166 posts tagged with comment.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 166. Subscribe:
Recent comments bug?
There may be a bug on the recent comments page. [more inside]
Play me off
Did I hallucinate a Metafilter comment? I remember reading the line "Play him hither, Lute Cat" on Metafilter recently and though it was so hilarious I needed to illustrate it. I wanted to give credit to the original commenter, but I can't for the life of me find the comment. All my styles of google-fu have failed me. Did this comment actually exist?
It actually is kind of serious business.
I, too, am trying to find a comment I'm almost certain I read on the Blue. It was a refutation of the glib, "The internets is serious business!"-style dismissal of people who would deign to take anything said online to heart. The tone of the comment was something to the effect of, "Sure, it's no big deal, it has only connected much of the world's population in ways only dreamed of," or something. I'm not doing it justice, nor am I trying to.
The commenter might have been quoting someone else. Many thanks to anyone who can locate this!
Thanks for my pony?
Thanks for my pony? [more inside]
Chrome Needs Polishing
Links to specific comments don't work for me when using Chrome (with Vista). [more inside]
Editorializing about Optimalized Recent Activity
Changed interface in Recent Activity!
"78 total comments. 5 since the last comment you read. 20 since your most recent comment, last 10 shown below..." This? Is very cool! Thanks! Very much!
"78 total comments. 5 since the last comment you read. 20 since your most recent comment, last 10 shown below..." This? Is very cool! Thanks! Very much!
Why it's rational to believe what scientists say
I'm looking for a comment on Mefi or AskMe where someone gave an extended quote from a scientist/commentator (maybe Richard Feynman), explaining why it's rational for a layperson to believe what scientists say, even if you haven't figured out the mechanics of how they arrived at their conclusions. The gist was that it's sufficient just to know that the scientists are generally skilled at figuring things out. (That's probably oversimplifying, which is why I want to find the actual passage.) [more inside]
Who watches the Watchmen comments?
I finally got to see Watchmen last night and in talking about it afterwards, I was reminded of a comment I read on the blue that I cannot for the life of me find again. I have been looking for a couple of hours now and beginning to wonder if I made the whole thing up. Please help. [more inside]
Collecting Specialness
I noticed Neatorama had another post from Metafilter on their site (previously), but then looked closely and noticed it wasn't Metafilter they were linking to. [more inside]
Why do Americans always dance around singing the same song?
Thank you for deleting me. [more inside]
Is something up with the AskMe database?
It seems like half the time I try to post an answer on the green, it will show up saying it was successfully posted, then disappear. This isn't just in preview, it POSTs the comment and I get a full HTML page back with the new comment included. But if I look later, anytime between minutes and hours later, the comment's gone. It disappears from my posting history too, and I've gotten no mail from admins or anything like that. This doesn't seem to happen on the blue.
Comment Search: The Specificking
I read an Ask Metafilter comment a while back that was an awesome recreation of what would happen if men actually verbalized their moment-to-moment thoughts to their significant other. [more inside]
Where's that post about what happens in the ER?
I can't find the comment about what happens when you show up at the ER for a mental health issue. I'm pretty sure it was in an AskMe thread posted by an anonymous person with bipolar symptoms, and I'm pretty sure it was sidebarred. (Is there a sidebar archive? Pony request!) [more inside]
waaahaaaa there's no comments on tag view please advise
So, is there any reason why the tag view (example) has no comment count?
Fight iPhone Lag, disable comment autopreview
iPhone-y pony please: a way to supress the automatic inline comment preview to mitigate typing lag. [more inside]
My Little Pony, I Love My Little Pony.
Ooops, I did it again. I made a comment and once again it resulted in an accidental triple comment, a product (I suspect) of some sort of clash between my work server and Metafilter's server. It's not the first time it's happened either. And although all but one of my triple-comment will (hopefully) have been deleted by the time I finish writing this post (I have e-mailed an admin, as I usually do whenever it happens), it's getting annoying. Matt, I know you're really busy providing us with an awesome site, but could you please institute some kind of delay of just a few seconds between the time that someone has posted a comment and the time that they can comment again? They have one over at Metafilter's twin, Devoter, so surely it can't be that hard to do, can it? And best of all, it'll have plent of other benefits to the site (preventing abuse etc) and better yet, you, cortex and the ever suffering jessamyn will never have to get another e-mail from me asking you to delete two of my comments. Matt, please, can this be done?
