Big Apple Blogger Bash, 16 May 2003, Siberia Bar, 356 West 40th Street. Unmarked door.
SXSW! Who's here already? Who will be?
SXSW! Who's here already? Who will be?
New NYC meetup thread.
San Antonio meetup?
OK, so the thread about the MeFiNY gathering has me feeling envious and alienated (in a good way?). I can see from a search of users that there are plenty of people logging in out of Austin, but is anyone besides me from good ol' San Antonio? Could a MeFiSA be possible, even if all it aspires to is coffee at Jim's?
MeFiNYC Winter 2003
MeFiNYC Winter 2003 was great fun, unless you happened to be the monkey. It had sex, drugs, death threats, and '80s pop.
Who's up for a Wellington Gathering?
Haere Mai! Haere Mai! Haere Mai!
Who's up for a Wellington Gathering?
Who's up for a Wellington Gathering?
Madison Metafilter Meet tonight
Since it got bumped down below the front page, here it is again: Madison Metafilter Meet tonight. The Plaza. Nine P.M. Who's coming? Should we wear name-tags?
Meetups in Montreal or Ottawa?
I'm in Montréal for a couple of months. Anyone interested in doing a meetup here or in Ottawa? Here's a link to the last discussion. I'll try to email everyone who commented on it. Feel free to send me an email @odiv.net.
manhattan meetup preparty
manhattan meetup preparty: early dinner (6:30 p.m.) at pao (in honor of miguel).
Global meetup day!
T-minus-one week until the MetaFilter Meetup. Let's have one reference thread where we can post solely the City, Location and Time. I would save discussion for e-mail or something like this. Meetup still, to my knowledge, hasn't changed any of the suggested locations due to requests or "here's where we're going to meet, whether you like it or not"s. Amid the confusion (1,2), we need clarity. This will hopefully also be good enough for Matt to post to the sidebar for the non-MeTa people. I'll start, and remember, nice, simple, and clean...
NYC Meetup?
NYC Meetup? I guess we agreed on Aug 6th, but do we have a location yet? I realize that all the ones that meetup.com suggested kinda sucked.
But I do wanna have another get together of the NYC MeFi MoFo Mafia and at this point, I don't care if we meet at Gray's Papaya, but let's pick someplace.
But I do wanna have another get together of the NYC MeFi MoFo Mafia and at this point, I don't care if we meet at Gray's Papaya, but let's pick someplace.
Let's talk meetup
let's talk meetup. as has been briefly mentioned (peripherally, in other metatalk threads (can't be bothered to search right now)), the venues proposed by the meetup mavens generally leave something to be desired (the ithaca everything2 meetup is scheduled to take place at a mcdonald's, for the love of god). so let's pick our own place(s).
International MetaFilter MEETUP Day is only 28 days away
International MetaFilter MEETUP Day is only 28 days away
So far, 98 members have signed on to meet their local friendly MeFi gang members. Who else is up for a little excitement?
So far, 98 members have signed on to meet their local friendly MeFi gang members. Who else is up for a little excitement?
Vancouver meetup June 2002
Vancouverites - mefivan? mevan? fivan? meefvan? We need a rapper to give it a cool name.
Stavros had asked about Canada Day weekend and a few of us raised our hands.
What about meeting at the Lennox (corner of Granville and Robson) on June 29th at 6pm? I know someone suggested the Sylvia, but I figure for those coming in from out of town or using transit, the Lennox is a more central meeting place.
Anyone interested?
Stavros had asked about Canada Day weekend and a few of us raised our hands.
What about meeting at the Lennox (corner of Granville and Robson) on June 29th at 6pm? I know someone suggested the Sylvia, but I figure for those coming in from out of town or using transit, the Lennox is a more central meeting place.
Anyone interested?
I'm fishing for any interest in a Seattle/Western Wa. mega get-together
I'm fishing for any interest in a Seattle/Western Wa. mega get-together... I haven't seen anything about folks getting together recently and I figured I'd start the ball rolling.
