4 posts tagged with comments by NortonDC.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
Noise comments to raise contribution index
I saw it on Fark but want to discuss with MeFites
So there's interesting story (or two) being prominently linked on another site with known readership overlap. I'm interested in hearing the comments of the MeFi community on either. Is that reason enough for a FPP?
What if Matt has it backwards?
What if Matt has it backwards? Maybe people ought to get front-page posting priviledges first and discussion priviledges later. Is MeFi a community 'blog or a discussion board?
Thread Hijacking
Thread hijacking
Should the wandering and fission of the topics in MeFi conversation be seen as an abuse of the openness of the forum, or should it be welcome as the natural state of a healthy and creative exchange? My first reaction is to resist attemps by others to limit the scope of the conversation, but I can see reasons to keep it focused, too, especially given the short lifetime of any thread. I want to know what the rest of you think.
Should the wandering and fission of the topics in MeFi conversation be seen as an abuse of the openness of the forum, or should it be welcome as the natural state of a healthy and creative exchange? My first reaction is to resist attemps by others to limit the scope of the conversation, but I can see reasons to keep it focused, too, especially given the short lifetime of any thread. I want to know what the rest of you think.