281 posts tagged with Search.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 281. Subscribe:
username search function
On the change to the search function re: usernames... [more inside]
Searching for users by email address?
I tried to gift a membership to a minor internet celebrity, but I got the message "It appears your friend already has an account, as this email address is in use". Really? That's cool -- now who is it? Can there be a way of entering in an address and getting a username back, so I can add that account to my contacts?
User Activity Search
User activity search is available on profile pages. [more inside]
New search is not my favorite [more inside]
Tag+user searching broken for retro-tagged posts?
Listing posts by a specific user with a specific tag fails for some older posts, probably because they've been retrospectively tagged. [more inside]
Search within comments?
I apologise if this has been covered before, but is there a way to search within a given users comments? I want to find a link I posted ages ago, but my search terms are way too general for a regular MeFi search.
Search me!
The new Search is officially live. Full details to follow. [more inside]
Searching For A Heart Of Gold
So Matt said "Full text search is in the works right now, and will be rolled out soon." Yayhooray! This is the part where I annoy him and pb and make their lives more difficult by asking everybody about their dream search features (and slip in a request or seven of my own). [more inside]
Preventing duplicates
New post form's URL search is broken. [more inside]
Translate ReadMe int CheckMeOutFromLibrary
I seem to remember that in the wake of this question someone mentioned (on MeTa, I think) putting all the books that appealed to them into an Amazon wishlist. They were then able to use some sort of tool that exported it into a format useful for taking it to their public library. Does anyone remember this posting? I tried to search for it but my googleFu blah blah blah...
Looking for a better way to find things.
It's getting increasingly harder to find stuff. Especially favorite stuff. There have been a few great suggestions and observations so far, especially in this thread. [more inside]
An AskMe about your favourite recommendations...
A good while ago, there was an AskMe question along the lines of 'what are the things you love to recommend', 'give me your top recommendations', and so on. Can anyone help me find it?
where's the gift list?
There was a list in the last few weeks of a bunch of weird places to get christmas gifts. One was the american science supply and the author commented that a similar list was put up last year. Searching metafilter and ask metafilter has proven fruitless. Can someone get me back to the post? thanks.
Show me more show me more, is it love at first sight
I have found a bug. You can never get to the second+ page of a tag search. [more inside]
Same look, different result. And who cares about your activity?
This is a two parter. One: there's a disparity in behavior between the search box on the bottom and top of Ask. Two, why isn't 'recent activity' set to nofollow like profile pages? [more inside]
Strange search page behavior
Out of curiosity, why is the main Metafilter search page different when logged out and logged in? [more inside]
It's not that I have anything against Squid Voltaire...
Is there some way to have the option of excluding Mefi users' pages from search results? [more inside]
Help me find an AskMefi question
I saw a question recently that I have been unable to find. Please help me. [more inside]
Got wood?
Looking for a site that got a mention on the front page. It was a bit like spreadshirt but for wood. Did I see it here? [more inside]
Search isn't really working
C'mon. Give us the search secret. When I plugged a link for a post I wanted to make into the search field, nada. But when I composed the post, I got a flag of the prior post. What gives? [more inside]
Google search instead of built-in search
How do I get Google search instead of built-in search on Ask MeFi? [more inside]
Help me find an old post
Can anyone help me find a post that I'm sure I saw (and perhaps I even posted myself) here on Metafilter a while back with a commercial done by a regional county sherrif's office encouraging the viewer to narc on their significant others? [more inside]
I can't be the only one?
I like the new /random in the sidebar, but all I use it for is to try and find good flameouts on the grey. Could there be a /flame, so I can have something to do on a rainy day?
"How to get sent to the sandbox" on AskMeFi
I distinctly remember reading a thread in AskMe a few weeks (?) ago, where someone was asking, in a nutshell, 'how do I get sent to Iraq as a defense contractor?' It might not have been that, exactly, but it related to jobs as a defense contractor, or maybe overseas jobs in general, or maybe just 'dangerous jobs.' I think it specifically mentioned the idea of defense contracting (Blackwater, etc.), and the question related to how one gets their foot in the door.
I can't find this, using any combination of searches or tags, looking under all the logical terms (jobs, employment, iraq, all combinations thereof).
Does anyone else remember or have a link to this thread? Or did I just totally hallucinate it?
Beautiful Balls of Mud
Not too long ago there was a post about a guy who hand-polished balls of mud thus creating works of art. My searches fail me. Can anyone point me to that? Thank you.
Searching on more than two tags?
So with all the (very very greatly appreciated!) tagging going on, is there some way to search on more than two specific tags at a time? I love the /tags/thing1+thing2, but that seems to be all there is...
Refresh my ZombieFilter
Looking for a specific comment (or entire thread?) either green or blue. It discussed the current popularity of zombie movies as a response to a contemporary fear of anonymity. May have involved references to the MySpace generation. Within the last 6 months, I think. Li'l help?
Functional, clear design & intuitive systems would improve MetaFilter
A Short Post In Which I Suggest: 1. Good Design Doesn’t Need Explanatory Diagrams, and 2. A Thorough and Simple Search Mechanism Would Prevent Many Double Posts.
What's wrong with my pre-post searching?
I did a google search, looked through the tags, and did a mefi search (for bee and bees) and found no posts that were related, but this still seems to be a double. Why didn't this show up in my searching? This kind of thing has happened to me on a few of my recent posts -- how can I change my search methods to find archived posts more reliably?
Mefi Music Playlist and Issues
Two requests for Mefi Music:
1. It would be nice to have usernames on the tag results page. (e.g. acoustic) This would help users find other songs by the same artist.
2. The frontpage tends to load my system because of all of the flash files. Would it be possible to have everything show up on one playlist like the "tagged with" pages or the user pages? [mi]
How do I find a lurker?
