1432 posts tagged with Meetup.
Displaying 851 through 900 of 1432. Subscribe:
Vancouver meetup
Vancouver: Anyone interested in a get together and maybe a little drinky drinky? I'll be in Vancouver BC next week (August 14-17) and know next to nothing about the city, so I'll need to help organizing.
DC Meetup
Manhattan Meetup
So it's pretty hot in Manhattan. Anybody for a pool party?
Pittsburgh Meetup
Pittsburgh MeFi meetup today! We will meet at the Beehive on Carson Street at 8:00. Look for a woman wearing an equestrian helmet.
Defcon meetup?
Anyone going to Defcon this year?
Boston Meetup
Hey Boston, how are you? ... Yeah? ... Hey, that's great. ... Right in the mouth, you say? ... Wow, down a whole flight of stairs? ... I would have lent you my sandwich board if I'd have known. Anyhow, the reason I'm posting: How'd you like to get together to do a meetup thing sometime this month?
Santa Barbara meet-up?
SantaBarbaraFilter? I'm moving to SB in a few weeks and would like to meet MeFites in the area. Anyone for a meetup?
Halifax meetup?
Halifax, anyone?
I'm going to be in Halifax from Friday night until Tuesday afternoon. The vast majority of the time will be spent visiting with a couple of friends, but I may be able to squeeze in a couple of hours if anyone would like to hang out?
I'm going to be in Halifax from Friday night until Tuesday afternoon. The vast majority of the time will be spent visiting with a couple of friends, but I may be able to squeeze in a couple of hours if anyone would like to hang out?
DC Meetup
Jessamyn will be in DC this weekend, so I believe a meetup is in order. I'm thinking the ultra-hip Palace of Wonders, say, 2:00 on Sunday. Any takers?
Twin Cities Meetup
EMERGENCY TWIN CITIES MEETUP!! TONIGHT at the Vikling Bar, which is closing after tonight. Please come!!
Wisconsin Meetup
The Date: Thursday, August 24th. The Time: 7:00pm-ish. The Place: Wonder's Pub, Madison, WI (We've marked where we think it is here). [more inside]
San Francisco meetup photos
Pittsburgh meetup
One week to go! Pittsburgh MeFi meetup, Friday the 4th at 8:00 pm. We will meet at the Beehive on Carson Street in the South Side.
San Francisco meetup and photo op
Reminder: MeFi/MeCha "Who wants to be photographed by DaShiv" meetup in San Francisco today (Friday, July 28) at the Latin American Club.
Animal Crossing Meetup
Anyone up for an Animal Crossing Mefi meetup?
Pittsburgh Meetup
Pittsburgh meetup! How about Friday, July 28th, 8:00 pm at the Beehive?
Michigan Meetup
Southeast Michigan Meetup? Anyone going to the Michigan Beer Fest this weekend (in Ypsi)? Get they drank on?
Austin Meetup
Austin, TX Meetup at Opal Divine's Freehouse on Saturday, July 29th, 7 pm. We'll meet at one of the outside tables, look for the MetaFilter sign on the table!
Berlin Meetup
A meetup in … Berlin? I'll be in the city until the end of August, and can guarantee a source of amusement in my attempts to speak German.
Michigan Meetup
Anyone from the Southeast Michigan area going to the Shadow Art Fair this weekend? Or the Ann Arbor Art Fair next week?
Wanna meet up?
Wanna meet up?
Twin Cities Meetup
I know this is last minute but Twin Cities MeFites, I am playing with the Brass Mrssengers tonight at 10 at the Viking Bar on the West Bank. You are all wecome to come hang and listen to polkas, waltzes, and international stuff. Come on down!!
NYC Meetup
Anyone interested in another NYC meetup soon? Like, in the next week or so? [mi]
DC Meetup
Attention Washington D.C. MeFites: "I'll be in Lafayette Park during daytime hours from July 4-6 . . . D.C. people I hereby invite you to come say 'hi' to me!"
Toronto Meetup
Toronto meetup... holy cow! [MORE INSIDE]
Toronto Meetup
Toronto Meetup Reminder - In roughly 24 hours, we will be getting drunk - with or without you!
Germany/Berlin meetup?
Roll call for Germany-based MeFites! I tried to propose a meetup in Berlin over New Year's, but there was little response. Are there enough MeFi users in Germany for a meetup anywhere?
Bloomington Indiana meetup
Attention all Southern Indiana Mefiosos! Bloomington meetup tonight! 10 PM, Jungle Room. Hope to see some of you there.
