11 posts tagged with music by cortex.
Displaying 1 through 11 of 11.

edgeways has passed away

Sad news: long-time Metafilter community member edgeways, Edgewood Smith, passed away last week. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 21, 2015 - 236 comments

Mefi Music Challenge #1 wrap-up etc

The first Metafilter Music Challenge, "water", has officially deadlined, with 27 entries as of this writing. Fantastic! A whole lot more below the fold, so come inside!
posted by cortex on Jul 7, 2007 - 19 comments

And Now For Something Completely Thematic

Announcing the Metafilter Music Challenge! After a discussion here last month, we're starting up an opt-in theme-based challenge over at Music. A bit more inside!
posted by cortex on Jun 21, 2007 - 41 comments

Mefite albums and attempts from RPM07?

RPM Challenge, post-game: February is dead and gone, and a bunch of us either finished an album in a month or didn't. Let's have the dirt, folks. And the links. And some Music posts.
posted by cortex on Mar 1, 2007 - 35 comments

RPM Challenge

So. The write-and-record-an-album-in-Februrary RPM Challenge thing. Who's doing it? Who still needs convincing? [Recently, on mefi]
posted by cortex on Jan 27, 2007 - 51 comments

Metafilter Compilation Album is nigh!

Metafiler Compilation Album is nigh! Official website totally revamped! Details within!
posted by cortex on Nov 8, 2006 - 51 comments

Music hits 500!

And I would post 500 songs
And I would post 500 more
posted by cortex on Aug 29, 2006 - 27 comments

Record a cover of Elliott Smith's Waltz #2 for my friend

Followup / second call: record a cover of Elliott Smith's Waltz #2 [mp3]for a wedding gift for my friend. [original thread].
posted by cortex on Aug 25, 2006 - 16 comments

everybody record a cover of Elliott Smith's "Waltz #2

Music collaboration fun / favor: everybody record a cover of Elliott Smith's "Waltz #2". [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 19, 2006 - 30 comments

Call for Submissions - Compilation Album

Metafilter Compilation Album
Call for Cover Art Submissions
Music Submission Deadline & Details

posted by cortex on Apr 21, 2006 - 63 comments

MeFi Compilation Album call for submissions

Metafilter Compliation Album:
Phase one: call for submissions.
[everything of substance inside]

posted by cortex on Apr 17, 2006 - 84 comments

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