April 2006 Archives (all archives)
April 30
fix link in fpp
MinorCorrectionFilter: as luftmensch pointed out, the 6th link in this FPP should probably point to this site (or some more descriptive page within it).
How do the economics of MetaFilter work? I know this may be kind of rude to even ask, but it seems to me that this is an awful lot of coding and maintenance to be financed only by five dollar donations and small non-intrusive ads. Speaking of advertisements, does it cost Matt money if I use adblock to remove the ads before I even see them?
April 29
Too many links makes a post something something
Can some sort of rule/guideline/something be considered, stating that FPP's shouldn't have a bajillion links, one in each individual word?
I know it's not a serious thing, and a programmatic solution isn't the way to go, but when I see posts like this it drives me nuts. Am I the only one?
I know it's not a serious thing, and a programmatic solution isn't the way to go, but when I see posts like this it drives me nuts. Am I the only one?
MeFi Captcha
Apologies if this is redundant, but Yahoo's search revealed nothing about the look-n-feel of the MeFi captcha.
Metafilter's captcha is particularly irritating. Of the few sites I use that require it, this one is by far the worst. Many of the characters are ambiguous because they use a sans-serif font—combined with the size and font variation, letters like C, O, W become hard to distinguish when their cases change. And this is me being selfish—there's still the nagging problem that these are very inaccessible.
I realize (and read the thread on) why you installed one, and realize Matt-n-Co are busy creatures, and perhaps the alternatives aren't great right now. But sites like TicketBastard, Yahoo, and PayPal all use much less ambiguous, much more human-parsable captchas, and presumably have orders of magnitude more traffic than MeFi—so these must have worked pretty well so far.
Wikipedia has a list of alternatives for a variety of languages.
Metafilter's captcha is particularly irritating. Of the few sites I use that require it, this one is by far the worst. Many of the characters are ambiguous because they use a sans-serif font—combined with the size and font variation, letters like C, O, W become hard to distinguish when their cases change. And this is me being selfish—there's still the nagging problem that these are very inaccessible.
I realize (and read the thread on) why you installed one, and realize Matt-n-Co are busy creatures, and perhaps the alternatives aren't great right now. But sites like TicketBastard, Yahoo, and PayPal all use much less ambiguous, much more human-parsable captchas, and presumably have orders of magnitude more traffic than MeFi—so these must have worked pretty well so far.
Wikipedia has a list of alternatives for a variety of languages.
Vancouver meetup.
Okay, so I'll be in Vancouver next week, and I want to know who's up for meeting at the keg on granville island, Thursday May 4, 7:30ish pm.
Be there or be hexagonical ;)
Okay, so I'll be in Vancouver next week, and I want to know who's up for meeting at the keg on granville island, Thursday May 4, 7:30ish pm.
Be there or be hexagonical ;)
Why has MetaFilter traffic spiked so fast?
Does anyone know why MeFi has almost doubled its reach during the past 2 weeks? Just curious.
Zen-like post from a few years ago?
There was a thread here, a couple of years ago, I think, about the Zen-like (I don't remember if he was actually aligned with that tradition) aphorisms of a wise man. Many of his insights were oddly striking, but some of them seemed kind of obvious, too. An example was something like this: "People look more attractive at night."
I have searched, but not been able to find that thread. Any idea where it is?
I have searched, but not been able to find that thread. Any idea where it is?
Stop crapping in the sports threads
April 28
Der Wiki is der spammed.
Der Wiki is der spammed.
New Keystroke Features
New features added to the keystrokes: hit return to go into a thread, hit ; to go back to the index page. (you might have to force a reload to get the latest javascript).
How do I get to the sideblog page?
I was looking for something posted on the sideblog a while back and I found this page. What I didn't find was a way to navigate through the sideblog archives. Would it be possible to add that in, or is there already a way to do it that I'm overlooking?
Does anyone remember a thread on askme some time ago about jobs in the US for UK gap years apart fro
Does anyone remember a thread on askme some time ago about jobs in the US for UK gap years apart from summer camp?
April 27
Spam alert
Fuck this.
April 2006 Los Angeles Meetup
Sock-puppet alert
Sock-puppet alert. joshuak asks a question and then logs in as alter-ego fearandloathing to ask another question. However, he forgot to change his identity back when he went back into the first thread to bitch that no one was telling him how to get a $40/hour job across the street from his house.
April 26
Volleyball in Toronto
Are there any Toronto MeFites who would like to play volleyball on Wednesday nights for the next seven weeks?
I signed up for co-ed indoor volleyball thinking it was something new I might enjoy, but I HATE it. So I'm looking for someone to take my place.
I signed up for co-ed indoor volleyball thinking it was something new I might enjoy, but I HATE it. So I'm looking for someone to take my place.
pony that automatically shoves extremely long FPPs into a queue
Could we have a pony that automatically shoves extremely long FPPs into a queue for administrative approval?
