77 posts tagged with newyorkcity and nyc.
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What's the meetup record?

There are three (1, 2, 3) NYC meetups scheduled for next Saturday. Is that the same-day same-city record? [more inside]
posted by Jahaza on Oct 11, 2012 - 34 comments

NY World Cup Final Meet-up

Are people interested in meeting up to watch the World Cup final in New York City? It starts at 2:30 pm on Sunday, July 11th.
posted by Kattullus on Jul 4, 2010 - 28 comments

NYC Meetup? You can be the first to welcome me in town by mugging me for all I've got.

I'm going to be in New York City from the 13th to the 20th, and I was thinking... any mefites wanna meet up for a drink? [more inside]
posted by malapropist on Mar 2, 2010 - 62 comments

When/where/what-like was the first NYC meetup?

When/where/what-like was the first NYC meetup? (My GoogleFu failed.)
posted by Joe Beese on Jan 29, 2010 - 31 comments

Mental Discretion Advised.

Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!
posted by Eideteker on Oct 3, 2009 - 22 comments

Fucked up?

So, I heard about the punk band Fucked Up from this post, and I'm excited to be going to the show today. Who else is going? Want to meet up? [more inside]
posted by fuq on Oct 14, 2008 - 7 comments

Frankenstein Night, anyone?

Sci Fi Screening Room event meet-up in NYC? [more inside]
posted by [NOT HERMITOSIS-IST] on Oct 14, 2008 - 33 comments

NYC Meetup Between 9/9 and 9/14?

I'm going to be in NYC from September 9 to 14. I'll miss the Brooklyn meetup. Who's game for another meetup? *sadeyes*
posted by halonine on Aug 30, 2008 - 9 comments

Hot Fun in the Summertime.

To all the NYC Mefites I loved before, it's been too long. Let's meet-up. Above 14th street. On the West Side. You can all discuss how uncool that is inside this thread. [more inside]
posted by Lola_G on Jul 1, 2008 - 98 comments

Pop songs your new boyfriend is too stupid to know about

I'll be in NYC the weekend of June 13th if anyone would like to meet up. [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on May 27, 2008 - 89 comments

One definite, one possible

Specklet will be in New York Memorial Day weekend; [more inside]
posted by brujita on May 5, 2008 - 37 comments

May Day Bank Holiday Weekend in New York!

NYC meetup next week? Sunday or Monday, 4 or 5 May? [more inside]
posted by grouse on Apr 27, 2008 - 52 comments

NYC meetup on April 4th or 5th?

I'm going to be in NYC for a conference the weekend of April 4th/5th--anyone up for a meetup on the Friday or Saturday evening? [more inside]
posted by hurdy gurdy girl on Mar 11, 2008 - 53 comments


Today is apparently the day to ask about New York City. [more inside]
posted by Xoder on Oct 25, 2007 - 19 comments

NYC essexjan Meetup reminder

NYC Meetup Reminder: We're meeting up Friday (10/26) night in honor of essexjan's visit. Revival at 8 p.m. [more inside]
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Oct 23, 2007 - 43 comments


chrismear in New York! Monday, October 8th. Head inside to plan! [more inside]
posted by Eideteker on Sep 30, 2007 - 71 comments

Goodbye, DaShiv

He's not even here in NYC yet, and we're already planning his gooodbye party- come to DaShiv's Goodbye Dinner on September 26th. [more inside]
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Sep 10, 2007 - 38 comments

First we take Manhattan

Hello fellow MeFites. cortex called my music ass-bumping orwello-euro electropop (still one of my favorite reviews ever). You may have heard a bit of it on MeFiComp. And now (somewhat to my surprise) I will be performing it live this Saturday night at The Knitting Factory (NYC).
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Sep 6, 2007 - 74 comments

Impromptu NYC meetup. Wends 15th.

Impromptu NYC meetup. Wends the 15th. I'm in NYC for the week, and need a decent distraction. I'm in midtown...I'd like to hangout with some of the fine people of NYC. Somewhere with alcohol, quiet enough to talk, and not so crowed. I'm in midtown but can be anywhere on the island.
posted by filmgeek on Aug 12, 2007 - 20 comments

Got to get mah jong on.

