June 2018 Archives (all archives)
June 30
Threads for introducing new people to metafilter
There was a doc a member put together that was a bunch of links to threads they felt were a good introduction to metafilter, for people who had never heard of metafilter. I swore I bookmarked it, but where? [more inside]
Help test flagging with a free-form text field
Hey! Help us test out a new feature: a flagging option to leave a short note in a free-form text field instead of choosing one of the pre-defined flagging reasons. We'd like to make sure the core functionality is working well in this thread before rolling it out on the site for actual use, so come on in and kick the tires a bit! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Fandom!
Good Saturday evening (afternevening? I'm bad at timezones), MetaFilter! This week, jacquilynne wants to know about your fandoms! "What things do people consider themselves to be a huge fan of? Have they watched/read/collected/participated in every episode/book/version/event? Where do they chat about their fandom online? Do they have an OTP (one true pairing)? Do they read or write fanfic? Or cosplay a character?" [more inside]
June 29
The 'Can I Eat This?' Cookbook
There have been several posts over the past few years of folks wanting to create a Mefi cookbook. In the spirit of building community I thought I would start actually collecting recipes that people had posted with the intention of sharing for the book. [more inside]
A fair number of countries/places around the world are experiencing extreme heat and weather conditions. I wanted to have a place for us to check-in with each other. Remember to reach out to your neighbors, friends, family, and loved ones to make sure they're ok. People who are older, as well as our MetaPets, should also be given extra consideration as they're particularly vulnerable to this kind of heat. A reminder to drink lots of water and find some shade and/or air conditioning if possible. Feel free to share your own tips/tricks for keeping cool.
June 28
MetaFilter revenue update: holy cow, y'all!
Recently, I announced that MetaFilter was in serious financial trouble, and asked you to help with additional community funding of the site.
Y'all have really, really come through. Recurring contributions supporting the site are up by almost $10,000 a month and growing, erasing our current shortfall and helping move MetaFilter toward a more sustainable, independent revenue model. Community funding alone now covers very nearly half our operating budget. That's amazing.
Come on in and I'll give you the details on what's happened and what we're up to next. [more inside]
Y'all have really, really come through. Recurring contributions supporting the site are up by almost $10,000 a month and growing, erasing our current shortfall and helping move MetaFilter toward a more sustainable, independent revenue model. Community funding alone now covers very nearly half our operating budget. That's amazing.
Come on in and I'll give you the details on what's happened and what we're up to next. [more inside]
Group preserving access to reproductive healthcare, come what may?
Very quickly: somewhere back in the megathreads, I remember a bunch of y'all mentioning a group mobilizing to preserve women's access to reproductive healthcare services, including abortion, no matter what happens with the law of the land. [more inside]
June 27
icecream meetup season
We did icecream meetups in July a couple years ago. It was great fun. Let's do it again!!! [more inside]
June 26
Say goodbye to gman
As some of you may know, former Toronto Mefite gman (Gabe) has been battling cancer for the last several months. Its been a long, hard fight, during which no stone was left unturned in the search for his cure, taking him from Ontario to the U.S., to Paris, and on to Heidelberg, Germany, then finally back home to Canada a few weeks ago.
His wife and friends sent out an email this weekend, and with their permission, the message has been adapted and presented here for Mefites who knew him: [more inside]
Huzzah for Fizz!
I am calling out Fizz for being awesome. He has now posted 1405 high quality posts to MeFi, which would earn him a Big Fucking Gold Medal for most posts ever, if only such a thing actually existed. He's a lean, mean posting machine. Join me in congratulating him!
Multitudinous greetings, Sapients! Pop rock quiz, hot lot: Does MetaFilter have an official chat channel/room/area/quadrant/etc.? This is a fact: IT DOES! [previously: the unofficial MetaFilter chat site (yes, I am coordinating!)] It is a very fun and interesting and wondrous place (especially when I am not there) full of assorted cute animal GIFs (especially when Metafilter's Own bread crumbs is there) and random nonsense (especially when I AM there) and perennial nemises (because jeather, your personal nemesis, is there). I promise to you that we do not bite unless you notarize the consent form and submit it in dodeclicate six to eight weeks or greater in advance - guess how that tradition started! The cabal (TINCC) decrees that you guess, as the court records are sealed and salted and bound by blood. Ha HA! Dental appliances. Please stay frosty and/or toasty, and as always, vote your preferred quantum flavor of quidnunc kid #1!
June 25
June 30 "Families Belong Together" rally catch-all
Initially envisioned as an Ask post about sign slogans, I'm switching to a MetaTalk post to encompass anyone's need for ideas around signs, organizing, strategies, post-rally experiences, etc. for this weekend's (June 30, 2018) Families Belong Together rally.
Let's make a MeFi mixtape!
