11 posts tagged with comments by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 11 of 11.

MeFi Projects getting public comments

A big tweak to Projects: new comments going public [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 27, 2008 - 43 comments

I'm kind of disappointed to see everyone so cynical lately.

Mmmm. A one-link post to a mediocre commercial.

I dont think there is anything worth discussing about this commercial. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jun 13, 2006 - 234 comments

I added more descriptive titles to metafilter

I added more descriptive titles to metafilter and ask mefi comment pages. Refresh your CSS to see them as they intended to look.
posted by mathowie on Feb 9, 2006 - 34 comments


You can now flag posts or comments you find problematic, distasteful, illegal, off-topic, whatever. Just click on the little [!] links and record your reasons. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Feb 20, 2005 - 91 comments

Comment milestones

Comment milestones over time. Some comment data for stats geeks inside.
posted by mathowie on Jul 11, 2004 - 28 comments

Closing Old Threads

New feature: threads on MetaFilter more than a month old are now closed for new comments.
posted by mathowie on Jul 29, 2002 - 27 comments

No more double-posted comments!

quite possibly the one feature that was the longest time coming. I finally did it.

You can't double-post a comment in either MetaFilter or MetaTalk ever again.
posted by mathowie on Jul 24, 2002 - 76 comments

Dynamic threading

Kuro5hin's implementation of dynamic threading almost makes threading easy to follow and use. Impressive use of technology to solve a usability problem (reading deeply threaded conversations online is a real bear, requiring many page loads).
posted by mathowie on Apr 24, 2002 - 8 comments

Smarmy AOL

Wow, AOL re-packages a bunch of AOL user posts and sells it as a book of 9/11 remembrances. Not only that, but it's perfectly legal, thanks to their terms of service. Just as an fyi: I'll never publish a metafilter book of comments.
posted by mathowie on Nov 12, 2001 - 18 comments

Grabbing Recent Comments

Thanks to SQL whiz Eric, there is now a feature to grab the most recent comments, on 20 threads, sorted by the most recent comments. This will allow things to "bubble up" again when someone comments on an old thread. I think it's a useful, good feature, but could be abused later on, but for now it's better than nothing. It's available for both members and non-members, if you find any bugs, let me know here. It requires javascript to work.
posted by mathowie on Jan 25, 2001 - 25 comments

Comment permalinks!

New Feature: You can now target comments on MetaFilter by using the permalinks. So, say, if you wanted to say "Winer is crazy sometimes!" on your own site or in a metafilter comment, you can now link directly to that.
posted by mathowie on May 2, 2000 - 4 comments

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