Philly Meetup Followup
Guatemala Meetup
¿Any members in Guatemala? I´m in Antigua, Guatemala until July 2nd. and we could have a meetup.
Philly Meetup
Philadelphia MeFi Meet-up Reminder:
This Saturday (June 24) meet at The Society Hill Inn in Old City at 3 pm. I'll be waiting in a visible spot with a "MeFi Gathering" sign. Also, dmd says he will be wearing a distinctive bright green STEGOSAURUS shirt which should be easy to spot.
From there, we can walk over to the Northern Liberties Music Festival sometime after 4 pm.
If anyone has any questions, needs directions, or can think of anything else that I forgot, please add to the post or send me an e-mail.
See you all there!
This Saturday (June 24) meet at The Society Hill Inn in Old City at 3 pm. I'll be waiting in a visible spot with a "MeFi Gathering" sign. Also, dmd says he will be wearing a distinctive bright green STEGOSAURUS shirt which should be easy to spot.
From there, we can walk over to the Northern Liberties Music Festival sometime after 4 pm.
If anyone has any questions, needs directions, or can think of anything else that I forgot, please add to the post or send me an e-mail.
See you all there!
Chicago Meetup
Chicago meetup! July 7th, 6pm, starting over at Hopleaf. Here's the MetaChat thread. Whiskey slush for everyone!
Any chance of a mefi meet-up in Victoria, BC?
Any chance of a mefi meet-up in Victoria, BC? I don't know very many people in this city and would love the chance to get together with other mefites.
Origins Meetup
I asked before, but with the date approaching, I'll ask again: Anyone going to Origins, esp. for business reasons?
Toronto Meetup now 6/28 at Pauper's Pub Rooftop Patio
Toronto Meetup Update!
Philadelphia Meetup
Philadelphia meetup: In response to suggestions from my most recent AskMeFi question, I'd like to try to set up some kind of fun meetup.
Bonnaroo Meetup
FestivalFilter: Any other MeFites headed to the Bonnaroo Music Festival this weekend? Up for a group Hippie Noodle dance?
London Meetup Photos
Some photos from last night's London Meetup.
Chicago meetup for Onion City film fest?
The Roads of Kiarostami is showing in The 18th Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival on June 15th at the Siskel Film Center, here in Chicago. gathering?
London Meetup
London meetup reminder: Tonight. 7.30pm onwards. The Garage (Highbury & Islington) for ludwig_van's gig.
NYC meetup
REMINDER. NYC meetup tonight. Sundou Dumpling restaurant at 7:00. If you're not interested in food, then we'll see you at 8:30 at Revival. I hope to see you there!
San Francisco Meetup
SF Meet-Up Reminder. Tonight, 7pm-ish, at Zeitgeist (Valencia & Duboce).
Washington DC meetup.
Saturday D.C. meetup reminder! 8 pm at Uno's. Plus, anyone else with a glacier fetish is encouraged to join us beforehand for the 6:10 showing of An Inconvenient Truth at the Georgetown Loews.
Sydney Meetup
I reckon it's time for another Sydney Meetup. Bloody Oath. [more inside]
Cambridge Meetup
Cambridge, UK meetup. June 13th. Formal Hall. Oh yeah.
San Francisco Meetup
Time for an SF meetup. In fact, we should have one before the 28th of June. Preferences for date and locale? Fallback plan: a Tuesday night at Zeitgeist.
Toronto Meetup
Toronto meetup June 26th? Beers on some patio sounds nice now that it's getting steamy in the city...
Online Poker Meetup
MeFi No Limit Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament. TONIGHT, June 4, 9:00 PM, FullTiltPoker.Com. Buy-In is $5/0.50. We need 5 more people, as of 2:00 PM, to make it happen. Contact ODiV for instructions. Tourney # is 4516231, Name is MetaFilter, Password is the word before @ in ODiV's e-mail on his profile page.
Metafilter meetup NYC June 2006
NYC. It looks like I will be in The City this coming weekend. I know you folks just met up, but is anyone interested in hanging out this coming Friday night?
MeFi Writers Group?
This fun and useful thread made me think about how many great writers participate here. Some of us are published authors; some are unpublished (but great) wordsmiths. I've learned many things about writing from Metafilter members, and I admire the care with which they construct their clear, evocative prose.
Would anyone be interested in forming some soft of MeFi Writers Group? I have no idea what form it would take, but I though we could toss the idea around and see if it lands anywhere specific.
Would anyone be interested in forming some soft of MeFi Writers Group? I have no idea what form it would take, but I though we could toss the idea around and see if it lands anywhere specific.