In the spirit of drawing attention to all the great stuff on this site, I thought I'd remind people of the amazingly talented people who hang out on MeFi Music. (Yes it's a place!) I thought that it might be an idea for people to link to playlists they're created or songs they've favourited, and we can have a whole thread of all the great tunes people have created and shared FREE OF CHARGE ARE YOU KIDDING ME with all of us. Never been to MeFi Music? Never created a playlist? Now's your chance! Let us celebrate the coolest of all subsites - here's to The Black. [more inside]
Who's Runnin'?
Are you a Mefite who's running for elected office this year? Come on in and talk about it! [more inside]
June 23
Metatalktail Hour: Looking forward to it!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I want to hear what you're looking forward to in your life right now! As always, these are conversation starters, not conversation-limiters, so tell us whatever's on your mind (avoiding only politics). [more inside]
June 21
Pokemongo friend codes
PokemonGo introduced friends today. Starts with level 40. Let us be friends!
June 20
Tell me something good. Something happy. Maybe it's a thing you did. Maybe it's a thing that was done for you. Share something good with me and the rest of us. I feel like we need some of that. There's been a lot of serious happening the last few days and I want to just hear something good, positive, and light. I like this place and all of you. Be kind to each other, love yourself. Tell me something good.
Hey, I'm talkin' here!
In the site activity megathread some suggested users ought to have some way of knowing just how much of a thread they're occupying. I added a userscript just for that purpose to the MefiScripts repository. It puts summary stats just below the comment box. [more inside]
June 18
Let's talk about MeFi Merch!
Alright, I suggested last week amidst the brainstorming in the State of the Site post that we set aside a thread specifically for MetaFilter merchandising chatter. This! Is! That! Thread! So, let's talk merch ideas. I'll lay out our current thinking and some options inside. [more inside]
Fucking Fuck XII - Extreme Fuckery
There was a call out for a new venting thread. Here it is. Vent to your heart's content here and remember, we're all in this together. Also, everybody needs a hug.
June 16
Metatalktail Hour: Show Us Your Bags!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, a rerun of the thread that I loved so much I decided to create Metatalktails: Show us your bag! Or your EDC, if you're not a bag person. Your purse! Your backpack! Your messenger bag! Pictures! Links! Descriptions! I love hearing about other people's bags! [more inside]
June 15
Want more site activity? Yes! When do we want it? Hopefully soon!
We've been chatting in the funding thread about a number of things, including the necessity of growing MeFi's userbase and creating a site climate that facilitates that. That discussion has a lot going on, so I thought it might be good to have a dedicated space specifically to talk about user site climate encouraging more discussion, commentary, and joining in on this community. That is: how can we as a community make this space enjoyable and interesting to engage in, both for strangers and each other? [more inside]
June 14
Vets of MeFi
Veterans of MeFi, would you like a vets-only online environment to share with other MeFites? [more inside]
I nailed Breakfast at Tiffany's at karaoke tonight and I have MetaFilter to thank for it. [more inside]
June 13
State of the Site: Metafilter financial update and future directions
Important site updates, folks:
1. The site is running at a significant deficit and we urgently need to make that up. Part of that is through additional direct community funding; you can help here.
2. We're looking at—and inviting community input on—several big-picture questions.
Today I want to lay out our budget and income streams, to explain where we're at and what we need to accomplish. I'll also talk a bit about how the community is doing, and what's coming up in the future. [more inside]
1. The site is running at a significant deficit and we urgently need to make that up. Part of that is through additional direct community funding; you can help here.
2. We're looking at—and inviting community input on—several big-picture questions.
Today I want to lay out our budget and income streams, to explain where we're at and what we need to accomplish. I'll also talk a bit about how the community is doing, and what's coming up in the future. [more inside]
Jessamyn wins surprise judgement against Equifax!
Is This Moderators' Day?
It is. Please join me in a tradition stretching back to 2007 and help me thank the undeniably world-class moderators of MetaFilter Industries, LLC for all they do for our community. [more inside]
June 12
Timestamps for search (pony?)
Unless I'm missing something, there is currently no way to see how old a search result is on the site other than clicking on the post in question to see when it was made. Are search results ordered in chronological order, or relevancy? [more inside]
Website for artist who drew Star Trek aliens as non-humanoids
I saw this website on Metafilter within the past 6 months. I'm 99% sure it was not an FPP on its own but a comment in another thread. The link was to an artist whose website (I think it was a tumblr page) featured Star Trek aliens drawn in a more alien-y style. [more inside]
Help finding this now-offline piece?
I hope this is okay to ask - I'd love to find the piece from this excellent thread from the blue (Kate Good talks about her husband's surgery for The Toast's series about trans* matters). It was an excellent piece about love and trans* matters but also about just doing the things you can because that's what you do. The toast is gone and I'm having trouble even Googling the author to see if they have other works I could check out, or have published this piece elsewhere. Thank you in advance for any tips!
Where to talk Soccer?