The Wheel
In the middle of this thread, robocop is bleeding has written a truly awesome short story. Shades of... I dunno, Chuck Palahniuk, maybe? It's seriously that good. rib, have you published an anthology? 'Cause I'd buy it.
Please fix my HTML mistake.
I think I broke this thread with a malformed tag. Please hope me?
Deleted comments included in comment count
Hello. This is not really hurting my life or anything, but it seems that the list of posts on the "My Favorites" tab on the front page includes deleted comments in its comment count for each post. Screenshot here.
MetaFilthy replacement for Firefox 2.0?
Are there any programmers out there who would be interested in making a MetaFilthy clone/replacement for Firefox 2.0? [more inside]
haunting and moving comment, but offtopic
This comment had seemingly nothing at all to do with the FPP on which it was posted, yet I found it one of the most haunting and moving things I have ever read in MeFi.
Offensive gif in Askme thread
This kind of thing should result in an instaban.
Request: the ability to retrieve a comment that was almost posted to a deleted thread.
A FPP rant was recently deleted after I began to compose my response. Hence, by the time I was ready to post, the thread was closed to new comments... and I lost several good paragraphs that I would have been content to post elsewhere. Respectfully request some scheme (redirection to Preview Page, for instance) whereby content is retrieveable in such a case.
Can I post a self-link in a comment?
I'm fairly new to MetaFilter, and really only ever read the Ask section. I know - and respect - that I'm not supposed to post a self-link anywhere. But in a question I read yesterday, I saw that a lot of people object to websites that play sounds (as do I). I've found a program that lets me mute the whole browser window, and would like to put that info somewhere as I think a lot of people would like it. But I do run a site that gives discounts on software, and will have one on that program next week.
So I guess I have 2 questions - can I politely post a link to the program at all? It's not news, just something it sounds like people want. And second, can I post that my site will be discounting it next week?
So I guess I have 2 questions - can I politely post a link to the program at all? It's not news, just something it sounds like people want. And second, can I post that my site will be discounting it next week?
David Pogue makes a comment
anonymous comments for $1 a shot
Less of a feature request, more of a mega cash-cow idea for Matt: The ability to make anonymous comments for $1 a shot.
Shoutout: matthewr's MeFi comment navigator
This script is awesome, and makes MetaFilter a better place.
Just wanted to say thank you, matthewr.
Just wanted to say thank you, matthewr.
Pony: temporary comment editing
Temporary comment editing?
I'm sure this has been brought up before but......It would be nice to be able to edit one's comments for a short period after posting. Not for very long, obviously, but long enough to fix glaring errors or spelling mistakes.
I'm sure this has been brought up before but......It would be nice to be able to edit one's comments for a short period after posting. Not for very long, obviously, but long enough to fix glaring errors or spelling mistakes.
Why was my AskMe answer to the BSDM bottom/top question deleted?
Why was my comment in this thread deleted?
Stuck inside comment previews
Please include a link to the thread itself when stuck inside comment preview mode.
Why doesn't the new comment count coincide with what I have and have not read?
Hi, I've been following metafilter since 2000-2001 but just recently registered an account. One feature I notice is the "new comments" count. This count rarely seems to coincide with what I actually have and have not read. What criteria does the system use to determine the appropriate "new" comment amount?
Screwed up a comment, paging someone with fixing powers
Ouch -- screwed up a comment in this promising thread by concreteforest. Hope someone is around with fixing powers, as it might prevent others posting.
Error message while trying to comment.
When trying to post a comment from XP/IE7.0b I get an error message. [MI]
Ignore and move on already.
Daylight saving comment problem
MarshallBrain's comment on this thread keeps sinking to the bottom despite there being latter posts.
Fixing the returning anchor
Call this Feature Requests/Etiquette: I'd like, upon flagging a comment (in this case, Carbolic's accidental doubling), to be returned to the #name from whence I came, rather than the head of the thread to scroll down.
Further this thread has been magnificent, at least to the extent that I've gotten, in both well-reasoned argumentation and a lack of calling each other douchebags. I'd like to point out that both Rothko and Dios have been excellent at engaging each other in a way that, while highlighting their disagreement, is about the facts and arguments that each is presenting. Good show you guys. This is why I joined Metafilter.
(You may now commence flaming me for whatever evils I have evidenced in this post).