New "Blocking" Request
Warning: long, detailed post ahead. You have been warned.
Can we have pictures of ourselves?
With meetups gearing up, and an eventual section to handle this being engineered (did I read that right?) - would it make sense to have an area that allowed/promoted users to upload (links to) images of themselves?
"The evidence on breast self-examination is clear, there is no benefit to breast cancer mortality and results suggest that breast self-examination may do more harm than good." [MI]
"The evidence on breast self-examination is clear, there is no benefit to breast cancer mortality and results suggest that breast self-examination may do more harm than good." [MI]
"Feel free to have another bitch session about me."
If you'd like one more chance to rail on about dios, here's your chance. (Me? I don't care. I'm just tired of seeing good posts highjacked.)
London Meetup
So, London meetup? Eh? Eh?
Scientology-tagged posts averaged 82 comments in 2006.
April 25
Can we have access to older pages in My Comments?
Could we get a tweak on our 'My Comments' pages to look further back than the current default, on demand? A 'Page 2' link at the bottom for the next X threads back in time, maybe? Or a customizable period (within reason) on our preferences page?
Metafilter's wish is the world's command.
What askMeFi question has the most answers ever?
What askMeFi question has the most answers... ever?
Want to see something cool?
Want to see something cool? Hit the . key on any mefi front page or comment page. Hit the , key to go up a post/comment. And don't worry, once you click into a textarea or input, it turns itself off (we couldn't ever lose the . could we?). Thanks to the hard work of delfuego for making this happen.
Ask Metafilter's FAQs in a sidebar
Just an observation: the question which DSLR to buy comes around so often on the green, with the same answers usually (understandably, but predictably) given, that I'm beginning to think there ought to be a sidebar of such frequently asked questions (or maybe mathowie ought to sign up for an Adorama affiliate program).
the least of Harvard's concern
"chat on the intarweb is the least of Harvard's concern right now regarding this situation" -- Harvard notices we were talking about them.
Cleanup in this askme
This image is too big
Can this big-ass image be made to go away? It's just stupid.
Portland Meetup
Dear Portland, Oregon:
How are you? I've been thinking that we should be going out and getting righteously tanked one of these days. How would late May sound? Where shall we meet?
How are you? I've been thinking that we should be going out and getting righteously tanked one of these days. How would late May sound? Where shall we meet?
Northwest Meetup
Reminder: The Grand Seattle/Portland/Vancouver Meetup is this Saturday, April 29, 6 pm at the Elysian.
He's got the whole world in his hands
Anyone remember a video going around the web that showed a guy manipulating satellite imagery--maybe directly in Google Earth--by using hand gestures instead of a mouse? I recall he was using both his hands. It was some kind of a demo video for a new human interface technology. I might have not even found it via MeFi. Ring a bell for anyone?
I'm getting a connection failure on the "tags" page.
I'm getting a connection failure on the "tags" page. [MI]
April 24
San Antonio meetup?
Any interest in a San Antonio get together?
Tokyo Meetup again
Tokyo Meetup again (it's a 2-fer now!) I'm there from May 10-19, and sconbie's there til the 15th.
One of Astro Zombie's play at the Vital Drama League Alumni Directors Fest in NYC
Speaking of little shows in New York, I've got one of my own. And I will probably be there!
NYC Meetup
Hey New York City! I'm in a little show on May 15th, and you should all come!
NYC meetup June 2006?
Is it too early for another NYC meetup? Everything sucks for me right now and I could use some revelry. Who wants to come out to celebrate 06/06/06?
Please fix this thread!
I believe this thread is broken (some sort of html mistake has broken the input box at the bottom).
How did you discover MetaFilter?
Simple question: How did you discover MetaFilter?
April 23
Should there maybe be a special place within MetaFilter Network for YouTube and Google Video links (and the like)? I know that there's other video linky sites out there, but this is MetaFilter, and I like people's taste better here.
Some people really don't seem to care for video posts, and grump about how common they're becoming, but sometimes they're good. I doubt there will be a decline in the amount of video and stuff that will be available for discovering and linking to. Maybe we should get used to it, but keep the other best-o-the-web stuff separate, or distinct in some way.
Some people really don't seem to care for video posts, and grump about how common they're becoming, but sometimes they're good. I doubt there will be a decline in the amount of video and stuff that will be available for discovering and linking to. Maybe we should get used to it, but keep the other best-o-the-web stuff separate, or distinct in some way.
Green card question becomes a morality referendum
I read this as question for help on legal matters (I know...thats a separate topic) but people seem to be interpreting it as a morality question with statements such as "Why do you think a person with such low ethical standards would make for a positive contributor to the US " - and its starting to derail the thread.