The 2018 World Cup begins in just two days! Some MeFites are going to VERY excited to talk about the games at length, and some MeFites are going to be VERY eager to not see every second FPP be soccer-related. [more inside]
June 10
What is your Meta "thing" so to speak. We know some people 🙄 post a lot about video games. I was looking at my profile and surprised but not surprised to realize I've made 211 posts with the tag: videogames and 161 posts with the tag: literature. What are your top tags? What do you find yourself posting the most about?
June 9
Metatalktail Hour: Mispronunciations
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! In honor of this hilarious thread, I want to know what words you well-read MeFites mispronounced when you first attempted them out loud! What words are you still avoiding? And of course your life updates!
In Search of Ancient Thread: Undebatably Awesome Things
Many years ago, there was a thread that I'm 89% sure was on AskMe. The thrust of the question was: what cultural products enjoy a very broad consensus that they are good? Answers, for example, were things like The Beatles, Shakespeare, the jazz standards..things that have been respected from both popular and critical perspectives,. Things that a person might or might not like for themselves, but that few people would seriously dispute they were of great quality. Does anyone remember this thread? Did I make it up? Thanks for any help!
June 8
what'sat fantastic website?
There's a website run by a mefite which follows the daily shenanigans of the current US administration that I've been trying to find again but my search-fu is pretty weak I guess, haven't been able to find it. What is that website? [more inside]
Best thing you've read and/or heard lately
Spill the beans, what's the best thing you've read and/or heard lately? A great poem, short or long story, interesting article, a new single, an old album, or a live performance you just have to share? [more inside]
June 7
FIFA 2018 World Cup Bracket Challenge
I've taken the liberty to set up a MetaFilter league on FIFA's Bracket Challenge site. The access code is already in the URL but here it is just in case you need to enter it somewhere: fbb6aa22.
In order to join you need to set up a free account with FIFA. You'll need an email address for this but don't have to give them anything else. I just left stuff like the "Real Name" fields empty. Alternatively I think you can also sign up using Facebook or Google accounts.
Because I signed up for some other leagues first my user name is KPax23.
Let's see whose psychic prediction powers reign supreme! [more inside]
June 6
Maybe if I just give up looking, I'll find out what it's called
I was amused to see treetop89's AskMe, where they asked for the name of an author after 30 minutes of fruitless searching, and then returned with the answer four minutes later. Recently at work, after spending an hour trying to solve a problem that seemed to require a lot of tedious manual testing, I asked a user group how to solve it, and then five minutes later found a pre-existing tool that automated the whole process. When have you found the answer to a question right after you gave up and asked for help? Are there any other AskMes fitting this pattern? And finally, does this phenomenon have a name? I've been searching for half an hour, but I haven't had any luck... *winks at my subconscious*
June 5
Pony request: mobile edition or better responsiveness
I have trouble posting to Meta on my phone. I don't access any personal accounts on my work laptop during the day but when I'm at lunch by myself I'm reading Metafilter on my phone. Here's what I see when I try to post a comment or AskMe response. This is the latest version of Chrome on the latest version of iOS on an iPhone 7.
Portrait: The post box is much wider than the screen and the keyboard is over the box as well. It requires much scrolling left and right which causes a back button event if you aren't careful.
Landscape is even worse. My eyesight isn't what it used to be and I often read in landscape view. But the on-screen keyboard is tall enough to bump into the URL bar and there's no way I can post in landscape view.
I looked at the site in the Chrome dev tools in the mobile view and it looks fine but on the device itself not so much.
Portrait: The post box is much wider than the screen and the keyboard is over the box as well. It requires much scrolling left and right which causes a back button event if you aren't careful.
Landscape is even worse. My eyesight isn't what it used to be and I often read in landscape view. But the on-screen keyboard is tall enough to bump into the URL bar and there's no way I can post in landscape view.
I looked at the site in the Chrome dev tools in the mobile view and it looks fine but on the device itself not so much.
World Cup 2018
Hard to believe it's been 4 years since the last World Cup, which after some discussion resulted in a series of front page posts [first, second, third, fourth].
With live events [like Olympics, Eurovision, Academy Awards] sometimes hosted on FanFare and sometimes hosted on MetaFilter [royal wedding], is there a plan, procedure or policy for 2018 World Cup On Metafilter? [more inside]
With live events [like Olympics, Eurovision, Academy Awards] sometimes hosted on FanFare and sometimes hosted on MetaFilter [royal wedding], is there a plan, procedure or policy for 2018 World Cup On Metafilter? [more inside]
June 4
Calm MetaFilter extension
After posting my Calm Twitter extension to Projects, I figured I ought to make one for MetaFilter as well. Briefly, it is a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that guides you through a deep breathing exercise before confirming that you really want to submit that comment. Example GIF of it in action. [more inside]
141: Is Cereal A Sandwich
Podcast! Jessamyn! Me! MetaFilter! Talking! Words! Month! Time! Listen! [more inside]
June 2
Metatalktail Hour: First Job
Good Saturday evening, Metafilter! (Take 2, since I apparently can't keep track of my own doubles.) This week, I want to hear about your first job! And also your weirdest job. And of course what exciting plans you have for June!