1432 posts tagged with Meetup.
Displaying 801 through 850 of 1432. Subscribe:
NYC Meetup
NYC meetup? The MrsMoonPie and I will be in NYC Friday, October 13, through Sunday, October 15, staying with a friend between Soho and Notila. Anyone interested in getting together? Since I know virtually nothing about the area, someone else will have to propose a venue.
Germany Meetup
Germany meetup? 10/13-18 (more inside)
Photos of last weekend's Las Vegas meetup.
DC Meetup
D.C. Meetup/gsteff music education reminder: Saturday, 9 pm, at the Rock and Roll Hotel.
NYC meetup at Double Down
Austin Meetup Followup
Las Vegas Meetup Photos
This is the official thread to link to VEGAS MEETUP photos. Post 'em if you got 'em, kids.
LA Meetup Photos
Photographic proof that we L.A. Mefites do occasionally pile in our cars and drive long distances -- braving earthquakes, crossfire, and roving gangs of cosmetic surgeons -- in order to gather, drink, and shoutout.
Las Vegas Meetup
My bump, my bump, my lovely Mefi bump...
Everything still on? No cocaine-and-hooker derails? Checked out their site. Don't see a realtime stream. Am I missing something?
Everything still on? No cocaine-and-hooker derails? Checked out their site. Don't see a realtime stream. Am I missing something?
London meetup photos
Los Angeles meetup reminder
Los Angeles meetup reminder. This Friday (the 22nd), 7:00 PM at the Sportsmen's Lodge, 12825 Ventura Blvd, Studio City.
London Meetup
London meetup reminder. Tomorrow night (Thursday 21st Sept), from 6.30pm at the Bricklayers Arms, Fitzrovia.
Vegas Meetup
Vegas Wedding/Meetup Update [mi]
Pictures from Philly Meetup
Pictures from last night's Philly meet up are here. Be warned, there are cloth napkin boobs in one of the pictures...yeah, I said it. Cloth napkin boobs.
NYC jonmc welcome-back meet-up
NYC Mefites, a proposal: those of us who aren't going to Vegas for the Jonmc-Pips nuptials might welcome the happy couple back with a toast. Say, next Wednesday (9/27)?
Manhattan Meetup: Cruel 2 B Kind
This weekend is an alternative gaming festival in Manhattan, featuring innovative/experimental games played in public- like this body-activated giant game of Space Invaders played against the exterior of NYU Bobst library. Ms Phred and I will be playing cruel 2 be kind on Saturday-any NYC mefites interested? (n.b.: I am not affiliated in any way with the festival, except as a game participant--just thought it might be more fun than drinks.)
We can identify ourselves at the closing ceremony in Central Park. Debated putting this in the blue because there are so many cool games. But it's been boingboinged, so maybe many of us have seen it.
We can identify ourselves at the closing ceremony in Central Park. Debated putting this in the blue because there are so many cool games. But it's been boingboinged, so maybe many of us have seen it.
philadelphia meetup, sept 2006
Philadelphia meetup - Monday night 9/18, 7pm, Franklin Square, for minigolf and general mischief. (previously)
Sydney Meetup Photos
Pictures from the Sydney MeFi Meet-up at the Alfred Hotel Pub in Camperdown..., in case you were curious.
DC meetup?
DC Mefi community?
New in town, will be here for a while. When is the next meetup?
New in town, will be here for a while. When is the next meetup?
Calgary Meetup Photos
Calgary meetup photos. In attendance: RGD, Quatermass, gompa, and Mitheral. Sorry, we forgot pictures of our most excellent wait staff.
Ride to LV Meetup
Who from the Bay Area wants to ride with me to Las Vegas for the MeFi/MeCha meetup there?
I'm leaving the morning of Saturday, Sept. 23rd and plan on attending Jonmc's wedding. Book your own room. I'll be driving back on Sunday, the 24th. If you can share the driving, cool. I'll probably be smoking at the wheel for such an occasion,m FYI. Shotgun is reserved for DaShiv, brundlefly, or caitlinb, whoever responds first :)
I'm leaving the morning of Saturday, Sept. 23rd and plan on attending Jonmc's wedding. Book your own room. I'll be driving back on Sunday, the 24th. If you can share the driving, cool. I'll probably be smoking at the wheel for such an occasion,m FYI. Shotgun is reserved for DaShiv, brundlefly, or caitlinb, whoever responds first :)
Meetup in Austin, Sept. 16, 2006
DC Jonathan Coulton meetup?
Jonathan Coulton is appearing at the Warehouse Theater in DC on Monday Sep 18th. Given that a number of us seem to be fond of him, anyone interested in meeting up before/after the show? I'm going with or without you clowns but I'm always happy to wander down the street to RFD for a drink...
jonmc and pips getting married in Las Vegas.
Vegas Meetup: jonmc and pips are getting married!! Saturday 9/23, 9:30 p.m. at the Graceland Chapel. After the ceremony, we're all gonna party at the Carnival Court Flair Bar until the break of dawn. Please join us!
London meetup: shall we do one soon, chaps?
London meetup: shall we do one soon, chaps?
