6 posts tagged with mefi by NortonDC.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
"poof" unexpected, explanation demanded
What was the problem with the post about the soccer player giving the finger up? I was really surprised to see that one go "poof." It wasn't high art, but it didn't seem like it was out of line.
Trolls with spades and pitchforks
It's time to call a spade a spade and a troll a troll.
Link changed from print-friendly
The thread I posted earlier has had it's link redirected away from the low bandwidth "printer-friendly" version to the high bandwidth version. Why?
Circulate this web address to you friends and neighbours. Don't depend on others.
Turn Mefi in a telemarketing call to support your charity of choice. Do the right thing. I said so. So do it now.
"Discuss..." is annoying and useless.
MetaFilterians don't need to be instructed to converse. Discuss...
boundaries of acceptable behavior
What are the boundaries of acceptable behavior for MetaFilter?