10 posts tagged with pony by desjardins.
Displaying 1 through 10 of 10.

How about notifications of proposed meetups?

I have my profile set to receive notifications of IRL meetups within 100 miles, but I would also like to get notified about proposed meetups within the same distance. Who knows, maybe adding one more person can shift it from "proposed" to "let's do this thing."
posted by desjardins on May 17, 2014 - 21 comments

Pony: A way of tracking replies in a thread

Is there some way we could track when we are mentioned in a thread? [more inside]
posted by desjardins on Jun 8, 2011 - 158 comments

Wanted: a quicker way to stalk, I mean memail people

Can we skip a step when memailing someone? I'd like to be able to type in the username in the TO field, rather than 1) searching for their username 2) clicking on their profile link 3) clicking on the "send mail" link.
posted by desjardins on Dec 14, 2009 - 20 comments

Hey, you might be interested in this...

Pony: A button to notify contacts you choose about an interesting FPP, or an AskMe they're qualified to answer. For example, one of my contacts could easily give me a heads-up when there's a post about geography, or I could notify Astro Zombie about a Minneapolis-related thread. No more "paging languagehat" answers to etymology questions. If it gets spammy/annoying for th recipient, they can opt out or send me a STFU MeMail. [more inside]
posted by desjardins on Nov 6, 2008 - 36 comments

Pony request: show favorites by user

I'd like to be able to see which of a user's posts/comments I have favorited. For instance, I know I've faved seven of cortex's posts/comments, according to the infodump, but which ones? There's no easy way to find out. If I search for "cortex" in my favorites, I only get references to his name, not things posted by him. [more inside]
posted by desjardins on Oct 29, 2008 - 52 comments

Why not MyMeta?

We have MyAsk. Why not MyMeta? How about a tab that filters by tags. Example: ignore anything with linux or politics. Keep anything with maps or art.
posted by desjardins on Aug 21, 2008 - 34 comments

You may make another post in: 19 hours, 7 minutes, 49 seconds.

Can we have a countdown timer for MeFi posts like we do for AskMe posts? How about for MetaTalk?
posted by desjardins on May 22, 2008 - 22 comments

Send this post to a friend.

SuggestionFilter: A link or button that enables us to easily tell our friends "Hey, check out this really cool FPP/asinine question/metatalk whinefest!" [more inside]
posted by desjardins on Dec 27, 2007 - 64 comments

Most popular projects?

What projects have gotten the most votes, ever? Can we have a "popular projects" page?
posted by desjardins on Oct 29, 2007 - 8 comments

I unfavorite you! And you! and you! and especially you!

Teeny-tiny pony request: Adding favorites is all ajax-y and lovely. Removing favorites - from your favorites page - causes a refresh and a bump up to the top of the page. I can has ajax pls?
posted by desjardins on Aug 28, 2007 - 23 comments

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