Sydney meetup
Sydney meetup - reminder & possible change of venue [more...]
Toronto Meetup
Bump the Toronto Meetup this weekend. More inside-->
Auckland Meetup
Auckland, NZ Meetup? I've recently arrived in Auckland (most recently from San Francisco with my lovely wife. We both thought a Meetup would be fun, and help introduce us to some other like-minded folks here.
Who'd be up for something, on the evening of Friday 15 September, most likely at a watering hole somewhere convenient to the CBD, Britomart and Ferry Terminal?
Who'd be up for something, on the evening of Friday 15 September, most likely at a watering hole somewhere convenient to the CBD, Britomart and Ferry Terminal?
Contacting local mefites
If I help plan a "meet up," is there a way to send out an email to all subscribers within an X-mile radius? Related -- is there a way for me to link to all subscribers who live in my city (i.e. as "neighbors") or are all links one-at-a-time? (Would it be weird to link to all subscribers in my city?)
Pittsburgh Meetup
Pittsburgh Meetup: My band will be performing at The Quiet Storm on Saturday, September 9th. Join us for music and revelry!
Can anyone remember a sexy scene at a Metafilter party?
Can anyone remember a sexy scene at a Metafilter party?
San Francisco Meetup
I'd like to (help) organize an SF (California) meet up. Email me at ccenter@las-elc.org -- or comment away re preferences, past venues, etc.
Nine photos of the Boston/Cambridge meetup on Saturday.
Nine photos of the Boston/Cambridge meetup on Saturday.
Seattle meetup. August 2006.
Seattle folks - let's meet up Thursday 8/31! Eamondaly's in town for Bumbershoot and he's staying downtown. I'd like to take recommendations for bars downtown that would be good for a group - doesn't a MeFite work at a bar in Belltown somewhere?
Come see my show in NYC!
If people feel this is Pepsi Blue or self linking/promoting, please accept my apology and flag away: I'd like to offer any MeFites in NYC FREE TICKETS to the final performance of my show, "Much Ado About Nothing." The performance is tomorrow (Sunday, Aug 27th) at 2pm. After the show, the actors and I are going out for drinks and MeFite attendees are welcome to join us. email me (address in profile) if you'd like to attend. Location and more info here.
Sydney Meetup
Floating the idea of a Sydney meetup in the next few weeks...?
DragonCon 2006 meetup?
Its that time! It's been asked before, and the scorn... she has been thrown. Let's do this thing again... who all is attending DragonCon 2006 in Atlanta, GA this labor day weekend? Come and meet at least two posters of the most awesome posters on MeFi. Such a deal! All previous meetup links are considered null and void for the purposes of this offer. Claims of awesomeness based on interviews with each poster's mother and friends, by way of martini infusion.
Boston and Cambridge meetup reminder.
Reminder: Boston/Cambridge area meetup, tomorrow, Saturday, August 26. Cambridge Brewing Company at Kendall Square in Cambridge at 6pm for dinner, followed by a very short walk to Flat Top Johnny's for pool. (Previously)
Impromptu Tufte in NYC meetup?
Impromptu NYC meetup: anyone going to the Edward Tufte seminar tomorrow?
I'll be there for work and would love to break up the 6+ hour day with a few mefi folks.
If you want to get in last-minute, seems there are still tickets left... surprising, as these seminars usually sell out quickly.
I'll be there for work and would love to break up the 6+ hour day with a few mefi folks.
If you want to get in last-minute, seems there are still tickets left... surprising, as these seminars usually sell out quickly.
Austin Meetup
Going to be in Austin for ACL fest (Sept 15-17.) I must meet all you wonderful Austin Metafiltarians.
Chicago Meetup Followup
Chicago meetup: let's firm up a time and a place.
So are we still on for welcoming Jessamyn to Chicago? Let's firm up a time and a place. Waddaya say?
Toronto Meetup
Is anyone here on Consumating? They're having a Toronto meetup tonight beginning at 9 to 9:30 at Paupers on Bloor Street (539 Bloor Street West, just east of Bathurst). Sorry for the short notice, but it might be a nice time if you can spare a few hours from your breathless social lives;-)
First-ever Edinburgh Meetup
Come lads and lasses to the first-ever Edinburgh MeFi Meetup at The Villager (map) on this Sunday, August 20th at 12 noon. New, old, visting, lurking and resident MeFites all welcome. (previously)
Meetup in Toronto!
Any interest in a Toronto meetup Sept 8 or 9 (Fri or Sat)?
Vegas Meetup
Heads Up, Vegas: Mefites (well, Mechazens, but most are Mefites, too) from around the country are heading your way September 21st-24th. Put it on your calendars. We'll want to meetup with you.
Vancouver meetup
Vancouver BC Meet-up Reminder: Black Frog at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 15.
Meetup: Brit's pub in Minneapolis. Does anyone give a shit?
Meetup: Brit's pub in Minneapolis. Does anyone give a shit?
Toronto Meetup
Toronto Reminder - Game Show Tonight!!!
The First Annual Metafilter Edinburgh Festival Meetup?
The First Annual Metafilter Edinburgh Festival Something or Other Meetup Anyone ?