In the absence of a known user ID, how can I locate the profile of a particular lurker? This person has absolutely no posting/commenting history that I know of, and I've tried all of the search mechanisms for their username. Apologies in advance if I'm missing something obvious!
Make askme more of a reference page?
It's pretty difficult to find things in the archives of askme, and I think that probably contributes to the huge number of questions posted each day. [mi]
Searching for user on Music to show players?
Pony request - could user music search pages show the embedded players for each song?
What's the best way to search for a post on MetaFilter?
Howdy. I'm searching for a post that I think was made here awhile back of people carrying ridiculous amounts of stuff while riding a bike. I can't find it [maybe it wasn't here]. Anyway, in the course of searching for it I also took a gander through the FAQ in the hopes that I could find information on the best way to search MeFi... [mi]
Is there a way to search members by location?
I swear I remember a way to find users from a specific locale- but I can't seem to conjure up a search-string that will do what I want, which is to find users in and around Munich and Berlin, Germany.
The rasion d'etre of my search is that I've found some 1500 photographs I took there 30 years ago, and I'd like some assistance in determining locations/stories.
The rasion d'etre of my search is that I've found some 1500 photographs I took there 30 years ago, and I'd like some assistance in determining locations/stories.
Please side bar this Microsoft office sound
Could one of these maybe get side-barred? It's not the easiest thing to search for, and it's been asked twice within a 7 day period...
Pony wanted: tag search
A pair of tag-related pony-requests: I've been looking for tag search for a while, and just today discovered it exists on the Metafilter search page. Would it be possible to:
- put a copy of the tag search on the "Tags" page?
- add the same sort of tag searching in AskMe?
- put a copy of the tag search on the "Tags" page?
- add the same sort of tag searching in AskMe?
I have a comment to post about wills.
I would like to make a comment on a post I had read before about people looking to purchase a will done by a lawyer.I found this company and this may be of some help to you all in your quest. If interested let me know.
Why Yahoo Over Google?
Why does does mefi search use yahoo instead of google? I am not particularly interested in individual opinions of the two engines, I'd rather base answers on factual results.
MeFi Search
I'm thinking about creating a MeFi-specific search engine. I've created search engines for specific remote sites before, though nothing of the size of MeFi, but I'm fairly confident I can make something more useful than Yahoo or Google for MeFi searches.
My questions are:
1) Has this been done before? I looked through the search results for "search," but didn't find anything beyond the internal search on Yahoo and Google returns pretty much every MeTa post because the word "search" is in the header.
2) Is this kosher? I'm not talking about providing full-content results, just snippets and links like Google or Yahoo provide, only better results and more search options specific to MeFi, e.g. searching deleted posts by explanation.
3) Assuming favorable answers to 1) and 2), what would others like to see in a MeFi search? Initially, this is just a personal project and I don't want to make any promises I may not keep, but I would like to hear about your search ponies before starting.
My questions are:
1) Has this been done before? I looked through the search results for "search," but didn't find anything beyond the internal search on Yahoo and Google returns pretty much every MeTa post because the word "search" is in the header.
2) Is this kosher? I'm not talking about providing full-content results, just snippets and links like Google or Yahoo provide, only better results and more search options specific to MeFi, e.g. searching deleted posts by explanation.
3) Assuming favorable answers to 1) and 2), what would others like to see in a MeFi search? Initially, this is just a personal project and I don't want to make any promises I may not keep, but I would like to hear about your search ponies before starting.
OK, it was a link to a google search, but why delete??
Itchy trigger finger? I liked that post, and it seems like everyone else who posted did too -- no-one seemed to be snarking or complaining or asking for it to go. Sure, it's a link to a Google search, but an interesting one I hadn't thought of before. It was headed for a fun interweb memories thread... but then it was tragically taken from us. As an official Metafilter King, I would urge you to reconsider.
The Projects search box does a site-specific search of MetaTalk, not Projects
The Projects search box does a site-specific search of MetaTalk, not Projects. Previously posted here.
Searching for Deleted Posts
Dare I ask this but due to the deleted post in this MeFi post being so damn funny I'm wondering if there's a way to search for just deleted posts on MeFi?
How do I search for video links?
Is there a good way to search for video links? It seems that so many have been posted and it's hard to tell from the context of a post what the video is about if they aren't discribed completely. Something that would make it easy to ensure that you are posting a unique video link would be very helpful.
Projects Searches MetaTalk
The Projects search box does a site-specific search of MetaTalk, not Projects.
Music Search
The search box on music.metafilter is restricted to ask.metafilter.
Music search searches AskMe
Would it be possible to have the search bar in Music actually search Music.? It seems to query for Ask., at the moment. I'm looking for a printer song, and am so, so lazy.
Can You Search Profiles?
Is there a way to search profiles? I want to see if there are any members in a certain city (not near where I live, so the ones listed in my profile don't help).
I forget where the memorization AskMe is!
Could somebody please point me to an AskMe thread from a few months back that discussed various useful phrases people used to memorize things, like "right tight left loose"? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thank you.
Post recall: standarized test scores by state
Looking for a link that was posted somewhere on the blue...
In connection with this Ask post, I am looking for a site that was linked on MetaFilter a few months ago that allowed you to search standardized test scores by high school or by state. standardized test -election -president failed me. As did a del.icio.us search. As did various Google searches. Help would be appreciated and repaid in golden thoughts made of the finest silks which are gold.
In connection with this Ask post, I am looking for a site that was linked on MetaFilter a few months ago that allowed you to search standardized test scores by high school or by state. standardized test -election -president failed me. As did a del.icio.us search. As did various Google searches. Help would be appreciated and repaid in golden thoughts made of the finest silks which are gold.