Any mahjong playing MeFites in Brooklyn/NYC? [more inside]
posted by nevercalm on Jul 18, 2007 - 10 comments


NYC Meetup: I'm coming to town to see my old (and new) mefite friends. Let's get together on Friday the 13th (of July), 7pm at d.b.a.
posted by mullacc on Jun 30, 2007 - 32 comments

don't hate me because i want to look beautiful

Many a drunken NYC mefite has gazed into his/her half-empty glass and wished aloud that DaShiv would come to NYC and take photos of us. Well, I say life is short, and we're not getting younger. Let's take up a collection and get him out here for a meetup. I'll start with a pledge of $50 towards his airfare and any other necessary expenses.
posted by bingo on May 6, 2007 - 58 comments


NYC Meetup?
posted by mr_crash_davis on Apr 20, 2007 - 127 comments

NYC Meetup

NYCFilter: Do you have dinner plans in the city tomorrow night? Great, me too -- wanna have drinks together beforehand? Let's waste time together in that layover hour between your manhattan day job and the commute to the outer boroughs -- or whatever your situation is at precisely 5:30pm.

Would enjoy the company of any mefites in the area, especially if you're also occupying time before the next engagement. It would be like those happy hours in airports, that easiness between strangers when everyone's on their way to someplace else.

First-timers encouraged! I've learned so much here, but have yet to meet a single person from this community (that i've known about, obviously). I'll be at the Yuca Bar (EV) tomorrow night, 6-7:30. Drop by if you're in the hood! No social agenda, just a chance to say hello to some of you for the first time.
posted by milkdropcoronet on Feb 5, 2007 - 22 comments

Roller rink meetup

Following this most fantastic post, I'm inviting NYC-area Mefites to join me on the roller rink this Friday.
posted by sonofslim on Jan 24, 2007 - 13 comments

NYC meetup!

Brooklyn/NYC meetup tonight- Barcade starting at 5 p.m. Previously
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Jan 6, 2007 - 34 comments

NYC Meetup

Remember, New Yorkers: Tomorrow we play taunt-the-foreigner at Welcome to the Johnsons. Begins at 6.
posted by dame on Dec 29, 2006 - 21 comments

NYC Meetup

Short notice NYC MeetUp? I'm holidaying in Manhattan from the 26th to the 6th, and I'd love to play the London Mefi Ambassador, and rendezvous with a few native New Yoikers.

Anyone fancy a pint?
posted by armoured-ant on Dec 23, 2006 - 54 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC Meetup Reminder: Sunday at Solas at 5 p.m. Come celebrate the release of the Mefi Comp CD (and buy your own copy for a low, low price).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Dec 1, 2006 - 17 comments

Mr. Justice will be gracing the Big Apple

Mr. Justice will be gracing the Big Apple with an appearence next month, as per a recent AskMe thread. Though the MeFiComp shindig's already planned for Dec. 3rd, What say the NYC crowd offer user #28085 a nice end-of-2006 greeting?
posted by Smart Dalek on Nov 20, 2006 - 1 comment

NYC Meetup

CONFIRMED: NYC meetup on Sunday, December 3, to celebrate the release of MeFiComp!

As first proposed here, we'll meet at Solas (232 E. 9th St., b/t 2nd and 3rd Aves., 1 block north of St. Marks). I know the management, and do a monthly event there already. They have a side room (The Coal Bar) that is normally unused on Sundays, so we'll have the room mostly to ourselves. I'm thinking 6 pm would be a good start time. More details within.
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Nov 16, 2006 - 29 comments

NYC Nintendo Meetup

Any other NYC-area MeFites going to the Nintendo Wii launch in Times Square this Saturday? I will be there, meeting up with some folks from another large online community, and figured I might as well poll here as well :)
posted by cyrusdogstar on Nov 16, 2006 - 4 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC meetup? The MrsMoonPie and I will be in NYC Friday, October 13, through Sunday, October 15, staying with a friend between Soho and Notila. Anyone interested in getting together? Since I know virtually nothing about the area, someone else will have to propose a venue.
posted by MrMoonPie on Oct 3, 2006 - 70 comments

Impromptu Tufte in NYC meetup?

Impromptu NYC meetup: anyone going to the Edward Tufte seminar tomorrow?
I'll be there for work and would love to break up the 6+ hour day with a few mefi folks.

