735 posts tagged with meetups.
Displaying 301 through 350 of 735. Subscribe:
keeping with the subject of things
XK Cee you Dere
Lawrence MeFites, let's meet up.
Lawrence MeFites, let's meet up. [more inside]
First we take Manhattan
Hello fellow MeFites. cortex called my music ass-bumping orwello-euro electropop (still one of my favorite reviews ever). You may have heard a bit of it on MeFiComp. And now (somewhat to my surprise) I will be performing it live this Saturday night at The Knitting Factory (NYC).
Steep and Deep: Mefi Whistler Summit 2007
Now that Labor Day is here, and Summer is on the way out. I thought it might be an auspicious time to discuss the Whistler Mefi ski trip proposed in this thread. The tentative date is for the weekend of December 15-16.
Meetup Eire?
Given the fantastic quality of responses I got on AskMe recently, how about a Dublin Meetup?
Victoria meetup
Boston meetup: Friday, Sept. 7
Boston meetup: Friday, September 7. 8p-ish? I'll be in town for a business meeting and I'd love to hang out with some Mefites while I'm there.
Odds are good I'll be staying in Waltham, so maybe something on Moody Street? The last time I did this we did Super88 in Allston for dinner then Big City for drinks, and that was pretty fun. I'm taking suggestions. I'm T-dependent so that's a (minor) limiting factor.
Let us party, my homeboys. And homegirls. And home-any-other-description-you-care-to-append-to-yourselves. Let us party.
Meh-fill ~ Gathering (in Urdu), the name suggested by the cydonian to term the first ever, and subsequent (hopefully), Indian Metafilter Gatherings.
Philly Meetup. MeatBomb in town.
Meatbomb is coming to town. Part of the Metafilter Meatbomb World tour. (Meatbomb and I had a tiny meetup in Dubai.)
Where: Philadelphia, near 95.
Location: To be still decided. I'm thinking beer, and some place conducive to us. I'm thinking of Nodding Head Brewery (or possibly Eulogy, or the pool hall next door).
When: Friday, the 31st (although Meatbomb might make this become the 30th.)
Meetup in Amsterdam
Wanna meetup in Amsterdam? The Amsterdam Bike Culture thread is a good moment to drag the attention of dutchies and others in the neighbourhood to this metatalk thread to gauge the interest in a meetup.
It made more sense when I was drunk
LA "Meat"up— Success. Photos.
Tucson meetup?
In searching on whether there had been any recent meetups in Tucson, I found recent evidence of a desire for a meetup in Tucson. I live here for the next three months (excepting some weekends), and while I'm too busy melting right now to really want to go out, it would be awesome to meet some mefites in the near future.
HAI GUISE WHATS GOINGON THIS CHANNEL??? Um, I mean, does anyone want to have an SF Meetup? I'm thinking Friday, August 31 - a little diversion for us nonburners, plus people can send me off into the Three-Day Novel Contest [http://3daynovel.com/]!
Trailer Park City Meet-up
Thus spake the Podcast! I have quit my all-too-important job in public radio and am moving this Friday, Aug. 24, to Redwood City, CA to take the helm of a new national daily radio show there. Any MeFites privy to Redwood City for a meet-up? Bob's Donuts, et al...
Meetup in Victoria, BC?
I'm traveling to Victoria, BC (thanks to this thread). Are there enough MeFites in Victoria for a meetup? August 29 or 30, held somewhere a clueless tourist could find.
daShiv in NYC
DaShiv is coming to NYC (fulfilling my hope). Circa Sep. 15 to 25th. If you don't know DaShiv, he is famous for his amazing knack for stunning professional-grade candid photography, especially in meetup contexts (not that we weren't all gorgeous to begin with). We need to:
a) plan one or more meetups around his visit, with the focus being on providing good backdrops for all the pics he's going to take. I suggest at least one indoor location and one outdoor location.
b) provide places for him to stay. I can donate floor space in Hoboken for a couple of nights.