Further this thread has been magnificent, at least to the extent that I've gotten, in both well-reasoned argumentation and a lack of calling each other douchebags. I'd like to point out that both Rothko and Dios have been excellent at engaging each other in a way that, while highlighting their disagreement, is about the facts and arguments that each is presenting. Good show you guys. This is why I joined Metafilter.
(You may now commence flaming me for whatever evils I have evidenced in this post).
Deletion query
Ah! The sting of deletion has pricked me for the first time. Without getting into boring specifics (I would assume my offense was off-topicness), I wonder if the policing in AskMe has become more stringent? Guidance from the deleters-on-high would be appreciated--I am all for making the site as useful as possible, and also for not wasting my own time.
Live Preview display should match comment entry pls
A pony: Can the Live Preview box be displayed in the same fashion as the actual posts on the page? More specifically, rather than being indented to the same margins as the comment entry box, can it be shown with the same margins as the actual posts on the page?
Where'd that comment go?
I could have sworn that somebody posted a link as a response to my question. Now that I have time to actually check it out, though, the link is gone. What gives? Bug? Gratuitous moderation? Anyone know what the link was?
Metafilter is not for pyramid scheme
It should be pretty obvious that stuff like this should not fly in the blue. Using this site as a quarry for pyramid schemes is inappropriate and action should be taken accordingly.
Warnock's Dilemma
Warnock's Dilemma is the situation you face when people don't comment on your postings. The problem with no response is that there are five possible interpretations:This perfectly captures my thoughts when I see an amazing post with only 2 or 3 comments (of course, I believe everyone else is thinking point 1 as well). This probably explains why we can't equate lots of comments nor low comments with the quality of a post, since it could be good or bad in five different ways, as described here.
1. The post is correct, well-written information that needs no follow-up commentary. There's nothing more to say except "Yeah, what he said."
2. The post is complete and utter nonsense, and no one wants to waste the energy or bandwidth to even point this out.
3. No one read the post, for whatever reason.
4. No one understood the post, but won't ask for clarification, for whatever reason.
5. No one cares about the post, for whatever reason.
What's to gain from posting a negative comment?
Say you see a FPP, and say it sucks. What's to gain from posting a negative comment? Many comments I see are not only negative, they're downright vicious. If it's a double post, or a self-link, chances are it will be deleted. Furthermore - personally, if I see a post that's been there for a while and there are only a few comments, I'm not going to read the comments, simple as that. I'd bet many of you follow this as well. So why bash a lousy post?
Some of us seem extremely mindful of MetaFilter's integrity. Does it only hurt it further to barrage a poster with bitching? (PS - I'm aware of the fact that this very post could be a repeat, but it was hard to search for this - the ironing would be delicious).
Some of us seem extremely mindful of MetaFilter's integrity. Does it only hurt it further to barrage a poster with bitching? (PS - I'm aware of the fact that this very post could be a repeat, but it was hard to search for this - the ironing would be delicious).
Plea for editorial discretion when deleting AskMe comments
YA plea for editorial discretion/benevolent neglect. [greater within]
Deleted comment cipher?
In this post a number of comments that (at least in my opinion) were legitimately funny but a little tasteless were removed without notice. Two questions - (1) would it make sense to have a "comment deleted" notice so that meta-comments make a little more sense, and (2) why were they deleted if none of the guidelines were violated?
Deleted comment notification?
Would it be possible, when comments are deleted, to replace them with a [comment deleted due to offensiveness] rather than delete it altogether, and have 100 people all scratching their heads going, "huh?" at the apparently non-sequitorous responses?
(Phrasing partially stolen from wackybrit)
(Caveat: This is not me bitching. Just a question. If it's a bad idea, just let me know.)
(Phrasing partially stolen from wackybrit)
(Caveat: This is not me bitching. Just a question. If it's a bad idea, just let me know.)
Is this because I'm new?
Help! I can't set up links within my comments. Beneath the comment box I only have Preview and Spellcheck: no link button, no bold, no italics. Is this because I'm new? I sure would like to be able to link to things to, you know, back up my comments. Thanks for your help!
Comment count reconfiguration
Intentional Double Post! Since User No. 1 never responded when I posted this last July... These days, with our lengthy yet interesting (to me) threads I am more often encountering the timeout/comment count refresh issue and would like to again call for this value to be user configured or set to a longer value, preferably 45 minutes or so.
Awesome comment from monju_bosatsu!
I feel compelled to publicly applaud and congratulate monju_bosatsu for this superb and interesting essay, elevating an otherwise lackluster post to greatness.