Philly meetup May 2002
I've seen all the links for the New York MeFi shindig; now I'm wondering about Philly. A gauge of general interest in a Philadelphia-area MeFi gathering?
NYC meetup pics
I seem to be the first one back home and at a PC, so I guess this'll be the NYC mefi meet...please post links to pics and whatnot...Rob the EMT does exist and he says hello..so fire away with reports from the feild brothers and sisters...
Dallas/Ft. Worth MeFi gathering
Dallas/Ft. Worth MeFi gathering -- anyone? How about this Saturday? (more)
Anyone up for a Manhattan MeFi gathering in late April?
Anyone up for a Manhattan MeFi gathering in late April? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?...
Meetup in Albuquerque/Santa Fe, March 2002
albuquerque/santa fe gathering
i'm the only one, aren't i? am i going to be drinking alone? (it won't be so different from all the other nights...)
i'm the only one, aren't i? am i going to be drinking alone? (it won't be so different from all the other nights...)
The first ever Los Angeles Metafilter Event is Friday
The first ever Los Angeles Metafilter Event is Friday, March 29th in Santa Monica. (Details inside...)
MeFiSea -- Bowling
MeFiSea -- Bowling, Sunset Bowl, February 10th. If last time is any indication, we are all of varying skill levels, so don't let lack of bowling know-how keep you away. What time works for everyone?
Please label the NYC meetup photos.
Hope the good souls who post photos from the NY Mefi party will let the rest of us have some vicarious fun by attaching users names to users faces. Will make future posts and comments so much more vivid.
what's my community value?
Should I be looked down upon because I rarely post material (other than my own wacky point of view)? I am currently a freelancer and have a girlfriend, so I don't have a lot of time to discover interesting stuff on the Web (at least before everyone else has). Do I get deficiency-filling credit for organizing the NYC Mefi meet this Thursday?
SXSW 2002 meetup
So, SXSW 2002. Who's going? Maybe it would be a good time for a MetaFilter gathering?
MeFiSea! Another bowling night anyone? I was thinking maybe Sunday, February third, mid-day.... at Sunset Bowl. Or another date/time/location? All I know is we all very badly need to get out of the house.
Mefi Not London, then?
Mefi Not London, then? With all the talk in that earlier thread about Mefiers in the area around the capitol, it would be interesting to know where other British Metafilter regulars live... and whether we can plan a get together also...
MeFi Seattle gathering this Monday
Reminder: MeFi Seattle gathering this Monday (the 19th) from 9pm-? at Sunset Bowls in Ballard. [original thread].
#mefi at 9pm central time or later
it's official, or as far as i can make it: #mefi at 9pm central time or later. we'd love it if you could come by; the numbers who attend the channel are a bit anemic, right now. and, as of this writing, by we i mean "I". irc.metafilter.com, port 6667.
thanks, everyone, who came by #mefi last night.
thanks, everyone, who came by #mefi last night. we had 7 or 8 people on at once, which is a new record i think (!). i'd like to ask anyone who has an opinion: should we meet at a specific night of the week (mondays, for example), or should it be open to whenever you would like to come by? it is possible to agree on a specific time (9pm CST, earlier, later...)? what do you guys think?
Chicago meetup May 2001
Since there is a Seattle meeting brewing, I'd like to get a Chicago Metafilter get-together in the works. One possibility is a poetry reading being given by jason on 5/11, but then again we wouldn't get much of a chance to talk. (There was some talk of one last year that didn't get going, so I'll dig up that e-mail and send it around with a pointer to this thread.)
Meet me at the corner
It seems that at least four MeFi-ers currently in Seattle have been on the same streetcorner at different times in the past 36 hours. Any interest in meeting up all at the same time? My preference is somewhere in the beginning of May, somewhere downtown.
Anybody interested in meeting your fellow MetaFilistines at local gatherings?
Anybody interested in meeting your fellow MetaFilistines at local gatherings?
First Ever Meetup Request
Hi, just curious if anyone is interested in having a metafilter user get together... kind of like what Cam of Camworld.com did...
Post your interest here... Since metafilter is based in LA and so am I, I am assuming it would be in the LA area...