Followup etiquette on closed AskMe posts
Don't get me wrong -- I want to know how stuff on AskMe turns out. I don't think MeTa is the ideal place for that, though. What about allowing askers to post a followup in their own threads, even if they'd been closed & archived, which would put that thread on a new page, like the "fantastic posts" page we have now, which could be called "resolutions" or "how'd it turn out" or some such.
Don't slag my religion and I won't slag yours
I might think your religion is a bunch of crap (in fact, I probably do) but isn't it a touch rude to be saying so in AskMe?
April 22
we bought a 1999 Subaru Forester
Back in December I asked for vehicle recommendations, and I just wanted to follow up: we bought a 1999 Subaru Forester, based on the words here and of a friend of our who owns an Outback. What it all came down to was good value, great safety, and even though I paid more than I wanted to I'm happy with this step up instead of a step sideways into a RAV4 or a junkier, older vehicle. Thanks!
Can we add title attribute to links?
Pony Request: Could the title attribute be added automatically to links generated from the link button on the posts/comments toolbar? It wouldn't have to have any default text in it, but it would make people aware of its existence, which they could then use to reduce the large number of mystery links we see in posts/comments.
San Francisco Meetup
Bay Area meetups?
I just moved down here from Seattle because I was lonely. Now I'm noticing that Matildaben apparently launches a Seatle meetup every 10 days or so...
I'm in East Bay but pretty much willing to travel anywhere, as I need to explore more anyway.
I just moved down here from Seattle because I was lonely. Now I'm noticing that Matildaben apparently launches a Seatle meetup every 10 days or so...
I'm in East Bay but pretty much willing to travel anywhere, as I need to explore more anyway.
Timestamp Bug
Hello, admins. It is just a tiny bug; I posted to #51093 at 12:01, the comment was timed at 12:04.
April 21
Piling on new user for sport
Is it me, or is piling on a new user now the official sport of AskMe?
Vancouver Meetup
Vancouver Meetup? I'm a Canadian living outside the country, and will be visiting Vancouver from May3 to May 5, I'd love to meet fellow members. Anyone game? Any suggestions?
Answerers jumping the gun
While it's very nice to, for once, see an answer-poster own up to
Any ideas? Perhaps, including a "Did you read the [more inside] at the top of the page?" reminder?
"Crap. I posted my brilliant secret before reading the whole post. Really sorry.there are another 106 times that I've seen answerers who never realized that the [mi] should have forestalled their answers.
I guess I got caught up a, "Holy crap I can contribute trip". Really, really sorry, and I have nothing useful to say.
Any ideas? Perhaps, including a "Did you read the [more inside] at the top of the page?" reminder?
More Fantastic Comments Please
"Fantastic comments" make good reading. Why can I only read the last ten? Is it just a technical issue, or is there a worry that a permanent archive will result in competition?
(and if so, is competition that encourages people to write fantastic comments really such a bad idea?)
(and if so, is competition that encourages people to write fantastic comments really such a bad idea?)
More styled CSS for some HTML elements, such as blockquote
Slightly better CSS: Could the CSS for useful elements like blockquote be improved so that quoted text from previous posts does not have to be faked with ? A now-common style of changed font, larger left indent, and line down the left side might work.
Call for Submissions - Compilation Album
Call for Cover Art Submissions
Music Submission Deadline & Details
A few too many mentions of ideagasms.com?
A few too many mentions of ideagasms.com? I'm not just feeling wholly comfortable with this, and I think I'm not the only one.
Metafilter Compilation Album - get yours here, now!
Pre-orders and Donations open!
[details and more inside]
[posted for cortex by proxy]
April 20
"new" link disappears in grey but not blue or green
Why does the "new" link disappear once I've refreshed the page on the grey but not o the blue or green?
Rewarding the best in AskMe
Two ideas: AskMe author-of-the-month -- Best of an AskMe author
AMWKE is very funny.
Presumably-drunk user shitting in AskMe
Multiple accounts - menace or meaningless?
"I know someone who owns hundreds upon hundreds of digg accounts, and thousands more on other 'buzz'-worthy sites. I know that he owns about 5 metafilter accounts, all registered after the $5 registration fee, all well used and difficult to call 'plant' on." O RLY? That doesn't seem like a good thing to me, at least. What say the rest of you? Menace or meaningless?
Seriously, that's not what I mean
Two people have assumed, incorrectly, that I don't think DUI offenders are criminals. I would like to vent without further derailing the thread. (more inside)
Self links abound
Self linking and the common good (mi)
Database server clock error bungling comment sequence
Just now in a comment I tried to include a link to a URL which contained a seven-letter word beginning with "f" that has become an epithet for those on the right side of the political spectrum. I tried to post it twice and both times when I hit "post" the screen refreshed but my post didn't show up. Is there some sort of filtration going on? Shouldn't I be told?