We need to do this soon so that he can confirm his flight dates and be sure that he won't be left huddled on a grate in Central Park, taking photos of rats.
Where were you when the bomb went off?
Meatbomb the West Coast! LA stizz, yo. August 23 (er so— road trips itineraries are notoriously hard to get spot), the esteemed will be out in LA with his lovely (who apparently we apparently put a guilt headlock on about the Pacific, scummy and salty).
Since me an' the Hodg are the two points on this, and since we've only been here two months (each of us! Wild!), we'll be looking for places what where to doing this. Come follow inside, all!
Impromptu NYC meetup. Wends 15th.
Impromptu NYC meetup. Wends the 15th.
I'm in NYC for the week, and need a decent distraction. I'm in midtown...I'd like to hangout with some of the fine people of NYC. Somewhere with alcohol, quiet enough to talk, and not so crowed. I'm in midtown but can be anywhere on the island.
Any UK MeFites going to the Battle Of Ideas?
This year's Battle of Ideas will take place on 27 & 28 October at London's Royal College of Art.
It seems like the sort of thing people here would be interested in, anyone else going along? Much interesting discussion will be had no doubt and presumably a not insigificant amount of alcohol (if the governments binge drinking figures are to be trusted) will be consumed post-debate.
Disclaimer: One of my friends is talking at the event and many of them are involved in the organistation that runs it.
Coney Island, NY meetup!
Come one, come all: Coney Island, NY meetup on Saturday, September 8th.
Santa Barbara UnMeetUp
This is not really a MeetUp. We've tried to do a Santa Barbara meetup before will poor results. However, I am having a Labor Day party on September 3 and I'd like to extend the invite to any MeFites.
Central New Jersey meetup??
C'mon Mercer County! Let's show Philly and NYC a thing or two about a meetup. What say you? Central NJ Meetup?
Santiago, CL, meetup.
The 1st ever Santiago, Chile meetup.
Somewhere in Providencia on the 16th of August. dhruva, andrew cooke and myself will be there, anybody else in the neighborhood welcome.
MeFi Meetup in Ottawa?
When I used Ask Metafilter to learn about the housing situation in Ottawa, several people proposed a gathering of MeFites in this most bureaucratic of cities. Now that I am here, I would definitely be up for it. Is anyone else interested?
Northern New England Meetup at Jessamyn's
Cookout at my place, Saturday August 4th. Grilling starts at 5 or so. Drive-in movies at 8-ish assuming the chosen films aren't totally awful. Rain plan is drinking and Scrabble/Boggle/old Connections episodes. Details to follow in the comments once we know who's coming.
Dallas Meetup August 4th
Dallas meetup. Saturday, August 4th. tog is coming down and she's bringing her Wii! Anyone that didn't get blown up in yesterday's asplosion is welcome to join in the revelry. (more inside)
Oh, Berkeley, what a disaster
Meeting my nephew for only the second time in his very young life, I will be in my hometown of Berkeley, California from Friday, July 27. Is there any interest in a Berkeley/Bay Area Meet-up? First round is on me! I suggest Triple Rock Cafe on Shattuck and Hearst on Saturday evening, but other thoughts duly welcomed.
20 July 2007. Copenhagen, Denmark. Meetup. Photos.
Photos from the Copenhagen meetup of 20 July. [more inside]
Hastings (UK) Meetup
Hastings Meetup pics.
My camera battery died on Saturday afternoon, so these are from Friday night and Saturday morning. Many more photos were taken by other attendees.
A good time was had by all.
BOSTON: Shakespeare in the Park Jul. 24
Ok, lets try this again..
Who's up for an opening night (that's tuesday, as in 49 hours from now) Shakespeare in the Park mefi meetup? Its at 8pm in the Boston Commons. I'll be getting coffee after, if I can find anywhere that's open past dark (this f-in city doesn't know how to drink coffee, I swear).
