6 posts tagged with policy by stavrosthewonderchicken.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.


So I posted a comment in this thread that was deleted. Poor me, too bad, so sad. [more inside]
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Mar 30, 2012 - 142 comments

Single Link, No Kids

"Another single-link FPP? WTF." I am here to testify to you, my brothers and sisters, that the good lord smiles just as brightly on front page posts with a single link as he does on those with many! Hallelujah!" [more inside]
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Mar 27, 2011 - 120 comments

Multiple accounts - menace or meaningless?

"I know someone who owns hundreds upon hundreds of digg accounts, and thousands more on other 'buzz'-worthy sites. I know that he owns about 5 metafilter accounts, all registered after the $5 registration fee, all well used and difficult to call 'plant' on." O RLY? That doesn't seem like a good thing to me, at least. What say the rest of you? Menace or meaningless?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Apr 20, 2006 - 49 comments

Calling Out McBain

"I really don't care how bad an FPP this is...basically I don't give two shits how biased my FPP is. "
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Mar 8, 2004 - 136 comments

What happened to the CafePress/LGF thread?

I haven't had my coffee yet this morning, but unless I'm mistaken, the CafePress/LGF thread from yesterday is gone. What happened?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jun 10, 2003 - 54 comments

Is it getting nastier and more bloodthirsty here? (Apres 911)

This might be a bad thread, or it might not. Apologies if so. I really can't tell, so I'll just get it off my chest. Now that the bombs are dropping, and violence is in the air again, does it seem to anyone else that the tenor has also gone a little nasty and bloodthirsty on MeFi? (more)
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Oct 9, 2001 - 14 comments

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