1434 posts tagged with Meetup.
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New: MetaFilter Gatherings.

A new category for MetaTalk: MetaFilter Gatherings. Post all gathering-related bits there.
posted by mathowie on Apr 5, 2002 - 14 comments

NYC Meetup

april 25th new york city metafilter gathering update: camworld has suggested a change of venue to the remote lounge, where a friend of his is sysadmin and can guarantee space for a large group. i think this is a great idea...[more inside]

posted by mlang on Apr 5, 2002 - 25 comments

Atlanta Meetup

Anyone up for an Atlanta MeFi gathering in the next few weeks? Anyone?
posted by grabbingsand on Apr 4, 2002 - 20 comments

London Meetup?

MeFi London meetup - already discussed many times before I know....

But did it ever happen?
Will it happen again?
Can anyone remember?
posted by mattr on Apr 4, 2002 - 22 comments

Portland meetup?

MeFiSea -- Seattle MetaFilter Gathering this Sunday [07apr02]

Meet at the Deluxe between 6:30-7 and we'll be moseying over to the Garage to shot pool 9-ish. More info on locations etc in this thread

posted by jessamyn on Apr 3, 2002 - 28 comments

Midatlantic Meetup

Organizing a D.C./mid-atlantic MeFi gathering, part two. (more inside)
posted by danOstuporStar on Apr 2, 2002 - 12 comments

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face: How refreshing it was to see the pictures of the MetaFilter members who recently met for drinks in Los Angeles![Scroll down] Stevis, chacal and y6y6y6 all posted photographs of the group on this thread. It seems to me we're all becoming less anonymous and less cagey about revealing personal information about ourselves. Including real names, zipcodes and even professional details. Phone numbers are quite freely exchanged. Some of us have even started swapping CDs through the mail.

If this impression is correct, I'd like to hear others' opinions on what's changed and what it means. People here seem much more nonchalant about the possibility of being tracked down and checked out - by employers, actual or potential, for instance. Are we relaxing more or is it something else - say, a consequence of harder times or a reappraisal of basic(old-fashioned?) Internet anonymity and multiple-identity ideologies?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Mar 31, 2002 - 22 comments

Events and Categories

In a recent thread about events, dong_resin mentioned what I thought was a good idea. Basically, just add a category gatherings, or events to the category list.

On a side note, is it considered gauche to post a gathering or event request to MetaTalk? There were some people interested in a Seattle MeFi, but I think it got lost when it fell off the front page...
posted by patrickje on Mar 26, 2002 - 27 comments

Meetup Photos

Anybody attending one of the MeFi gatherings, how about posting some pictures?
posted by luser on Mar 22, 2002 - 65 comments

MidAtlantic Meetup

Those Southern Californians are having their own get-together - so why not the mid-Atlantic region? I'm not exactly volunteering to organize, but if any DC/Baltimore/etc are Metafilterites would be interested in such a scheme, perhaps here would be a good place to post about it.
posted by GriffX on Mar 11, 2002 - 18 comments

LA meetup?

Has there ever/will there ever be a Los Angeles MeFi gathering? I did a search but all I found was this. Did anything happen there? Is there another thread about this I'm missing? I've been seeing the posts about the NY gathering and I'm jealous.
posted by bingo on Feb 16, 2002 - 65 comments

bowling at sunset bowl this Sunday

MeFiSea -- Bowling at Sunset Bowl in Ballard this Sunday 7:30 pm. We're not great bowlers and we don't just talk about the inTARnet.
posted by jessamyn on Feb 9, 2002 - 12 comments

Manila Meetup

Sorry for this super last minute invitation, but: if you live in or are visiting Manila and have a blog or journal, a bunch of us (most of whom are MetaFilterians) are getting together for lunch tomorrow -- February 2, 11:30 a.m. at Press Cafe (inside Page One bookstore) at the Power Plant Mall in Rockwell, Makati.
posted by lia on Feb 1, 2002 - 6 comments

Please label the NYC meetup photos.