The play is Midsummer Night's Dream. I hear its good ;)
I could be up for another night, but I have guests coming in & I'm not quite ready to expose them to MeFi yet, so Tuesday's my preference.
LA Meetup
LA Meetup. Dear LA MeFites, let's have a meetup next weekend, on Saturday, July 28th! In case, you don't consider the success of the last one a good enough reason, DaShiv will be in town and wants to make good on his promise.
It's hot here
I'm living in Las Vegas for awhile. I don't know anyone here. Meetup?
A midsummer's night meet-up in NYC
It's been at least a few days since I saw a posting for the last NYC meetup, so thought I'd try again here, shooting for mid August. Unfortunately, the last couple occurred during the week, which is unfortunately out of the question for a working schmuck like me. So, I ask you all, who is game for a meetup on the night of Friday, August 10, in a place convenient for all our Manhattanite, outer borough and tri-state MeFites?
MeFi's 8th Anniversary Party: Ground Kontrol, Portland
The Meta chain Gang weekend. 21st -22nd July weather for our meet-up in my house! (Hastings, UK)
Got to get mah jong on.
Any mahjong playing MeFites in Brooklyn/NYC? [more inside]
2007 Madison Meetup?
Well, it's official, my house is on the market as of yesterday, and it looks like we'll be moving out to the east coast sometime this fall. I'd like to meet up with my Mefi friends for at least one last big bash. What say ye, Madison, Wisconsinites?
Yet Another Chicago MeFi Meetup Option (& HostingCon)
Okay - it looks like there's mixed reception for the 27th in Chicago and I won't be there anyway.
Are there any MeFites going to HostingCon that would like to connect there - or alternatively anyone down for grabbing a beer on Sunday July 22? Flexible to locations that are public transit friendly. Northside or Downtownish preferred.
Chicago Mefite Meetup
Chicago--Friday night, July 27th. Original thread is closed, but if you're up for a meet-up at the Rock Bottom Brewery (due west of Navy Pier), I'll be there around 8 p.m. for some food, drinks, and a camera for pics.
Beer and Pool in DC
Turtlegirl and I will be in DC this weekend and will be hanging out at Atomic Billiards in Cleveland Park on Friday, July 20, from about 6 p.m. Drop by if you are interested in grabbing a few beers or getting your ass kicked on the pool table.
Jeg taler ikke hverken dansk eller engelsk.
Copenhagen is an extraordinary city of note and repute. It deserves a meetup.
Shakespeare in the Park (Boston Meetup)
Anybody want to go to Shakespeare in the Park's performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common?
I propose any of these times: Friday, July 27 @ 8:00 p.m.; Saturday, July 28 @ 3:00 p.m.; Saturday, July 28 @ 8:00 p.m.; Sunday, July 29 @ 7:00 p.m. Approximate running time for each performance is 2 1/2 hours. We'd probably want to meet early to find each other, and get good seats.
MetaProm6Meet-up London
Have a look at BBC Prom 6 from 10.15pm on the 17th July.
I'm going to suggest a mini London MetaProm6 meet-up somewhere near the Royal Albert Hall.
[MI]I'm free from 5.30. The Hubby can be here from 7. How about a mini-meet-up that ends up with Prom 6?
(as opposed to the debauched ending our London Meet-ups normally have?)
Amsterdam meetup pictures
Amsterdam meetup pictures. Not so many people (and jouke didn't really want to have his picture taken) but a huge lot of beer (not pictured).
Queires margaritas?
My puppy & I will be in San Diego for a few days this weekend/early next week to take care of my mom. My second order of business will be to overdose on Roberto's food, but I'm also going through withdrawal for a good San Diego margarita, though. Anybody up for joining me?
Amsterdam meetup?
I know it is very short notice, but any NL dwellers interested in meeting in Amsterdam on the 10th, 11th, or 12th?
whale oil beef hooked
Party RSVP for Portland
Portland meetup party is less than two weeks away, and I need to do a head count. If you're attending the 8th anniversary party, please RSVP on this page. Thanks!