Weird timing
Weird Timing This was just posted in response to a question asked later in the thread and it seems to have been time stamped two hours earlier.
New user has issues navigating askme
Look at all these answers- see a pattern?
FAQ launched
I just launched the FAQ engine I wrote a few weeks ago. It's got just a few questions in it and it hasn't been organized yet, but if you're logged in, feel free to suggest new questions at the bottom of the page, which me and jessamyn will review, organize, and post later on. For now, it's just starting out, but I'm sure we can fill this out and organize it into something useful for everyone in just a few weeks.
Win the thread.
What's the deal with people "winning" threads all the time?
What are the odds that two adjacent posts would both use the word "fustian"?
April 19
Deleted comments immediately reposted
I think it's a violation of the spirt of AskMe to repost derailing comments immediately after they've been deleted.
When is it ok to pile on a poster?
Regarding this question. What's the rule of thumb here? Is it ok to pile on a poster and not answer his question if he's a minor? If his parents are possibly rich? If he lives in LA? If you don't like his attitude? If you're mad because you had a shitty car when you were 16, or even -- GASP -- no car at all, and this kid totally doesn't even deserve one, much less a NEW one?
New Feedback for Projects
I just added a feedback mechanism to Projects. If you want to test it first, try it out here and let me know if you find any bugs. You can leave one bit of feedback on any Project, and only the author will see them.
Tell us when TSA actually finds something...
Is there anything that makes this post good? (mi)
Reminder: Chicago meetup.
journalism, credibility, and marketing meet and go kaboom
Does the LA Times lose credibility when they change their entire site for a new movie?
"My contacts" link on header?
Pony: Can a "My contacts" link be added next to "My posts" and "My comments"? I like the "My contacts" feature, but I don't use it that often because I have to get to it via my user page, which I can only access from the main pages, not thread pages, so I tend to forget about it. I'd use it more if it was a one click thing in the header.
This appears to be a Self-Link
This appears to be a Self-Link, both in tone and because the poster has the site listed as their homepage.
I'm calling myself out....
I feel as though I may have erred by posting this. After having a good look around the site in question, I decided that whilst there was much 'subscription only' content, there was enough free content to warrant a post to the front page. A number of people have disagreed in-thread, claiming that the page is essentially spam. So I'm calling myself out, so that if the mods decide that it is, infact, spam, they can delete it ASAP.
April 18
Anonymous Replies for AskMe For Several Hours?
Anonymous posting: time-limited cookies to enable anonymous to reply to their own threads for N hours? Perhaps tied to logins? It seems like the "anonymous" nom de plume really only needs to be a setting that is applied when a thread is marked as such and the original poster is replying. Since most of these questions are for personal, medical, or other advice that usually need more input (perhaps to triangulate its position), it seems useful.
We obviously can't have respectful discussions about respectful discussions
We obviously can't have respectful discussions about respectful discussions. Every time the topic comes up, the same insulting "discussion" occurs. Seeing as how no new information is ever presented in these topics, shouldn't they all be considered double posts and deleted? When they are nothing more than another opportunity to display your disgust with someone who disagrees with you, what value do they add to the site?
We obviously can't have respectful discussions about evolution
We obviously can't have respectful discussions about evolution. Every time the topic comes up, the same insulting "discussion" occurs. Seeing as how no new information is ever presented in these topics, shouldn't they all be considered double posts and deleted? When they are nothing more than another opportunity to display your disgust with someone who disagrees with you, what value do they add to the site?
Still not logged in
Logged in, got redirected back to the main page, but still not logged in to Mefi - only to MeTa. Logged out, deleted cookies, tried again, same result.
AskMe Fantastic Posts
My wife and I adopted a black, infant girl. It's not specific to iPods. There is no shrinkage.
The "fantastic answers" section of the Recent Fantastic Posts page of AskMeFi is confusing without context.... could the actual question (the short version) be printed, small, above each fantastic answer?
The "fantastic answers" section of the Recent Fantastic Posts page of AskMeFi is confusing without context.... could the actual question (the short version) be printed, small, above each fantastic answer?
I'm asking for your input on the future of the MeFiSwap.
Survey redux... the virtual idea was overwhelmingly shot down, so once again I'm asking for your input on the future of the MeFiSwap. This will be the last survey, from here we'll move forward to start the next swap on May 1, in whichever format is most preferred, so if you have any inclination toward swap participation whatsoever, please weigh in on this one. (And let's hope this stays on the front page of the grey long enough for everyone to know about this. Spread the word.)
How do I customize my profile info?