Hope the good souls who post photos from the NY Mefi party will let the rest of us have some vicarious fun by attaching users names to users faces. Will make future posts and comments so much more vivid.
posted by Voyageman on Jan 24, 2002 - 35 comments

London Meetup

MeFi London then? I have the organisational skills of a Pickled Herring, so hopefully someone else will have all the ideas ... just testing the water to see if anyone else is interested.
posted by walrus on Jan 16, 2002 - 37 comments

NYC Meetup

Yay! It's on! NYC MeFiesta! Thursday, 24 January at Blah Blah, at 8 PM. (I think it might be near the 7th Avenue stop on either the F or the Q.) Be there, or be, uh, absent. Worst case, me and Paris are going to buy each other drinks until we find something to disagree about — it won't be this!.

posted by nicwolff on Jan 6, 2002 - 171 comments

New York City Meetup

Portal to this thread about a NYC Mefi meet in a few weeks (since there's no other way to get the thread higher up).
posted by ParisParamus on Jan 3, 2002 - 10 comments

Brooklyn/NYC Mefi Meet

On the heels of this thread, I would bid January 24th, 25th, and my preference, 27th, for a Brooklyn/NYC Mefi Meet. Blah Blah remains my preference: it's fairly quiet on Sunday night--and around the corner from ME. D I S C U S S.
posted by ParisParamus on Dec 25, 2001 - 15 comments

Chicago bowling meetup

MeFiChi2: Rock'n'Bowl (n'beer). Saturday, January 12th, 8pm at Diversey-River Bowl. Chicagoland MeFi kids, other area webloggers, and any visitors around at that time or other curious onlookers are all welcome! (Sorry for the delay in setting up the event; November was a weird month for me.)
posted by jason on Dec 16, 2001 - 10 comments

New York Meetup

OK. Getting back to the Mefi New York Get Together open question... ...
posted by ParisParamus on Nov 27, 2001 - 11 comments

NYC Meetup

Since my last proposal was hijacked by others such that I was unable to attend, I will again propose a Mefi Get Together in NYC. But this time I'll go out on a limb, proposing a rough date--a Thursday or Friday evening in December--and the venue--most controversial, I suppose--the Blah Blah Lounge in Park Slope, a 24 minute F Train ride from the Broadway Lafayette stop. Cool place; a fireplace, a few couches; a sense of adventure in coming to the Slope (see the Statute of Liberty and Ground Zero from high above Brooklyn!). Also, if anyone wants to fly in from Europe, it's about 100 minutes from JFK on the A Train + F Train (very convenient).
posted by ParisParamus on Nov 13, 2001 - 40 comments

MeFi Seattle Meetup

How 'bout a MeFiSea too? There's a ton of us. Let's party. I'm free and newly relieved of domestic duties. Any idears?
posted by crasspastor on Nov 1, 2001 - 70 comments

Meetup in Chicago, Dec. 2001

This one's for the Chicagoans: I said that I'd plan the next MeFiChi just so Dan wouldn't have to do it, and I intend to keep my word. So, if you were at MeFiChiI, you might remember me saying something about how MeFiChiII should be at a Rock'n'Bowl. I called Diversey Lanes tonight and found that they rock five nights out of the week... Wednesdays and Thursdays starting at 10pm, and Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays starting at 8pm. It's been years since I've been there, but last time, not only did the DJ happily listen to my suggestion to play some Pixies, he played two Pixies songs to kick off the evening.

I was planning on setting the date somewhere in the first half of December, since November is going to be a busy month for me, so my questions are: a) is early December good for my fellow Chicago MeFi goons? and b) on what day(s) of the week (W/Th/F/Sa/Su) would you prefer this to happen?
posted by jason on Oct 31, 2001 - 16 comments

NYC Meetup

Some good news in Manhattan: an NYC webloggers' get-together. We are assuming that south of 14th street will be open by Friday night, but if not we will find a good replacement, I'm sure.

It'll do us all a world of good to get out and live a little.
posted by anildash on Sep 13, 2001 - 6 comments

Milwaukee/Chicago meetup

For those in the Milwaukee and Chicago areas looking for some food and fun tomorrow, a fair number of web-dev types from evolt.org are getting together for the End of Summer Bar-bE-volt 2001 grillout.

