4 posts tagged with policy by allkindsoftime.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.

Zombies vs. bears vs. monkeys

This is a great question but it didn't include the obligatory "For the purposes of a work of fiction..." disclaimer to keep it from being deleted as hypothetical filter.
posted by allkindsoftime on Aug 10, 2007 - 30 comments

When will computers figure out how to delete a double?

Soooo...what happens when we get a much better post on the exact same topic just a few minutes later?
posted by allkindsoftime on Jul 19, 2007 - 37 comments

Deleted Thread

WCityMike got me thinking with his recent thread. I like deleted thread. Frankly I think its uniqueness constitutes BOTW. So...would it violate the rules to do a blue post about it? (AFAIK no one has yet)
posted by allkindsoftime on Feb 1, 2007 - 33 comments

Aren't these both hypotheticalfilter?

Simply because I've always been disappointed we never got to discuss this question, I'm going to go ahead and ask whether the same ban reason should apply to this one.
posted by allkindsoftime on Jan 5, 2007 - 67 comments

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