I'm sorry if this has been covered or is painfully obvious, but in searching MeTa and generally scouring my profile page, I can't find where to click to change my information. The one MeTa thread I did find on the subject (here) says there's a "customize" link. It seems this has been replaced with "Preferences," since the url ends in "customize.cfm," but when I click there, I get nothing but the set of Features, Links, and Sites links. Help?
April 17
All tags page is down
http://www.metafilter.com/tags/ gives a connection failure.
I despise comment deletion
This is why I despise comment deletion.
Connecting to static.fmpub.net...
AskMe is hanging half-rendered, with the status bar reading "Connecting to static.fmpub.net...", which, indeed, is not accepting connections.
Seattle meetup April 29, 2006
The next Seattle Meetup (with special guests from Portland, Bellingham, and Vancouver B.C. and environs) will be on Saturday, April 29, 6 p.m. at the Elysian. Previously discussed here.
Dealing with illegal questions on AskMe
Do we need a note on the AskMe "post a question" page that says "Please don't ask for advice on how to do something illegal"?
New user posting limits
Why do you need to have a certain amount of comments in order to be able to post a link to the front page?
I've just come across this brilliant documentary about Richard Feynman, but I'm not allowed to post it.
You cannot post to the front page at this time. This can be due to one of several things. You may not have been a member long enough, you may not have posted enough comments, or you may have already posted a link in the past 24 hours.
I've been a member for quite a while and haven't posted any link on the front page yet, so the reason must be that I lack the required number of comments. I understand that people need to have an idea what kind of links are appropriate on the front page; the question is whether the amount of comments one makes is a good metric to determine this. I don't often feel the need to comment on front page postings.
I've just come across this brilliant documentary about Richard Feynman, but I'm not allowed to post it.
You cannot post to the front page at this time. This can be due to one of several things. You may not have been a member long enough, you may not have posted enough comments, or you may have already posted a link in the past 24 hours.
I've been a member for quite a while and haven't posted any link on the front page yet, so the reason must be that I lack the required number of comments. I understand that people need to have an idea what kind of links are appropriate on the front page; the question is whether the amount of comments one makes is a good metric to determine this. I don't often feel the need to comment on front page postings.
MeFi Compilation Album call for submissions
Phase one: call for submissions.
[everything of substance inside]
Follow-up to this thread
Follow-up to this thread on contacting my father for the first time. With the help of my real-world friends and the great advice at AskMe, I went into this with eyes-wide-open.
MeFi in eye weekly's Weltschmerz
April 16
Projects Color Change
Oh my goodness. Projects is teal now. Lovely, isn't it?
Mefi compilation album idea
Various artists: Feelin' Blue (Metafilter Records, 2006)
Given the response to cortex's excellent music post, and given the range and quality of music on offer, I have an idea that will make us all rich and famous* [follow me inside...]
Given the response to cortex's excellent music post, and given the range and quality of music on offer, I have an idea that will make us all rich and famous* [follow me inside...]
Meetup at Cory Doctorow Debate: Sydney?
Short notice I know but are any Sydneysiders going to the Cory Doctorow debate on Wednesday? If so, do you want to catch up for a quick one afterwards?
April 15
Ok to ask about sneaking into Canada?
If you answer this question on sneaking into Canada you could be breaking Canadian law. The poster clearly wants to scam Citizenship and Immigration Canada, since when is this ok?
Potential Fiery Train Wrecks Averted!
Two AskMe posts on interracial adoption and interracial breeding within an hour of each other. They had the potential to become fiery train wrecks, but instead, the answers were thoughtful and civil. Thanks for the quality discourse!
Missing title
You forgot to include a title, please correct this.
Does it really take that much work to think of a pyramid-related lame joke?
Does it really take that much work to think of a pyramid-related lame joke?
Captcha borked
Captcha/Login/'badlogin.cfm' errors...
1.) If you log in correctly and the captcha is not correct, you will still be logged in when you go to the index page.
2) When you enter an incorrect captcha, you're directed to a page that simply says 'Captcha not correct!' ... not the badlogin.cfm page.
3) If you input your password incorrectly and are directed to the badlogin.cfm page, and then you input everything correctly and hit log in, it will direct you to a page that says "Contact matt if this error keeps happening" ... every time. ;)
Took me like 2-3 minutes to log in today. :-P
1.) If you log in correctly and the captcha is not correct, you will still be logged in when you go to the index page.
2) When you enter an incorrect captcha, you're directed to a page that simply says 'Captcha not correct!' ... not the badlogin.cfm page.
3) If you input your password incorrectly and are directed to the badlogin.cfm page, and then you input everything correctly and hit log in, it will direct you to a page that says "Contact matt if this error keeps happening" ... every time. ;)
Took me like 2-3 minutes to log in today. :-P
April 14
New feature: top ten most voted on projects, by month.
New feature: top ten most voted on projects, by month.
Languagehat gets a plug on Slate.
