10 posts tagged with pony by interrobang.
Displaying 1 through 10 of 10.

Easy Trips Down Memory Lane

On the front page sidebar, it says "1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years ago"—links to Metafilter, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years ago. Could we please have this feature in Metatalk?
posted by interrobang on Apr 30, 2008 - 37 comments

Adding tags to favorites

An idea about favorites. [more inside]
posted by interrobang on Feb 28, 2008 - 35 comments

some really awesome & fabulous people could tag old posts

My petition for the creation of a squad of mefites with the power to add tags to old posts.
posted by interrobang on Nov 20, 2006 - 70 comments

Want usernames spelled out

It would be nice if one's username pointed to the spelled-out version somewhere on the front page—maybe on the upper right—so it could be easily found. It's useful for typing in other users' names when you want to see what they've been up to. Much more useful than, say, this.
posted by interrobang on Aug 17, 2006 - 41 comments

Adding tags to another person's AskMe

It would be useful if one could add tags to another person's Ask Metafilter post—it could clarify the content where the original poster has neglected tagging altogether, or where the poster's tags are vague. The user-added tags could be marked as such, and kept separate from the poster's tags. Is this possible? Or would we be afraid of abuse?
posted by interrobang on Jul 3, 2006 - 15 comments

Voting on Metafilter Projects?

Now that the contest is over, what is the point of having voting on Metafilter Projects? Anyone who wants to post the project to the front page can do so—no matter how many votes there are—and in most cases, having comments there instead of voting could provide the poster with valuable criticism and advice.

Is it just the worry that people will write mean things about the projects?
posted by interrobang on Apr 10, 2006 - 78 comments

A place to work on posts

It would be nice to have a little place (possibly on one's own user page) where one could work on posts.
posted by interrobang on Jan 19, 2006 - 36 comments

"sort by my comments"

A "sort by my comments" thingy on Ask Metafilter would make it easier to monitor threads that one is interested in. There is the potential for abuse, but since the time-limit on questions there has recently been extended, I don't think it would be all that dangerous.
posted by interrobang on Oct 20, 2005 - 12 comments

Request: A way to disable live preview.

I *hate* the live preview feature. There, I said it.
posted by interrobang on Jul 27, 2005 - 77 comments

How about an "occupation" blank on the user pages?

How about an "occupation" blank on the user pages?
posted by interrobang on Jun 1, 2004 - 42 comments

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