There is a good amount of crossover in membership between evolt and mefi, so hopefully this isn't too out there for this forum. Basically, its a get together for web-developer types to hang out, gossip about the industry, and have a good time :) Also, in light of the events of the week, we thought it would be a nice idea to get together with friends to talk about it and try to return to normalcy a bit.
More information can be found here (RSVP in the comments section if you're bringing a dish), and mefi'ers in the area all are encouraged to come!
posted by djc on Sep 12, 2001 - 0 comments

Chicago meetup

OK, for real this time, I've set up Metafilter Chicago I. Come! Eat! Drink! Play pool! Win valuable cash prizes!
posted by dhartung on Aug 23, 2001 - 9 comments

Burning Man Meetup

So, Burning Man is right around the corner, anyone going this year, or is it played out already?

Regardless, I'll be there (3rd year in a row), anyone up for a B-Man MeFi meet-up?
posted by Hackworth on Aug 21, 2001 - 12 comments

Seattle Meetup

Seattle Blogger Get-Together, Friday, August 3rd, at the Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery downtown. 1333 5th Ave, downtown Seattle. Reservation is for 6pm, come as you can. Bring your friends, party all night. Pool, American food, "great beer".

Reservation is under my name (Dan Sanderson), in case we're hard to find. Could be a small group, could be a big group, you'll have to show up to see which.

No RSVP necessary, but if you're planning on coming, email me and let me know how many in your party, just for the sake of keeping track of things. Also please feel free to forward this invitation to any Seattle bloggers I forgot to include. (Non-Seattle bloggers that happen to be in the area are, of course, invited.)

Hope to see you all on Friday!

-- Dan of BrainLog

posted by dan_of_brainlog on Jul 31, 2001 - 7 comments

NYC Meetup

Again, a non-virtual Metafilter gathering in NYC should be proposed. Cool/odd/appropropriate location? Williamsburg, BK, or within line of sight of the computer. Does anyone know anyone who owns or has connections with such a venue?
posted by ParisParamus on Jul 30, 2001 - 27 comments

MeFi Events?

While I'm aware that MeFi is not supposed to be our own personal mailing list/craigslist/singles bar/whatever, sometimes there's events that warrant attention by the MeFi community -- get togethers, SXSW coordination, etc. It might be nifty to have a MeFi Events section added to MetaTalk where if you were in some geographical area and wanted to host a gathering, or invite MeFiers to yours, you could post something [even a self-link!] there. What do you all think?
posted by jessamyn on May 16, 2001 - 7 comments

IRC Meetup

Well has MeFi had an #IRC meeting before then, eh? The only thing I insist on is that you 1337153 your name and ASL and post some poetry you wrote when you were 15. Can anyone suggest a network and time? Thanks.
posted by holloway on Apr 27, 2001 - 5 comments

Seattle Meetup


Ok, there will (hopefully) be a meeting of MeFi-ers on Saturday May 12th at 3pm at the Speakeasy cafe. If you think you will be appearing, please drop a comment into this thread so that we can encourage each other to show up.

If you are a non-Seattleite (i.e. a Liverpudlian) and would like to discuss other regional gatherings, perhaps post to this earlier thread.
posted by gluechunk on Apr 26, 2001 - 41 comments

Paris Meetup

Just a quick reminder: the weblog community (and Metafilter folks in particular) are invited for a beer in Paris: Sunday, April 8, 2001, 7 p.m. Café Oz, 18 rue St Denis, 75001, Paris, France. Metro stop Chatelet or Les Halles on the 1, 4, 7, 11 or 14 lines and on the A, B and D RER lines. On Spring break in Europe? Live in France? Stand-by voucher burning a hole in your pocket? Drop by!
posted by Mo Nickels on Mar 30, 2001 - 1 comment

Does anyone want to meet up?

Having just come back from meeting Matt and many other MetaFilterites at SXSW, (MeFi actually got name-checked on damn near every panel I attended...) I'm curious to see who would be interested in having some sort of in-person gathering where we could all get together to meet.

Or maybe even multiple ones, in SF NY and Austin, say...? Would anyone be up for that sort of thing? And what would we call it? MeFiFoFum Day?
posted by anildash on Mar 14, 2001 - 18 comments

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