Languagehat gets a plug on Slate.
NYC Meetup: April 2006
NYC Meetup: A group of us will be going to the Beer Garden in Astoria on Saturday night. Please join us.
Tokyo meetup
Visiting Tokyo May10-15. Any Tokyo-dwelling MeFites interested in a meet-up ?
April 13
Phoenix meetup final plans.
Phoenix meetup final plans.
Ack, the red! it burrrrrrns!
Ack, the red! it burrrrrrns!
2 manE W2 ?s - no more US taxes
Maybe that's enough US tax stuff on AskMe now? I mean, seriously.
[username] posts a single link to a Kos diary...
Troutfishing posts a single link to a Kos diary, acknowledges that it will be deleted, and taunts other members. Seems like a vacation might be in order.
April 12
Mathowie interview
"Matthew Haughey, a blogger who has been writing about TiVo for three years on www.pvrblog.com, thinks customer support issues for existing DirecTV-TiVo subscribers may be the biggest reason for DirecTV to have extended the agreement." (via forbes.com)
This is a forum post, not an FPP
a self-linking double post callout
You know, there ought to be a rule (or at least social approbation) against a self-linking double post callout. It seems like it's OK to link to previous comments, but one should let a third party make the DP call.
Can we have a changelog?
Would it be feasible to have an admin-only message board, maybe in the sidebar? There are enough postings where #1 explains the addition or removal of a feature to merit some kind ot tracking.
I guess what I want is a Meta-Changelog (say, changes.metafilter.com?) that could just be a plain-text, "on this date there was..." sort of list.
Or, there's always the ubiquitous RSS feed.
How about it? Simple pony?
I guess what I want is a Meta-Changelog (say, changes.metafilter.com?) that could just be a plain-text, "on this date there was..." sort of list.
Or, there's always the ubiquitous RSS feed.
How about it? Simple pony?
On AskMe, long comment preview is broken.
cannot preview long comments in askme
April 11
Los Angeles meetup
Dear the fine folks of los angeles:
I challenge you to a meet-up! It's been quite a while since one was organized and it's high time that another one take place.
I challenge you to a meet-up! It's been quite a while since one was organized and it's high time that another one take place.
Dear mathowie, your plans?
What is your project/plan of features on mefi matt?
Offensive Ask-Me
Maybe it's just my ameri-centric liberal oversensitivity and 'wheatish' skin-tone, but somehow I find this thread to be highly offensive.
Las Vegas Meetup
Who's gonna be in Vegas for DC14 (Aug 4-6)? I'd love a chance to have a good sized meet-up, with beer.
Fix the footer?
The red footer on Projects rides too high on projects that have a few votes (obscuring the names of the voters). Example of my own projects page. I'm on Safari. Let me know if you need a screengrab.
Opinions on MefiSwap (music)?
Voice your opinion on the future of the MeFiSwap. Or at least the MeFiSwap as I've got a hand in it. If you've been a part in the past, if you want to be a part in the future, if you've just got a thought you want to share, here's an opportunity.
Stunty metacallout thread
Seattle Meetup
Hey, Seattle! How'd you like to meet up on the weekend of April 29-30? We'll probably have people from both North and South joining us. Let's talk about time and place.
Personal Response to incident
Why just debate the issues surrounding the Australian government's miscarriage of justice in the case of Nick Gill, when you can actually read Mr. Gill's personal response to the incident at hand?
Melbourne Meetup
Melbourne Easter Meetup! Victorians, not doing anything this weekend? Why not meet some people who share your love for the blue, brown, green and red + white?
Suggested time: Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday.
Suggested place: Somewhere central that is not impossible to find.
Suggested time: Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday.
Suggested place: Somewhere central that is not impossible to find.
April 10
A HIPAA callout.
WTF delmoi? Why do you have to constantly preach to us about HIPAA?
delmoi has a problem of shitting in threads that are only tangentially related to HIPAA.
He appears to have spelled it correctly in only one comment - HIPAA was actually relevant to the thread, so someone commented about it before he showed up. He still managed to give terrible advice anyhow.
Why do you keep doing this? What grudge do you have against a law you can't spell?
delmoi has a problem of shitting in threads that are only tangentially related to HIPAA.
He appears to have spelled it correctly in only one comment - HIPAA was actually relevant to the thread, so someone commented about it before he showed up. He still managed to give terrible advice anyhow.
Why do you keep doing this? What grudge do you have against a law you can't spell?
Time zones are funny when previewing comments on AskMe.
Time zones are funny when previewing comments on AskMe. I have my time zone set at Central. When I use live preview, my comments appear with Pacific time. I did the cookies/logout deal, and it still does it.
Why is there not an initial "Please select category" null option?
MeTa category dropdown: Why is there not an initial "Please select category" null option? Because we all get excited and make oopsies.