If you want to get in last-minute, seems there are still tickets left... surprising, as these seminars usually sell out quickly.
posted by milkdropcoronet on Aug 24, 2006 - 9 comments

NYC Meetup: April 2006

NYC Meetup: A group of us will be going to the Beer Garden in Astoria on Saturday night. Please join us.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Apr 14, 2006 - 52 comments

NYC Meetup?

Noo Yawk Citay! I'm coming for a visit and I'd love to meet some of the NYC crew. I'll be available from Sunday, 3/26, to Weds, 3/29. Anyone want to get together in there somewhere? My calendar is pure vacation in that window and pretty open. I could also use a hotel recommendation... [more inside]
posted by scarabic on Mar 14, 2006 - 48 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC Meetup Reminder Thread: Saturday, February 11th, at Revival, starting at 7 p.m.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Feb 9, 2006 - 28 comments

New York City Meetup

MefiNYC: Who wants to go see Grumblebee's play? There's already a meetup being planned for the 11th, so maybe we could go then, or another night altogether? The show opens Thursday.
posted by CunningLinguist on Jan 29, 2006 - 23 comments

NYC Meetup

Hey New York City! Let's have a Valentine's Day meetup on Saturday February 11th!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Jan 28, 2006 - 20 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC Meetup Reminder: Tonight (12/22), starting at 6 p.m., at 151. Cross your fingers, kid- looks like we could be celebrating the end of the transit strike ::knock on wood::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Dec 22, 2005 - 49 comments

NYC meetup dec 2005

If any NYC MeFites are interested, Mykel Board's Eat Club will be meeting on Saturday, December 17th at the Peking Duck House on Mott Street. And yes, it's that Mykel Board, of ARTLESS and MAXIMUMROCKNROLL. As his group is appreciative of meeting new people, it seems fair for some of us MetaFilter/MetaChat members to perform one of those U.S./Russian spacewalk-type deals. Besides, this may be the only chance we'll have of finding out wether Board and amberglow are the same person.
posted by Smart Dalek on Nov 28, 2005 - 18 comments

upper west side fallout

upper west side fallout
posted by dorian on Nov 27, 2005 - 149 comments

NYC Meetup

At the last NYC meet-up, a number of us had mentioned getting together this Saturday for a post-whatthehelldoIhavetobethankfulfor meetup. Anyone interested in going to the Ding Dong Lounge this coming Friday or Saturday?
posted by Lola_G on Nov 21, 2005 - 19 comments

Brooklyn meetup?

BrooklynFilter: Anyone interested in a meetup in west Brooklyn (Ft Greene / Clinton Hill / Boerum Hill / Prospect Heights / etc.)? Some of us feel excluded from the Manhattan meetups and want to rock the mefimeetup style. We're thinking Freddy's, Alibi (backyard bonus), Soda, etc... Nu? Any takers?
posted by pinto on Nov 18, 2005 - 49 comments

Why should the rest of MetaFilter care about a train delay here?

I'm from New York and I don't give a shit. Why should the rest of MetaFilter care about a train delay here?
posted by Captaintripps on Nov 1, 2005 - 78 comments

New York Meetup

nyc meetup photos: recent shoutouts and current tomfooleries. provide your own damned labels.
posted by dorian on Sep 25, 2005 - 53 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC mini meetup for a last minute traveler, anyone? I'm going to be in NY for a couple days next week & would love to meet any & all mefites for beers on Wednesday, September 21, 6ish at Max Fish. Bar suggestion thanks to Amberglow !
posted by mygothlaundry on Sep 17, 2005 - 32 comments

Scody World Tour

The Scody World Tour begins Sept. 23. New York, you're first! [+]
posted by scody on Sep 8, 2005 - 29 comments

NYC Meetup

MeFiNYC: June 26 (Sunday), evening. Someplace with beer, hopefully not too far from Penn Station - but where? Help a girl out!
posted by caitlinb on Jun 15, 2005 - 24 comments

NYC meetup

Summertime, and the meetups are easy... So hey! NYC MeFites, you just had one meetup, howzabout looking in your crystal balls to think about another? I'm going to England sometime in August or September. [more inside]
posted by scody on Jun 2, 2005 - 13 comments

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