Mefi Bug Tracker
I suggest implementing a bug tracking system for MetaFilter to track all the bugs and feature requests.
You could use for example the HELPNEEDED tag for things you might need help fixing. You can set priorities on bugs so that the most important and urgent problems will be fixed first. You can set WONTFIX for features that you aren't going to implement, and that way people will know not to bug you about the issue. You can enable voting for bugs and feature requests so you'll have a better idea of where to focus your efforts, you could easily assign small issues to jessamyn, etc.
You could use for example the HELPNEEDED tag for things you might need help fixing. You can set priorities on bugs so that the most important and urgent problems will be fixed first. You can set WONTFIX for features that you aren't going to implement, and that way people will know not to bug you about the issue. You can enable voting for bugs and feature requests so you'll have a better idea of where to focus your efforts, you could easily assign small issues to jessamyn, etc.
Voting on Metafilter Projects?
Now that the contest is over, what is the point of having voting on Metafilter Projects? Anyone who wants to post the project to the front page can do so—no matter how many votes there are—and in most cases, having comments there instead of voting could provide the poster with valuable criticism and advice.
Is it just the worry that people will write mean things about the projects?
Is it just the worry that people will write mean things about the projects?
The Guardian scrapes Metafilter...
I thought jb, cribcage and delmoi might be interested to know their comments in last week's thread about liberalism on US campuses were published in Saturday's Guardian.
April 9
Favorite member sites?
Right now there are 35,070 members in MetaFilter. Many members have their own unique personal sites. Which are your favorite less-known ones?
Plain text theme problem
Using the 'plain text' theme has a very small problem. In MetaTalk if you click on the category/topic of a post, the page it takes you to has the category/topic obscured by a brown box. (Slashing because sometimes it's called a Category and other times a Topic.)
Clean up possible misquote to avoid nuclear fallout
Cleanup on aisle 50764.
While I appreciate what a fun fireball the thread might turn into, the subject of the FPP is miffed by syntax in the FPP which might be construed as attributing a quote to her (when in fact it is a quote by someone else whom she is disagreeing with), and the FPPer has also said he/she has no problem changing the syntax, so in the name of avoiding nuclear fallout, could Jessamyn or Matt edit the FPP?
While I appreciate what a fun fireball the thread might turn into, the subject of the FPP is miffed by syntax in the FPP which might be construed as attributing a quote to her (when in fact it is a quote by someone else whom she is disagreeing with), and the FPPer has also said he/she has no problem changing the syntax, so in the name of avoiding nuclear fallout, could Jessamyn or Matt edit the FPP?
metafilter.eu ?!
Who is Janusch Kurt (or Kurt Janusch) and does he plan to start metafilter.eu. Does anyone in Hull want to ask him?
Chatfilter Guidelines
Why was this deleted as "chatfilter" while countless indistinguishable threads weren't? [more inside]
April 8
MetaFilter in Atlantic Monthly
MetaFilter is recognized in the online version of Atlantic Monthly:
Bloggers who have referred the most visitors to The Atlantic Online in 2006:
Andrew Sullivan
Boing Boing
Political Animal
Daily Kos
The Washington Note
The Corner
Talking Points Memo
Power Line
The Guardian
Persian Blog
Bloggers who have referred the most visitors to The Atlantic Online in 2006:
Andrew Sullivan
Boing Boing
Political Animal
Daily Kos
The Washington Note
The Corner
Talking Points Memo
Power Line
The Guardian
Persian Blog
Is this too gossipy?
Gossipfilter? Is this appropriate for Metafilter, or should insomnia_lj just have his hot-tub party rights revoked?
MediaShift interviews mathowie
'I did my best to make the place as welcoming as possible, and eventually a few hundred people showed up and we had something good,' Haughey told me via email. 'Since then, I think the strong sense of community — the sense of belonging and getting something out of the participation is what drives people to contribute. There are no points or karma or awards, but I think members enjoy sharing interesting links and comments with each other and seeing their name mentioned on the site.'Scary picture, too
Bad newsfilter post.
April 7
The cursor's picked up something extra.
Recently I've begun seeing a ltitle dot just to the right of the cursor in the comment submission form (screenshot). Is this just an artifact of live preview or something? Happens in Firefox on Win.
I'm still madly in love with MetaFilter
To be honest, I feel like we're in the goddamn Silver Age of Metafilter. [More (chatfilter) inside]
April 6
MetaTalk Site Improvements
MetaTalk Header and Categories [more inside]
projects page-switching navigation runs the opposite direction
Nitpicky: projects.metafilter's page-switching navigation runs the opposite direction from the other three sites'.
hidden deleted stuff
"Matt could simply change the font color to match the background color of the page, so if you wanted to read [a deleted comment] you'd have to highlight it, like spoilers on a movie review page. That would be awesome." This is an idea so good, it gets its own thread.
Blink tags don't kill threads, users who post blink tags kill threads.
Blink tags don't kill threads, users who post blink tags kill threads. [more inside. this is not about a four letter word for god]
April 5
Stay on subject in relationship filter
Can we try not to hijack a relationship thread with judgements about "breeders"?
"near users" for a given coordinate
I'd like to use the "near users" feature to see users near a given coordinate. [more inside]
Has anyone here "gone crazy"?
Has anyone here "gone crazy"? Has anyone been a normal, functioning person, and then been diagnosed with a serious mental illness? When did you start to notice, and what was it like when you finally realized what was going on?
September 11th Thread
Thought you guys might be interested to know I just taught Sept 11 to my american history class by reading the first 60 or so comments from this thread. It was a near perfect capturing of that day for those too young to really understand what was going on
April 4
An updstanding community member
This guy has really learned his lesson. He's a worthwhile member of the community, who really respects the admins.
That's why he mentions that he'd like to do the exact thing that got him banned previously. Because he's so sorry, and has so much respect.
That's why he mentions that he'd like to do the exact thing that got him banned previously. Because he's so sorry, and has so much respect.
Sometimes I need more then one question a week
Sometimes I need more then one question a week...
I'm thinking a feature would be nice where you could ask "4 questions a month" in stead of once a week.. or have unused questions (say you odnt ask a question on MeFi for a month) that would be "banked"?
alternately, I was thinking of "donate a question" or "extra questions dispensed" based on being selected as best answer?
I'm thinking a feature would be nice where you could ask "4 questions a month" in stead of once a week.. or have unused questions (say you odnt ask a question on MeFi for a month) that would be "banked"?
alternately, I was thinking of "donate a question" or "extra questions dispensed" based on being selected as best answer?
identify this photo
I seem to recall a while back there was a really creepy, possibly panoramic, photograph of a sprawling suburban housing development posted to the blue, though it may have been on mathowie or merlinmann's personal sites. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and can they point me to the image?
E3 meet-up
Who's doing E3 this year? Me and my associates are making plans for next month, and I'd enjoy a mefi meetup seeing as how I missed the one last year.
you ask about drugs and insurance; my advice is to quit
I didn't want to derail this AskMe with this, so I clipped what I wrote there about drug testing and am posting it here. [more inside]
Time zone fix?
TimezonePony .... It's that time of the year again. Instead of showing the false EST/PST/etc standard timezone stamps, can the system be tweaked to either show the correct EDT/PDT/etc, or at least ET/PT/etc? Cue snarks.
Chatfilter and consistency in moderation
I'm sure this invites a pile-on, but I thought this question in askme was thought provoking and was looking forward to discussion and comment, but it got deleted as "chatfilter." How much more worthy were this or this?
Snark fight in AskMe thread.
Link tweaking: is a redux to supplant dead links justified, or should the links just be tweaked?
previously on mefl here, but the content is old and that link dead so I thought it was worth another post.
As meehawl points out, we've discussed Aphex Twin infinitely. If an old link breaks, is it best to send a message to jessahowie to update it, rather than dredging it back up on the front page?
As meehawl points out, we've discussed Aphex Twin infinitely. If an old link breaks, is it best to send a message to jessahowie to update it, rather than dredging it back up on the front page?
Indicating fantastic questions and answers
Idea: how about indicating fantastic questions and answers in the same way as best answers? [more inside]
Time Zone Problem
Why is the time wrong, as I view it? Sitting here on the Australian east coast, it's 5:10 pm, or UTC + 10, which is how my preferences are set. So what's the Metafilter setting, where's it gone wrong?
April 3
Kidding, don't pile on.
Wow. A lot of you failed to get the joke.
MetaFilter mentionned on autoblog.
Matthewchen again
April 2
Calling myself out.
Sidebar URL error.
Oddly, the sideblog link to the "realistic swordfighting" thread takes me to something called www.marginalia.org. Surely, this is unintentional.
Self-link Callout
self-link. more inside.
April 1
did you know you can flag a post that hasn't been made yet?
Nothing world-breaking, but did you know you can flag a post that hasn't been made yet?
Is there no room on metafilter for fun?
I noticed all of Eideteker's "APRIL FOOLS!" comments were deleted. Is there no room on metafilter for fun?
Avoiding bad links
In the comment box, after clicking the link icon (or Ctrl-Shift-A), and pressing the Escape button, it shouldn't insert a "null" link, but just cancel adding the link.
megnut marries
I missed the joke pointed out by this post. The flikr 7-day random wasn't all cats when I looked. However, it did net up this pic of a well-known mefiite which will interest many others. (The ones who are most interested, of course, will surely have seen it already.)